Conflict Of Interest (7 page)

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Authors: Gisell DeJesus

BOOK: Conflict Of Interest
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I beam. “Great.”

“I need to get going now,” he says, grabbing his things and leaving.

His scent lingers all over my apartment and I can’t help but smile. I throw some clothes on, pulling my hair up in a ponytail and I take off myself.


Evan’s POV

Chapter 11


After wrapping this meeting up this morning a little before lunchtime, I’m sitting in my office at my dark wood desk, with a pen in my hand. Across from me is the head boss, Michael Bennett.

“Keep up the great work, Evan. This is almost over and we can get you a better and bigger deal.”

He stands up, shaking my hand and just like that, he is out of the office. Now I can breathe. I still remain seated and rest my head back against my chair, closing my eyes for a minute. I love it when my mind wanders to Natalia. I have everything about her etched in my mind.

My phone rings, waking me up from my daydream. I pick in my pockets to finding my phone and answer it. I hear a sweet voice coming from the other end; I had to take a double look on my screen to make sure it was who I thought it was.

“Hey, Evan.”

“Natalia, what a sweet surprise.”

“I’m calling to let you know that Alyssa has taken it upon herself to plan a dinner outing for the four of us—Alex, herself, you, and I. She made reservations for all of us at Marcello's Fine Italian Cuisine Restaurant.”

“That sounds quite presumptuous of her.”

“Yeah. She can be that way sometimes. I really want you to go but if you have plans, I understand.” She is quiet for a minute before she says, “Are you in?”

“Of Course I am. I suggested the idea remember?”

“Yes, you did.”

I can hear her smile through the phone. She goes on talking. “So instead of picking me up after class, just meet us at my place at seven tonight. See you then.” Then the line goes dead.

That phone call has made my day. I continue my workday like usual, except with the anxiety creeping in my stomach. I can’t wait to get to her.




I arrive at Natalia’s place, about to knock when Alyssa swings the door open. “Evan!” she says in a highly pitched, raspy tone and about knocks me off my feet.

I see a guy, whom I assume is Alex, sitting on the couch while Natalia is right behind her friend at the door, looking amazing. A view of her is all I need to make my day even better. Alyssa invites me in with a head nod and giving me a nice, friendly hug.

My eyes quickly turn to my girl. As I eye her up and down, I move my lips, mouthing wow. I had to take her hand to twirl her around.

“Let me check what belongs to me,” I say confidently. She likes this and turns as she teases me. All of sudden, all the noise fades in the background. I feel like it’s just her and me.

She is wearing a black, plain, long sleeved crop top with a long, animal print pencil skirt. She has on a pair of red fuck-me-pumps. She looks just the way I like it—hot, exotic, and just for my pleasure.

“You look like my wild animal.”

“Oh yeah?” She flirts and does that thing with her eyelashes and her pretty blue eyes boring to mine.

“What kind of wild animal?” she asks in this sexy way while puckering her lips.

I laugh and pull her over to me for a kiss. “You look like my sexy pussycat with that outfit. It’s almost like you are begging me to put a leather, fetish neck leash on you.”

She growls like a cat and gives me a wink. I lift an eyebrow at her as to ask if she wants me to take her here and now. She has my dick throbbing as I picture her, me, and a fetish leash.

Alyssa clears her throat, interrupting my thoughts. “Evan this is Alex. Alex this is Evan.”

I shake my head, getting back to reality and extend my hand. “It’s good to meet you.”

“You, too, Evan.” Just don’t put a leash on me. The girls giggle; I forgot there were people here a second ago.


“All right, now that introductions are over, let’s go eat. I’m starving,” Alyssa says.

We all decided to drive in one car so I drive all of us all over to the restaurant in my Mercedes. When we get there and park, we walk in to a casual, quiet restaurant where Alyssa has made reservations earlier.

The hostess eyes Alex and I while licking her lips, like the girls weren't even there. Very sternly Alyssa speaks, “We have reservations under the name Worth, Alyssa Worth.”

She scowls at me, turning her attention to the reservation book to find the name. “This way.”

We are seated but not before she continues to lick her lips, looking at us. I don't give her the time of day as I turn my eyes to my girl.

“What a tramp,” Natalia says as she walks off. Our waiter comes over to us as soon as the slut walks off.

“Hey all. What could I get you to drink tonight?”

Natalia, Alyssa, and Alex all at once say, “Cabernet Sauvignon.” I order a very rare Middleton whiskey drink on the rocks.

The waiter smiled. “I will go get that for you all and be right back to get your order.”

We look over the menu before deciding on our food for the evening. I suggest for them to order something that goes well with the wine they’re all having. The waiter comes back and takes our orders so I decide it’s time to make small talk.

“Alex, what do you do for a living?”

“I’m a computer programmer. I’m actually the head of our company.” I nod my head and Alex smiles. “In other words, I am a computer geek,” he finishes his statement

Alyssa lets a laugh escape and I shake my head at her. “There is nothing wrong with that. If you enjoy it then why not.”

“It pays the bills.” He shrugs his shoulders. “So what do you do?”

I start coughing. “I am an executive in sales. Nothing exciting.” I turn to Natalia and I see her eyeing me suspiciously. I take her wine glass and I pour her some more, just to take the attention off of me. She smiles at me sweetly.

The waiter comes back over with our food. The smell hits me and I realize just how hungry I really am. We all dive in to eat while having the best conversations amongst each other.

“What do you do, Alyssa?”

“I go to school with Nat and I work part time in a bakery shop.”

“Ahh, a bakery shop? I would have never thought that. I would have thought a hostess or a bartender.”

“That’s funny, Evan. I should consider that since it would come easy for me. I have an uncle who owns a club. As a matter of fact, it is the club where we all met.”

“Frederic’s Lounge?”

“Yes, that’s the one.”

“He is your uncle?”

“Yes he is. He has owned the club for a couple years now. That is why I hang out in the VIP area and we get special treatment.”

I must have looked stunned because Natalia is looking at me weirdly. “You okay?” I nod my head and then change the subject quickly.

“It has been an exceptional evening. Thanks everyone,” Alyssa says.

We all finish the last drops of the wine and I stand to pay for our meal. They all follow behind me. The drive back to her apartment feels like it is taking forever. I look over at Natalia and she smirks back at me.

I see her apartment coming into my view. I need some relief. I’m really hoping that Alex and Aly are going to leave. Yeah, I know it’s mean of me, but I am about to explode. Alex helps Aly out of my car. She comes up to me and hugs me. “We are going to scoot. I had a fun time, but I’m about to have even more fun.” She winks

Natalia smiles and hugs her. “You’re not the only one.” I say my goodbyes to Alex as Natalia and I make our way up to her apartment. She looks back at me and asks, “Did you have a nice time?”

Getting to her door and unlocking it, I say, “I did. Did you?”

“Yes I did, but now I want to have dessert.”

I give her a facial expression that says I will have her whether she wants it or not. I bite her lip before I kiss her.

“Oh, Evan, you have definitely enhanced the dark side I never knew I had.”

“I like that and I’m not even close to being done with you, kitten.”

Walking in the doorway backward, she asks, “What did you have in mind?”

I shut and lock the door. “I was thinking about something sweet.”

“Mmmmm…..what would that be?”

I grab her face and look straight into her eyes. “First your mouth, then your pussy.” I invited him in, and he ended up staying another night with me.



Natalia’s POV

Chapter 12

My eyes flutter open, adjusting to the light when I look over to see Evan sleeping. He looks younger. He has a slight smile on his lips and he’s in a tranquil sleep. I stare at him for a few minutes, taking in every inch of his face, of his chest and the rest of him. He is simply gorgeous.

He wakes up smiling. “Good morning, kitten.”

“Good morning.”

“Why are you staring at me like that?”

I blush. “Just admiring you.”

He grabs me, pulling me on top of him. “I can let you admire something else if you would like.”

A few kisses and cuddles later, I get out of the bed, putting my robe on.

“What are you doing this Sunday?” he asks me, reminding me that’s just a couple days away.

“Me nothing at all. What do you want to do?” I ask curiously

“I want to take you to my mom’s for dinner.”

“What? Your mom?” I back out of his arms in total shock of what just come out of his mouth.

“Do you have a problem with meeting my mom?”

“Who me, no.” Holy shit I am stuttering. “I don’t have a problem, but you want me to meet your mom?” Isn’t it too soon?

“She insists.”

“What do you mean? She already knows about me?”

He smiles and kisses me on my lips. “Be ready to meet my mom on Sunday,” he says, kissing me once more. “I will see you later,” he said.

I put a pouty face.

“I’m sorry, baby. We will have all day Sunday together.”

“You’re right.” I kiss him quickly. “I need to get ready for class.”

He slaps me on the ass. “Then go get that sexy ass in the shower. I need to get going so I can change clothes and go into the office.”

I stop at the entrance of my bedroom, “Okay sweetie. Have a good day.” Then I disappear.




I’m sitting in math class where I should be paying attention, considering I can’t afford to fail this class right now, but instead, I’m thinking of Evan. My cell phone vibrates and I quickly check, hiding it from the professor. It is a text from Alyssa.


Aly: Lunch before work?

Nat: Meet at Steak Bistros. I got a lot to tell.


Aly: See you soon! Can’t wait to hear.


Seeing Alyssa’s reply, I put my phone back up while trying my hardest to concentrate until my mind wanders off again. If it hadn’t been for the noise of chairs scraping the floor, I wouldn’t have even noticed that the class had ended. Damn Evan.

Shaking my head, pulling me back into reality, I put my books in my bag and throw it over my shoulder. I walk to the bistro to see my bestie. Maybe some time with her and telling her all of this will help my head out of this Evan funk.

Finding Alyssa sitting at a table, I join her to see she has already ordered. I sit and she looks ready for me to start my story. I begin to tell her all the juicy stuff that has happened recently.

“He did what?” Alyssa asks while sipping on a cold tea. She motioned for me to continue my story of last night with Evan. I proceed to tell her about all the sexual intimate times we had and how much I am enjoying his sexual dominant side. He is bringing out my wild side.

“Welcome to my world,” Alyssa says.

I hit her shoulder. Alyssa is a freak, I think to myself. I remember her stories she had shared with me from her past relationships.

“That’s not all,” I continue

“There’s more?” she asks widening her eyes

“Yes. There is more,” I repeat

“He wants to take me Sunday to meet his mom.”

“No way. This is serious Nat,” Alyssa yells.

Everyone turned their heads to our direction.

“Oh my God, he is so into you. What are you going to do? Are you ready for a relationship?”

Alyssa knows I really am not that experienced in this department. I have been a good girl all through high school and college. I wouldn't know how to act being in a relationship.

“I don't know, Alyssa; I just going to wait and see what happens. What about you and Alex? What's going on with you two?” I ask impatiently.

“We see each other every day and we get along so well. We have fun together and act like kids.” Alyssa’s eyes are glowing every time she mentions Alex. “Oh and the best part, he has not tried to have sex with me. He wants to wait until we are both ready,” she says, beaming. Even though I am ready now. I promise myself to not to give it up too quickly.

“I am so happy for you. I know how much you’ve been wanting and waiting for a guy like this. A guy who doesn't just want to take you to bed right away.”

“I’m excited, but I would love for him to oil my motor soon. He turns me on so much it’s getting hard to wait. No pun intended,” Alyssa says with a wry grin on her face.

“You are hilarious, Alyssa.” We both laugh hysterically.

“Oh, Natalia, before I forget to mention, remember the other night we got disconnected on our call?” she asks, eyeing me as she continues. “Well, what I wanted to tell you was that Evan and that girl were talking to Frederic.”

“Frederic as in your uncle, Frederic?” I ask, confused.

“Yes, my uncle.”

“I wonder about what?”

“Well, that makes two of us!”

Alyssa nods her head yes and then looks at her watch. “Oh shit. I need to get going. I have a meeting at work today.”

“Then go. I will take care of the bill.” She threw money on the table. I saw her face mad.

“Take the money,” I say while waving at her and finishing my bottled water. She was about to refuse until I gave her that don’t fuck with me look. “Take the money, Alyssa. Lunch is on me.”

She smiled.

“Thanks, Nat.”

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