Conklin's Blueprints (24 page)

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Authors: Brooke Page

BOOK: Conklin's Blueprints
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Then I heard my name being called from a few feet behind our waiter.

“My oh my, the lovely Becca Stine is back in town!”  It was Chef Absenger.  He had seen me come to Cygnus with my family throughout the years and to my surprise remembered me.  As embarrassed as I was that he was calling me out in front of everyone, I had to smile.  He was always very friendly towards me.  He yanked on my hand to pull me from my seat and gave me a good look over.

“College has been good to my little Becca!  You are all grown up!  You must come more often to get some meat on your bones my dear!  Why didn’t you call and let us know you were coming, I would have given you your normal table.”

I shrugged at his comment and gave him a bright smile.  “It was last minute.  I will next time though, I promise.”

Ashlynn quickly stood up and coughed as though to get Chef Absenger’s attention.  She was at Cygnus just as much as I was growing up.  “Chef Absenger, so nice to see you!” she said with too high of a pitch.  The chef gave her a once over and cocked his head as though he were trying to figure out who she was.

Ashlynn rolled her eyes as she walked up to him.  “It’s me Ashlynn Mackenzie,” she emphasized her last name.

Chef’s puzzled expression turned into a smile.  “Of course.  How are you my dear?  Glad to see the two of you are still friends after all these years.  I remember when you both would come in with your mom’s for brunch,” he said, giving Ashlynn a peck on the cheek.  She gave him a fake giggle and fluttered her eyelashes.

“Well please do enjoy your food, and let me know if you need anything else.  Tyler, let me know it is Becca you are bringing with you next time!”  he said putting a hand on Tyler’s shoulder.  Tyler gave him a nod and took my hand as I slipped back into my seat.

“Will do, and the food looks fabulous.”

We all silently dug in.  I couldn’t help but stare at Tyler while his mouth moved.  I was so turned on by his alpha male intervention with Ashlynn’s rude comments.  I couldn’t wait to have his mouth move on me.  I had barely touched my plate by the time he was almost done.

He leaned back over to whisper in my ear again, causing my heart to beat faster.  “Please eat baby doll, you are going to need your strength.”  He finished his words with a nibble again, and went back to eating.  I squirmed and squeezed my thighs closer together.  He was giving me the shivers in this very public place, and I loved it.   It made me completely forget about the awkward company at our table.

I tried to focus on my plate again and managed to eat half of it.  I wasn’t as paranoid to eat in front of him as I used to be, and I tried to block out the skinny blond sitting kitty corner from me who devoured a plate of pasta.  Connor was picking at his food.  I think he was the most uncomfortable out of all of us. 

By the time we were done, the conversation came back and it was very light.  Tyler started talking to Connor about his internship.  Connor had a little more life to him when he talked about it.  Ashlynn was watching both of them talk while she fiddled with her hair.  She was trying to plot something in her head.  I could tell by how she was fidgeting. 

“The chef wanted me to bring this out to his favorite customer,” the server said, suddenly putting a big plate with a huge helping of tiramisu in front of me.  My eyes grew wide.  It looked so good.  I wanted to eat it, I really, really wanted too, but I couldn’t.

I gulped as I looked down at it.  A smile played on Ashlynn’s face.  “Well that’s more like it, Becca.”

Tyler looked from Ashlynn to me.  “Do you want to take it home?” he asked me.

I shrugged.  “I’m really full… you can have it if you want,”  I said biting my lip, not able to take my eyes off it.  Tyler stopped the waiter.

“Could you box this up for us to take home?”  The server nodded and scurried off with the plate of tiramisu.  I tried not to let my eyes follow it when he walked away.

The server came back with a small box in a classy paper bag and the bill.  Tyler quickly grabbed it and pulled out his card.

“Hey, we can split it,” Connor said quickly reaching for his wallet.  Tyler shrugged him off and gave the bill back to the server before he left the table again.

“That was very nice of you Tyler, thanks,” Ashlynn said very sweetly.  She wasn’t even high pitched or obnoxious.

“Don’t worry about it.”

“We will pick it up next time, right Connor?”  Ashlynn said turning to him.  He gave her a tight smile.  I’m sure he was thinking the same as me, that hopefully there wouldn’t be a next time. 

When the server brought back the slip for Tyler to sign, we started to get up and get ready to leave.  Tyler helped pull out my chair and held his hand out to mine for me to stand.  Ashlynn sat and waited for Connor to do the same, but finally gave up in a huff and stood on her own.  I was a bit surprised; Connor was normally very charming and chivalrous. He was clearly thrown off his game by Tyler.

Tyler grabbed the bag with the dessert in it and led me to where our coats were and helped me with mine.  Ashlynn was watching his every move.  I felt a hint of pride at his attentiveness to me.  We all rode down the elevator in silence.  Tyler wrapped his arms around me from behind and leaned his head against mine.  It felt so nice and comfortable.  I didn’t even care that Connor and Ashlynn were in the elevator with us.

When we finally got off and into the lobby, Ashlynn gave me a swift hug and said she would text me more about the wedding and the blueprints.  I attempted to smile at her but failed.  She didn’t notice, but then went and gave Tyler a very intrusive hug.  I saw his body go stiff with discomfort.  He didn’t even give her an awkward hug back.  I scrunched my eyebrows together at the sight.  Connor gave us both a nod and thanked Tyler again for dinner while he took Ashlynn’s hand to leave.  The valet had our car all ready to go by the time we walked out of the lobby doors.  When I sat in the car it was like I dropped a hundred pound weight from my shoulders.

Tyler smoothly slid into the cream leather seats of the Maserati and pulled onto the road.

“Well, that was horribly pleasant,” I said throwing my head back on the seat.

“I personally enjoyed seeing her face when the chef sent out dessert for you and not her,” he said stifling a smile.  I had missed her look; I was too busy eating the tiramisu with my eyes.

I moved my hand so it was resting on his thigh.  He glanced down at my hand then back to the road with a smile playing at the corner of his lips.

“Thank you,” I murmured to him.  I let my hands travel up his thigh farther as I gazed at him with my head back on the head rest.  He pulled my hand from his thigh with a deep breath and kissed my palm.

“You’re very welcome.  It was fun staking my claim.  Now, do I bring you home, or…
do I bring you home?” 
His eyes were dark as he kissed my palm again then pulled my fingers to his lips and gave them a gentle suck.  I closed my eyes and said very breathy, “Bring me home, to your home.”  His Conklin mischievous grin was spread across his face as he nipped my finger.  I bit my lip trying to contain my reaction to his seduction.

“So does this mean I am forgiven?”  he asked with his eyes back on the road.

“I guess I could put up with your requirements, at least for now,” I sighed, closing my eyes at the feeling of his thumb caressing mine.  I could hear his grin as he drove into the parking ramp of his condo.

The second we walked into Tyler’s condo I was in his arms, and he was kissing me.  “I’ve missed your lips,” he grinned against my mouth.  I melted into him, pulling my hands to his strong chest.  I broke from his kiss for just a moment to take off Jamie’s ridiculously high heels.  I sunk about six inches lower after I took them off and giggled when I looked back up at Tyler.

He let out a chuckle, “I thought you seemed taller, but I’m not going to lie, those heels were very sexy on you.”  His eyes were blazing looking down at me.  I smiled back up to him and thought about what he had said at dinner.

“Thank you for warding off the whole baby fat thing,” I mumbled, starting to take my jacket off.  He followed with his jacket and hung them up on the peg by the door.

He took my face in his hands, “Becca, you are so beautiful.  I would never change anything about you.  Your body is such a turn on to me.  Like in this dress…”  He moved me back so he could skim me over.  “All I want is to see what is underneath it.  I’m sure I wasn’t the only one thinking that either,” his eyes became stern. 

I laughed to lighten the mood, “I doubt that.”

He brought me back flush to his body and looked at me with all seriousness.  “I wanted to smack your ex-boyfriend.  He kept looking at your ass every chance he got.”  I blushed at his stare.  His lip quirked at my heated cheeks.

“Shall we go get more comfortable?”  His eyes were on fire.  I nodded my head as he led me up the spiral staircase to his bedroom. 

As we entered his bedroom Tyler turned on the lamp beside his bed.  He started to loosen his tie as he stalked back over to me.  I crossed my arms, feeling exposed to his stare slowly seducing me while his pupils dilated.  He fumbled with the clasp on my necklace until it broke free and put it in his pocket.  As though he didn’t want my chest to feel naked from the lack of jewelry, he covered it with kisses.  I sighed, moving my head to the side as his lips grazed over to my neck.  One of his hands went to my lower back while the other pulled down the thick wavy strap of my dress so he could trail kisses along my bare shoulder.

Tyler twirled me around to find the zipper of my dress.  This was the part I felt strange about.  The glow of the lamp was too bright, and I wasn’t ready to be completely naked in front of him with the lights on.  I squirmed when he started to unzip my dress and turned to face him.

His eyes flickered as I pulled the strap to my dress back over my shoulder. “Tyler, I’m sorry, but can we um… turn the lamp off?”

He searched my eyes for a moment then left my side and switched off the lamp.  The only light that was spilling into the room was from the moon, and I became more relaxed.  I wasn’t ready for him to see me completely naked.  No one has ever seen me completely naked, not even Connor.

Tyler came back to my dress and quickly unzipped it.  I helped him slide it down my body.  I wanted to be hidden under the covers with him on top of me, but he held me still while he gave my shoulders feather light kisses.

His hands felt the lace of my bra as he let out a low groan.  His hands moved down my hips to my matching lace panties, causing another low rumble to come out of his throat.  “Can I turn the light back on, I really would love to see these,” he whispered in my ear, tracing his tongue along my earlobe.  I sucked in air as he played with the waistband of the delicate lace across my backside.

“No,” I hummed.  He softly blew out air threw his nose and kissed my neck.

Flipping me around to face him, he pushed me down on the bed.  “Well I guess the moonlight will be enough.”

I grabbed a pillow and covered my stomach, biting my lip trying to hide my grin.  He shook his head and smirked before crawling on top of me while removing the pillow.

“You don’t have to be so shy with me, although it is very cute.”

I glared at him.  He laughed and kissed my nose causing me to giggle.

“I meant what I said about being attracted to your body, I wish you would believe me.”  His eyes were big and sincere.  I tilted my head and grabbed his face to kiss him, wanting to forget about looking and start feeling just as I wanted since we parted on Thursday.

He wakened to my deepening kiss.  I moved my hands from his face to his already loosened tie and started to unravel it.  Once I pulled it free I moved to his buttons.  He stopped kissing me and sat up while still straddling me and started to unhook the buttons from the top while I sat up and started from the bottom.   I followed the hem that slid up his stomach with trembling fingers as he pulled off his undershirt.  My hands traveled up his chest to his face pulling him back to kiss me while he was still sitting up.  The feeling of his tongue moving against mine was exquisite.  His kisses grew more eager when my fingers slid underneath the waistband of his slacks.  I fumbled with his belt buckle and yanked it off of him.  Before I could start on his button he forced me down on the bed, trailing kisses across my chest and on top of my swollen breasts.  My chest was heaving, begging him to pull down the cups of my bra.  I wanted the intimate contact of his mouth and tongue on my sensitive skin.  I arched my back pushing my chest closer to his lips.  He nuzzled me and pulled his head back.  I was breathing so heavy with my eyes closed, waiting for his next move.  When the warmth of his breath didn’t return to my body right away I opened my eyes.  He was on his elbows gazing down at me, his chest heaving just as heavy as mine.  I kept my arms to the side of my head, waiting for his next move. 

“You look so desirable like this,” he breathed, rubbing his nose along the lace of my bra.  I felt his nose brush my nipple and I let out a soft moan and put my hands in his hair.  He wrapped his arms under my arched back and unsnapped the lacy material freeing my breasts.  The warmth of his mouth finally met the flesh I was longing for it to touch.  I groaned louder as my hips moved into him.  He sat up again, helping me completely free myself from the white lace entrapping my chest.  I closed my eyes and pulled him back down to my lips. 

Tyler moved his mouth along my jaw and down my throat, between my breasts, and down to my belly.  I started to squirm.  I wanted him to kiss me there so badly in my head, but my legs automatically squeezed closed.  I never could relax enough to let anyone go down on me.  He reached the fine lace and pushed on my thighs that trembled when they tried to fight back.  I felt his warm breath through the fabric, but before he could make contact I yanked at his hair and pulled him up to me, forcefully rolling so he was underneath me. 

He made a frustrated groan once I tugged on his hair, but gasped at my audacity when I straddled him.  I gave him feather light kisses down his abdomen and started to unbutton his suit pants.  He let out a strangled moan and flexed his hips.  I remembered he wasn’t used to this type of contact, so I slowed down to savor what I could do to him with simple movements.  Keeping his pants undone and on, I grazed his skin with my lips, tracing his muscles with my tongue.  His breathing was so erratic his body was trembling.  He gripped my thighs tightly with his hands.

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