Conklin's Blueprints (15 page)

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Authors: Brooke Page

BOOK: Conklin's Blueprints
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“Are you hungry?  We could order some food?” I said, trying not to sound like I really wanted him to stay with me longer.
Because I really did want him to stay longer.

His boyish grin turned to a frown.  “Unfortunately, I have to meet Nathan for dinner.  We are going over some things for the up-coming week.  I have to go to Cleveland tomorrow for a meeting and he wants to make sure I’m prepped for it,” he said rolling his eyes. 

I tried to hide my disappointment.  Then my eyes narrowed.  “What if I would have said yes to you coming to my family dinner?”

His frown quickly turned back into a smirk.  “Would you like me to reschedule?”

Yes, but not for family dinner.

I shook my head no, trying to hide the smile that was sneaking up on my face.  He called my bluff.

“That’s what I thought.  But I should go, you know how Nathan is,” he tilted his head to the side, a smile still plastered on his face.  He stopped swinging my hands, and I let both of them go.  I reluctantly tore my eyes from his, and started to walk out of my room.  He quickly grabbed my hand and I turned back to him.  His face was worrisome. “Are you mad?”

I searched his face quizzically.  “No, you just said you had to go, so I was going to walk you out.”

He looked at me skeptically, “I’m sorry I can’t have dinner with you tonight.  What about Wednesday?”

“Sure,” I squeaked.

He searched my eyes as though he was trying to tell if I really wasn’t mad, which I wasn’t at all.  He tentatively brought his hands up to my face.  Once he saw that I was comfortable with his hand placement, he began to caress my cheeks.  I sank into his touch and closed my eyes.  It felt so good when he was tender like this. I felt his breathing become shallower and closer to my skin.  As his lips gently touched mine, I melted into him even more.  Before I got the chance to try and deepen the kiss, he pulled his lips away from mine and rubbed our noses together.

“Thank you for the wonderful weekend,” he whispered.

“Hmm,” was the only response I was capable of because of his intimate kiss.  He smirked and then dropped his hands and started to walk out of my room.  I regained my focus and followed him.  He started to put on his shoes by the front door.  I loved to watch him.  His dark hair in a controlled mess, flopping on his forehead because the gel had worn off from the previous night and his arms flexed in an intense way as he tied his shoes.  I bit my lip, imagining his arms flexing around me.  I quickly shook my head to rid the thoughts from my mind.

Just remember he is your boss!

He stood up from tying his shoes and his eyes met mine, beautiful pools of blue and green.  He stepped forward towards me, leaned down, and gently kissed my cheek.  I blushed at his chivalrous gesture.  When he pulled back, a thought crossed my mind.  Just as he was turning to open the door I asked, “Tyler, what are you going to tell Nathan tonight when you see him?”

He paused without turning back to me. “That I took you home.”

I didn’t say anything for a minute while his back was still to me, I asked, “You’re not going to tell him you stayed the night and spent the day with me, are you,” it was a statement instead of a question.

His shoulders slouched and his head turned to the side, “I doubt he will ask.” 

I let out a sigh, “Good bye, Tyler.”

“Have a good night, Becca.”





Chapter 9


I locked the door after Tyler left and thudded my head against it.  He wouldn’t tell Nathan that we had spent the past 18 hours together.  What was he so afraid of?  Trying to guard myself from my insecurities, I kept hoping it was more than just how I looked.  He said it was hard for him to explain.  He never said I was beautiful or anything like that.  I sighed and leaned my body more against the door.  After today and last night, I wasn’t going to be able to get him out of my head for a while.  Then, I was startled by keys hitting the door and the knob turning.  I jumped back as Jamie started to walk in.  She gasped and dropped her purse when she saw me.

“Jesus, Becca!  You scared the shit out of me!  Why are you hoarding the door?”  she exclaimed, clasping her hand to her chest.

“Sorry, I was just saying goodbye to Tyler and… lingered by the door,” I mumbled.

“I figured.  I saw him leaving the elevator.  He seemed a bit flustered.  Did everything go ok?  Has he been here since last night?”

I nodded my head.  “I never should have drunk all of those long islands.  I made a fool of myself.”

Jamie laughed.  “I highly doubt that.  So was he good in bed?” she asked, dragging me to the couch.  I rolled my eyes at her.

“We didn’t sleep together.  Well, we didn’t have sex.  I told you I wasn’t going to do that anymore.  It was a very odd evening and day.  He did make me an omelet though.”  I smiled at the thought of how he went out to get us the ingredients to make omelettes.

She gaped at me, “Yeah, yeah, yeah I know, no one nighters I get it.  My night was… amazing,” She sighed and flopped her head on the back of the couch.  I giggled at her reaction and asked her to elaborate.  Jamie said he was very good in bed, and he was very interested in repeating their evening sometime during the week.  I was happy for her.  She deserved to be happy.  

We didn’t talk about Tyler anymore.  Any time his name came up, I would dodge the question and change the subject.  Jamie eventually caught on and stopped bugging me for details.  The sad part was, I don’t think I would have been able to give her details.  Our relationship was so vague; I don’t even think I could call it a relationship.



I slept awesome that night and was fresh and ready for work.  I didn’t get any texts from Tyler last night after he left.  He must have been busy with Nathan.  I doubted I would see him around the office today.  He said he was going to Cleveland.  I wondered what time his flight was taking off.  I sent him a quick text.


I hope you slept well last night, and I hope you have a great flight.  Did you remember your ear plugs? -Becca


I set my phone down and hopped in the shower.  I cleaned as quickly as I could, curious to see if Tyler had texted me back.  I towel dried my body super fast and practically ran to my bed.  I had a text.  Grinning from ear to ear, I read the message.


I didn’t sleep as well as I did with you. -Tyler


My grin became even bigger, if that was possible.


Sad you slept better next to a drunken girl then in your own bed. -Becca


She wasn’t drunk the second time.  I don’t think I will sleep well again until Wednesday. -Tyler


My cheeks heated.  Good thing I was by myself.  He wanted me to stay the night after we went out?  If we would even go out.  He would probably want us to hermit in his house.  The thought disappointed me, even made me a bit angry.


Plan on picking up another drunken chick at the bar?  I will be on a date, oh wait… the guy I am going out with doesn’t date. -Becca


I waited a few moments, then sighed and threw the phone on my bed so I could get dressed.  Maybe he will give me an answer via text.  Once I was dressed in a simple black skirt and white button up I checked my phone again.  Still no answer.  Wuss.   I went into the bathroom and put on a splash of makeup and straightened my hair.  When I was finally going to put my shoes on, my phone started ringing.  I rolled my eyes, knowing it was Tyler.  I didn’t think he would call me, just give me some vague text about how it was best for me that we weren’t together.  Whatever.

“Yes?” I answered, sounding slightly annoyed.

“Good morning to you too,” he sounded surprised at my annoyance.  I started to feel bad about my rudeness.  “First, you are not just some drunk chick, when are you going to listen to me when I say that?  Second, Wednesday will be a date.  Don’t be so quick to judge, Becca.” His voice became sterner.

I got a lump in my throat from his tone.  I didn’t mean to make him upset.  “I’m sorry if I sounded crabby when I answered, and my text wasn’t meant to be taken seriously.” It was sort of the truth.

I heard a sigh on the other line.  “Just give me some time, please.  Why are you crabby?”

“It’s nothing.  I’m just having an off morning, and I was just teasing you.  I understand.”

I’m just not good enough to be seen with.

He paused for a moment.  “Why are you having an off morning?” He sounded concerned.

I’m having an off morning
because you are ashamed of me.

“I don’t know, just woke up on the wrong side of the bed.  When are you coming back?” I tried to sound like I would be fine waiting until Wednesday to see him, but that was a lie.  I wanted him to crawl into my bed tonight and sleep with me, even if we weren’t going to do any heavy breathing.

“Not until Wednesday morning, but I have to get into a meeting.  I will text you later, okay?”

“Yeah I need to head out too.  Have fun at your meeting,” I said trying to smile, not that he could see me.

“I always do. Bye.”


I let out a sigh as I hit the end call button.  I would never understand him.  He said he didn’t do flings, so maybe he just wanted a friend with benefits type thing?  I’ve already done that, and I’m not going back.  No, he would have tried to sleep with me yesterday if that was what he wanted.  Maybe he was really just gay, but was still confused?  I would have to wait until Wednesday to see what he had up his sleeve.  Maybe he would start talking then.



When I arrived at work a big black SUV was pulled up right outside the main entrance to the building.  A very sharply dressed man came out of the SUV with three immaculate women following him.  He had very expensive looking sunglasses and spiky hair. He looked like he might be in his 40s.  Probably one of our higher up clients, but normally Nathan or Tyler worked with them and always went to them.  They rarely had meetings at the office, especially with clients of his stature.  I followed the man and his entourage into the building.  I stood off to the side of the entourage in front of one of the four elevators.  I felt incredibly small standing in the same proximity as the three beautiful bombshells.  I heard a ping, and it was the elevator in front of the gorgeous group and they walked in.  I overheard the gentleman who led the pack say, “Ladies, go ahead and meet me in my office.  I will take the next one up.”

Then it felt like someone was in my bubble.  Slowly turning my head, the immaculately dressed man was standing next to me with his hands behind his back.  I quickly turned my head back to the elevator.  Why was he standing so close to me?

“Good morning,” he said politely.

I glanced at him and said hello back.  The elevator door opened in front of us, and we both walked on.  He was on the side of the elevator with the buttons and asked me which floor.  I finally looked into his eyes.  They were bright blue and had a familiar twinkle in them.  He let out a full heart-stopping smile when I told him which floor.

“Hi, I’m RJ Conklin, are you new here?” he asked, putting his hand out to me.  I was almost speechless.  I was in the same elevator as RJ Conklin, the owner of the most powerful architecture firm in the Midwest.

Finally able to speak I said hello, “Yes, I work in the commercial architecture department.  I’m Becca.  It’s nice to meet you Mr. Conklin.” I shook his soft manicured hands.  His grin became mischievous.  I had seen that grin before on both Nathan and Tyler’s faces.  I’m sure Mitch had the same grin as well.

“Please, call me RJ.  It is nice to meet you.  Do you like it here so far?”  His eyes were so easy to get lost in.  I felt exposed when his eyes searched into mine.

“Yes, I love it here.  I am very excited with the project I just started working on.”

He gave me a curious look.  “Which project?”

“Enterprise Yachts.”

A slow grin came across his face.  “Yes, that is a very big project.  Can you meet me in my office Wednesday?  We can talk more about it.” 

I nodded my head at him.  Why did he want to talk to me about the project?  I was the junior on the account, and honestly it would be more of a learning experience where Corey would be doing most of the work.

We finally reached my floor.  Nathan was standing in front of the elevator when the door opened.

“Morning, Becca.  Did you have a good weekend?”  he said with a knowing smile.

I flushed in embarrassment at his smile.  He had seen me very intoxicated.  And he probably thought I slept with his brother.  Although, I’m sure Tyler had squashed that thought, and just told him he dropped me at the front of my building.  The thought made the color fall from my cheeks.

“Err… it was great, thanks,” I mumbled, walking past him.

“It was lovely to meet you, Becca,” RJ said with a slinky smile.  I returned his smile and continued walking to my office.  I said hello to the receptionist and continued walking to my cubicle, still baffled by RJ Conklin wanting to talk to me.

The next day was consumed with working on the Enterprise Yachts plans.  Will wasn’t his usual carefree self but was edgy and picky.  I understood where he was coming from. This was a huge account that we couldn’t mess up.  I had even told him I would be happy to let someone with more experience take my spot.  He just shook his head at me and told me I was doing fine and having a woman’s perspective was a big deal, considering the owner of Enterprise Yachts was a woman.  Her husband had started the company but unfortunately died and left the company to her.  Instead of selling it, she took it over and clearly she knew what she was doing.  I could tell Corey was getting annoyed with Will’s analytical comments that he was constantly throwing over Corey’s shoulder.

I was beat by Tuesday evening, and the three of us didn’t leave until 8:00pm. 

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