Confessions (7 page)

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Authors: Sasha Campbell

BOOK: Confessions
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Kenyon nodded. “I even listen to your radio show.”

“Oh, boy. Have a seat.”

He chuckled and lowered himself on the chair beside me. “I actually enjoy it. You definitely don't hold no punches.”

I shrugged my shoulders. “Hey, if the truth hurts…”

“I agree.”

“Actually, I heard a lot about you as well,” I commented between sips.

“Really? What you hear?”

I pushed my locks away from my face as I spoke. “That you're a dog, but seeing you hanging with Jay, that part is obvious.”

He smiled. “You can't believe everything you hear.”

I sucked my teeth. “Then tell me something I don't know about you.”

“I'm a good man who buried his wife of fifteen years last summer.”

“I'm sorry to hear that.” And I was.

“Thank you. Camille was a good woman. We had problems like all married couples, but I loved her. And I was with her until the end. Now I'm looking for someone special. I'll tell you, I'm not into playing games. When I see something I want I go after it.” He gave me a cocky smile that made my stomach twirl and my pelvic muscles pulse.

“Is that right?”

“Yeah, and I've been feeling you for a while.” He sipped his drink. It looked like Crown Royal. “So, tell me something about you.”

“I'm married.”

His face dropped. “No one told me that.”

“Probably because my husband dumped me before he left for Iraq.” I was trying to keep from getting angry all over again. It wasn't hard to do when you had a sexy man sitting across from you. I noticed that the smile returned to his face.

“That's too bad.”

I shrugged. “I guess it's time for me to move on. It's a damn shame I give advice on relationships but I suck at them.”

Kenyon reached across the table and took my hand. “Maybe because you keep picking the wrong guy.”

I stared across at him. Maybe he did have a point.

“Come on. Let's dance.”

I followed him out onto the dance floor and allowed him to wrap his arms around me. I closed my eyes. It had been six months since I'd had any kind of physical contact, and I can't begin to tell you how good it felt to be in the company of a man. He was so close, and I felt him grow hard and I started getting wet down low. Damn, I hadn't realized how horny I truly was until then. A woman should never go more than half a year without getting any.

“I would like to take you to dinner tomorrow night.”

I leaned back and stared up at him and felt tightness at my stomach. Had he really just asked me out on a date? Yes, I believe he had, and it had definitely been a long time.
No looking back, remember?
Nope, I wasn't going to look back, but I wasn't going to rush things either. “I've got to work at the store the next couple of nights. How about next weekend?”

Kenyon didn't look like he liked having to wait that long, but he nodded anyway. “I'd like that.”

He held me close again, and we stayed out on the dance floor for three songs before the deejay changed the music. I started to walk off the floor when Kenyon grabbed my hand. “You know how to two-step?” he asked.


He tugged my arm. “Come on. Follow my lead.”

Kenyon was a wonderful dancer and following him was easy. I found myself spinning on cue and laughing, actually starting to really enjoy myself, and for the first time all night I was glad I had come out.

We moved back to the table where Jay and Trinette were sitting, and the four of us spent the rest of the night laughing, talking and drinking way too much. Close to midnight, I let Kenyon walk me to my car. When he took my hand I couldn't begin to tell you how good it felt strolling across the parking lot like a couple. He had my stomach all in knots. I hadn't felt that alive in a long time. And even though I said I wanted to take things slow, I was anticipating what was going to happen next.

“Can I kiss you?” he asked as soon as we reached my car.

I nodded. And before I had a chance to take a breath, Kenyon swooped in and covered my lips with his. Oh, my God! Dude practically stuck his tongue down my throat. Kissing was definitely not his thing.

“Can I follow you home?” he asked after I pulled back.

My body was screaming yes, but I knew it was way too early for that. “Nah, I'll talk to you tomorrow.”

He nodded, then we exchanged numbers and I climbed into my car and drove home. I thought about the evening, and a smile was on my face. I hadn't felt that silly and alive since high school. I was glad Trinette made me come, because if she hadn't I wouldn't have met Kenyon. He seemed like something I could work with. By the time I pulled my car in the driveway my phone rang. It was Kenyon.


“It's me. I just wanted to make sure you made it home safely.”

“I'm pulling in now.”

“Good. How about Trinette?”

I snorted rudely. “She and Jay snuck off somewhere together.”

We laughed and talked a few more minutes before I said good night.

I walked in the house looking forward to our date on Saturday. One thing for sure, I was definitely going to have to teach Kenyon how to kiss.


“Come on, Netta.”

I don't know why Jay was trying to act like he didn't know the rules. He'd been fucking around with me off and on for years and nothing had changed. “I wanna buy a new house, and I need for you to help a sistah out.”

“Damn, Trinette, why can't you just give a nigga some on credit?”

“'Cause I ain't one of them broke hoochies you're use to fucking wit.”

We were parked outside his place because after that incident with Cory I wasn't about to invite another fool to my condo, although Jay had been over several times. But no matter how many years we'd known each other and all the years he'd had my back, that was neither here nor there. This time he was gonna have to pay to play with Ms. Netta.

“If you don't want none of this, then fine. Take me back to my car.”

He thought about it for a few seconds while his eyes raked the length of me. Did he really think he could pass up a night of getting some of me? Obviously not, because Jay barely wasted another second before he climbed out the car. Smiling, I followed him inside, and we started hugging and feeling on each other at the door. I don't know what it is, but I'd always had a weakness for him, yet there was no way in hell I could ever think about taking him serious. We were friends first and everything else came second. The fact that his pockets were fat definitely helped keep that spark burning for him. If he was broke, I probably would have stopped messing with him a long time ago.

We moved back to his room and I slipped off my pantsuit so he could see Victoria's big secret. Jay's eyes were bugging out his head.

“Damn, you fine.”

“Of course I am. I only get better with age.” By the time he pulled his clothes off, I was ready to put my work in.

We were going at it hard, licking, sucking sixty-nine style, when I heard a door slam. Jay sat up straight on the bed, causing me to land headfirst at the foot of the bed.

“Jay! Where your mothafuckin' ass at?”

“Oh, shit!” He scrambled out the bed trying to grab his boxers.

“Who's that?” I whispered. Whoever it was had him scared shitless.

“That's Veronica.”

“Veronica…your baby mama Ronnie? What the hell she doing with a key?”

I leaped out of the bed, grabbed my clothes and hid in the closet. By the time Ronnie barged into his room, Jay was in his draws moving to the door.

“Where's the bitch I heard you was all hugged up with at the club?” From a crack in the door I watched her standing in front of him with attitude. She would want to get something done to her head. Dookey braids went out a long time ago.

“What you talking about? I wasn't hugged up wit no female.”

She was trying to push her way into the room, but he blocked the door. “What you trying to hide?” she asked, looking over his shoulder.

“I ain't trying to hide shit. What the hell you doing here? Where's my son at?”

“He wit my mama. And you haven't answered my question.”

“I ain't been with no one,” he insisted.

“Then let me smell your dick.” Before he had a second to object, she dropped to the floor, taking his boxers with her.

“A'ight…go ahead and smell,” he said, trying to sound all bold and shit.

Ronnie wrapped her hands around his length and put her face all in his crotch, sniffing for some coochie. Next thing I know, she guided the head into her mouth and deep throated his ass.

That fool stood there moaning while she went to work on him. I guess Jay suddenly remembered I was just a few feet away, because he had sense enough to push her away. I might not want to fight Ronnie, but I had no problem grabbing one of the wire hangers and doing a little slicing and dicing of my own before I spent another minute in that closet while she sucked on a dick I had been dying all night to ride.

“Let's take this to the shower,” he suggested.

She rose and took his hand as he led her into the master bathroom. Jay shut the door, but I could hear Ronnie again going off about what one of her girls told her she saw at the club. Women can be so stupid.

I reached down for my clothes and got dressed. As soon as I heard the water running, I stepped out.

I can't believe I wasted my time with him. Smooth had been blowing up my phone ever since I rocked his world Wednesday evening. He was a dead fuck, but his pockets were large. Before the evening was over, I had every bill in his wallet. He broke off the first grand before I finished my striptease and another grand after I got done making his toes curl. I think I put in my best work yet. But there was nothing attractive about him. He was overweight, belly stuck out farther than his dick, but as generous as he was with his money, Smooth could have had three toes and one eye in the center of his face and it wouldn't have mattered. It all spends the same, and I had a house to buy.

I quickly slipped into my shoes I found under the bed. I needed to catch a cab because I'd be damned if I was going to walk. Jay had tossed his pants over the chair, so I reached inside his pocket and peeled off five hundreds. Hell, the extra was for wasting my damn time. I had come here tonight not only to get paid but to spend time with someone I enjoyed being with, and look where it got me. The two of them were still arguing and going at it, and then the next I knew it grew quiet. By the time I had slipped my purse over my arm, Ronnie was moaning. Oh, no, his ass didn't. Just five minutes ago, he was getting ready to fuck me. Trifling ass. I moved back over to the chair, reached inside his pocket for his wallet again and took every last dime. Shit. It was enough to pay for my home inspection and drop by Saks Fifth Avenue tomorrow to buy myself a little something special. It was the least Jay could do for playing with my emotions.


I spoke to Kenyon on the phone almost every night, and it shocked the hell out of me we had so much to talk about. By the third night, I found myself looking forward to nine o'clock. We'd talk until he or I started nodding off. I discovered we had a lot in common. Kenyon had a fabulous sense of humor and liked stupid comedy movies like
Step Brothers, Scary Movie,
Blades of Glory
. Kenyon also thought sweet potato French fries were the best thing since calamari. He liked his hot dogs loaded with sauerkraut and lots of mustard just like I do. But when the conversation shifted to a more personal level like, “What do you look for in a man?” I decided it was time to set some boundaries.

“Kenyon, I'm gonna be honest with you. I haven't completely ended things with my husband, so in the meantime, I'm not looking for anything serious.”

“No problem,” he said in that soft, seductive voice I had fallen in love with over the phone. There was something about it I found so soothing and familiar. It was one of those voices you would never want to forget. “We can take it one day at a time and just enjoy each other's company.”

I had a feeling he was just saying what I wanted to hear, but at the same time I could just be smelling myself. So far, Kenyon came across as the type of man who believed in being with one woman, which made the rumors of him being a ho that much harder to believe.

“I bought that new
Friday the 13th.

“Oh!” We also enjoyed horror movies. “How was it?” I fluffed the pillow under my head.

“I haven't watched it yet.” There was a noticeable pause. “How about I come over tomorrow evening and we watch it at your place?”

I lay there in the dark curled deep in my covers as I considered his offer. I was trying to move on, but was I ready to bring another man to my house? I don't know how long I lay there considering the question.

“Baby, you still there?”

I smiled. I loved when he called me baby as if he'd been doing it for years. He really was a nice guy, and it wasn't like I was planning to screw him in the bed my husband bought me.

“Yeah. I'm here. Sure, why not? Watching the movie tomorrow sounds like fun.” We talked until shortly after midnight before I mumbled good-bye and hung up the phone.

The following evening, I hurried home from work, then took my schnauzer Rudy over to Mama's. My dog is like a spoiled child and a tad bit jealous when it comes to me. I didn't want him to have to compete for my affection. Besides, Mama had been asking for me to bring him over to keep her company.

I visited Big Mama, then made it back home and changed into jeans and a Lakers sweatshirt. My locks I pulled in a neat ponytail off my neck. I loved my hair, but at times, managing my locks seemed like too much damn work.

At a little after seven Kenyon pulled up in my driveway in a silver Lincoln MKS. Damn, that's a pretty car. I watched him get out and come up the stairs, taking in his attire from head to toe. The brotha definitely had style. He was wearing gray Nike sweatpants, matching hoodie and brand new Jordans on his feet. I waited until he rang the doorbell, then took my time opening it. I stood there and smiled.


I couldn't stop smiling. “Hey.” I stepped aside so he could enter.

He held up a bottle. “I hope you like wine.”

It took everything he had to keep a straight face. “You know I do,” I said, and he started laughing and I joined in. The ice had been broken and I felt instantly at ease.

“Come're.” I went right into his arms and he gave me a big hug, then released me. “Damn. I needed that. Now I'm good for the rest of the night.” He winked and I kept on smiling. Being pressed up against him had my nipples hard as hell. I took the bottle from one hand. He was holding the movie in the other as he stepped into the kitchen.

“Damn, baby. You got a nice crib.”

“Thanks.” While he admired my mosaic ceramic floor and granite countertops, I reached inside my cherry wood cabinet and retrieved a corkscrew.

“It looks like your talk show's got you living large.”

I shrugged. “Between that and the bookstore I'm not doing too bad.”

“I'm not mad. I love to see a beautiful black woman doing the damn thang.”

“Thank you.” I laughed and poured two glasses of wine and handed him one.

“I've never been much of a wine drinker, but maybe you can teach me a few things.” He took a sip. “Hmmm, that's not bad.”

“I told you. Moscato is my favorite wine.”

He took another drink, then smiled. “I definitely can see why.” He had the most beautiful eyes. I don't know how long I stood there like a fool staring at him before I forced my eyes away. I signaled for him to follow me into the family room behind the kitchen, where I knew he would be equally impressed.

“Oh, shit!”

The room had been my husband's oasis after a long day. Large wraparound leather couch. Sixty-inch flat-screen television with surround sound. Every kind of movie you could think of in a built-in wall unit as well as a PlayStation 3 and dozens of video games.

“I think I just died and gone to heaven.”

I playfully slugged him in the arm and took the DVD from his hand. After I put the movie in, we both took a seat on the couch. I made sure to put a little space between us.

Before the movie even began, Kenyon turned to me. “Can I ask a question?”

“Sure,” I said, then brought the flute to my lips.

“You either have a child or a dog, because there are toys all over this floor!”

Glancing around the Berber carpet I had to laugh. Rudy's toys were everywhere. Stuffed animals, balls and toys that made noise were scattered around the room. I was so used to them, I didn't even pay attention. “I have a dog.”

Kenyon gave me a curious look. “Where's he at? Out back?”

I shook my head. “At my mom's. I forgot to mention I had a dog and wasn't sure if you like them or not.”

“I love dogs. What kind you got?”

I crossed my legs and sat Indian style. “A schnauzer.”

Kenyon brought the glass to his lips, then paused. “Is that one of those Wizard of Oz–looking dogs?”

I laughed. “Yeah, something like that.”

Playfully he rolled his eyes. “I should have guessed.” He broke out laughing and I giggled along with him. I liked him already. He had such a refreshing sense of humor. “Come're.” Willingly, I slid over on the couch and he draped an arm across my shoulders while we watched the movie.

It was definitely a remake of the original and much better than all the sequels. I jumped off the couch shouting at the fool in the movie. “Run, stupid! Run!” Kenyon started laughing. Why was it folks always have to fall in scary movies?

By the time the movie was over we had pretty much finished the bottle of wine. I turned on some music and we listened to Hot 97 quiet storm. My girl Keisha was on the air. She definitely could hold her own.

“Isn't that your station?”

I nodded. “Yep. I only work Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights. Otherwise, I wouldn't have time to do anything.”

“That means if I wanna take you out it's gotta be on a Saturday?”

“Yep.” Johnny Gill was bellowing through the speakers telling some girl to put on her red dress and let her hair down.

Kenyon scooped me up and lowered me across his lap. “So, we still on for Saturday? I would like to take you to dinner.”

My heart was pounding. I was sitting so close. The lights were low. Romantic music was in the background, and my body was definitely responding to being on his lap. I stared up into his beautiful chocolate face. The man definitely had some Indian in him. His hair was so pretty and wavy, and his lashes were long. Who could resist a man like this?

“Sure. Dinner sounds fabulous.”

Kenyon leaned in and kissed my lips. I pulled back, stared down at him, then kissed him myself. He pushed open my mouth and started tonguing me. I learned a long time ago you have to teach a man what you like. They aren't mind readers. “Hold up. Okay, let's try that again and slower. Relax your tongue…slow down a little. Here, just follow my lead…. There you go…just like that.”

He nodded. “All you have to do is show me what you like.” He didn't get mad like some other brotha might. There were many who didn't believe in being corrected. But not Kenyon. He did just as I suggested and followed the stroke of my tongue, and it wasn't long before he had gotten the hang of it and had deepened the kiss. By the time Dru Hill was singing “Tell Me,” my coochie was purring and my nipples were begging to be sucked. Six months is a long time for a woman to go without sex. But when his hand crept beneath my sweatshirt, I decided that unless I was ready to give him some, it was probably a good time to end the night before things got out of hand.

I pulled back and removed his creeping fingers. “It's time to say good night.”

He gave me a long look. “Okay.” He didn't look mad at all. That was a good sign. Kenyon rose with me still on his lap and lowered me gently to my feet. “Thanks for inviting me over.” He kissed me.

“Thanks for sharing your movie.”

He kissed me again. “Anytime.”

I put the DVD back in the case, then took Kenyon's hand and led him to the front door. Once there, Kenyon pulled me back into his arms and pushed my lips apart with his tongue. The man had definitely caught on quick. He was good…real good. I couldn't help but wonder what else he was good at. The whole time he was kissing me, I was thinking about him taking me back to my room and making love to me with the same skill as his kissing. I had no doubt it would be good. One final kiss, and he ended it.

“Thanks again, Nikki. I look forward to Saturday night.”

“Me too.” I watched him until his car had turned at the corner before I shut the door and moved back to my room to get ready for bed. As soon as I slipped into my gown the phone rang.

“I'm already missing you.”

I was so glad to hear that. “I'm missing you too.”

“I can't believe the way we have connected. It's like I've known you for years.”

“Same here.” I slid underneath the covers and we talked until Kenyon arrived home before we both said good night. I lay there in my bed, listening to the quiet storm, and found myself thinking about Kenyon and wondering if the rumor about him having a small dick was true. I hoped not. Right now he was so perfect. A little dick would definitely ruin everything.

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