Convincing Her (2 page)

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Authors: Dana Love

BOOK: Convincing Her
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“Damn, you look amazing.” He stepped forward, “Just

She looked away, crossing her arms over her chest,
“Thank you,” she shifted from her left foot to her right, “I hope this is okay.
You wouldn’t tell me what we’d be doing.”

“It’s perfect.” He looked her over once more. She
looked great in her usual t-shirt and jeans, but he liked this side of her, the
feminine side she hid so well most of the time.

“So what are we doing?” She grabbed a small black
purse and her keys.

“It’s still a surprise. I hope you like it.” He
reached for her hand, leading her towards the door.

“I’m sure it’ll be interesting.”

He’d make sure of that.

Thirty minutes later they were at the gallery, and so
far everything was going great. She’d even let him open her car door. Other
than placing a hand on her lower back, he hadn’t touched her since he’d led her
out of the dorm. Not that he didn’t want to. He was usually a lot more
physical. But this was Angie, and she expected that. Tonight was about showing
her the unexpected.

They stopped in front of a metal art piece, and he
watched as she cocked her head, trying to make sense of the jumbled mass.

“What’s this one supposed to be?”

“I’m not sure if it’s supposed to be anything. It
just looks cool. See the pieces on the sides? Those are tail pipes from a car.
It looks like they used all sorts of scrap metal for this one.”

“It’s sort of ugly.” She gave him a small smile, “I
thought you only liked pretty things.”

“If you look hard enough you can find beauty in
almost everything.”

Her eyes widened, “Wow. That was deep.” She nudged
him with her elbow.

“I can be deep,” he tapped his temple with his left
hand, “there’s more in here than scores from the last game you know.”

“I’m starting to figure that out.”

They walked around in silence, observing the
different exhibits. She seemed to admire the photography most, as she took
several minutes at each photo, observing every detail.

“Do you read Rich?” She murmured her question as she
studied a photo of two young girls running through a meadow of flowers.

“Yeah, I read sometimes.” He wasn’t lying. He had a
small shelf in his room with some of his favorite books. There was no reason to
point out that he also kept all of his dirty magazines in the same spot.

“You’re full of surprises tonight. What do you read?”
She turned away from the photograph to look up at him.

“Mostly mysteries, but I’ll read the occasional
thriller too.”

“Tyler calls the books I real dirty-girl books. It’s
silly really, but I like trashy romance novels.”

He chuckled, “Nothing wrong with that.” He couldn’t
resist, he took her hand in his, “Are you ready to go eat?”

Her free hand fell to her stomach, “Yes, starving
like always.”

“C’mon, you’ll like this.” He led her through the
gallery and out to his car, “Having a good time so far?”

“So far so good, don’t blow it.” She squeezed his
hand before she settled into the seat.

He realized he wasn’t nearly as nervous as he’d been
when he picked her up. There was no pressure, and he truly enjoyed her company.
He wanted to kick himself for not asking her out sooner.

He slid into the car, “The night is still young. I’ve
got plenty of time to screw it up.”

She blushed and turned away.


“Even if you do, this has still been the best date I’ve
been on in ages.”

He was surprised his face didn’t crack as he smiled
widely, “We’re just getting started.”

Chapter Two


Rich watched Angie’s face light up when he pulled into the parking lot
of her favorite sushi bar. “Is this place okay with you?” He asked casually,
smirking at the look she gave him.

“You know I love sushi. Score ten points for Dick.” She grabbed her
purse and opened her door, “I can’t wait for you to be a gentleman this time.”

He caught up with her easily since she seemed to be struggling a bit in
the heels. He placed his hand on her lower back again, loving how the ends of
her hair brushed against his wrist. He couldn’t help but imagine what it would
look like falling over him, how it would feel as it tickled his chest. He shook
his head, trying to get his mind out of the gutter.

Once they were seated, he ordered some sake and watched her as her eyes
scanned the menu. “Get whatever you like. I don’t really know what’s good
here.” To be honest, he wasn’t big on sushi, but he’d eat dirt if it meant he
could spend more time with her.

She looked up at him, “So I get to order for you?” She rubbed her hands
together in excitement, “You’ll love it.”

He poured her some sake as she placed their order, watching her in the
dim light of the restaurant. Her eyes sparkled and her skin positively glowed.

After she took a drink she looked up at him through her lashes, “So I
have a question for you.”

“Shoot, I’m an open book.” He spread his arms, leaning back in his

She looked away and let her hair fall over the side of her face, “It’s
sort of embarrassing.”

“Even better, now you have me curious.” He never knew what would come
out of this girl’s mouth.

“Well, when you said no sex,” she took another drink, “was that because
you weren’t interested in me like that?” Her cheeks reddened again, but she
didn’t look away.

He straightened in his chair, “Hell no. I just don’t want you to feel
pressured.” He frowned, “You thought I didn’t want you?”

“I just, you’ll screw pretty much anything that walks, so I didn’t know
why you wouldn’t consider me like that.” She winced, “That came out wrong.
You’re a popular guy, you’ve been with a lot of women, I just wasn’t sure if I
measured up.”

Rich leaned over the table, taking her hands in his, “You’re the top of
the scale. You’re funny, and sexy, and smart. I’d be honored to be with you.”
He considered his next words and decided to go for it, “As we were walking in
here I was thinking about what it would be like for you to ride me.”

She shot him a smile, relaxing a bit, “Oh. Good to know.”

Their sushi arrived and she gave him a brief description of what she had
ordered them before she picked up her chopsticks. He watched as she expertly
handled her first bite, moaning in pleasure as she chewed. The sound caused
blood to shoot to his cock, and he shifted in his seat.

“I don’t know how to use these things. Would it be all right if I used
my hands?” He held up his own chopsticks and grimaced.

“I’ll show you. It’s really simple, you just rest this one here,” she
grabbed his hand and positioned one of the chopsticks skillfully, “and you use
this finger to control the other.” Then she showed him with her own as she
picked up another piece.

It took him a few tries, but he finally got the hang of it, popping a
piece of sushi in his mouth, pleased that it wasn’t slimy. After he swallowed
he gave her a smile, “That’s good.”

They drank sake and ate everything she’d ordered, laughing and talking the
whole time. She was a people watcher, enjoying coming up with scenarios about
other people that were there. She had him convinced the blond to their left was
a hooker. He appreciated her imagination. He could listen to her all night.

“That was really good. Thanks Rich. This has been fun.” She linked her
arm with his as they left the restaurant, smiling up at him.

“I’m glad. It doesn’t have to be over yet you know.” He turned to her
when they approached his car, pushing her hair away from her face. “What else
would you like to do?”

She bit her lip, glancing away before meeting his gaze. “Do you have any

“I have a lot of ideas Angel, but I’m up for suggestions.” He focused on
her lips, leaning forward. One little kiss wouldn’t hurt. At least that’s what
he told himself as he brought his mouth down to hers.

Her lips were full and soft, pressing against his lightly but not
opening. He didn’t push, enjoying the feel of her lips on his. He nipped at her
lower lip gently and she gasped, but he didn’t slide his tongue inside. Instead
he sucked the lip into his mouth, suckling gently.

She pulled away, her tongue grazing her lower lip as she gave him a
small smile, “That was nice.”

“Nice?” He feigned shock. “That was fucking amazing.”

She punched him lightly, “Fine, it was great.”

“You want me to take you home? You want to just ride around for a while?
I’m game for anything.” He pulled back reluctantly.

She twirled her finger around a lock of hair, “We could go to the
overlook, if you want.”

There was a spot on the edge of town that overlooked the city. He’d been
up there to make out more than once as a teenager. He raised his eyebrows,
“What would we do out there?”  He asked innocently.

“Watch the stars of course. What did you think I meant?” She teased,
opening her car door. “I’m not ready to go back to my room yet.”

All right
then. To the overlook it was.

They did actually watch the stars, him leaning up against the rear of
his Nova, Angie in his arms. Her back was to his chest, and they’d mostly
remained silent. There had only been one other car there when they arrived, and
it had pulled away shortly after they’d exited his vehicle.

“So, Richard Remington, what do you usually do with girls you bring
here?” She lifted her face to his, her eyes focused on his lips.

“I haven’t been here in a long time. Have you?” He asked, avoiding her
question. He didn’t want to think about the girls he’d brought here. Tonight
was about Angie.

“It’s been years for me too. I wonder how many girls have lost their virginity
up here.” She giggled softly, “I know a few who did.”

So did he, but he didn’t mention that bit of information. “The city
looks so small from up here.” He swept her hair over her left shoulder,
exposing her neck.  

“Rich?” She asked, leaning into him further.


“It’s been a while since I’ve been with anyone.” She admitted, tensing a

In a way he wished he could say the same, “That’s okay. Like I said, we
don’t have to do anything.”

“What if I want to?” She whispered, turning in his arms.

His heart rate increased, but he kept his cool. “Well I wouldn’t deny a
pretty girl like you.”

Angie focused on his lips, “Kiss me then.”

She didn’t have to ask him twice. He ran his thumb over her bottom lip, parting
her mouth slightly before pressing his lips to hers. She opened for him this
time, and he took his time exploring her mouth with his tongue.

“We should probably take this inside.” She pulled away and opened the
car door.

He grabbed her hand, “Wait, Angie. We don’t need to do this here.” This
hadn’t been how he imagined their first time together at all.

She grabbed his hand and tugged him forward, “It could be fun. Having a
quickie in the backseat, it would be like high school all over again. The good
parts anyway.”

She had a point, and he did want her. His straining hard-on was proof of
that. But he wanted her in a bed, willing and pliant under him. He wanted to
tease her until she begged for him to slip inside of her.

She obviously had other ideas, already sliding into the backseat. He had
no choice but to follow. He’d be an idiot if he turned down the chance to be
with her, even if it wasn’t the ideal locale.

He crushed his mouth to hers, slipping his hands into her hair. So
fucking soft, and it smelled so good. He tensed when her hands began fumbling
with his jeans. He hadn’t even touched her yet. “Not so fast, we have time.”

“Not really, someone could show up any minute. Plus, it’s been a while,
come on.” She unzipped his jeans, slipping her hand inside.

Her cool fingers slipped into his boxers and wrapped around his rigid
length, “That could be a problem. I see why you’re so popular with the ladies
Rich.” She laughed and pulled him forward for another kiss.

He smiled against her mouth, enjoying this aggressive side of her. Not
to be outdone, he slipped his hand up her inner thigh, sliding underneath her
dress until he reached her silky panties. As she continued to work him with her
hand he moved the flimsy fabric to the side and eased his fingers over her soft
flesh. He froze. She wasn’t wet at all. He was close to coming in her hand and
she wasn’t even turned on in the slightest. He pulled his hand away.

She pulled away from his lips, “You have a condom?”

His mind was foggy with confusion and lust, “Yeah.”

When he made no move to get it she sat up, ducking her head as she slid
over his lap. “Hurry up.”

“Angie, wait. Do you even want this?”  

She stopped, “Rich, I’m sitting on your lap. Yeah, I want this.”

He gripped her hips, “No, look at me.” He waited until she met his gaze,
“Do you want

She let out an exasperated sigh, “Fishing for compliments? Yes, I want
you. We’ve had a great time, you’re sexy, and you’re hung. Let’s get on with

This was wrong. Everything about this was wrong. He stopped her
movements as she began to rub against him, “If we do this now I’ll only hurt
you. You won’t enjoy it. I don’t want that.”

She pulled out of his grasp, flopping into the seat beside him, “You
don’t want me?”

He groaned in frustration, taking a few breaths to calm his blood. He
was painfully hard, but he wouldn’t take her like this. “I want you more than I
want my next breath Angel, but just not like this.”

She sat in silence for several long minutes before adjusting her dress
and reaching for the door handle. “Take me home please.” She ran her fingers
through her hair before she slid out of the backseat and into the cool night

He heard her muttering to herself, but he couldn’t make out the words.
Able to think clearly now that his cock had finally started to deflate, he
tucked himself inside, zipped up and stepped out, beginning to make his way
over to her.

She held her hand up in protest, “I’m humiliated enough. Just take me

“Angie, I don’t want you to feel humiliated. We’ve had a great time.
Please don’t let what just happened ruin it.” He’d never begged a woman for
anything before, not even his mother. But he was willing to beg her to forgive
him, to realize that he was right.

“Fine, it never happened. Let’s forget about it. Now can we go?” She
wouldn’t look at him as she spoke.

defeated, he let out a long sigh “Yeah, I’ll take you home.”

The drive to her dorm was uncomfortable to say the least. She didn’t
speak to him again, just stared out the window as he drove. He tried several
times to strike up a normal conversation but she wasn’t responding. He finally
gave up, trying to put himself in her shoes. She felt rejected, shot down when
she’d offered herself to him. It was different for guys, he guessed. He’d been
turned down a few times, but he’d never really cared. There was always another
girl who was willing.

He insisted on walking her to her room, not caring if it was past
curfew. He grabbed her hand as she reached for her keys, “I want to take you out

She tried to pull her hand away, “I don’t know if that’s a good idea. I
made a total fool out of myself. I’m not any better than that slut Tyler went
out with.”

“No, you are better. You’re you. Remember what I told you? You’re smart,
beautiful, and fun to be around.” He pulled her close, “Go out with me again.”

“I don’t think so Rich. We should just go back to being friends.” She
reached around him and slipped her key in the door.

He stopped her hand, “Just think about it.”

“Do you even have an inkling how I feel right now? You’ll fuck any girl
that bats her lashes at you, but when I throw myself at you I get rejected.”

Her words hurt, but he knew her pain was worse, “You’re not just some
girl. I actually like you. You felt how much I wanted you.”

“I’m not that naïve. Guys like you? They don’t change because of one
girl, no pussy is that good. Sure, you surprised the hell out of me tonight.
Yes, it was the best date I’ve been on maybe ever. But what happened in your
car? That’s all I can offer you. I won’t fall for a guy who’ll end up fucking
around on me.”

He ran his hand through his hair in frustration, “You won’t even let me
try to prove you wrong?”

“I’m not putting myself out there like that Rich. I can’t. You know me
well enough to know I don’t do things half-way.” She let out a weary sigh, “Let
me go in my room. You’re going to get in trouble for being here.”

“I don’t give a shit about that.” He swatted her hand away, turning the
key in the lock and pressing forward into the room. Sure enough, her roommate
and some greasy haired guy were making out on the small loveseat.

Rich set Angie’s keys on her desk before clearing his throat, “Hey, come
on man. You need to get out of here.”

“What the fuck?” The guy pulled away, focusing on Rich. A moment later
he was eyeing Angie, “Damn girl, you clean up nice.”

Angie’s mouth dropped open and she looked up at Rich.

“You might want to wipe the drool dude, your girl is right there beside
you.” Rich flexed his fingers, balling his fists.

“No reason to be so hostile. I’m not going anywhere. Why don’t we all
have some fun instead?” The idiot still hadn’t taken his eyes off Angie.

Was this guy serious? Rich made a disgusted sound in his throat, “C’mon,
we’re going now.”

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