Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (432 page)

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A general term applied to the procedures and approaches used to carry out a piece of archaeological research whether it is an excavation, survey, artefact study, or any other kind of analysis. Inherent to the methodology will be a series of underlying assumptions, theories, principles, and philosophies relating to the conceptualization of the material under study and the categories that will be used to define, describe, analyse, and talk about it. A methodology is usually written down as a
method statement
relating to a particular enquiry.
The plain panel alternating with the decorated cover-plate for the roof beam-ends (the triglyphs) in the Doric frieze. In classical times a sculptured relief decorated the plain space, the series of metopes around the temple illustrating a single theme, e.g. Greeks versus Amazons, Lapiths versus Centaurs, or the Labours of Hercules.
metrical analysis
Taking a set of defined measurements from items of interest and then using the measurements as an aid to classification and analysis.
A Greek sanctuary dedicated to the Mother of the Gods.
Metsamor, Armenia
A multi-phase prehistoric settlement in the Ararat Valley. Excavations since 1965 show the presence of superimposed Eneolithic, Bronze Age, and Iron Age occupation. In its early phases it was an urban-type settlement of 10.5ha with a citadel surrounded by a sturdy Cyclopean wall and ziggurat observatory situated on a low ridge. By the middle Bronze Age (late 3rd to middle 2nd millennia
) the size and architectural sophistication of the site had increased considerably and by the 10th century
it covered 100ha. About 500m southeast of the citadel was a cemetery with barrows and stone tombs. Finds suggest trading links with Egypt and Babylon in the mid 2nd millennium
[Sum.: R. Dezelus , 1993,
Metsamor: foyer metallurgique et culturel de la préhistoire armenienne 3000–600 av
. Vienne: Edition Mechithariste]
mica-dusted pottery
Pottery coated with a slip containing mica particles to give a golden or bronze-like sheen. Also called mica-gilt pottery.

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