Complications (2 page)

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Authors: Emilia Winters

Tags: #Romance, #romance erotica

BOOK: Complications
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That same knowing smile appeared from earlier. “I have no doubt. And I can’t wait to taste your red velvet, Olivia,” he purred.

Olivia was rooted in place until the front door swung shut behind them, the little bell announcing their departure. She took a deep breath to calm how overheated she felt at Alex’s last comment. And then she took another breath and tried to convince herself that she didn’t want to see him again.

But she’d never been any good at lying. Especially to herself.

Chapter Two

Alex sank down into the chair of his home office and booted up his computer, preparing for another couple hours of work. He had left his office early that afternoon to accompany Beth to their grandmother’s, but he still had meetings to prepare for before he felt comfortable heading to bed.

While he waited for his computer to load, he walked towards his bedroom, loosening his tie along the way. He passed by the kitchen but paused when he spotted a small pink box sitting on the island counter. Suddenly, a sting of lust raced through him when he remembered the curvy baker from earlier. Olivia, she had said her name was.

When he had decided to purchase the cupcake, he didn’t really think he would eat it. He wasn’t a dessert person, but he had been rather interested in seeing her reaction when he ordered her favorite cupcake. She had been flustered. He remembered the confusion as plain as day on her face.

It was a refreshing change to be able to read a woman so easily. He was used to cold women who liked his money and his looks, ones who didn’t have expectations past a few casual nights of sex together as long as they received something in return. He even convinced himself that he didn’t care if they used him.

Alex stood in his kitchen for a moment before he rounded the counter, searching for a fork. He figured he would at least try it. He remembered his grandmother’s blatant appreciation for the chocolate cupcakes, even as she gave Beth the silent treatment after hearing the news of the engagement.

The fork sank into the moist cake and Alex brought it up to his lips. He pictured the wide-eyed gaze of the blushing baker when she had realized he was hitting on her. He almost chuckled but it turned into a faint moan as the taste of the dessert exploded on his tongue. It was rich and decadent. He could understand why it was her favorite.

Five minutes later, the cupcake was completely gone and Alex’s thoughts were fully centered on Olivia. He remembered her heated gaze when she first saw him. It had stirred his interest almost immediately. While he was used to women looking at him with blatant invitation, Alex saw vulnerability and cautiousness in her eyes. She reminded him of a skittish cat, one that needed taming.

When his eyes had landed on her curves, his interest had multiplied exponentially. He could still imagine the soft curves of her breasts and generous hips. And her eyes. Clear, blue eyes that seemed almost too big for her face. But they only added to her allure in his opinion.

Alex felt himself begin to harden in his slacks so he pushed away from the counter, cleaning up a bit before heading into his bedroom.

She hadn’t said she was seeing anyone. At least that’s what he took her silence for. And as he undressed, he knew he would see her again soon. Something about her intrigued him. And he knew he wouldn’t be able to get those hips out of his mind anytime soon judging by the now-prominent erection he was currently sporting.

I guess work can wait a bit longer
, Alex thought.

* * * * *

The following Monday Alex waltzed back into
Livy’s Cupcakes
with his mind made up. It was near closing time for the shop and Alex immediately noticed Olivia at the counter. She was helping a customer and smiling politely. He sensed that same cautiousness though. It was in the way she held herself and the guarded look in her blue eyes.

He walked towards the counter. Olivia had yet to see him and he heard the customer in front of him say, “I saw you at the bookstore on Main Street this past weekend. I waved, but I don’t think you saw me.”

Alex watched as Olivia frowned. “I’m sorry, Mr. Miller, I don’t remember. I wasn’t feeling very well, so I must have not noticed.”

Mr. Miller nodded, his head bobbing up and down almost too rapidly, “Oh I see. You look great now. Prettier than ever.”

Alex raised his eyebrows slightly, noting the way Olivia’s mouth tightened. It was a small detail, but one that was telling. “Thank you, Mr. Miller.” She handed him a receipt and pushed the small box on the counter towards him. “I’ll see you soon. Have a good evening.”

Mr. Miller nodded again with the same intensity and said, “See you tomorrow.”

Olivia watched as Mr. Miller walked slowly out of the shop. She still hadn’t spotted him, but he noticed the way she bit down on her lip, a small crease appearing between her brows.

“Admirer of yours?” Alex asked slowly, a teasing smile forming on his lips. He watched in amusement as her gaze snapped to his and her lips parted. Alex’s gaze fell on them, watching as she nervously dabbed her tongue to her bottom lip. His body tightened at the action and he forced himself to meet her eyes.

It took her a moment to respond. She cleared her throat, getting over her shock. “Oh, he comes in almost every day. He’s just a regular.” She paused, but then said with more confidence, “I hope your grandmother enjoyed the cupcakes.”

Alex walked closer to the counter and leaned his hip against it. “She refused to let us have one.” Not that he or Beth even had the guts to ask her in the mood she was in. He lowered his voice, “But mine was delicious. It was the best thing I’ve tasted in a while.” He watched with satisfaction as her eyes briefly unfocused.

She nervously licked her bottom lip again. “I’m glad you liked it. Are you here for another one?”
Well, I’ll be damned
, he thought. He could swear she was flirting with him. Her voice was husky and low and it was seriously turning him on. But then she said, “I think I still have a few left somewhere in the back. If not, I still have the pumpkin flavor I was telling you about.”

false alarm

But it didn’t change the fact that she was still turning him on just talking about something as innocent as cupcakes. What the hell was wrong with him?

His mind was definitely made up. He leaned towards her a bit. “Actually, I came here to take you out to dinner right now. But we can always have that pumpkin flavor for dessert if you like.”

Alex heard her sharp intake of air and smiled. She was starting to blush and he watched, completely fascinated. Besides her, he didn’t remember the last time he saw a woman blush. Olivia opened her mouth and said, “I…I’m not…” she took a deep breath and asked incredulously, “Are you

Alex frowned at her defensive tone. “No, not at all. I’m completely serious.” He paused, watching as her brows furrowed. “Did I offend you?”

Her lips parted again and she blew out a short breath. Sighing, she slowly shook her head, “No, of course not. I’m sorry. It’s just…it’s been a long day.”

“Which gives me more of a reason to take you out. And if you’re lucky, you may even get a massage out of it,” he responded, keeping his tone teasing and light. He didn’t want to scare her off again.

Her eyes crinkled a bit as a small, almost reluctant amused smile crossed her lips. Alex felt relief as he watched it appear. “Oh really?” she asked, her tone playfully skeptical.

Alex grinned and leaned his forearms on the counter, “I’m told I have amazing hands.”

“I have no doubt,” she murmured and Alex felt a rush of heat head straight for his cock.

“So it’s settled then. Dinner and a massage are in order,” he replied, his throat suddenly tight. He was imagining kneading the soft flesh of her ass…imagining brushing his lips over the small of her back.

She looked like she was just about to cave, but then she shook her head. “I can’t. I’m sorry. I still have to clean up the back and close up…” she paused, looking like she wanted to say something else. “And to be completely honest, I just got out of a relationship. I’m not looking for anything else right now.” She looked embarrassed, but all he felt was relief. So she definitely wasn’t seeing anyone…at least anymore.

“It’s just dinner, darling. I’m not looking for anything serious either. But that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy each other’s company,” he replied smoothly. She was still biting her lip, so he added, “And I’ll even help you clean up the kitchen.” He caught her gaze and held it. He smiled even though he was oddly nervous. He didn’t fully comprehend why her answer was so important to him. But, without a doubt, he wanted—no, needed—her to say yes. Then, out of nowhere, her stomach rumbled. Her face immediately burned bright red while he smiled teasingly. “I’ll take that as my answer.”

“Oh, alright,” she said in a low voice, turning her face away from him, clearly still embarrassed. Her cheeks were an enticing shade of pink and the way she nibbled at her lip nervously was not putting an end to his fantasies. “But you don’t need to help me clean. I’ll be done in an hour or so. Maybe I should just meet you somewhere afterward.”

Those big eyes of hers found his and he knew right then that her suggestion wouldn’t work for him. He wanted to be around her as long as possible. And, in the back of his mind, he figured she would talk herself out of having dinner with him. “I’ve been known to wash a dish or two. But if you’re one of those territorial kitchen people, then I can keep you company at the very least.”

Her lip twitched and she raised a brow. “Territorial kitchen people?”

“Yeah, you know, those people who hate it when other people rummage around their kitchen. My aunt is like that. Hell, I’m even like that. There’s nothing worse than trying to find dried oregano in your spice cabinet and you find it with the olive oil.” He smiled teasingly, trying to break the ice he sensed around her.

Her face transformed when she smiled. And it wasn’t the fake smile she used with her customers. It was genuine and purely beautiful. “I’m just surprised you know what dried oregano is. And that you even have olive oil.” Her tone was almost shy, but she was looking at him in a way that sent more heat flooding straight down to his cock. Her chin was tipped down and she gazed up at him under her thick fringe of eyelashes. Shit, he’d give anything to be on the receiving end of that look all the time.

This was fucking ridiculous. She was making him hard talking about dried oregano.

His gaze heated as it dropped briefly to the curve of her breast. “Oh, olive oil has its uses.” His tone was casual, but he knew she understood the double meaning of his words. Something flashed over her features.
. He stared at her, amazed—and aroused—by how easy she was to read. He was glad the counter was separating them, because she wouldn’t be able to miss the bulge in his slacks had she been right in front of him. He needed time to compose himself before she shut down on him again. “So, I’ll start in the back and you can close up out here.”

And before she could say another word, he headed around the counter and walked through the backdoor leading to what he presumed was her kitchen.

* * * * *

Olivia braced a hand on the counter the moment Alex disappeared through the door.
Holy hell
, she thought. She didn’t know if she would be able to sit through a dinner with him without spontaneously combusting into an inferno of hot, lusty flames. The man should seriously be illegal because she couldn’t remember the last time her panties had been this wet.

And now he was in the back cleaning up her kitchen. The idea was so ridiculous it was almost amusing. But the fluttering of her heart and the warmth rapidly spreading through her body told her it was definitely a reality.

She glanced at the clock over the register.
. Five minutes to closing.

She could vaguely hear the sound of pans banging into her sink and she forced herself to take calming, deep breaths. She felt as though she had just walked into a dream and any moment now she would wake up, safe and sound in her one bedroom apartment.

But this was no dream. The most handsome man she had ever seen just asked her out. And Olivia felt positive that he wanted to have sex with her. The man wasn’t exactly subtle.

She tried to wrap her head around it and failed. Olivia knew that she was pretty, but in a cute girl-next-door type of way. She was
the drop-dead gorgeous bombshell she imagined he usually pursued.

Olivia had always had insecurities about her body and now, after the smoke was starting to clear post-breakup, she realized that Miles contributed to most of that. But she had to admit that Alex looking at her with heat in his eyes certainly stroked her bruised ego in a big way. And after what Miles had done to her, she deserved a little reprieve from the rigid expectations she had managed to fit herself into during their six-year relationship.

So, with that thought in mind, she quickly flipped her open sign to closed and pulled an empty tray from the display case. Taking a deep breath, she paused and stared at the back door leading into her kitchen.

She felt a moment of hesitation. She
just come out of a long-term relationship. Was he really something that she was ready for? More importantly, did she even want to jump into something new so quickly?

An image of Miles flashed into her mind, the day of their break-up. She hadn’t seen him since then, but the emotionless expression on his face as he made his confession to her would be permanently burned into her memory. After six years, he hadn’t even shed one tear. Not the way she had during that moment…and afterwards for days.

Was she ready for something new?


With that thought, she felt a spark of confidence and she pushed through the door in front of her before she could change her mind.

Alex was standing in front of the sink. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and the image of him washing her dishes in slacks and leather dress shoes was so amusing she almost chuckled. He glanced over his broad shoulder to look at her. Olivia wanted to shiver as his dark eyes drank her in. His resulting smile was sensual and wicked and she felt her body respond to its intoxicating pull almost immediately.

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