CONNOR (SEAL Team Seven) Book 1 (9 page)

BOOK: CONNOR (SEAL Team Seven) Book 1
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Chapter 10

We went through what was
fast becoming our morning routine the next day. Except this morning there was a
knock on the door and Ty came in. My girl didn’t miss a beat just stepped over
to the fridge and got more eggs. I was about to give him the stink eye to get
him out. He was messing with my morning kitchen sex. But he was soon joined by
the others so there was no point. These fuckers have no shame. They each pulled
up a chair after grabbing a cup of coffee as if they were invited.

“Morning folks, sorry but this bunch smelt
cinnamon rolls and there was no stopping them, I tried bro.”

thanks Logan I’m sure you tried really hard.” Cock blocking fucks.

homemade cinnamon rolls that’s almost worth breaking the bro code. They smell
amazing Danielle.”

“Thanks Logan there’s more than enough I made
plenty.” She seemed happy enough to have them all here waiting to be fed as she
opened the oven and removed the savory offerings. I thought Ty would snatch the
plate from her hand with his greedy impatient ass.

They fell on them like
starving wolves and pretty soon the plate of twenty or more was clean. She made
a mountain of eggs and rashes of bacon while I made another pot of coffee.

“You freaks better not make this a habit.”

deal bro, this shit is too good. Don’t mean to sound sexist Danielle but as the
only lil sister around here looks like you’re going to be having cook duty.” Ty
was busy stuffing his face as usual the pig.

hell she is, go get your own woman to cook for you.”

bro, that’s just plain selfish and mean.”


We cleaned up the
kitchen when we were done and I headed out behind them to take her to work. We
held hands the whole drive over as we talked about what she wanted to do that
evening. I had yet to take my woman on a date but she seemed content to just
stay in for now. Fine by me, I’m not the out and about type but I’m sure she
was accustomed to that shit.

“I’ll see you later baby.” She leaned over for
her kiss and I tried not to suck her face off.


I watched her walk in and then headed to work
feeling lighter than I ever have in my life.

There was no time for
mooning over my girl the rest of the morning I had shit to do. I volunteered to
make the lunch run even though it wasn’t my turn, which opened a shit storm of

“Okay lover boy just don’t forget to bring back

off Zak.”

hello to our girl bro.”

makes you guys so sure that I’m going to see her?”

you volunteered to make a lunch run dude, dead give away.”

“Whatever I’ll be back.”

I called ahead as usual
and placed my order with a little something extra for my girl. I jumped out of
my truck out front full of excitement like I hadn’t just seen her hours ago. I
had to smile to myself at how much I felt like a kid again. Not that I ever
really felt like a kid before. But I imagine this is how they felt on Xmas
morning or in the summer when school was out. I headed for the counter where my
order was being packaged but was brought up short in the middle of the room
when my body reacted.

What the fuck? I only
felt that tingle in my body when
was close and
she was at work on the other side of town. I got my shit and was about to call
her to make sure she was okay. Couldn’t think of any other reason for my
sensing her this strong when she wasn’t here. A quick scan of the room didn’t turn
up anything but it was as I was leaving that I heard her voice. She

I walked around the huge
potted plant that blocked a part of the room from view and my heart stopped.
She was sitting at a table with some stuff shirt
seemed to be playing tug of war with her hand. My first instinct was to fuck
everybody’s shit up. I couldn’t see through the red haze that covered my eyes
as I set my body in fighter stance. But it was her next words that pulled me
back from the brink just a little.

“Quit it Robert I thought you said you needed to

your fucking hands off her asshole.” She almost jumped out of her chair when
she heard my voice.


deal with you later. You, hands, now.” The little fuck released her hand and
glowered at me when I stepped closer.

is this person Danielle?” She looked at me as she stood and came over to my

“This is Connor Robert.”

“Him? That’s who you think you’re going to
marry? Your father will never allow you to marry this…this person.”

Twenty five to life that’s all I thought when I
looked at him so I tamped down on the anger and ignored his dumb ass. As long
as he wasn’t touching her anymore the fucker could live. “I’ll watch where I
put my hands next time boy. I’m not too jazzed about motherfuckers touching
what’s mine. This is your one and only warning.”

“Say goodbye Danielle.” I didn’t give her time
as I pulled her out of the restaurant behind me.

I can explain.”

talk to me right now you fucked up.”

sorry I was just…”

your fucking mouth, I warned you.”

I put her in the truck and belted her in. I was
so furious it took me two tries to get that shit right.

“Connor…” She tried again but I was in no mood
to hear her.

For the first time in my life I came very close
to striking a woman. Something I would never have imagined myself capable of.

“I told you to shut your
fucking mouth.” I dropped my hand quickly from her jaw; what the fuck was I
doing? I didn’t even realize I’d grabbed her face hard enough to leave
impressions in her skin. I needed to calm the fuck down and quick. People were
already looking as they passed by on the street.

No way was I going to be that fucking person.
The asshole came to the doorway of the restaurant but had the good sense not to
say a fucking word. I’m not sure I would’ve been able to walk away a second
time. I gave him a look that had him taking a quick step back and had to be
satisfied with that for now. I knew this fucker wasn’t completely out of the
picture. I hope he understood that today was his one and only shot though. Next
time there will be blood.

I hopped into the driver’s seat and sped off
back to the site. She didn’t say anything else but she was scared; good she
needs to be.

I dropped the sacks of food on the table where
my brothers usually gathered to have lunch when I got back to the site.

have something to take care of I won’t be back for the rest of the day.” Logan
hawk eyed me as I turned to leave.

it, what’s going on?”

personal.” I was barely holding onto my sanity by a thread here and I needed to
be the fuck gone.

and we’re your family we don’t hide shit from each other.” The others sensing
something was up stood around us.

that Danielle in the truck?” Tyler looked in the direction of the truck and the
others followed suit.

going on Connor? Something happen to her?” Logan came to stand in front of me.

“Just let me deal with this shit I’ll talk to
you guys later.”

“Connor you move from here we’re gonna have
problems. I know you brother I can read you like a book so I can see the fumes
coming off you. Talk to me, we’ve been in tighter spots than this before and
pulled through. Now what the fuck happened in the last half an hour to turn you
into Killer?”

I don’t think my brothers have ever called me
that shit off the battlefield. It’s the name they’d given me years ago because
according to them when we were in the field my whole persona changed and I went
into some other place in my head. They might not be too far off the mark with this
one. I wanted to commit murder. I can’t believe she met this guy after I told
her not to.

“What did she do bro?” Quinn watched me like he
was ready to jump if I made the wrong move.

Fuck, I really didn’t
want to do this here and now. I just wanted to get her alone so I could deal
with whatever the fuck that was. But I know these men. If they think I’m a
danger to her they’ll never stand the fuck down. “I caught her with her ex
Quinn that’s what the fuck she did.”

“No way bro, she’s in love with you anyone can
see that shit.”

I saw them with my own two eyes Dev.”

you have misunderstood the situation?”

made to head back to the truck but Logan got in my way again. “That’s what I’m
going to find out.”

like this you’re not, you need to calm the fuck down before you do something
we’ll all regret.”


“Zak get her out of there.”

“Zak don’t go near her;
I said I’m fine, now either you trust me or you don’t.” I had to stare down
each of my brothers to get them to back off. If I was freaking them out this
much I can only imagine what she was feeling.

It took them a minute but eventually they stood

stay cool brother we’re here if you need us.”

I nodded my head at Logan in understanding
though I wasn’t sure how cool I was gonna be dealing with this fucked up

I walked away before
they changed their minds. I knew that each of them had grown fond of her in a
short space of time. They all knew what finding the one meant. We all knew this
about each other. It’s not like we’d sat around and discussed the shit like a
bunch of women. But we each knew how important it was. What it meant for one of
us to bring a woman home. They’d all seen me struggle with whether or not to pursue
her when she kept sending out signals. She was one of us now, but she’d fucked
up. Now I have to go see just how much.

Back in the truck I
didn’t say anything to her as I started it and drove off. I didn’t talk to her
the whole way home, just concentrated on driving and trying to get a handle on
the anger that was burning in my gut. I could see that she was nervous as I
drove through the gates of home but I didn’t care. I didn’t try to reassure her
when she looked at me with pleading eyes. A deal’s a deal. With me there was no
room for screw-ups. Two things, I’d asked her for two fucking things and we
weren’t even in a month yet and she pulls this shit.

“Get inside.” She jumped
out of the truck and ran to the house. I wasn’t quite sure what I intended to
do to her, I just knew that she’d been warned. The memory of his hands on her
burned into my brain as I got out and followed her. She stood in the middle of
the kitchen wringing her hands nervously as I walked in. I just stood there and
looked at her for what felt like hours as I tried to calm myself down.

“Come here.” She did the wrong thing then when
she shook her head and backed away from me.

fucking run from me Danielle I said come here.”

Connor please you’re scaring me.”


She still didn’t move
towards me and that just pissed me off farther. Before I could think better of
it I was removing my belt and she took off running. “Don’t make me come after
you baby.” I followed her retreating form out of the kitchen, anger burning in
my gut. My woman fucking ran from me.

“Connor quit it I didn’t
do anything.”
She was crying and
pleading as she tried to escape me. I caught up with her on the stairs and
grabbed her arm, pulling her around. I don’t think I’ve ever been that mad in
my fucking life. She’d run from me like I was some kind of fucking monster.
This on top of what I’d just seen was almost too much for me to take.

“Where in the fuck are you going?” She kept her
eyes on the leather belt in my hand.

“What did I tell you about seeing him?” I pulled
her forward and glared into her face. I didn’t care that her eyes were filled
with terror. In that moment I didn’t give a fuck about anything but getting the
picture of the two of them together out of my head.

“I wasn’t seeing him he called and said he
wanted to talk I felt, I felt…”

“You felt what Danielle, what the fuck did you
feel?” I shook her when she didn’t say anything more.

“I just wanted to keep the peace. I felt I owed
him an explanation after the way I’d just broken things off. Someone told him
about us. I was just trying to keep things calm.”

“That’s all bullshit. I told you to stay away
from that fuck and you let him put his hands on you?”

“He didn’t…”

saw him with his fucking hands on you don’t lie to me.”

I didn’t mean anything by it.”

“I’ve never hit a woman in my life but right now
I could smack the shit out of you. I don’t know what the fuck to do with this.”

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