Read Complete Book of Wedding Vows Online

Authors: Diane Warner

Tags: #Family & Relationships, #Marriage, #test

Complete Book of Wedding Vows (74 page)

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Bride: "I will."
Page 149
(The minister takes the groom's ring from the maid or matron of honor or from the ring bearer and gives it to the bride, instructing her to place it on the groom's finger.)
Minister (to the bride): "Do you, ________________, give this ring to ________________ as an expression of your love for him?"
Bride' "I do."
Minister (to the groom): "Will you, ______________, take this ring from __________________ as a token of her love for you and will you wear it as an expression of your love for her?"
Groom: "I will."
"I bring this ring as a symbol of my love and fidelity as your husband / wife, and as I slide it onto your finger, I commit my very heart and soul to you, my dear husband / wife, and I ask you to wear it as a reminder of the vows we have taken today."
"With this ring I thee wed, in the Name of God. Amen."
BOOK: Complete Book of Wedding Vows
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