Complete Works of James Joyce (182 page)

BOOK: Complete Works of James Joyce
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Una Unica, charmers, who, under the branches




of the elms, in shoes as yet unshent by stoni-




ness, wend, went, will wend a way of honey




myrrh and rambler roses mistmusk while still




the maybe mantles the meiblume or ever her




1 For Rose Point see Inishmacsaint.



2 Mannequins’ Pose.


3 Their holy presumption and hers sinfly desprit.


4 Anama anamaba anamabapa.


5 Only for he’s fathering law I could skewer that old one and slosh her




many’s the time but I thinks more of my pottles and ketts.


6 All abunk for Tarararat! Look slipper, soppyhat, we’ve a doss in the









Telltale me all

if have faded from the fleur,1 their arms



of annaryllies.

enlocked, (ringrang, the chimes of sex appeal-



Will you carry

ing as conchitas with sentas stray,2 rung!), all



my can and

thinking all of it, the It with an itch in it, the All



fight the fairies?

every inch of it, the pleasure each will preen her



Allma Mathers,

for, the business each was bred to breed by.3




Soon jemmijohns will cudgel about some



Old Gavelkind

a rhythmatick or other over Browne and



the Gamper and

Nolan’s divisional tables whereas she, of



he’s as daff as

minions’ novence charily being cupid, for



you’re erse.

mug’s wumping, grooser’s grubbiness, andt’s




avarice and grossopper’s grandegaffe, with her




tootpettypout of jemenfichue will sit and knit




on solfa sofa.4 Stew of the evening, booksyful




stew. And a bodikin a boss in the Thimble




Theatre. But all is her-inbourne. Intend. From




gramma’s grammar she has it that if there is a




third person, mascarine, phelinine or nuder,




being spoken abad it moods prosodes from a




person speaking to her second which is the




direct object that has been spoken to, with and




at. Take the dative with his oblative5 for, even




if obsolete, it is always of interest, so spake




gramma on the impetus of her imperative, only




mind your genderous towards his reflexives




such that I was to your grappa (Bott’s trousend,




hore a man uff!) when him was me hedon6




and mine, what the lewdy saying, his analec-




tual pygmyhop.7 There is comfortism in the




1 One must sell it to some one, the sacred name of love.



2 Making it up as we goes along.


3 The law of the jungerl.


4 Let me blush to think of all those halfwayhoist pullovers.


5 I’d like his pink’s cheek.


6 Frech devil in red hairing! So that’s why you ran away to sea, Mrs


Lappy. Leap me, Locklaun, for you have sensed!


7 A
washable lovable floatable doll.








knowledge that often hate on first hearing




comes of love by second sight. Have your


M. 50-50.

little sintalks in the dunk of subjunctions, dual


oþk þþàáoþ

in duel and prude with pruriel, but even the


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