Read Complete Book of Wedding Vows Online

Authors: Diane Warner

Tags: #Family & Relationships, #Marriage, #test

Complete Book of Wedding Vows (71 page)

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Page 146
United Church of Christ
"This ring I give you in token of my faithfulness and love, and as a pledge to honor you with my whole being and to share with you my worldly goods."
"I give you this ring in token of the covenant made today between us; in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."
United Church of Canada
"_____________________, I give you this ring that you may wear it as a symbol of our marriage."
The minister repeats these words as the rings are exchanged between the bride and groom:
"As a token of mutual fidelity and affection the ring(s) are now given and received."
The bride and groom, if they wish, may repeat their own ring vows:
"With this ring, I wed you and pledge you my love now and forever."
"Be consecrated to me, with this ring, as my wife / husband in accordance with the faith of our loved ones."
BOOK: Complete Book of Wedding Vows
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