Conklin's Foundation (Conklin's Trilogy) (42 page)

BOOK: Conklin's Foundation (Conklin's Trilogy)
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I heard him take a sharp breath in.  “Why weren’t you wearing a bra?” he asked sternly.

I yanked on a t-shirt and spun to see his dilating pupils.

“It had a built in bra.  Why does it matter?” I snapped, nudging him out of the way again. I made my way to the dresser now, searching for a pair of shorts.

“You went to dinner with Corey without a bra?” he said, his voice escalating.

I dropped my shoulders, tilting my head back in frustration.  No way was he going to turn this around.  “Yeah, I did.  It’s no fun to think about is it?  Just like how shitty it is to think of Margo crying into your office looking perfect while you blatantly miss your flight to Miami
to come see me!”

He was right behind me now, his hand looping around my waist as he pulled me into him.
  I dropped my hand to the side, the shorts I found being held in the other against the dresser.

“I should have gotten here sometime that weekend, I’m sorry,” his breath was warm on my cheek, tickling my skin.  “But I’m here now.  Can we not fight?  I’ve
missed you terribly, and I would love to get lost in you tonight.”

“I’m a little too tired
,” I whispered, keeping my body from melting into his.

I felt his shoulders slouch
and his arm loosen around my waist as he stepped backward.  He emptied his pockets on the bed and started to unbutton his dress shirt.  “That’s fine. I can give you a back massage to help you sleep better,” he said casually. 

I huffed again, pulling on my shorts and crossing my arms as though I were proving a point that I was still mad at him.  I avoided his phys
ique as he dropped his shirt to the armchair and undid his belt.  Avoiding my eyes, he walked over to me and kissed my cheek. “Please meet me half way with this.  I was trying to do the right thing,” he murmured then continued into the bathroom.

I let out the breath I was holding once he was out of earshot.
  I plopped down on the bed, crossed my legs, and held my head with my hands.  Was I being irrational about this entire situation?

No.  I had every right to be furious with the decision he made.  But why was I feeling like the bad guy?  I wouldn’t wish upon anyone to have to deal with a loved one having cancer, but why did she go to
my Ty for help?  Obviously she wanted money, but Tyler was co-signing for a loan?  At least he didn’t offer to pay for everything.

As I sat drowning in my thoughts, a bleep from Tyler’s phone sounded.  Normally I would ignore them because his phone was a constant nuisance, but for whatever reason my head turned to see the glowing screen.  Biting my lip, I took the phone and read the screen.


Can you talk?  Or are you with her
? -Margo


Pure hostility rose through my body.  What the hell did that mean?  And why was I being referred to as
?  Talk about feeling like the other woman.  With angry, shaky hands I jolted to my feet, snatching the phone from the bed and stomping out to the back patio.  My heart was beating a million beats a minute, and I could barely swipe the screen because my hands were trembling with fury.  It was time to put this old bitch in place.

My breath heavy with hatred, I held the phone to my ear, waiting to ream out this skank.

“Hi, Ty, I’m sorry to bother you, but-”

Are you really sorry?” I spat out to the sweet and angelic voice on the other line.  My outrage had risen, and I was sure steam was coming from my ears.  Who the hell does she think she is calling him Ty?  I was the only one who called him Ty!

I heard an audible gasp.  She wasn’t expecting
to answer the phone.  Well I was going to make sure she knew who

Whether Tyler told you that or not, my name is Becca, and I would appreciate it if you listen to what I have to say,” I said, my voice uncharacteristically strong.  My voice didn’t even crack.

“Of course,” her voice
was like velvet.  It fueled my anger even more.

He told me about your father, and I’m sorry to hear you have to go through him being sick.  You are very lucky he is willing to help.  But don’t you dare take advantage of him again.  Do you understand?”

laughed under her breath, which irritated me to hell.  “Tyler underestimates you, Becca. I’m sorry for interrupting your weekend.  I know he was looking forward to spending time with you.  Enjoy your time together,” she said and hung up.

I p
ractically growled at the phone then tossed it to the other lounger, causing it to bounce three times then hit the ground in front of the sliding door.

I went into that conversation
feeling confident and assertive. Now I felt patronized and humiliated.  She just laughed, and she called him Ty.  He was my Ty, not hers.  Only I was allowed to call him that!

I paced the patio
, and then made my way to the kitchen, pouring myself a large glass of wine.  Jamie was nowhere in sight, and I was tempted to go hide in her room.  Instead, I headed back out to the patio, practically downing my wine.

I leaned back in the lounger, still annoyed, but a touch more relaxed from the wine.

“There you are,” Tyler said, walking out in only a pair of basketball shorts.  The moon was out now, and the light was glowing on his perfect upper body. 

Damn it
.  Why did he have to be so easy on the eyes?

He moved to walk out the door, but looked down on the g
round where he had almost stepped on his phone.  He furrowed his brows as he leaned down to pick up the phone while closing the sliding door.

“How did this get out here?”

I took a large gulp of wine then set it down harshly on the end table.  “Maybe you should look through your messages.”

gave me a wary look.  “May I join you?” he asked politely, his eyebrow raising.  I nodded my head once, and instead of taking the chair next to me, he scooted his way on my lounger.  I moved over making an irritated sounding sigh, wanting to be as far away from him on that lounger as possible.  But he was making it impossible.  He snuggled next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders, firmly placing his hand on my bicep.  He swiped his phone and scrolled through his messages while I kept my arms crossed, hoping my animosity was clear.

He frowned and gripped my arm tighter.

“I told her not to bother us,” he grumbled, beginning to start a text back to her.  I was furious he was going to answer her when he had told her to leave us alone.

“Messaging her back will just let her know how much you are wrapped around her finger,” I said snottily, crossing my arms tight
er and looking in the complete opposite direction as him.  I pulled my legs up and away from him.  I was tempted to get off the lounger, but Tyler’s grasp on me made that impossible.

“The only finger I am wrapped around is yours.  Now stop acting like this,” he said harshly, tossing the phone to the other lounger.  This time it stayed put.  A small feeling of triumph spread through my body because he didn’t send her a message back.

“Could you hand me my wine please?” I said sounding bored.

He rotated so he was on his side, forcing me to my side so I would look at
him, his arms firmly keeping me in place.

“No.  I want you to have a clear head until we talk this through. 
I know you are mad about my not coming out here that first weekend because I was helping Margo, which I completely regret.  Now what else is bothering you?”

I ticked my jaw. 

“Becca, tell me,” he commanded, running his hand along my back.

“I don’t like her texting
you. I don’t like that I’m so pissed off that you are helping her, I hate that she referred to me as “her” in the message. And I hate that she calls you Ty,” I started out mad, but then pouted about the last part.  My Ty, not hers.

Tyler bit his lip then looked confused.

“First, she doesn’t text me.  That was the first one, ever.  You can check my phone if you want.  Second, I have told her numerous times who you are and what you mean to me, so I’m sorry you are taking her labeling you as a female so badly.”

I scrunched my eyebrows in, livid he was talking to me like a child.

“Why does she call you Ty,” I whined.

doesn’t.  I’ve heard her say it maybe once?  And how would you know if she ever called me Ty?” he asked puzzled.

I bit down on my lip.  “I called her.”

Tyler looked surprised.  “You what?”

Gaining my courage, I sat up and shrugged from his embrace.  “I called her.  I told her I had a name
, and she was lucky you were helping her.”

A smile was trying to break through his confusion.  “You really called Margo?”

I nodded, reaching past him to try and grab my wine, but he sat up and caught my arm, our faces inches apart.  “Did you say anything else?” he asked, his eyes full of life.

“I told her to not take advantage of you ever again.  Then she laughed and said you underestimated me and hung up.”

He licked his bottom lip then bit down, trying to hide a smile while searching my eyes.  “You really called her?”

I groaned and dramatically rolled my head and eyes. “Yes!  I wanted to tell her to back off, but she hung up before I got the chance.”

He finally let his smile go, grinning from ear to ear.  “That is so unbelievably hot.  Let’s go to bed.”

“Tyler!” I said, smacking his chest.  He just laughed at me
, and I swore I was seeing red.  “Why is this funny?  She laughed at me over the phone and didn’t take me seriously.”

Tyler’s teeth weren’t showing anymore, but his grin was still on his face.  He moved his hands to cup my cheeks.  “
She took you seriously.  Margo brushes everything off, but I’m sure she got the picture loud and clear.  I love that you actually called her and got all possessive.”

Was that what I was being?  Possessive?  I had never been so jealous of someone in my life.  I always believed the best in everyone, but the thought of that woman trying to mess with my Ty made me fly off the handle.

“You’re my Ty,” I said quietly with a pout.

Tyler’s face softened into awe as his head dropped to the side.

“Did I ever tell you how I love when you call me Ty?” he murmured, brushing my cheeks with his thumbs.

I shook my head no, a pout still on my face.

“Only one person has ever called me Ty besides you,” he said, a trace of sadness in his voice.  “My gran.  She always called me Ty.  It makes me feel loved when you call me Ty.”

I thought for a minute his eyes were going to water, but they didn’t
. He only gazed at me admiringly.  My heart melted as my anger vanished.  That look made me weak in the knees.  It was a look filled with so much love that I could hardly contain my emotion for him. 

“Can I have a kiss now?” he asked quietly, the same softness still filled in his eyes.

I nodded my head, my hands finding his face, bringing his lips to mine.  It was slow and affectionate.  This man completely had my heart, even with his crazy past nanny baggage.

He pressed his forehead against mine.  “Everything with Margo will be done in a few weeks when her father arrives,” he said,
moving his hands from my face to my shoulders. 

“I’m sorry how I’m react
ing to all of this,” I said quietly.  “I don’t want anyone to take you from me. I would be damaged for life.”

His lip quirked up into a smile.  “Ditto, baby doll.  I love the fight in you that’s coming out
. It’s really, really, sexy,” he said, his voice low and raspy.

I giggled as he
leaned in to kiss me again. He sat back in the lounger and pulled me on his lap, moving his hands to grip my shoulders then massaged lower down my back.

I finally relaxed
, enjoying the gentle pressure of his hands.  He spent at least 20 minutes exploring my back with his hands, moving them under my shirt.  His hands were surprisingly smooth and not calloused.  Every now and then his hands would move to my sides, his thumbs grazing the sides of my breasts.  I smirked every time he did it, but was impressed he never touched me further.  Once every muscle in my back and shoulders felt completely at ease, I leaned back into him, taking his hands and wrapping them around my chest.

“Thank you,” I sighed, enjoying the feeling of being safely tucked in his arms. “For the massage and for forcing me to tell you how I really felt.”

He kissed my temple.  “You’re welcome.  Thank you for coming around.  I really was thinking of what you would do if put in my same situation.”

“Yeah. I’m a sucker, I know.”

“No, you are a good person,” he said, nuzzling my ear.

I giggled and squeezed his hands.

Tyler just smirked and held me close as we listened to the ocean, the waves crashing on the shore.  The warm breeze filled the salty air, and I was so happy to be in Tyler’s arms again.

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