Conklin's Foundation (Conklin's Trilogy) (39 page)

BOOK: Conklin's Foundation (Conklin's Trilogy)
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This was so invigorating and sexy.  I couldn’t get enough of him.  My hands deftly grabbed at his body, wanting him deeper and harder
than each previous thrust.  I was so excited to finally have my hands back so I could feel him.  

Tyler began short quick thrusts, and I lost it, moaning into his mou
th and biting on his lower lip.  Sounds rumbled from his chest as he drove one more time, stilling so deep inside me I thought he would never come out.

His body collapsed
into mine, his grip loosening in my hair.  His fingers released from my back, and he let out a long, low breath into my neck. 


Wow was right.

“That was the hottest thing ever,” I sighed, still trying to catch my breath.

Tyler sighed into my neck.  I could feel his grin as he nuzzled his nose up to my cheek.

too gentle?” he half teased.

A small laugh escaped my mouth.  “Definitely not gentle.”

Tyler pulled his head back so we were looking at each other.  “You would tell me if you didn’t like something, right?” he asked, becoming vulnerable.

“Tyler, I love everything.  Don’t listen to Jamie,” I said sincerely, taking his face in my still trembling hands.  “
You are by far the best I have ever had when it comes to the love making department.”

The best, yeah?” he said with a sly grin.  He resituated so he was snuggled next to me on the lounger.  He brought his hands to my cover up, adjusting the fabric so it was in the right position.

I nodded my head
in answer to his question, smoothing out the bottom of the fabric.  Tyler found my bikini bottoms by our feet and tucked them in between us.

He smirked
then wrapped his arms tightly around me, pulling me as close to his chest as he could.  I let out a content sigh then turned to look out at the water.  It was so beautiful.

“I love the ocean,” I murmured.  “It seems so peaceful.”

“If you could live anywhere, where would you pick?” Tyler asked, running his nose along my ear.

I pondered his question.  “I don’t know, probably somewhere on Lake Michigan.”

Tyler half chuckled.  “Out of all the places, you would pick Lake Michigan?  Not here or some other beach?  Not Hawaii or the Keys?  Maybe somewhere on the Caribbean?”

I mimicked his chuckle then turned my head to face him.  “Lake Michigan is beautiful.  Besides, I couldn’t picture living that far away from my family
. Or you,” I said, tapping my finger on his broad chest.

He let off a small smile.  “I would be living with you, of course.”
he said, kissing my nose.  “But you really would give up living a dream to be close to your family?” he said surprised.

I studied him, realizing Tyler didn’t care if he w
as near his family or even if he saw them once a year.

“Yeah, I know they are crazy.  But they are one of a kind.  Being away from them was good and needed when I went to school, and I was more than terrified to come back and live by them, but I can’t imagine not raising a family near them
…” My last sentence trailed off.

Tyler furrowed his brows at me
. “You really want babies, don’t you?”

I laughed at his expression, shaking my head then letting it rest on his chest.  I did want babies, once we were married…
or once I was married? 
Oh… to be married to Tyler Conklin…

I felt Tyl
er’s chest rumble with laughter then his lips on my forehead.  “I think we should go check out some other beaches, just to make sure,” he said, changing the subject back to dream locations.

“I’ve never been to Hawaii,” I said, tracing my fingers down to his abdomen. 

“Then we will go,” he stated.

“Sounds like a plan,” I said, moving my hand under his shirt.  His skin was so taut and warm.

We sat out on the porch for at least an hour, admiring the ocean and the beach and the occasional oddly dressed beach walker.  It felt so nice to be still in Tyler’s arms.  I was dreading the fact that soon the holiday season would be over. We would be back to five day work weeks and I would be in Miami while Tyler would be traveling between Grand Rapids, Chicago, and Cleveland.  I only hoped he would finagle his way to Miami for long weekends versus just Saturday and Sunday. 

Nathan and Jamie eventually came out onto the porch.  I almost forgot about them!  What if they would have walked in while we were…
Oh!  That would have been humiliating!

“I think we nailed it today!” Nathan said enthusiastically.

“Went that well?” Tyler asked then turned back to me. “They just went to dinner with Kobiashe.  He wanted to talk more about some of his properties.”

My face lit up.  “Really?  Why didn’t you tell me?” I scolded Tyler.

He shrugged his shoulders.  “Must have slipped my mind,” he said with heated eyes and mischief radiating from his smile.  We were a little preoccupied.

“You will have to meet with him later n
ext week to run through finances since you skipped out on us tonight,” Nathan mumbled as he took a seat in the lounge chair next to us.  Did Tyler ditch them because he wanted to come back to the hotel and spend time together?

“Sounds like a perfect reason to come back,” he said, rubbing his hand up and down my back.

Jamie went to sit on the edge of the same lounge chair as Nathan.  I wondered if they had talked. 

She looked around the porch with confusion.  “What’s with all the beads?”

Tyler bit his lip, trying to hold in his amusement while I looked like a deer in headlights.  How was I going to explain this one?

“Becca?  Is your new headband all over the ground?”
she asked, kicking some of the beads off to the side.

Tyler snorted
as I tried not to laugh. 

“Yeah, it broke,” I said trying to keep a straight face.  “
Too bad I really liked it.”

Tyler gave me his famous grin.  “I will buy you a new one.”

Chapter 23


Tyler’s flight left too soon on Sunday evening, and it took all of my strength to stay in a good mood when Jamie and I got back to the hotel suite.

“He will be back on Thursday.  You should
get used to him being gone,” she comforted me as we walked through the door.

“Sorry.  I don’t mean to seem like a downer.  And you are right, I need to get used to it anyway.”

Jamie sat down on the couch, patting the cushion next to her for me to sit.  I followed and rested my feet on the coffee table in front of us. 

“So, are you excited to start working on the Enterprise account tomorrow?” she asked.

I nodded my head.  I was very excited, and so was Corey.  He came in earlier today.  Nathan and Tyler helped him carry his luggage to his room that happened to be as far away from our room as possible.  Tyler was so paranoid.

“Are you excited to be s
chmoozing the pants off all the wealthy clients in Miami?”

Jamie gave me a devious smile.  “It’s what I do best.  Nathan will be back
next Monday.  He told me I better have talked and discussed with at least twelve different clients by then,” she huffed rolling her eyes.

“How are you two?  Did you talk to him at all about New Year
’s?” I asked.

“No, I think he felt bad for what he said though. He never actually apologized or brought it up, but he totally kissed my ass the rest of the weekend.  I’m surprised you didn’t notice, but I guess you and Tyler were in your own world,” she said all lovey dovey.

I giggled.  “Sorry.  I’m happy you two aren’t letting it interfere with your work.”

Jamie shrugged her shoulders.  “He is a cool guy.  Besides, I always wanted a gay best friend.”

We both laughed.  Maybe the next five weeks would be fun since I would get to spend more time with Jamie than I had in a while. I had been so caught up in Tyler’s spell I hadn’t been a very good friend.  Jamie didn’t think anything of it. She was very independent and did her own thing usually anyway.



By the time Thursday came around
, I was more than ecstatic to see Tyler.  It felt like we hardly talked between my heavy load with the Enterprise account and Tyler bouncing between the three cities.

My phone rang, and I was sure it would be Tyler calling and asking for me to pick him up with the convertible Maserati from the airport.

I frowned when I saw the screen.  It was Connor again.  He had called me nearly every day and didn’t bother to leave any voice mails or text messages.  I ignored it and threw my phone back on the counter, anxiously twiddling my thumbs while waiting for Tyler’s call.  I had dolled myself all up, putting on a white floaty skirt with a new tank top that had intricate beading around the bodice.  I even wore one of the new headbands Tyler bought me from the peddler girl.  He couldn’t remember what it looked like, so he bought one of each.  I laughed when he said the little girl gave him a good deal, but really she swindled him and charged him almost double what she charged me for each headband.

He shook his head and laughed, giving the little girl credit for taking advantage of a guy
who carried too much cash in his wallet.

My phone finally rang
again, and I jolted to the table, a huge smile spreading across my face when I saw Tyler’s picture.

“Hey!  I was beginning to worry!  Your flight online said it wa
s on time but you hadn’t called,” I said with a hint of concern, but more excitement.

“Yeah, uh… I missed it.  I’m sorry I haven’t called you sooner.  Some important business came up,” he grumbled.

I scrunched my face in.  “Oh, well what time is the next flight?  I don’t mind staying up and waiting for you.”

I heard him sigh loudly
then ruffled a few papers.  “Bec, I’m sorry, but I can’t come out this weekend.”

My face fell, along with my spirit.  I leaned against the counter top of the kitchen quietly.

“It’s something that needs to get done, and unfortunately I can’t tend to it in Miami,” he mumbled.  At least he sounded annoyed.

“Will you come next week?” I asked, my voice probably sounding
too needy and hopeful.

I heard him let out a deep breath.  “Not until Friday.  I’m sorry baby doll.”

I moved to the living room, putting my hand on my forehead while sitting down on the couch.

“I can try and catch a flight to come see you?”

“I wouldn’t be able to see you a whole lot at all.  You might as well stay and enjoy the sun.  We are supposed to get a snow storm here.”

I frowned.
“Okay,” I said too quietly.

Silence was spread thick for the next few moments.

“Becs I really am sorry.  I will see you next week for sure.  And we can Face Time and text.  Next Friday will be here before you know it,” he said sounding a little more chipper.

I nodded my head as though he could see my face.  “You’re right.  I love you, Ty.”

I heard him smile over the phone.  “I love you too, Becca.”



Jamie walked in the door late Friday night dressed in club clothes as I was sitting on my laptop working on some of the more intricate parts of the blueprints for Edna.  This project was way beyond the mock up we made previously, and I was feeling consumed and overwhelmed.  Corey was awesome to work with as usual, but he had his own plans for the evening that didn’t involve work.

“Where did you go?” I asked as Jamie sat down on the couch.  It was almost 2:00am, and she wasn’t one to go to the clubs by herself.

“Nathan came in early and wanted to go to a bar called Twist.  I tagged along.  It was a
ll right,” she said, taking off her heels.

“No lucky prospects?” I said surprised.

“Only a few women,” she grinned.  “Besides, I’m not like that anymore, remember?” she sounded offended, holding her hand to her chest, acting wounded by my comment.

I gave her a half smile
then continued looking at my screen.

u should come with us next time,” Jamie said, leaning back on the couch.

“I don’t think Tyler would approve,” I said nonchalantly.

“It’s a gay bar, Becca.  I doubt he would care, and Nathan would be there with us.”

I looked at her over my screen.  “Why would I want to go to a bar?”

Jamie laughed.  “To dance and hang out with your best friend!  Duh!”

I laughed with her and closed my

“Tyler would have come out here if he could have, don’t worry.  Nathan said Tyler was in a pissy mood all week, and he wasn’t looking forward to seeing him on Tuesday knowing h
e wouldn’t see you this weekend,” Jamie said patting my arm.

“At least I know he misses me,” I said softly.

“He has it bad.  Don’t worry; you will see him next weekend.”

I tried to take what she said to heart, knowing the week would move fast, even though my heart was agonizing over being away from Tyler.



My texts with Tyler were sparse the entire week.  We Face Timed each night, but it was very short and brisk.  He looked tired and agitated, and all I wanted to do was smooth the worry lines from his forehead.  I didn’t even get the opportunity to flirt with him.  Whenever I would ask about the important business that came up, he would just groan and whine, skirting around what was actually going on.  In a nutshell, I had no clue what was so important that he couldn’t come see me last weekend.  I tried to not let it bother me, but the more I missed him, the harder it was to not get upset.  He would be here tomorrow, and I could put my nerves to rest.  We could spend time on the beach, or we could redo our experience on the deck.  I got tingles just thinking about it.

What I really wanted
was to continue what happened Christmas night before Margo interrupted.  We never got the chance to take things slow the past weekend.  Every time we were together it was as though we were attacking each other, so wrapped up in grabbing and touching. It was like a carnal need inside of each of us to constantly be consumed by one another.  I wanted to take our time, to really show myself to him.  Even though I was beyond scared to take my clothes off for him before, how his eyes took me in was something I had never experienced.  I had never felt more wanted or more loved, and I craved to have those eyes peruse over my body again.

I f
ixed my makeup all pretty again and put on the same outfit I was going to wear to pick Tyler up from the airport.  I picked up my phone to give Tyler a call.  He would be getting on his flight from Chicago to Miami in an hour, and I wanted to make sure everything was running smoothly.

“Hey,” his voice was in
a rush.  “I’m driving to the airport now.  It’s nasty outside.  I’m going close to 25mph.  You think with this big of a city they would be able to keep up with the snow plowing,” he bit.

me when you get to the airport. I don’t want to distract you from driving.” I was worried as I looked outside to the warm sun and hot sand.  It was nice being on the warm side of the receiver instead of the snowy side.

“I’m hands free right now, it’s fine.  I want to hear your voice.  I’ve been going crazy missing you,” he said.

My heart fluttered.  He hadn’t said anything that lovely to me all week.  We only had very short conversations that were right to the point.  How was your day?  How is work? I love you, goodbye.

“I miss you too, Ty,” I said, my voice cracking.

“I hope this shitty weather doesn’t fuck up my flight,” he grumbled.  He always cursed more when he was edgy and irritated. 

“I think you need a massage and a dip in the hot tub.  Maybe I will call a
nd schedule a couple’s massage,” I said, twirling my hair with my finger.

“There is only one person I want a massage from,” he said darkly.  I could feel the electricity over the phone.  It would be impossible
not to jump him and beg him to take me in the airport.

l right, I’m pulling into the airport now.  I will text you once I’ve boarded,” he sighed, the heat vanishing from his voice.

Okay, I’m looking forward to it.”

Just think, in less than four hours, I will be holding you in my arms,” he murmured. 



Text after text came in from Tyler about how his flight was being constantly delayed.  I turned on the news and the weatherman said the
midwest was getting slammed with possibly the worst storm in ten years, and the snow wasn’t going to let up for another three days.  I bit my nails, worrying I wouldn’t be able to see Tyler. 

My phone rang, and I was afraid to answer.

“They have cancelled all flights out of Chicago,” Tyler griped into the phone.

“No!” I whined. 

“Damn it.  I really needed to see you this weekend.  The past few weeks have been awful,” he muffled into the phone as though he were rubbing his face.

“Why have they been so awful?” I asked, feeling even more pushed to my limit knowing I wouldn’t see Tyler for another week.

Tyler sighed.  “Some clients have been, difficult.  And…” He let out another loud sigh but didn’t continue.

“And what?” I said a little harsher
than I meant to.

He was quiet for a moment, but
then spoke.  “And it is way harder to be away from you for this long of a time than I thought.”

I brought my eyebrows in, feeling like there was something he wasn’t saying.

“And… is that all?” I asked slowly.

“Yes.  Why do you say it like that?” he asked showing a bit of animosity.

“You seemed to have more to say, that’s all.”

“Well I don’t, a
ll right?” he snapped.

“Okay,” I said snottily. 

Why were we talking to each other like this?  We were both better than that; our relationship was stronger than petty bickering.

We were both silent
then Tyler finally spoke.  “I’m going to attempt to drive home and get some sleep.”

“Ty, maybe you should stay put--”

“Bec, I told you, I’ve had a hell of a couple weeks. I’m not going to spend it sleeping in an uncomfortable airport leather chair!”

I didn’t know if I wanted to cry from him yelling at me, or if I wanted to shout back.  Unfortuna
tely my anger won.

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