Connections of the Mind (16 page)

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Authors: Roseanne Dowell

Tags: #Romantic Suspense Novel

BOOK: Connections of the Mind
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Rebecca pulled away. “Maybe we should go downstairs and sit with your mother. Watch TV or something.”

He’d much rather stay here with her. He sighed. “You’re right. It’s only nine o’clock. Much too early for bed.” It wouldn’t be if they were by themselves, but under the circumstances. “Come on, let’s go down.”


Rebecca followed Jeremy downstairs and to the back of house. She hadn’t seen this part of the house before, even in her visions. She loved the antiques and the way the house had a modern, yet old-fashioned look to it. Mrs. Marlin did a great job blending the old with the new. Rebecca started to sit down on a Queen Anne style chair far enough from Jeremy that they wouldn’t be touching. He took her hand and led her to the couch. Mrs. Marlin’s look of disapproval wasn’t lost on her. Why Jeremy insisted she sit next to him, she’d never know. She sat with her hands folded nervously in her lap. She couldn’t wait for this night to be over.

“I hope you like Law and Order, dear,” Mrs. Marlin said. “Jeremy and I watch it every chance we get.”

“Huh? Oh yes. I watch it, too. Although I don’t watch TV too often.” Shoot, why did she say that? Why couldn’t she just say she liked it?

“Oh, what do you do instead?” Mrs. Marlin’s voice held a hint of sarcasm.

“Actually, I spend a lot of time with my friend, Allison. We do a lot of crafts together.”

“Really? Like what, dear?”

Rebecca wished Mrs. Marlin would quit calling her dear. Why couldn’t she just use her name like everyone else?
Calm down. Be nice
. After all, if she wanted a relationship with Jeremy, she was going to have to get along with his mother. “Ceramics, quilting. We’ve even attempted making jewelry, but I’m afraid I’m not very good at it. Allison has a talent for it.”

“Quilting? That’s wonderful. What patterns have you made?” Mrs. Marlin’s voice took on a different tone.

Jeremy sat back and seemed to relax.

Rebecca sat forward on the couch. What a sudden change. “I’ve made variations of the Nine Patch, the Ohio Star. I just finished a Stack and Whack, and I’m working on the Bear’s Paw now. That’s going to take a while.”

“Oh, my, that one is difficult. Do you hand or machine quilt?”

“I’ve done both. Usually, I have a friend quilt them for me. She has a long arm machine.”

“That is easier, isn’t it?”

“How about you? What do you make?” Rebecca loved talking about quilting.

Mrs. Marlin laughed. “I guess over the years, I’ve made just about every pattern there is. I’ve hand sewn, hand quilted, tied, and even appliquéd. You name it, I’ve done it.”

“Did you make the one on my bed?”

“Yes, I’ve made them for all the beds here. I’ve given many away as gifts. I’ve even sold a few. Would you like to see pictures of the ones I’ve made?” Mrs. Marlin stood and went to the old desk in the corner. She took a photo album from the shelf.


Jeremy half listened to Rebecca and his mother talk. He couldn’t concentrate on the TV show, not that it mattered; his mind was elsewhere. He stood and left the room. Rebecca never acknowledged him leaving. Probably didn’t even notice. They were so engrossed in their conversation. Thank goodness, they’d finally found a common bond. He couldn’t have his two favorite women at odds with each other. Funny, he shook his head; he’d never seen his mother act so distant before.

He dialed the phone and waited for Dan to answer. “Hey, Chief, any news?”

“Not a thing. Just like before. Forensics couldn’t find a trace of evidence. This guy is good. But sooner or later he’s going to slip up.”

“Let’s hope it’s sooner rather than later.” Jeremy ran his hand through his hair. Who the hell wanted to kill him? Now it seemed like the guy was toying with him. Playing games, but why?

“Did you convince Rebecca to stay at your house?” Dan asked.

“Yeah. Finally she and Mom are hitting it off. It was pretty cool there for a bit. Especially since we went out to eat, and Mom cooked dinner.”

“Ouch. Bet that didn’t make Jules too happy.”

“That’s an understatement. They’re talking about quilts now.”

“Ah, one of Jules’ favorite subjects. Good. Glad they’re getting along.”

“You’re glad.” Jeremy laughed. “How do you think I feel? Don’t think Mom’s going to like it tomorrow when she hears we’re moving to a cabin.”

Dan let out a low whistle. “How are you going to broach that one? If I know your mother, she’s going to have a fit.”

“I’m not sure. But we can’t stay here that’s for sure.”

“Jeremy...oh never mind.”


“Nothing, forget it.”

“Hey, you don’t start a sentence and then leave it hanging like that. What?”

“I’m not sure it’s a good idea for you to get a cabin. You know there’s no phone reception up there. This guy seems to know your every move. It’s too isolated.”

Jeremy sat down and let out a breath. Dan was right. But hell they couldn’t stay here. He’d go crazy not being able to hold Rebecca. Okay, so he was acting like a sex fiend. Hell, it’d been so long since he wanted a woman. Dan was right. A cabin was out of the question. “Maybe I can set Rebecca up in one of the student apartments.”

“That’s a thought. I just don’t like the idea of a cabin.”

“I’ll check it out tomorrow. I’m sure one of them has short-term leases. I’ll talk to you later, Dan.”

“Okay, I’ll let you know if anything new develops. Night.”

Jeremy hung up and looked at the clock. Eleven o’clock, no wonder he was beat. Tension did that to him, and his shoulder hurt like crazy. Hell, it hasn’t hurt this bad since he got shot. Maybe he should take a pain pill. He didn’t like to take them. They made him drowsy, and drowsy wasn’t good, especially now. Not with this nut case running around trying to kill him. But if he was going to get any sleep, there wasn’t much choice.

He went back to the family room and chuckled. His mother and Rebecca were still in deep conversation, pouring over a book. They probably didn’t even realize he’d left. He sat down next to Rebecca, but she didn’t acknowledge him. She turned the page of a quilt book.

“I’ve always wanted to do the Double Wedding Ring. Have you made one?”

“I’ve made several. It’s not an easy pattern,” Mrs. Marlin said. “In fact, one is locked in the cedar chest, waiting for Jeremy to get married.” Julia smiled.

Maybe that day wasn’t far off. Now that his mother knew Rebecca a little better, Jeremy figured she wouldn’t mind.

Jeremy stood and stretched. “Sorry, ladies, but I can’t keep my eyes opened. I’m going to bed.” He leaned down and kissed Rebecca, then kissed his mother’s cheek. “See you in the morning.”

“Oh my, look at the time,” Mrs. Marlin said. “It’s after eleven. I have an early morning hair appointment.” She stood up. “I better get to bed, too. We’ll talk more tomorrow, dear. And I’ll show you some more pictures of quilts I gave away and sold.”



Chapter Twenty-Two


Lester pulled his car into The Hills End Motel parking lot. Not the most luxurious place in town, but it looked clean. He went inside to register.

“Ethan Prior here.” The man greeted him. “You looking for a room?”

“Yes, one room, one night.” Lester handed him his credit card.

Ethan slid the registration form across the counter. “I think you’re gonna like it here.” He smiled an almost toothless smile and immediately began a narration about Morrisville’s history while he looked at the card.

“I don’t mean to sound rude,” Lester said. “But I’d like the key and be on my way.”

Ethan slid the key card toward him. “Sorry about that. I forget folks is in a hurry sometimes. You must be Ms. Brennan’s brother. I heard you come to town.”

“Yes, I am.” Lester took the key and his credit card and hurried out before Ethan could say anything else. Why his sister liked this small town was beyond him. Everyone was so damn nosy. Right now all he wanted to do was get Allison and him into the room and settle down for the night.

He couldn’t help but laugh when he got back in the car and drove the few doors down to their room.

“What’s so funny?” Allison asked.

“I swear, the characters in this town…” Lester shook his head, put the car in park, and opened his door. “What does my sister find so charming about this place?” He walked around to Allison’s side of the car, but she was already out. He took her hand, led her to the room, slid the keycard into the slot, and opened the door.

“She always loved Victorian houses, and this town is full of Victorian charm. It suits her, I think.”

“Yeah, I guess. I couldn’t imagine living here. Give me the big city any time.”

“I kind of like it. It’s quaint.”

“Don’t get any bright ideas. I want you back in Cleveland.” Lester glanced around the room. “It isn’t the Ritz, but it’s clean.”

Allison looked around. “Not bad. Not as nice as the College Inn Hotel, but passable. Besides, it’s only for one night.”

“Right, tomorrow we’re checking into the cabin.” Lester set their suitcases on the luggage rack and turned to Allison.

God, she was beautiful. He hadn’t had these feelings since Belinda. And, even she hadn’t provoked this hunger, this longing in him. He closed his eyes. What made him think of Belinda after all this time? He hadn’t seen her in years. Ever since she ran off with his best friend. Some friend. He opened his eyes. He fully intended to keep Allison. He brushed her lips with his thumb. Ran his fingers along her cheek.

He couldn’t get enough of looking at her. Touching her. When she ran her tongue across her lips, he almost lost it. He desired her like he never craved a woman before. But he needed to go slow. Wanted to savor every minute with her.

He knew too well how quickly it could end. He didn’t know how it happened, but he was in love with her. Wanted something more from her than sex. A commitment. A lifetime.

Hell, of course he knew how it happened. He knew it a long time ago. The first time she showed up with Rebecca. Allison moved into his arms, brushed his mouth with her lips, just a whisper of a kiss that drove him as wild as her more passionate ones last night. He slipped his hand under her blouse, her skin soft beneath his fingers and backed her toward the bed.

Lester pressed his mouth against Allison’s. Opening her mouth willingly, she nipped his lips ever so gently. Damn what this woman did to him. Already his erection throbbed between them. Unbuttoning Allison’s slacks, he slid them slowly down her hips and lowered her to the bed, barely breaking contact with her mouth.


Later, sedated from their lovemaking, Lester ran his hand across her cheek. “I think I should make an honest woman out of you.”

Allison snuggled against him. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, I think you should marry me.”

Allison sat up and looked at him. He loved the way her dark eyes grew big, the way her mouth formed an “O” when she was surprised.

“Are you serious? You want to marry me.”

Lester laughed, sat up and took her hands. “I think I’ve wanted to marry you for a long time.” Why had he wasted so much time? He should have listened to Rebecca a long time ago.

“Rebecca!” His hair stood on end. Something was wrong with Rebecca, he could feel it, sense it. Something, he wasn’t sure what. A gut feeling? Intuition? He wasn’t sure what it was, but he knew it as sure as he knew he was breathing.

“What is it? What’s wrong? Rebecca won’t mind us getting married. She’s been trying to bring us together forever.”

“No, it’s not that.” He jumped out of bed and threw on his pants. “Something’s wrong with Rebecca and Jeremy. They’re in trouble.”

“What’s wrong?” Allison slid out of bed and pulled on her clothes. “What are you going to do?”

Lester turned in circles around the room. He rubbed his head. “I don’t know.” He grabbed his cellphone and punched in her number and waited. “No answer.” He hung up and tried again. “Still no answer.”

Allison moved to his side, touched his arm. “We can go to her.”

Lester shook his head. “We can’t. I don’t know where Jeremy lives.” He punched in her number again. Why, he bothered, he didn’t know. She wouldn’t answer. She was in trouble, and he couldn’t help her. Couldn’t protect her. He paced around the room. He had to do something, but what?

“We could go to the police.”

“And say what? My sister and her friend are in trouble, but we don’t know how or why? Hell, they’d laugh us out of the office.”

“We have to do something, Les. We can’t sit here just waiting.”

Lester looked at Allison. She looked as nervous and upset as he was. He pulled her into his arms and held her. He’d have to keep trying his sister’s cellphone.



Chapter Twenty-Three


Rebecca’s eyes popped open. Bright moonlight filtered through the curtains. Her stomach tensed. Nausea filled her throat. Goose bumps prickled her arms. A shadow moved past her window. Someone was walking on the porch roof, crawled through an open window, and stood over Jeremy’s bed. Rebecca screamed, but no sound came out. She threw her covers aside, slid off the bed, and yanked the door open, trying to scream Jeremy’s name. Why wouldn’t sound come out? A creak in the floorboards caused her to freeze.

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