Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (272 page)

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Gallinazo Culture
Cultural grouping in and between the Moche Valley and the Viru Valley on the north Peruvian coast which flourished in the period
200 bc–ad 200, the local Early intermediate Horizon. Characterized by huge pyramid mounds, villages, and a distinctive ceramic style which included oxidized red wares but is best represented as black-on-orange negative resist decorated ware. Some ceramic styles and technologies are possibly related to the Recuay style in the Peruvian highlands.
Term used to describe the latest Iron Age culture of Gaul, particularly north and east of the Seine and Marne, before the Roman conquest.
Gallo-Belgic ware
Vessels imported from Gaul in the late 1st century
and early 1st century
, usually in black or silver-grey fabrics (
), or white fabric coated with red slip (
), or a dense white or cream fabric like pipeclay. Close British imitations of these fabrics and forms are known, and further copying of the forms was wide-spread. The imported vessels often have the name of the potter stamped on the inner surface of the base, a practice imitated in but usually with illegible markings.
Last major pluvial period of the Pleistocene in Africa.
Gamio , Manuel
Mexican archaeologist, at one time a student of Franz Boas , well known for his systematic approach to the study of regions and stratigraphy. In 1911 he established a ceramic sequence for the Valley of Mexico based on excavations at Azcapotzalco, Mexico.
American Anthropologist
, 64 (1962), 356–9]
A medieval privy.

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