Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (235 page)

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England: leaders, rulers, kings, and queens to
Tribal rulers/petty kings of the 1st century
/1st century
Note: the order of succession of these rulers, their dates of rule, and the geographical areas of influence are not known with certainty. For convenience, each is associated with one of the tribal areas identifiable in the later 1st century
 Queen Cartimandua
 Venutius (?northern part)
 Corio (?southern part)
 Bodvoc or Boduocus (?northeastern part)
 Commius (originally from Gaul?)
 Tincommius (son of Commius)
 Eppillus (son of Commius)
 Epaticcus (brother of Cunobelin)
 Verica (son of Commius)
 Tasciovanus (son of Cassivellaunus)
 Cunobelin (?son of Tasciovanus)
 Togodumnus (son of Cunobelin)
 Caratacus (son of Cunobelin)
 Adminius (son of Cunobelin)
 Prasutagus, died AD 60
 Queen Boudicca (widow of Prasutagus)
Govenors of Britannia from the time of the Roman conquest in
AD 43
 Aulus Plautius AD 43–7
 Publius Ostorius Scapula 47–52
 Aulus Didius Gallus 52–7
 Quintus Veranius 57/8
 Gaius Suetonius Paulinus ?58–61
 Publius Petronius Turpilianus 61/2–3
 Marcus Trebellius Maximus 63–9
 Marcus Vettius Bolanus 69–71
 Quintus Petilius Cerialis 71–3/4
 Sexus Julius Frontinus 73/4–77/8
 Gnaeus Julius Agricola 78–84 (or 77–83)
 Sallustius Lucullus in period 83/4–96
 Publius Metilius Nepos ?by 96
 Titus Avidius Quietus ?97/8–?100–1
 Lucius Neratius Marcellus ?100/1–3
 Marcus Appius (or Atilius) Bradua perhaps 115–18
 Quintus Pompeius Falco 118–22
 Aulus Platorius Nepos 122–?5
 Sextus Julius Severus
 Publius Mummius Sisenna ?132/3–5 or later
 Quintus Lollius Urbicus 138/9–?44
 Guaneus Papirius Aelianus by 146
 Gnaeus Julius Verus by 158
 Gnaeus Julianus Longus or Longinus 158/9–61
 Marcus Statius Priscus 161/2
 Sexus Calpurnius Agricola by 163/4–?6
 Quintus Antistius Adventus in period 169–80
 ? Caerellius Priscus in period 169–80
 Ulpius Marcellus by 180–?lit
 Publius Helvius Pertinax 185?–7
 Decimus Clodius Albinus 191/2–?
 Virius Lupus 197–?200/2
 Marcus Antius Crescens Calpuraianus acting governor ?202
 Gaius Valerius Pudens 202/3–5 or later
 Lucius Alfenus Senecio 205/7–?lit
Britannia Superior
 Gaius Junius Faustinus Postumianus ?
 Titus Julius Pollienus Auspex ?
 Rufinus ?
 Marcus Martiannius Pulcher ?
 Titus Destcius Juba 253–5
Britannia Inferior
 Gaius Julius Marcus by 213
 Marcus Antonius Gordianus ?by 216
 Modius Julius by 219
 Tiberius Claudius Paulinus 220
 Marius Valerianus 221–2/3
 Claudius Xenephon 223
 Maximus by 225
 Claudius Apellinus in period 222–35
 Calvisius Rufus in period 222–35
 Valerius Crescens Fulvianus in period 222–35
 (T)uccianus by 237
 Maecilius Fuscus in period 238–44
 Egnatius Lucilianua in period 238–44
 Nonius Philippus by 242
 Octavius Sabinus in period 260–9
Diocese of the Britons
 Pacatianus by 319
 Falvius Martinus ?353
 Alypius (soon after Martinus )
 Civilis 368
 Victorinus probably in period 395–406
 Chrysanthus probably in period 395–406
Diocese of the Britons (governors)
 Aurelius Arpagius (?Britannia Secunda) in period 296–305
 Flavius Sanctus mid 4th century
 Lucius Septimius (Britannia Prima) ?
Kings and queens of the later first millennium AD
 Ida 547–60
 Aethelfrith 593–616
 Edwin 616–32
 Eanfrith 632–3
 Osric 632–3
 Oswald 633–41
 Oswiv 641–70
 Oswine 644–51
 Alle 560–90
 Aethelwald 651–4
 Ecgfrith 670–85
 Aldfrith 685–704
 Oscred 705–16
 Osirc 718–29
 Penda 632–54
 Wulfhere 657–74
 Aethdred 674–704
 Ceolred 709–16
 Aethelbald 716–57
 Centred 704–9
 Offa 757–96
 Ecgfrith 796
 Cenwulf 796–821
 Ceolwulf 821–3
Wessex and England
 Egbert 802–39
 Aethelwulf 839–55
 Aethelbald 855–60
 Aethelberht 860–6
 Aethelred 866–71
 Alfred 871–99
 Edward the Elder 899–924
 Athelstan 924–39
 Edmund 939–46
 Cnut 939–46
 Eadred 946–55
 Eadwig 955–7
 Edgar 957–75
 Edward the Martyr 975–8
 Aethelred 978–1016
 Swein (king of Denmark and England) 1014
 Edmund Ironside 1016
 Harald Harefoot 1035–40
 Hardenut 1040–2
 Edward the Confessor 1042–66
 Harold 1066
English Heritage
The popular name for the government agency responsible for archaeology and related matters in England. Created in 1983, its full title is the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England (HBMCE). Its general duties are to: secure the preservation of ancient monuments and historic buildings situated in England; promote the preservation and enhancement of the character and appearance of conservation areas situated in England; and promote the public's enjoyment of, and advance their knowledge of, ancient monuments and historic buildings situated in England and their preservation. In addition English Heritage looks after guardianship monuments, administers the management and consent procedures for
monuments, and provides support for archaeological advisers in local authorities. Their work in archaeology also includes grant aid for archaeological projects, a network of regional science advisers, the maintenance of the National Monuments Record, and the running of laboratories and specialist facilities to support archaeological recording and investigation. See also
Sumerian god. See
The period from the last part of the 17th century through the 18th century when many important philosophical and scientific developments took place, some of which stimulated a new interest in the past. See

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