Read Confessions of a Litigation God: A Legal Affairs Full Length Erotic Novel Online

Authors: Sawyer Bennett

Tags: #funny, #humor, #Contemporary, #legal, #romance, #erotic, #adult, #lawyer, #steamy, #love, #sexy, #law

Confessions of a Litigation God: A Legal Affairs Full Length Erotic Novel (44 page)

BOOK: Confessions of a Litigation God: A Legal Affairs Full Length Erotic Novel
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move past this, Marissa. Let’s let go of the hurt and
bitterness. Let’s try to get along for Gabe’s sake, and
let’s forgive each other.”

I saw the moment on
her face when she finally understood what I was saying. The muscles
in her face relaxed, her eyes lightened, and her lips curved slightly

serious, aren’t you?” she murmured, but the question was
rhetorical. She knew I was and was simply amazed by it.

From that day
forward, our relationship changed. It wasn’t perfect, but we
didn’t try our best to piss each other off. The best thing I
can say for the both of us is that we now treat each other with
outward respect, not only in front of Gabe, but in all situations. I
guess it’s good practice for us.

We still have our
spats, and if Marissa is in a snit for some reason or another, she’ll
show her bitchy side, but for the most part, we’re okay. She
even talks nicely to Mac… that is, once she came to understand
that Mac wasn’t going anywhere and was going to be an integral
part of Gabe’s and my life.

I step all the way
into Mac’s office and rest an ass cheek on the edge of her
desk. Fuck if Mac’s eyes don’t travel up my leg that’s
sitting inches away from her arm, right up to the bulge behind my
zipper. She stares at me a bit longingly and said bulge starts
propagating in size.

When she finally
tears her gaze away and looks at me, I give a low laugh and lean
forward to kiss her. “You know you can’t look at me like
that and not make me hard. It’s a hazard of having you in the
same building as me during the day.”

She kisses me back,
warm and deep, and it doesn’t do anything to help my burgeoning
hard-on, but it does wrap my heart up in splendor.

Pulling away, I
reach into my inside jacket pocket and pull out an envelope. I hand
it over to Mac and say, “Actually… I thought we’d
celebrate this.”

She takes the
envelope, sneaking a peek up at me. I just give her a knowing smile
and nod for her to open it. She does so without further wait and
pulls out a piece of paper. Turning it over, she sees it’s a
check made out to her law firm of Carson and Dawson, and I can
actually see her lips moving as she counts six zeroes behind the
first number.

It’s her
portion of the legal fee for the
case that we settled
last month. Even though Mac didn’t join my firm, she still
asked me to stay on the
case with her and Cal. Over
the past eight months, Mac has worked her ass off and handled most of
the work under my guidance and direction. We settled it for an amount
that would take care of her brain-injured client for the rest of his
life, and give Mac her reward for taking on a case that was an
outwardly appearing loser and having faith in our system.

She stares at the
check for just a moment more before setting it down. I watch as she
stands from her chair, waiting for her to walk into my arms. I shift
my legs so she can step in between them, and pull her in close. She
moves in tight, pressing herself into my erection as her arms go
around my neck.

After giving me a
light kiss, she whispers, “Thank you for helping me with this
case. I could have never gotten that type of justice for the Jacksons
without you.”

Smiling, I lean in
and kiss her, and it’s not light or sweet. I grip her waist a
bit tighter, pulling her in closer to create more friction between
us. I push my tongue in forcefully and take control of her mouth.

When we pull back, I
can’t help but grin like a fool at her because her eyes are
glazed and her cheeks are flushed pink.

“I have
something else for you,” I tell her.

please, please… tell me it’s an orgasm. I don’t
care how… mouth, fingers, dirty talk. Just give me one.”

Laughter bursts out
of my mouth, which is a common occurrence around Mac nowadays. “You
never, ever fail to amuse me. I think I’ve laughed more since
I’ve met you than in my entire life.”

“And that’s
a good thing, right?” she asks coyly.

I can’t help
but pull her back into me and hug her tight. “It’s a very
good thing.”

We hold each other a
moment, then I’m pushing her back so her arms disentangle from
around me. Pulling another envelope from my jacket pocket, I hand it
over to her, my nerves now shrieking in angst.

She eyes me
curiously, as she takes it from me. It’s much thicker than the
other envelope I handed her. “What’s this?”

“Open it and
find out.”

She turns it over
and sees the logo on the left, upper corner. It says, “Connover
and Dawson” and her eyebrows furrow inward in confusion and
curiosity. I’m sure she’s thinking that I want to start a
new law firm with her.

Not wasting any
time, Mac opens the flap and pulls the packet of papers out.
Unfolding them, I watch closely as understanding dawns on her face as
to what’s inside.

You see, the papers
are blank, nothing but about ten sheets I folded up. But on the
center of the top page, I taped an engagement ring to the center. I
picked it out last weekend with Gabe, who, as you can imagine, was
not too keen on going shopping for women’s jewelry. But he was
excited about me asking Mac to marry me. He has become quite close to
her, sometimes foregoing talking to me on the phone when we call,
demanding instead to talk to Mac.

I chose a platinum
setting because Mac never wears gold. It’s a brilliant,
three-carat asscher cut with smaller diamonds around the edge and
down the band. It’s a stunning piece of jewelry, completely
befitting someone as beautiful as Mac.

As I stare at the
ring, taped to the paper, I see that Mac’s hands start shaking
really hard. Her eyes are glued to the ring, and she makes no move to
take it.

Reaching out, I
cover her hands with my own and they immediately calm. She turns to
look at me, and I’m almost knocked backward by the love shining
in her eyes. It fills me with such elation that I feel like nothing
could ever go wrong in my life again.

I give her a smile
and take the packet of papers from her, plucking the ring off.
Tossing the paper to her desk, I grab her left hand and slide the
ring onto her finger, where it sparkles and shines appropriately. My
eyes lift to Mac and she’s just staring at the ring, her eyes
swimming with emotion. Then she lifts her gaze to mine and smiles at

I swallow hard,
clearing my throat for fear it might crack. “Will you?”

Her smile cracks
wider but her voice is gentle… filled with love and happiness.

6 Months Later

“Are you
ready?” my dad asks as he bumps his shoulder against mine.

I nod, not quite
able to speak. Because Mac is walking toward me, holding hands with
Gabe, and it has to be the singularly most touching sight I’ve
ever had the pleasure to behold.

When Mac and I
started to plan our wedding, I was surprised and admittedly pleased
that she didn’t want a big church wedding or reception. I
certainly didn’t want that either, because it not only reminded
me too much of my wedding to Marissa, but it just didn’t seem
to fit us as a couple. Instead, we readily agreed to keep it private
and small, ultimately accepting my parents’ offer to have it in
the backyard of their old farmhouse, surrounded by blossoming cherry
trees, mountain laurel and rhododendrons. We decided small meant the
only people invited were my parents, Gabe, Macy, and Cal.

My son had never
made me more proud in my life when he asked me one day before the
wedding, “Dad… since Mac’s mom and dad are in
heaven, who will walk her down the aisle at the wedding?”

I shrugged my
shoulders, a little ashamed that had never even crossed my mind. I
grimaced when I said, “Cal, I guess.”

Cal and Mac have
become very close friends in addition to law partners, and while I
have to suffer through an occasional dinner or lunch with him at
Mac’s request, we pretty much stay out of each other’s
way. But Mac has come to care for him a great deal, and I respect
that he may just be the person she wants to give her away.

“Do you think
she would let me walk down the aisle with her?” Gabe asked, and
my jaw dropped.


“Yeah... that
way she doesn’t have to be alone.”

Fuck, but ever since
I realized my love for Mac, it’s made me a sappy pussy half the
time and my son had me practically curling up in a ball to cry.
Clearing my throat and blinking my eyes hard, I said, “Why
don’t you ask her?”

And so he did…
and Mac did break down and start crying, which confused Gabe until
she hugged him hard and explained how happy that made her.

So now, the tears
are threatening again as I watch her walk across the tender, spring
grass… her feet bare, wearing a taupe sundress with large,
white daisies embroidered around the hem. She’s carrying
nothing but a single daisy in her hand, reminiscent of the one I gave
her when I asked her out on our first date, and she now claims they
are her favorite flower.

Gabe is wearing
khaki shorts and a white, button-down shirt, his feet also bare. He
picked his outfit out because it matched exactly what I was wearing,
and I love that Mac wanted to go super casual for our wedding.

My eyes lift from
Gabe and turn to Mac, and I’ll never get tired of that first
jolt of pleasure I get when her gaze grabs ahold of me. She smiles,
not just with her mouth but with those emerald eyes, and I feel it
all the way to my toes.

I am such a fucking
lucky guy to have her… to make her mine permanently. When I
think of how easily I could have lost her…

Shaking my head, I
put those thoughts away, because I wised up and changed the course of
my life for the better. I take a step forward as Mac reaches me. She
puts one arm around Gabe and pulls him into her hip, and waits for me
to step to her other side, wrapping my arm around her waist. Then all
three of us turn to face the minister, as he prepares to start the
rest of our life together.

Thirty-Two Hours Later...

“Seriously, I
can’t,” Mac says as she slaps at my head, and then tries
to push me out from between her legs.

“Yes you can,”
I murmur against her pussy, just before thrusting my tongue inside of

She groans hard and
her hips buck, and her hands stop pushing me away but instead, grip
onto my hair hard and pull me tighter against her. I smile inwardly
because I know she can take more. I’ve been patiently working
between her legs for the last half hour, and she’s come twice,
which doesn’t count the time on the plane when I put my hand
under the blanket that was covering both of us as we cuddled in first
class. It was so easy to snake up under her dress, past her panties,
and finger her to a quick orgasm that had her biting onto my shoulder
to muffle her moans.

Seriously, I cannot
get enough of her. Ever since we said our vows and the minister
pronounced us husband and wife, I’ve been fighting the raging
need to pleasure my wife. I’m not even thinking about getting
off myself. All I want to do is have Mac writhe and squirm under me,
have her cry out my name in ecstasy, watch as her body fractures and
splinters, and finally floats to earth.

Then I’m
raging to start over again.

It’s like a
monstrous addiction I can’t fight, and I’m consumed with
the need to make her come, and come, and come.

Speaking of which,
her legs slam inward, ringing my ears, and she pushes her hips up
while crying out my name. She shakes and trembles, and I continue to
lick at her while she has another long, slow orgasm.

Fucking poetry in
motion is what it is.

Mac cries out to me. “For the love of God, Matt… will
you fuck me already and consummate this marriage?”

Pulling my mouth
away, I look up her body at her and she’s staring down at me
with frenzied need mixed with proprietary love. Yeah… time to
fuck my wife.

I crawl up her body,
push my cock in between her legs, and sink in to her, and it’s
like I’m fucking her for the first time… it feels so
damn good. I know it’s probably way too soon to be thinking of
this, but I hope I knock her up on our honeymoon.

Mac is young and has
a brilliant career in front of her, but I seriously don’t want
to wait to have kids with her. I’m not getting any younger and
I don’t want Gabe to get too much older before he has a
sibling. Luckily, Mac is in agreement with me and she threw her pills
out a few months ago.

I move in and out of
her slowly, and I fantasize about this new life I’m building
with her.

Four months, Thirteen Days after the Honeymoon…

“Mr. Steward,
can you identify this stack of documents I’m handing you right
now?” I ask.

Mac passes me a
manila folder, which I open and look inside briefly, then pass over
to the witness to peruse. I’m into the third hour of deposing
the electrician who “supposedly” installed smoke
detectors in an apartment, which later caught fire and killed my
client. My claim is that the required smoke detectors were not
installed, and I think the documents may be forged.

The witness flips
through the documents and hands them back to me. “Those are the
work invoices that the landlord’s office gave to me requesting
the installation. I wrote up one for each unit.”

“And is that
your signature on the bottom of each one?” I ask.

He picks the
documents back up, squints at them, and says, “Yup. Looks like

I turn to glance at
Mac, and she gives me a subtle smirk. I had her come to the
deposition with me, not because I necessarily needed her help, but
because I didn’t want to be away from her for three days. So I
hired her to contract on this case with me, which I know wasn’t
very subtle. She’s very aware of why I have her here, but she
didn’t argue.

BOOK: Confessions of a Litigation God: A Legal Affairs Full Length Erotic Novel
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