Conflict Of Interest (5 page)

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Authors: Gisell DeJesus

BOOK: Conflict Of Interest
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The car is filled with complete silence while driving to the club. I look at her and she still has that same damn smile.

“You have been different lately, Evan.” She reaches over, rubbing my face gently with her finger.

I look at her confused. She is pretty. She’s confident in her own skin. She has brown, neck length hair with seductive, brown eyes.

“Are you tired of being with me?”

I drive a bit faster; I want to get there and out of here.

“I will wait on you, Evan. I always do. I want to do this together.”

“Thanks for that.”

I had to take a detour first before getting to the Lounge.

She starts looking around, finally noticing where we are. “Where are you going, Evan?”

“I have something I need to do. It will only take a minute.”

I drive to Natalia’s job, hoping I can see her pretty face before I head to the club. I see her walking on the sidewalk fast. She must be running late.

I park on the side of the street. “Stay in the car,” I order Marissa.

Marissa looks up. “Dammit, Evan!”

Natalia is on her way to her office and she grabs the door of the building when all of sudden, I grab her arm. “Are you running late or something?”

“What the fuck are you doing here?” she asks in a murderous tone.

I stare at her, speechless.

“If you’re not going to answer that, then answer this. Why did you leave last night?” She places the palms of her hands on my chest and pushes me away so I let go of her arm.

“Didn’t you see my note I left you? What the hell is wrong with you?”

“You keep taking off on me ever since we met. Then the first time we have sex, you fucking leave. Or did your mystery caller pick up where I left off last night, or am I picking up her leftovers?”

My brow arches as I move closer to her. “Jealous?”

“Please, Evan, jealous?! Hell no, I’m not jealous!” She growls, “I need the truth or I will not stay and listen to your bullshit.”

My jaw tightens. “It’s business.” She is looking at me like I just told her something bad. “No, damn it, and it’s not like that at all. Please, you have to trust me.”

“You want me to trust you? Did you just seriously say that to me? You won’t tell me a fucking thing about your life.”

Shaking my head, I say, “I can’t do this right now. I have to get to work. I will see you tonight, Natalia. Expect me late.”

“Don’t bother, Evan.” She goes inside and I walk back to my car and get in, mad as hell. Marissa doesn’t say a word, but she has a look of bliss.

We arrive at the club, making our way inside. Marissa tries to hold my hand. Not today. I pulled away. Asshole she whispered still loud enough for me to hear it. We grabbed a drink at the bar, we sat and talk amongst ourselves, about nothing really important.

“I have a plan, Evan.” She leans in closer so I can hear her. “Just forget about her.” She starts seducing me with her eyes and touches my hand. “We can have fun together after this is over. We can start right back where we left off.”

“We never really started, Marissa,” I said clearly.

“Okay, Evan, fuck you!”

“Cut that shit out,” I demand and she laughs. I get up to get away from her for a few minutes. Damn her and this fucking place.

Natalia’s POV

Chapter 8

What the fuck? He always does this. He leaves me for the fucking office, or is it for his wife or girlfriend he keeps swearing he doesn’t have. I’m livid. I walk into the office break room to make some coffee before getting to my desk.

Time escapes me during work since I decided to make myself busy all day. I have been moody most of the day, making my day a shitty one. It all started with thoughts of Evan. Now I am even angrier at him for showing up here at my job as if nothing was wrong.


Finally leaving work, I am on my way to Alyssa's house. I had called her earlier at work to get together with her tonight. It’s much-needed girl time. I get to her apartment and walk right in. She always leaves her door unlocked when she knows I’m on the way.

Her apartment is much smaller than mine. When you walk in, you walk right into the dining room space, and the kitchen is off to the right. The bathroom is to the left as you walk in the entrance and the bedroom follows that. She has much what she needs in this apartment. She never really had a styled apartment, but it is perfect for her.

We see each other and we hug like we haven't seen each other in over a year. Although, we haven’t actually seen each other much due to the fact that she's been spending her time with Alex and I have been with Evan.

“You okay?” she asks still holding me.

“Yes, I’m fine,” I say as we break free and I sit on her island stool.

“What could be going on with him?” Alyssa asks.

I told her some details in a text earlier so now being face to face, I go into more details.

“Everything was fine after our date and yesterday he comes over and we have the most amazing sex.”

“You what?” she yelled.

“Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that, but it happened last night.”

“It was amazing sex, but you sound like you just came back from a funeral?”

I giggle at her. “It was amazing and would have been even more amazing if he would have stayed the night like he was supposed to. Instead, I woke up alone! He left in the middle of the night.” Maybe I am over reacting.

I glance at her and I notice the look she has on her face. It is her you better tell me about the sex part leaving nothing out, look. I smile and give in. I told her in details of how unbelievable he was in the bed. I could tell she was enjoying this story because of the expressions her face kept giving me.

“Close your mouth,” I say to her.

“That was hot and I haven't even gotten dirty with Alex, but I hope he can top all of that!” I hit her shoulder and she laughs. “Sorry, but shit, I want hot sex too. On to Evan, this is what you do, demand him to tell you what the fuck is going on, and if he doesn’t, then tell him you can no longer see him anymore.”

“It isn’t that easy. He made a surprise appearance on me this evening in front of the building, catching me before I could go inside.”

“Oh no! That is kind of creepy, Nat.”

“It is kind of, but I like it. I love everything he does.”

“So you going to give him the time of day?” she asks with a worried look on her face.

“Yes, but I don't know what's going to happen.”

“He is definitely complicated but give him a chance, he might explain the truth, Nat. Don't be so stubborn.” I laugh, remembering that he calls me his stubborn kitten.

We finish up the evening, chatting, laughing and I decide I needed to head home. I have some homework and studying to catch up on before the week.

I have so much going on in my head with Evan, studying is going to be hard. Could I do this with him? Do I want to complicate my life with a man I just met? I don’t know, but I know that I need some space. I need to think of everything as a whole. I need answers, too.

Chapter 9

Evan’s POV

I worked late last night and I went straight home to pass out. I wanted to go over to Natalia’s apartment, but I really was exhausted. I’ve been so busy these last couple of weeks that I needed to rest. I came to work today and I’m glad they gave me the evening off from the club. I am getting some files and folders, putting them in my briefcase to go over them at home. But before I leave my office, I’m going to send my stubborn girl a text.

Evan: My evening is clear. You are going to see me. Do you miss me?


Nat: My evening is not clear! No! and NO!


NO? Okay, no worries. I’m not replying. I gather my things and rush out of the office. I pass Marissa in the hallway and wave my hand as I go.

“Evan,” I hear her calling my name.

“Yes, Marissa?” I turn my head toward her as I keep walking.

“Wait.” She catches up to me. “What are you doing later?”

“Why?” I ask. But I know why she’s asking, because, before Natalia, we would sometimes “hang out” for dinner. Lately, I am just not interested.

“I wanted to meet up later.” She starts rubbing my jaw, kissing me on the cheek.

“I’m sorry, I have to finish some work, and I am going to the gym.” I start to walk away and say, “But I’ll see you tomorrow.

She huffs and walks away.

I have decided to go for a run around Central Park before seeing my girl. I change and plug my earbuds in. It takes me an hour to run several miles but it was the best hour for stress relief since sex was out of the question at this moment.

I needed to get my thoughts together as much as I needed fresh air. I get to my apartment, shower, and get ready to go to Natalia’s. She replied “no” to my text, but I know she has to miss me. I can feel it deep down in my gut.

Wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and my sneakers, I’m out the door several hours later. I drive to her apartment and I park right across from her building. I look up to see her window so I can check if there’s any light on in her apartment.

I don’t see any lights. I don’t think she is even there yet. I take my gun and my holster before I leave my car and hide them in the car compartment. I don’t want to scare Natalia just in case she sees it. I go inside her building, running up the stairs as they make a crackling sound.


Getting to her door, I ring the bell several times. I look at my watch to see what time it is and it’s only eight-thirty. She should be here soon since she gets off at eight. I pace the hallway back and forth for a minute. I’m not a very patient man, but for this woman I will try to have a little. Maybe not! Patience is not my virtue.

I look down and start searching for something, and I see something shiny on the floor. I walk over and bend down to pick it up. It’s some kind of bobby pin. I straighten it out so I can use it to pick her lock. I stick the pin in and wiggle it around until I hear it unlock. So it did. I open the door slowly to view the place first, but everything is so dark.

I don’t turn on any of the lights so everything is still in place. I’m in the dark with no way of seeing until I remember my cell phone is in my pocket. I pull it out to give me enough light to look around. It’s quiet in here with the exception of the noise from the cars and the sirens racing down the streets. It smells like a combination of her sweet perfumes and hair products. It smells like Natalia. I sit and wait.

About ten minutes later, I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and then it stops at the door. Keys start jingling around in the doorknob. As the door opens, she turns the lights on and yells. She yelled so loud it scared the living shit out of me.

I stood up in a surrendering position, trying to quiet her down. I walk slowly to her and her screams subside.

“How did you get in, Evan?” She throws her handbag on the table and slams the door.

“I am sorry to scare you. I couldn't wait outside.”

“So you break in? I should call the cops on you.”

“Let’s not get hasty,” I say. “That would not look good on me right about now.” I break in, then they find my gun in my car. Let me calm the situation down as quickly as I can, I think to myself.

She’s furious. She takes a deep breath and walks over to the kitchen counter, getting a wine bottle and wine glass. She pours one and takes a big gulp as she closes her eyes, feeling it go down. I walk toward her. I am sorry I apologized again.

“Please, do not come any closer.” She holds one palm up.

I continue to walk closer to her, her hand doesn’t intimidate me. When I’m near her, I pull her hand into mine. She is watching every movement intently, trying to figure out what I am doing. I grab her wine from her other hand and set it down. She tries to resist, but I’m too quick.

“What are you doing? Give me that.” She said

I stop her hand before she grabs her wine back. I take both of her hands, pinning them behind her lower back and pull her body against mine. She tries to fight me, but I got a firm hold on her hands.

“Let me go.”


“I will scream.”

“No you won’t.”

I think this is turning her on. I see the way her eyes change from an angry mood to a sexually hungry one. “Did you miss me?”

“I meant what I text you, Evan; NO.”

“You’re so damn stubborn.” I frown. “I missed you.”

“You missed me, Evan? Well, I don't believe you. You are just here to fuck me, that’s all. You just want a convenient, new, sex toy to do with as you please, whenever you want.”

Her eyes have narrowed and she is glaring at me. I instantly get pissed off. I move back as I release her. I can't explain my feelings. I don’t want her to feel the way she does. You know what? I can get stubborn too. I was trying to figure what I want and why I keep desiring to see you. I am also trying to figure out why I can’t get you off my mind. You know what, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to cause all of this. I don’t want you just for sex. I don’t want to miss you either, but that I can't control it.”

I walked out of her apartment pissed the fuck off and I hear her running to the door. “Evan,” she calls my name but I don't look back.

She follows me as I walk outside. I stop in my tracks and turn around to look at her.

“I’m sorry for everything,” I say.

“Where are you going?”

“The same place as always.”

She stands there with that broken but beautiful face looking at me. I turn to get in my car and leave. I burn tires as I go. I don’t know what’s happening to me, but I need to take her out of my head. I can’t go back to the place I once was. I don’t need another broken heart. I need a fucking drink. Tonight is my night. The night I will forget Natalia.

I pull up at Frederic’s and make my way inside, having the bouncer nod his head when he sees me. I sit and order my usual, a whiskey drink on the rocks. This time I ask for a double shot. I drink it, then the second, and now onto the third. The noise of the loud, once annoying music is becoming my normal as well. I can feel my head kind of bobbing to the beat.

I started to feel good and happy. Suddenly, someone comes from behind me and covers my eyes with their hands. I lift my arms to feel the hands. They are soft and by the scent, I already know it’s a woman. It also helps that I feel her breasts on my back.

“Guess who, sexy?”

“Who is it?”

I turn around to see and it is Marissa. I smile. My night has begun.

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