CONNOR (SEAL Team Seven) Book 1 (12 page)

BOOK: CONNOR (SEAL Team Seven) Book 1
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Chapter 13

The next day we got up
and dressed to go on our little shopping trip. She had no idea where we were
off to and I didn’t answer her any of the ten times she asked over breakfast.
Things were a little less tense between us today. After I’d made up in my mind
to fuck my son into her my mind had finally found peace. The idea made me hard
just thinking about it. She wasn’t going anywhere no matter what so there was
no point in prolonging the issue. Also with my kind in her, that should send
the message to other assholes to back the fuck off.

I didn’t even know where
Robert the fuck lived. I’ve never seen him around and I thought it best not to
get that information less I lose my shit in the middle of the night and go off
his ass for being stupid. “Come here baby.” I pushed back my chair so she could
come sit in my lap. She had the biggest fucking smile on her face as she put
her arm around my neck.

I missed this shit,
missed the easiness between us. If she didn’t get it by now she never would.
But somehow I’m sure she won’t ever be making that mistake again anytime soon
if ever. She didn’t wait for me to ask for her mouth, she took the initiative
and planted one on me.

I had her straddling me
with her jeans undone in five seconds flat. “Take these off.” I helped her
wrestle out her jeans and threw them to the floor before unzipping and
releasing my cock. She sat back in my lap and I pushed her shirt and bra up and
out of the way.

The guys knew not to show their faces over
here on a weekend morning until much later but I’d told them last night I had
to make a run this morning so they had to scrounge for breakfast themselves.
There was a lot of grumbling and complaining especially from Ty but whatever.

I sucked her nipple into
my mouth and rubbed my cock on her clit, clit fucking her with just the swollen
head. She made those little hissing noises she makes when her pussy needs me so
I didn’t make her wait too long before lifting her far enough to seat her on my
cock and pull her down all the way until her ass was touching my thighs.

“Tongue.” She gave me
her mouth as she rode up and down on my cock with my hands on her ass moving
her just how I wanted her. “Squeeze my cock babe.” She did the flexing exercises
I’d taught her and I almost bit off her tongue. Getting to my feet I laid her
back across the table pushing the dishes and shit to the side so I could fuck
into her the way I needed to.

Spreading her open I
looked down between us where my cock was sawing into her long and deep. I
thumbed her clit making it even puffier as her hot pussy sucked my cock in like
she was starved for it. “Cum baby.” I took her nipple again and ground into her
hitting her sweet spot until she screamed into my mouth.

I emptied inside her
before pulling out and retaking my seat. “Clean me off babe.” She dropped to
her knees and took my cock into her mouth licking her pussy juice from my cock
and nuts until I was semi hard again. “You might as well finish him off now. “
She got to work deep throating my shit until I came a long time later down her


When we were done fucking around I took her back
upstairs and cleaned us both up before going about the shit I had to do.

I had her on the back of bike as we headed out
of town, what I was looking for wasn’t going to be here I’m sure. We talked and
laughed on the way and I felt the stress ease with each mile that went by. She
held me a little tighter around the middle as we sped along and rested her head
on my back. Every once in a while she’d squeeze me and I‘d smile behind the
screen of my helmet. I know what that shit was about. She’d been fucked hard,
she’d been introduced to new kink and she liked that shit.

Her mouth opened wide
when we got off the bike in the parking lot of one of the nation’s most
exclusive jeweler. “Let’s go.” I had to practically drag her along behind me.
She was probably wondering what an ex SEAL could possibly afford in a place
like this. I’m sure the asshole hadn’t gotten her a ring here. Yes I had to top
his shit. I’d never seen her ring come to think of it. “Who chose your last
ring?” She got a very uncomfortable look on her face so I took it between my
hands and looked into her eyes. “We’re all good baby just answer the question.”

“He did.” She didn’t
want to have this conversation at all and neither did I but I needed to top
this motherfucker in every way. I hadn’t forgotten that crack he’d made about
her father not allowing her to marry someone like me. Like I was some sort of
fucking mutt. “How many carats?” She looked up at me as if about to argue.

Oh yeah, I’m well aware
of the way the human mind works. It’s how I profiled the assholes we hunted in
the Navy. How I gauged their next move so I could take them the fuck out.
There’s never gonna be a day that she looks down at her finger and think his
was bigger or better, fuck that. And since this one was never coming off her
finger it had to be her favorite. “Two and a half.”

“Fine, your choice, four
and a half and up.” She pulled back on my hand. And started to shake her head.
She also looked nervous as fuck. “Don’t worry Danielle, you won’t break me if
you buy a ring that you like. I told you before I’ve been investing my money
for years. Never had anything to spend the shit on before. I want you to have
the shit you want, something you and your girls can coo over. You got me?” She
still wasn’t too convinced but at least she wasn’t looking like she was ready
to bolt any second.

Inside the store the
saleslady came over all smiles and offered her assistance. I stood back and
watched the action as they went through tray after tray of rings. I read her
body language, I know my woman so I knew the minute she saw THE one. I wasn’t
surprised when she kept going though. All I did was shake my head as I stood off
to the side out of their way but I kept my eye on it for her. Two hours later
she chose some bullshit ring that was about half the size of what I’d told her.
She’d looked back at that damn ring sneakily of course, about every ten minutes
or less.

“So you like this one?”
The saleslady held up the bullshit ring and my girl looked back at me. I’m sure
the shit had to be at least twenty-five grand. Harry didn’t do shit for much
less. I walked over to the case where the ring she’d fallen in love with sat and
pointed. “We’ll take this one.”


“Quiet.” The saleslady came over and removed the
tray and started spouting off specs. Something about cushion cut whatever. I
had no fucking idea and could care less. It was five carats and it’s the one
she wanted that was good enough for me. She tried to argue with me but I just
gave her a look. “This the one you like
? Tell me
the truth.” She nodded shyly and hung her head.

“Babe what did I tell
you before we came in here? See this is why you’re gonna stay in trouble you
don’t listen for shit.” I said that shit out of earshot of the others in the
store. I wasn’t about embarrassing my woman in public, but damn her head is
hard as fuck.

“You can ring that up ma’am.”

I took it out of the box as soon as the
transaction was over and slid it onto her finger.

“This stays, always. It doesn’t come off for any
reason.” She stared at that shit until I lifted her mouth and kissed her right
there in the middle of the store. And that easily I felt the last of the
bitterness fall away. Don’t be fooled, I’m still waiting for her to get what
the fuck she did wrong the only difference is now I’m willing to wait for her
to get that shit. It’s the only way she won’t fuck up again.

We were one step closer
to complete ownership. All that was left was the wedding which I’m gonna get on
as soon as fucking possible. Her mom had made noises about these things taking
time to plan but I’m giving them three months tops and even that was pushing


We walked around for a
few but I could tell she was anxious to get back. Probably needed to call her
girls and talk about her new haul. “Can I go show mama?” See that’s a sure sign
that my girl had got the right fucking ring. She couldn’t wait to show that
shit off and fuck yes I was pleased as shit. “We can do whatever you want
babe.” Her sweet smile was back in full force and I realized how much I’d
missed that shit. Hopefully for the next little while there wouldn’t be any
fuck ups to send me off my ass again.

After we swung by her
family’s estate so her mom could gush over her ring and her dad could finally
size me up it was back to the compound to my nosy ass brothers. Her old man
hadn’t been what I’d expected though. He’d asked me into his library while the
women went on and on about weddings and shit. I was ready for anything he had
to throw at me. After the last couple weeks there wasn’t anything that was
going to get in the way of me holding onto what the fuck was mine.

“Connor I have to admit
that when my wife first told me about you and my daughter I had my doubts. You
have to understand that little girl out there is my one and only offspring so
it wouldn’t have mattered who you were I would’ve felt the same. I’m sure you
know she was engaged for a little while to someone else?” He looked at me
through the cigar smoke and I stared back at him.

“Yep.” He laughed at my stance before taking a
seat behind the sea of wood that he called a desk.

“Stand down soldier I’m not about to start
anything those two out there would have my guts for garters if I did. I just
wanted to give you my blessing. My little girl is as happy as I’ve ever seen
her and that’s all that matters to me. With that said you hurt my baby and I’ll
skin you alive.”

“She’s my baby now sir
so you have no worries.” I relaxed my shoulders a little since it wasn’t
looking like he was going to start shit. We kicked around old army and navy
tales killing time until the women were done doing whatever the hell they were
doing and joined us. My girl came over to me and wrapped her arms around me.
“Daddy you haven’t been giving my guy a hard time have you?” I squeezed her
shoulders and kissed her hair to let her know that it was all good.

“We have to get going my
brothers will be waiting for us.” I wasn’t exactly uncomfortable but I didn’t
want to hang around. He seemed cool enough but this shit was weird. I was
fucking his daughter and he knew it. Not sure I could be as cool about that
shit as he seemed to be.

“We’re having all boys.” I told her that shit as
soon as we were outside.

Why?” She stopped short and looked at me like I had two fucking heads.

up for debate babe, just make that shit happen.”

“Uh Connor I’m pretty sure that’s on you.”

“Yeah but females be
pulling a fast one and putting in a good word for what they want, kind of a
Blitzkrieg move. None of that sneaky shit Danielle. If you want your man to
have a peace of mind no girls.” She thought that shit was funny but I was dead
serious. I have no problem violating Danielle’s sweet as fuck body but fuck. I
can’t think about this shit it will make me lose my fucking nut.

Chapter 14

After that it was back
home. Where we were now, surrounded by my brothers. All in all the day had
turned out just fine. My woman was happy and I no longer felt like killing a
motherfucker. I couldn’t wait to get her alone to seal the deal but the boys
had other ideas.

“We need to go celebrate
you two.” Logan brought up the idea of going out for drinks and dancing later
and since she seemed excited by the idea I went along with it. I’m not much for
that shit but I can’t keep her locked away behind stonewalls forever. She
called up some of her girls at my request and we headed for the showers after
the others left.

Seeing my seal of
ownership on her hand did something crazy to me. She was shampooing her hair
when the light caught that shit just right and my cock grew stiff. I barely let
her get the soap out of her hair before I was covering her mouth with mine,
backing her up to the wall. “Wrap your legs around me.” She did as I asked and
I just pushed my finger inside her to test her wetness. She sucked it in and
pushed so I pulled it out and sank my cock inside her instead.

“I’m gonna fuck you hard
and rough baby hold on.” I pounded into her pinning her to the wall with my thrusts.
Our mouths fused together as I fed her my tongue before taking hers into my
mouth. Her pussy was tight and needy around my length as she tried her best to
keep up. I wanted to fuck every inch of her. Mark her in more ways than one.
The need to stake my claim completely was too much to ignore. We had a few
hours before it was time to leave hopefully that would be enough.


I almost cancelled the
night but she pouted, she was all excited to show off her ring and shit. I
don’t know how she was walking after the freaky shit I’d just done to her but
she was. I could go another few hours but I guess I could hold my shit until we
got home later.

“Um babe I like that
She had on low rider jeans and a
satin halter-top that matched her green eyes and heels that were a mile high. I
think she was trying to match me in height with those shits. She did some wild
shit with her hair that had curls falling down her back and all I could think
of was grabbing fistfuls of that shit while I hit her pussy from behind. Damn
I’ve become a fiend.

The guys were waiting
for us when we stepped outside all of us looking like we were in uniform.
Jeans, Henley, and leather jackets with shit kickers. No wonder people think
we’re a gang.

I made sure she was fine
on the back of my ride in those fuck me heels and we headed out.

The place we’d chosen
was in the next town over. It was the only place within decent distance that
had any kind of nightlife. Or any place I wanted my woman hanging out anyway.
Her girls were there when we pulled up and the screaming started as soon as she
got in the middle of them.

We herded them all
inside and got the waitress to put some tables together in the back in view of
the dance floor. My woman had already warned me that she planned to dance her
ass off. I was cool as long as she had a good time we were good. Her girls were
a rowdy bunch, nothing at all like I expected from this bunch of debutantes
shit. They started doing shots right off the bat and the boys and I decided
we’d better stick to beer and nurse them shits. This bunch might be trouble.

There was one in
particular that I knew could set shit off with one of my brothers, then again
except for Candy who we all knew I saw a few that might be trouble. We pretty
much set up as security and watched them do their thing.

“I see trouble written
all over this shit?” Zak tipped his beer and rocked back in his chair. There
were a few unknowns checking out the girls as they danced and laughed together.
had invited what looked like every female from
Briarwood and these chicks weren’t just any run of the mill females. These were
the type of women that went the extra mile, which meant they were all put
together. Some of them I’d never seen before but the few I did know, huh.

We kept them supplied
with drinks and kept an eye on them to make sure no assholes got stupid. The
women didn’t seem interested in the looks coming their way so that was our cue
to step in if anything went south. If they were interested in dancing that was
their business but the men seemed to think they were all spoken for so we were
able to relax after an hour or so.

Shit she brought
Gabriella Danforth over to introduce her. I kept my eyes on Logan when she rose
up on her toes to kiss my cheek and offer congratulations. I could see him
grinding his molars and his face drew tight. Damn not even his brother who was
here to celebrate his engagement was safe.

“Thanks Gabby.” I set
her away from me to avert any shit and watched as the two girls walked away
back to their friends on the dance floor. I looked around at the others to see
if they’d noticed what I saw. I shouldn’t have doubted, nosy fucks. I wasn’t
going to be the one to bring that shit up. Logan can be a little touchy about
that subject. We all know he has the hots for the little blonde but he refused
to go there. Kinda like me with Danielle. If she wanted him though his ass was
in deep shit. Again I won’t be the one to tell him that shit.

When some dude took her
hand and led her off to dance I knew there was going to be trouble. Seven
chairs scraped against the hardwood floor, one louder than the others. Jackets
were discarded just in case as we moved out behind Logan but stayed back to see
what play he was about to make.

Logan reached them in a
few short steps and without uttering a word took her hand off the guy’s
shoulder and pulled her away. I know it’s not the time but that shit was funny
as hell. His face looked like thunder as he dragged the poor girl off the dance

“Hey.” She mouthed off
at him but he didn’t say a word to her just kept going. The guy didn’t say
anything just shrugged his shoulders and moved onto the next dance partner who
seemed willing and the rest of us headed back to the table.

Logan sat her in the chair next to his but he
was still not saying anything. She turned to me as I sat to the other side of

wrong with your brother?” I tried not to smile at this shit.

“Which one?”

“The asshole jerk.” She pointed her thumb at

your damn mouth.”

turned to him and leaned in closer. “Make me.”

Oh shit. The others were glued to the action;
this shit was better than the movies. Logan the lone wolf had met his fucking

“Watch yourself little girl before you bite off
more than you can chew.”

tried getting up but he blocked her in with his leg. “Sit your ass down, you
try getting up again you’re in trouble.”

She huffed at him but sat still shooting daggers
at him with her eyes, arms folded like she was ready to blast his ass.

“Well then looks like another one bite the dust.
You fuckers are falling faster than a Red Baron bomber.

“Shut the fuck up Ty.” I kicked his chair and
the ass just laughed at me. I eyed the rest of them trying to send them the
message that maybe we should leave and let these two
with their shit but the nosy fucks weren’t budging.

I went and got my girl to dance. “You having fun
baby?” I pulled her in close for a kiss with my hands on her ass.

it’s the best, thanks for this, the girls are having a blast. You do know some
of them have their eye on your brothers right?”

“You playing matchmaker baby?”

She grinned up at me. “I just want everyone to
be as happy as we are. And Connor, I finally get it.”

do you get baby?” I looked into her eyes as we stopped moving in the middle of
the dance floor. She’s so fucking gorgeous damn. I lucked the fuck out big

“I understand why you were so mad. I thought I
was just doing something innocent, my intentions were good but you’d already
warned me not to have any contact with…him so regardless I shouldn’t have met
with him.”

“That’s absolutely right baby.” I kissed her
again to show her that I appreciated that shit.

I might forget and mess up again.”

you won’t babe because next time your ass will pay the price.” She gulped and
put her head on my chest. Now all was right with my world.

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