Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (478 page)

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Noailles graver
(Noailles burin)
Small gravers or burins made from thin, flat blades, truncated and retouched to give several chisel-like blades on the same tool. Named after the cave of Noailles, Corrèze, in France and dating to the Perigordian at around 27000 years ago.
Herding societies whose seasonal movements are primarily dependent on the search for fresh pastures, although exceptionally they may also be involved with limited cultivation.
An administrative district in ancient Egypt.
Describing approaches based on producing generalizations, common principles, or laws relating to human behaviour.
non-conformist chapel
A building used for worship and meetings by Protestants outside the established church, including the Old Dissent groups (Quakers/Society of Friends; Baptists; Presbyterians; Congregationalists; Independents; or Unitarians) and the New Dissent groups that developed after ad 1750 (Moravians; Methodists; Wesleyans; and Primitive Methodists).
non-verbal communication
Communication between individuals based on facial expression, bodily gesture, or the deployment of material culture such as clothing, ornaments, objects, and structures. The last area is important for archaeology as these items are potentially recoverable from the archaeological record.
Norman architecture
Distinctive style of architecture characterized by the Romanesque or round-headed arch, often highly decorated and of several orders, constructed of cut stones of approximately equal size set radially.

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