Combust (The Wellingtons #1) (35 page)

BOOK: Combust (The Wellingtons #1)
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TAPPING MY pencil on the desk, I glance at the test and then up at the clock. I’m one question and five minutes away from spring break, and it can’t come soon enough. All my other classes have been a piece of cake, but for the past two months, I feel like I’ve been living and breathing general chemistry. It probably doesn’t help that Cohen and I haven’t spent a single day apart, and he makes me study for at least an hour on a daily basis. It’s probably unhealthy the way we’ve become inseparable, but we can’t seem to help ourselves. The one time we tried to give each other space, we ended up talking on the phone for three hours before he gave up and told me to come over. And we haven’t tried since. It’s comfortable, fun, and according to Reese, boring as hell—something she always says with a smile.

That doesn’t mean things have gotten serious though. Quite the opposite, in fact. After that first brunch with his parents, we came to an agreement that we were going to just let our relationship take its course, and that’s what we’ve been doing. It’s been natural, and this is probably the most contented I’ve ever felt in a relationship. We spend most of our time hanging out with my roommates, studying, or spending hours lying in bed with headphones, using a dual splitter to listen to music. If that’s considered boring, then I’m okay with it, because I’ve loved every single second of the time we’ve spent together, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

He’s kept good on his promise not to spout any more romantic emotional crap like he did on our first date. At first, I was relieved because I knew that, if he kept it up, I was going to fall for him way too soon and way too hard. Unfortunately, he didn’t need to whisper sweet nothings in my ear for that to happen. It did anyway. With every passing day spent with him, the resolve around my heart softens a little bit more, and I know it’s not going to be long before I’m going over the edge. I’m pretty damn close, with just one lone finger keeping me from falling. I know it’s going to take just the slightest push before I let go and fall completely, and I just hope Cohen makes good on his promise and is there to catch me.

Professor Gates’s voice breaks through my thoughts as he signals that time is almost up. Looking down at the question, I rattle my brain to remember the Lewis Structure. The answers look like hieroglyphics to me, and I wish I’d paid more attention to this part of our study sessions.

All of a sudden, I realize that one of the structures looks familiar, and when I remember why, I can’t help but grin. My heartbeat quickens and a fire ignites in my belly at the memory and travels down until I have to clench my thighs. Closing my eyes, I picture Cohen’s bare chest and recall the way he took his shirt off and handed me my lipstick, telling me to draw it on his chest. I did as he’d asked, and then he repeated the question three times and didn’t let me look away from him. As if that were a hardship.

Just like that, I open my eyes and fill in the last bubble on the Scantron, pretending it’s my ruby-red lip gloss that’s circling around his nipple. I know I have the right answer. After gathering my things, I take the test to Professor Gates, who gives me a smile. I practically skip out of the room and shoot Cohen a text to let him know that I’m finished.

I totally made that mid-term my bitch. I guess you are pretty handy to have around.

My phone vibrates almost immediately, and his words cause me to break out into a grin—but then again, I’m pretty sure I’ve been wearing a perma-grin since we reconnected.

I’d be slightly worried that you only want me for my brain, but I know how much you like it when I’m handy. Great job, baby. Celebrate tonight?

I don’t just like it when you’re handy. I love it. And when you do that thing with your tongue. Oh yeah. Love that, too. ;) As far as celebrating, let’s hold off on that until I know I passed. I don’t want to jinx it. But you can distract me by being handy…and you know, doing that thing with your tongue.

If you’re trying to give me a hard-on while I’m in class, it’s working. I’m going to have to start reciting the periodic table in my mind just to be able to stand up from my desk. And don’t stress it. I’m sure you did amazing, so we’re celebrating. I have some things to do after class, but how about we meet at my place around 8? Sound good?

Hmm. I’m curious as to what Cohen has to do, but I have my own errands to run, and that will give me plenty of time to get things done before going to his place. My roommates left early this morning to head to the beach for spring break. Cohen and I were invited to join them, but as good as the beach sounded, a whole week alone with Cohen sounded even better. Sure, we can always get away at his apartment, but it never seems to happen that way. More often than not, we’re at the house, and I’m looking forward to having him all to myself. And hopefully that finally means all of him.

Yes, it’s true. Even after two months of spending nearly every waking moment—and sleeping, for that matter—together, we still haven’t made it past third base. I know Cohen said that he was going to go slow, but I never thought we’d be moving at a snail’s pace. Not that what we have been doing isn’t enjoyable and extremely pleasurable. It’s just that I’m ready to take that next step with him. At the same time, I think I get what he’s doing. We rushed things last time, and he doesn’t want to do that again. I just wish I could convince him that it’s not going to be like that again. I haven’t pushed him, but I’m hoping this week I can change that.

Sounds good, babe. And if you insist on celebrating, I insist that we do it naked.

Woman, you’re going to be the death of me. But if you insist, who am I to say no? Now quit distracting me. Have a great afternoon and I’ll see ya later, baby.

With the perma-grin growing by the second, I throw my phone into my purse and head towards the mall. The last time I planned on seducing him, he nearly rocked my world. That thing with his tongue? Yeah, I’d be jealous of those who came before me—and, well, after me, I guess—but instead, I’m damn grateful that he had time to experiment, and it makes me giddy at the thought of taking things further. This time, I don’t plan on letting him leave the bedroom until we finally go all the way—even if I have to beg.

I can’t help but laugh at the parallel between my mindset tonight and that night Cohen and I first met. Once again, I, Andi Kane, am making it my mission to get laid. The only difference is that, this time, I have my target in sight. He once promised he’d rock my world all night long, and it’s time I make him pay up.



WHILE PACING around my apartment, I check the mirror in the hallway one more time, feeling like a chick as I make sure my hair’s not out of place or that my tie not is crooked. Andi’s supposed to be here in a few minutes, and I want tonight to be absolutely perfect. She’s worked her ass off this semester studying and barely complained when I pushed her to go through her notes just one more time. Sure, most of our study sessions seem to end in the bedroom, but she says that it’s good for her memorizing, and who am I to question it as long as she passes?

Things between us have been incredible. When she came back in my life, I never expected it to turn out this way. I’m not actually sure what my expectations were, but they didn’t include spending all of our time together. Nor did I imagine I’d fall for her so quickly. I’ve tried to keep her at a distance, but it’s been no use, and now that we’re going to have one week with no interruptions—no classes, no roommates, nothing to distract us—I plan on finally taking things further with her, and I can’t fucking wait. I’m also nervous as hell, but I’m no longer an eighteen-year-old virgin. I know things will be better this time around.

Unable to stop pacing, I make use of my restlessness and head to the kitchen. I’m checking the table settings when I hear a throat clear behind me, apparently not having heard my front door open. I smile, remembering the look in her eyes when I gave her a key. It only made sense since we spent so much time together. As I turn, my eyes nearly pop out of my head and my dick begins to stir to life as I take in the sight of her. Andi’s leaning against the doorframe, and she looks gorgeous. She’s dressed simply, in dark denim jeans and a long-sleeved, form-fitting, green Henley T-shirt, but the outfit hugs her curves in all the right places. There’s a low, scoop neckline that gives me just a hint of her breasts, and I begin to wonder what she’s wearing underneath and how I’m going to get through dinner without ripping her clothes off to find out.

“What’s all this?” she asks, gesturing towards the table. It’s set with two table settings and lit only by candlelight.

Once I walk to her, I take her by the hand and lead her towards the table, pulling out her chair for her to sit. When she does, I lean down and whisper in her ear, “Like I told you, we’re celebrating, baby.”

I promptly fill her wine glass and then head to the stove to plate dinner. It’s nothing special—bacon-wrapped pork tenderloin and roasted vegetables. Normally, Mom’s lasagna is my specialty, but I didn’t want a heavy meal with what I have planned for us for tonight. As I return to the table, I see Andi staring down at the paper next to her glass. When I sit down across from her, she looks up at me questioningly.

“Cohen, what is this?” she asks, and I realize that she hasn’t taken a peek.

“Open it, babe,” I tell her.

When she does, her eyes widen. Then her hand covers her mouth in shock. She scoots back her chair and rounds the table, falling into my lap as she peppers kisses over my face.

“I got an A?! I can’t believe it. How did you get this?”

“After senior seminar, I went to see Professor Gates. He owed me a favor and I cashed in. I didn’t want you to have to wait all week wondering. See, baby? All our study sessions are paying off. I guess I am useful after all.”

She laughs and gives me one last kiss on the lips before pushing off me and going back to her seat. “Seriously, Cohen, thank you so much. I was so stressed about that test. I swear I was one of the last people still in class when Professor Gates said time was up. Not in a million years did I think I’d get an A!”

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