Conklin's Foundation (Conklin's Trilogy) (29 page)

BOOK: Conklin's Foundation (Conklin's Trilogy)
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I smiled, enjoying the slight tickle from his unshave
n face on my neck. 

“What are you not telling me about Monday?” I asked, running my hand through his hair.

I heard a content sigh come out of his mouth as I moved my hand down his neck and around his shoulders, making a path with my fingers.

“It’s not a surprise if I tell you,” he taunted into my neck.  I felt his nose run up to my ear, trailing a warm breeze of his intoxicating breath along my skin.  Once his mouth found my ear he whispered, “You will have to wait until Monday like everyone else.”

“That’s no fair,” I whined, closing my eyes and enjoying his tongue darting out to trace my earlobe.

“Such is life,” he
sighed dramatically, moving suddenly to pin me on my back underneath him.



We didn’t talk about Margo
once the rest of the weekend.  I was thankful. It helped to try and erase her visit from my mind.  I was going to believe him and try to erase that awful thud noise from my memory. 

Saturday and Sunday were both
very low key. I visited Heather and Emmett a few times while Tyler worked from home, but mainly we were tangled in his sheets catching up on sleep, and for once, actually sleeping.  I managed to hit the gym both days.  Tyler even tagged along on Sunday.  It was very enjoyable sneaking peeks at him while he worked out.  He could use a row machine like a champ.  I happened to place myself on a treadmill with a perfect view of his back and shoulders and part of his arms.  I was happy he chose to wear a t-shirt that had the sleeves cut off and was torn down the sides so I could catch glimpses of his abs and his strong biceps.  Watching his muscles work on that row machine was all kinds of turn-ons.

When I was done on my treadmill
, I wandered to the floor mat and did some abdominal and balance exercises.  I got what was coming to me when I looked up from a plank, seeing Tyler smirking at me in the mirror.  I quickly put my head back down, blushing.  A small part of me knew I deserved it for staring at him the whole time I was on my treadmill.

“I have to leave for Cleveland after our meeting tomorrow morning,” Tyler said as we drove back to his condo from the gym.  I felt silly for driving since he l
ived so close, but the snow was coming down in big clumps.

“For how long?” I asked, trying not to sound disappointed.  If we were going to be together, I needed to get used to him going out of town.

“Two nights.  Do you have plans for New Year’s?” he asked.

I shook my head no.  I rarely did anything for New Years.  I usually stayed home with my famil
y, watching the ball drop on TV and crashing right after. 

“Can I surprise you with something?” he
asked with excitement in his eyes.  He was biting his lip, constantly moving his head from me to the road.

“Sure,” I said shyly, enjoying watching his anticipation for my answer.

He nodded his head, a full-on smile spread across his face.

“You are just full of surprises,” I said as we entered the parking ramp.  He leaned over and tapped the side of my nose with his finger
with that damn grin on his face. 

“Yes, and don’t try to con any out of me.  My lips are sealed,” he teased.

His smile was contagious as we got out of the Lexus.  He wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me to his side as we took the elevator up to his condo.

“Why don’t you order something for
dinner?  I’m going to go make a few calls.” He kissed me on the cheek while taking off his jacket.  I nodded my head as he ran up the spiral staircase.

I took off my shoes and jacket, thankful I had thrown on a hoodie.  I didn’t want to bother Tyler while he was on the phone
by going upstairs and putting something warmer on.

I searched through his drawer of
takeout orders, not feeling as guilty for ordering out since I had such a good workout.  Watching Tyler made me work harder; I had to control my hormones by exerting myself with exercise in order to not jump him while he was on the rowing machine.

Finally choosing to order from
The Woods, I went in search for my phone and placed our order.  Tyler ate anything, including crazy healthy food.  He made me feel not as weird for ordering consciously when he would do the same thing from time to time.

I hung up the phone and went to sit by the fireplace.  I was still cold from sweating and traveling from the building to the car.  I leaned back in the sofa
and closed my eyes, enjoying the warmth of the fire while letting my mind wander. 

I had visited Heather in the hospital th
is morning.  She was anxiously waiting to be discharged.  Josie was there, too.  She wasn’t so sure about Emmett, but she would eventually warm up to him.  She was frightened and got uncomfortable whenever he would cry, which was typical for any two-and-half year-old.  Ray and Heather were very good about giving Josie attention in the hospital as well as Emmett.  I hoped I would be as good of a mom as Heather.

Time fle
w by as I dozed, and the sound of the intercom buzzer awoke me.  I went over to buzz up the deliver guy.  Hah!  For the first time in a while I would be able to beat Tyler and pay for our meal.  It was very nice of him to always pay, but he didn’t have to.  I was perfectly capable for covering our meals every now and then.

I jolted up the stairs
to find my wallet, wanting to get it before the delivery guy reached the door.

“RJ better not be doing the wrong kind of business with Chino,” Tyler said into the phone, staring at his computer on his desk in the drafting area.

I paused at the top of the stairs the second I heard the name Chino.

“Warehouses, really?  Nathan you know what he is going to put in there,” Tyler
stressed more sternly. He stood up from the chair, crossing his arms while still looking at the computer screen.

“Then he better not
brand them with our name.  I don’t want to get caught up in Chino’s shady business like--”

Tyler paused when he turned and saw me.  He stood tall, staring at me, his eyes hooded.  He gulped.  “Hold on, Nathan
.” He moved the phone from his face.

“I’m sorry, I just…
I have to get money for dinner,” I said in a rush, feeling stupid for standing there like an idiot.  Hopefully he didn’t think I was intentionally not moving so I would catch his attention and he’d keep talking.

Because that was what you were really doing.

I started to walk towards the bedroom, but Tyler side stepped and cut me off, digging into his pocket for his money clip.  He took out a 50 dollar bill.

“Will this be enough?”
he asked quickly, wanting to dismiss me so he could continue on with his conversation without me being in earshot.

I nodded my head while putting on the best smile I could.  Whatever he was talking about he didn’t want me to hear, and whatever it was bothered him. 

He put on a matching smile as I took the money from him then I awkwardly went back down the stairs.  Tyler moved into his bedroom, probably so the sound wouldn’t carry downstairs.  I hadn’t heard anything from earlier in his conversation besides mumbles.

I answered the door to the
inpatient delivery kid.  He practically threw the food at me and sighed when telling me the amount I owed him.  It was his lucky day, considering he would be getting a very large tip because I was so out of it from what Tyler was saying on the phone.

They k
id stared at the 50 dollar bill then his grumpy face turned happy, wishing me a good evening and thanking me for the tip.  I just nodded and closed the door.

I slowly prepared the food on plates at the breakfast bar, willing myself to not go back upstairs. But I couldn’t help it.  Tyler was talking about Lee Chino, and lately everyone seemed to be talking about him.  Who was this guy
, and why did he give everyone a weird vibe?

tiptoed up the stairs, my heart pounding.  I was intending to tell Tyler dinner was ready, but I stopped just as I got to the top of the loft.  I was able to hear him talking again.

“You don’t think I haven’t thought about that?  Don’t you think out of all of us, I am the one who least wants to mess with Stine?  I’m in love with his daughter for
fuck's sake… Nathan, we can’t.  I know it’s a lot of money…” I heard Tyler sigh.  “RJ said he wouldn’t… I know that’s shocking.  I’m not sure Mitch will tell us if something funny is happening on the job site… Yeah I know he is hardly ever there anyway… Look Nathan I have to go.”

That was my cue.  I walked up the last few steps a little
noisier, not wanting him to think I was standing and listening like I was earlier.

“Dinner is all set up,” I whispered with a smile.

Tyler nodded then told Nathan goodbye. 

“What did you order?” he asked as though he
wasn’t just in a heated conversation with his brother.

“I ordered a couple of salads from
The Woods.  And I got you a piece of cake too.  I know how you have a sweet tooth,” I teased while we walked down the staircase.

playfully smacked my behind once we got to the bottom of the stairs causing me to yelp.  I turned to him as his mischievous grin was spread across his face.  I hadn’t been caught; he didn’t realize I was listening to his conversation.

“I meant to tell you how much I enjoyed your little shorts at the gym today,” he
flirted as we sat down at the kitchen island.

I smirked at him, “Oh, were they the appropriate length?”

His lips twitched as though he were holding in his amusement.  “No, not at all.  Which is why I liked them.  Did I want to rip off a few muscle heads?  Yes.  But as you say, I got over it.”

I gave him a shy smile as I started to fork my salad.

“Sucks this weekend is almost over,” I pouted after taking my first bite.  It was delicious.  They had the best house dressing.

He gave me a knowing smile. 
“I know.  I have a feeling this coming weekend is going to be even better.”

“Of course it’s easy for you to say that when you hold all of the surprises,” I grumbled.

He still had his famous smirk plastered to his face.

“It’s my turn for surprises,” he teased.

“What surprise did I give you recently?  And Christmas presents don’t count,” I said pointing a finger at him.

“I’m counting the present you gave me in Chicago as a surprise.  One of the best surprises ever,” he whispered. 

I looked at him while chewing, almost choking on my food because of the smoldering look he gave me.

From playful to lustful in 30 seconds.

That sounds like a bad porno.

I internally rolled my head at my subconscious.  It never knew when to shut up.

“Maybe if you tell me one of your surprises, like what the meeting is about tomorrow, I will re-gift the present,” I whispered, attempting to meet his seductive gaze.

He leaned his head slightly back, his eyelids heavy with a
mischievous contemplated look on his face.

“As tempting as that sounds, I think I will pass,” he said
cautiously, trying to hide his playfulness.

I pouted
, and he laughed.

“This weekend would be a great time for that replay with what I have planned.
  But this time, we will finish.”

I gulped at his stare.  My
, how he manages to get to me with just one look, so sexy and sultry.  He could drop the panties off of a straight man if he wanted.

I shook my head and kept eating.  My mind quickly derail
ed from sex with Tyler to his phone conversation. 

Whatever Lee was up to
wasn’t anything good, and it sounded like he already had someone in too deep with whatever he was into.  Tyler mentioned a lot of money, and I didn’t trust RJ to risk doing something extremely stupid to make more money.  From the sounds of it Nathan was on the fence and close to siding with RJ.  I secretly hoped the little bit I heard of the conversation was really nothing and that Tyler was on the good side of whatever Lee Chino was attempting.


Chapter 17


Tyler and I drove to work together in the Lexus for the first time.  I fidgeted with my black shift dress and jacket the entire ride there.  Why was I nervous?  I wanted this.  I wanted to drive to work together and have him kiss me goodbye on my floor once we were off the elevator.

“You look lovely today,” Tyler
complimented, putting his hand on my knee, rubbing the thick stocking.

“Thank you,” I said quietly while staring out the window.

“Nervous?” he asked amused.

I shot him a look.

He laughed. “Becs, we are still going to be professional.  No mauling each other.”

I let a small laugh out.  I was being stupid
. This was what I wanted.

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