Contrasts (33 page)

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Authors: Charles Arnold

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Contrasts
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“Yeah,” Darnell said moving his hand down until his fingers touched the bare upper swell of her breast. “But we speakin the truth here, all cards on the table, clearin things up.” He looked across at Danny expecting him to agree.

Danny leaned forward, “Ok, she had her little fling, got it out of her system. It’ll take awhile, but I’ll get over it.” He stood. “Come on, Ann. Let’s get out of this little pervert’s place. We’ll talk when we get back to the hotel.”

Darnell’s fingers slipped inside her dress. He squeezed her stiff nipple. She made a little sound in her throat. Her cheeks were scarlet. She made no move to stand.

Danny stared in disbelief as he watched Darnell’s hand move under the top of her dress to cup her bare breast. “Jesus, Ann!” he yelled. “How can you just...”

She looked across at him and slowly placed her hand on top of Darnell’s. “Yeah that’s right, baby,” he said. “Who these tits belong to now?”

She looked away from Danny, “I...I...don’t,” she began. He pinched her nipple harder. She bowed her head, “You, they belong to you.”

“What else?

It took her a moment to answer. “My....pussy and ass.”

“Whose woman is you?”

“Yours. I belong to you, honey.”

Darnell grinned across at Danny, “Looks like Mrs. Morgan wants to stay,” he said. He applied more pressure to her nipple. “Ain’t that right, Mrs. Morgan?”

Bowing her head again, she whispered, “Yes....yes I want to stay.”

“And what you want me to do tonight?”

She tilted her head back to look at him, “I want you to fuck fuck me all night long,” she said.

Without saying a word, Danny rushed from the room. They heard him go down the stairs and then slam the front door so hard it shook the building. Darnell crossed to sit on the couch where Danny had been. He poured them each another drink. “When did you know?” he asked.

“I suppose the minute I bought this dress.”

“But you lied to yourself, didn’t admit it till now.”

“I’ve spent most of my life lying to myself.”

He smiled and nodded, “Not me. I knowed who I was early on and never pretended any different. Course havin a drunk mama and no fuckin daddy helped.” He leaned back and closed his eyes. “Uncle Gordie makin me come down here was the best thing that bastard ever done for me. I made my own way. No great big success, but not wantin for much either.” He was silent for several minutes. She thought he might have fallen asleep. Then he opened his eyes and sat up looking across at her, “People always wantin to find the fuckin answer, you know what I’m sayin, like how to live, like what’s important. They go to college. They read books. They on television askin experts. I got the answer. It’s simple. The answer is to do what you gotta do to have a place to live and clothes and stuff to eat and tell the fuckin truth, find out who you is and don’t lie about that to nobody and specially to yourself.” He chuckled, “Shit, I becomin a fuckin philosopher, the wise man of the goddamn tribe!”

They fucked all night or almost all night. Late the next morning they were sitting at his kitchen table. She’d scrambled eggs and fried bacon and made a pot of coffee. She wore one of his shirts, no fuck-me shoes. “We gonna go out today and buy furniture for the apartment across the hall,” he said.

She frowned, “Why?”

“Cause that’s where you gonna live.”

She put down her cup almost spilling the coffee, “You mean I’m not living here with you?”

“Fuck no. I can’t have my top-of-the-line bitch livin with me. Shit the rest of the whores be jealous as hell. Bad enough you be in the same fuckin building.”

She gripped the edge of the table till her knuckles whitened, “You mean I’m to be one of of the whores in what you call your stable?”

He stared at her, his eyes unblinking and hard, “Your husband’s still at the hotel. I spect if you phone him and ask would he take you back he gonna say yes. So why the fuck don’t you just do that.”

Her cell phone rang. She didn’t have to call Danny. He sounded as if he hadn’t slept all night. “I want you to come back,” he said. “In time we can...I can forget what happened here. We can get our lives back together.” He waited. She didn’t respond.

She heard him take a deep breath, “The only other option is a quick divorce. I called a lawyer last night. He brought all the papers ready for me to sign. It’s easy in Mexico. I sign the papers then you sign them and send them to the divorce court with some money. Divorce takes two days.” She didn’t say anything. After several moments he continued. “I agreed to give you $500,000 right away, but no alimony. I also said you could have the house in Aruba. You’re still getting about $250,000 a year out of your share of the trucking company so you’re going to be all right.” He waited again, but she said nothing. “Well, ok then,” he said, “we had something good going and...and...I love you...even after last night I love you.”

She looked across the table at Darnell. He was grinning. He’d reached inside his robe and was starting to stroke his cock. She had trouble speaking, “Danny, after last night, after what you saw, after what you learned, it could never be the same again. You must know that.”

“But we could try.”

Darnell stood and held his stiff cock out toward her. “Kiss it,” he mouthed as he started around the table toward her.

“I’m sorry, Danny,” she said

She sensed he was crying, “I’ve booked two seats on the ten o’clock flight tonight. If you change your mind.” He paused. “If not, I’ll have the papers sent over to that bar tomorrow morning.” He waited, then she heard him click off.

Darnell was standing between her parted legs, his cockhead inches from her mouth. She leaned forward and gently pressed her lips to its tip. She looked up at him for permission. He nodded. She parted her lips and took him into her mouth. She sucked slowly, continuing to look up into his eyes. When he came she tightened her grip on the base of his cock and sucked harder and swallowed. She held him in her mouth until his cock had gone limp.

“You suck your Johns like that you gonna make a shit load a money,” he said.

“I don’t need any money. Danny is giving me half a million and the house in Aruba. I also own a half share in the trucking company that pays me more than two hundred thousand a year.”

Darnell returned to his chair across the table from her. “Well then,” he said, “I guess this ain’t about money. You can buy yourself a fuckin million dollar condo in the best part of the city and live like a fuckin rich bitch.” He leaned forward, his eyes hard, “Or you can stay here and be my bitch, stay here and fuck and suck who I tell you to fuck and suck.” He sat back. “Looks like you got another decision to make this morning.”

“If I stay I can suck and fuck you?”

“Yeah, you be my main bitch. I break the rule for you. You be livin right across the hall. I take you places. Show you off. Make you do stuff. You know what I’m sayin?”

“You mean abuse and humiliate me in public?”

“Yeah, that’s part of it.”

“If I say I’ll be your whore...your main bitch and make you hard again right now, will you fuck me?”

“In the ass?”

She paused before nodding across at him, “Yes, honey,” she said, “fuck me in the ass.”

Also by Charles Arnold:

The Sweet Wife, Book I

The Sweet Wife, Book II: Maureen’s Choice

The Warden’s Woman

Lisa, Her Initiation

Lisa, Her Education

The Penitent

The Penitent II: The Facility

The Penitent III: Marriage

The Penitent IV: Inner Circle

Dick and Jane

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