Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (433 page)

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Traditional calendar festival in northern Europe recently celebrated on 29 September marking the end of the harvest and thus the end of the agricultural year.
Michelsberg Culture
Middle Neolithic communities occupying the area from Belgium through to the Alps in the period 4500–4000 bc Named after a hilltop camp in the Rhineland. The Michelsberg Culture succeeded the Rössen Culture and is characterized by distinctive pottery forms including tulip beakers, round-based flasks with tall, conical necks, and vessels with finger-impressed ornament around their rims. The culture has strong affinities with the Western Chassey and the middle Neolithic cultures of southern England, as well as with the TRB cultures of northern Europe. Michelsberg sites include ditched enclosed settlements and flint mines.
A very small, narrow blade.
Residual product in the fabrication of a
by notching a blade on one side and then snapping it. The smaller piece is the residual or microburin, the longer section of blade forms the blank from which a microlith can be made. Microburins have no functional purpose.
Very small implement, commonly of flint, regarded as characteristic of the Mesolithic period in Europe. Typically microliths are between 10mm and 50mm long and shaped into either a point or a barb. They were mostly used in composite tools such as harpoons, arrows, or knives.

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