Colter's Revenge (5 page)

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Authors: Jan Springer

BOOK: Colter's Revenge
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“Just like old times, Starry Eyes,” Colter whispered. She felt the mattress move as he stood and glared down at her.

There was no warm “like old times” look in his gaze. Only cold, hard anger. An anger that matched her own.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing? You can’t get away with this.”

He grinned cockily. “I already have.”

“I’ll scream. Once my bodyguard hears—”

“Scream as much as you want. Your bodyguard has been removed. The cabin is secluded. I made sure I obtained the only other cabin within shouting distance.”

No! This wasn’t happening! He was going to ruin her plans!

“Why are you doing this?”

“I can’t have you running around threatening to expose me.”

“I wouldn’t hurt you.”

His eyes flashed cold anger. “Your earlier hint says you will. Not to mention Cheri’s insinuation that you would get rid of the competition by spreading your legs in order to get the cure.”

“That’s Cheri’s petty bitchiness tactics because her husband couldn’t get me and—”

she cut herself off before she said too much. That was a part of her past she’d rather not let him know.


Jan Springer

“Oh do tell. I’m curious to hear why the general wouldn’t share you with her and her late husband Blakely. I hear the Blakelys enjoyed ménages. Just like you do…” he said his last sentence so softly Ashley found herself shivering with unwanted excitement as erotic memories of him and Blade crashed into her. She flung the thoughts aside, allowing anger to seethe through her. The son of a bitch wasn’t going to get away with this nonsense.

“Get this collar off me, you bastard.”

“I love it when you call me names.”

“Colter, I’m serious.”

“So am I. That collar stays on you until I say otherwise.”

His eyes darkened dangerously. She swallowed at the tightness in her throat. Shit!

The guy wasn’t kidding. Damn him! He was going to screw her plans!

“I don’t have any time for your games, Colter. I need that cure, and I’ll do anything I can to get it. Even…killing you if I have to,” she lied.

“When I’m finished with you, you just might want to, Starry Eyes.”

“Don’t call me that.” It reminded her of a time she’d rather forget.

“Why not? Don’t you like my nickname for you anymore?” he purred softly. Too softly, as if they were intimate lovers, as if they’d never been separated for years. For an instant, that warm look she’d fallen in love with melted the hardness in his face. Then it quickly vanished.

“That was another time. I’m not in the Terrorist Wars anymore,” she whispered.

“But you’re still fucking the general,” he replied coldly, a muscle twitched angrily in his cheek. Did she detect jealousy in his voice? Or maybe it was just wishful thinking on her part?

“What do you want from me?”

His eyes narrowed. Fear slithered up her naked back. If looks could kill, she’d be dead. “I’m going to keep you out of the way so you won’t blow my cover.”

“I’d never do that. I would have told you that very fact over drinks.”

“Like hell.”

The cold way he said it slammed into her gut like a punch from his own fist.

“What? You don’t trust me?”

“You haven’t earned my trust, Starry Eyes.”

What was that supposed to mean?

“And until you do, I want you at my mercy.”

In response, he reached over and yanked the white sheets off her nude body, displaying her to him.

Oh, my God! The heated way he looked at her almost made her self-combust!


Colter’s Revenge

“What the hell are you doing?” She was about to grab a nearby blanket when his next words stopped her cold.

“Don’t you dare cover yourself from me, Ashley. Ever. Or you will suffer dire consequences.”

Excitement and anger rolled into one and she closed her eyes against the raw hunger splashing in his eyes.

Did he think he could simply pick up where they’d left off? Any other time and she’d give him a second chance, if his explanation for leaving her in Iraq were a suitable one. Now, however, was not an option. She needed to get her hands on the cure and she couldn’t do it by staying here…as his plaything.

Okay, just relax. You can handle this.

“I told you, I’m not in the Wars anymore—”

“Stand,” he instructed.

“The hell I will. Get out of my room!”

God! The ravenous way he glared at her made her tremble with hardcore lust. Made her want to submit to his will. She could literally feel the urge to surrender to him washing through her veins and her stomach twisted in shock. She’d forgotten to take her medicine!


“Colter, I need—” How could she tell him she needed her medication? How could she reveal to him she was infected by the X-virus? Pride told her to say nothing. Past experience told her she still had time before the full effects of the virus took hold, before she actively became his plaything…not that it sounded like a bad idea. She wouldn’t mind reliving what they’d shared back in Iraq.

“I said stand.”

The cold, fierce way he said it gave her the distinct impression he wasn’t kidding around. He was serious. Deadly serious. And if she had any hope of getting away from him, she’d best do his bidding. Besides, if her bodyguard really were out of the way, it meant she was totally at his mercy in this luxury cabin. Totally under his control. Damned if that thought didn’t turn her on.

Reluctantly she did as he demanded.

Standing at attention, she forced herself to dangle her arms at her sides. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t seen her naked before, and it wasn’t as if she’d never wanted him to see her naked again. She just hadn’t imagined it to be quite this way. Instead of covering her nudity as she wanted to do, she boldly stared straight at him. Damned if she was going to show him she was afraid of what he did to her body. His Adam’s apple bobbed wildly as his gaze swept over her curves. She could literally feel the heated burn of his eyes as they caressed her generous breasts. Silently she cursed herself at the way her breasts swelled, the intimate way her nipples beaded. 27

Jan Springer

“Cup your breasts.”

“Go to hell,” she found herself saying softly. Found her nipples suddenly aching with the need to have his fingertips brush across their hardening tips. She couldn’t stop the shivers from coursing through her as she saw the thick bulge pressing against his pants. The lusty need to submit to him grew within her. She could literally feel the last remnants of resistance shatter.

Damn her! Why hadn’t she taken her medication? It would have been easier to protest. To resist him.

“I’m warning you, Ashley. Do it now.”

God! His voice sounded so cold and yet so hot. But what about her medicine…she should tell him.


“Do it!”

Her pussy creamed at his sharp command. She did as he ordered, holding her breasts in her hands, feeling their heaviness, reveling in how swollen and tight they felt.


“Do not speak unless I ask you a question.”

Oh, God! Her brain began to fog over at the command. The need to submit began to take hold. The X-virus was kicking in.


“Stay that way until I say otherwise.”

Again she wanted to tell him to get her medicine but even that thought was lost as she watched him turn his broad back to her. The tips of her fingertips tingled as she remembered digging her hands into his hard shoulders all those years ago. Feeling the hot ripples of his muscles as she held him against her, his long, thick cock sliding deep inside, stretching her, plunging into her very core.

She breathed out an aroused breath and watched as he headed toward a nearby cabinet she hadn’t had the chance to explore yet. But she’d read the brochures of Pleasure Palace and knew what that cabinet would contain. Her heart pounded frantically as the door creaked open. The first thing she saw was the arrangement of butt plugs of varying sizes. The second thing she noted was the assortment of vibrators and dildos. The third thing she noticed was the raw hunger flashing in his eyes when he turned to face her.

She swallowed back the unwanted excitement rushing through her.

“Keep holding those breasts. Hold them out. Nice and high,” he said. His eyes narrowed slightly as his gaze dropped to her breasts.

She swore she saw the bulge between his legs growing, pressing harder against his pants.


Colter’s Revenge

“Tell me…how do they feel? Do they ache to be touched? Crave to have my lips suckling those big nipples?”

“Yes,” she found herself whispering, hoping he would touch her.

“Good.” He turned his back to her and began to inspect the cabinet. His voice sounded so cold and so hard it brought a spring of hot tears burning against the back of her eyes.

God! What had turned him into such a cold bastard? She wanted to ask him when he suddenly whispered, “Here’s something of interest.”

She didn’t like the satisfaction lacing his words, but she held her ground, determined not to watch what he was reaching for. In the end, she found herself caving in to the need to know and strained her neck to see over a gorgeous set of broad shoulders. As he moved his arms to sift through the sex toy cabinet, she couldn’t stop her breath from backing up at the way his biceps bulged against the dark suit. A tearing sound ripped through the air.

“Shoot!” he spat.

She couldn’t help but laugh as the suit seam across his shoulders literally ripped apart, showing the pale blue shirt beneath.

He swore softly, shrugged out of the jacket and placed it on top of the sex toy cabinet. Then he swore some more, untied his tie and shoved it into the jacket pocket. When he turned around, she caught his long fingers working open the top three buttons of his shirt, allowing her to get an intoxicating peek at his curly chest hairs and then his dark frown. To her surprise, a gentle wave of erotic fear shuddered through her. He looked absolutely riveting when he was pissed off. It was an interesting side of him she wouldn’t mind exploring.

“You’ve still got the most beautiful breasts I’ve ever seen, Starry Eyes. And those nipples… I wonder if they still taste so delicious.”

In contrast to only moments ago when she’d hated hearing her nickname, her knees now melted at the intimate words he’d picked out for her. Oh, God! This was just happening way too fast!

“But that’s all you are to me. Just breasts. A hot cunt. A luscious ass. And you are just a woman. A woman in a long string of fuck fantasies. Is that clear?”

She was just a fuck fantasy to him? Anger nudged at her submissiveness and somewhere at the back of her brain a sad voice told her if she’d had any delusions about him being the same man she’d fallen in love with, then the cold finality of his words only confirmed what the general had told her about him. That he’d brought Colter Outlaw to his mansion and made Ashley available to him to use. Colter had filled her with hope then satisfied his and Blade’s lust with her, and left her without looking back.

“Now let go of your breasts and clasp your hands behind your back. Make your tits stick out nice and hard.”


Jan Springer

Despite her slight hesitation to do what he suggested, her pussy creamed with heated liquid.

Stupid X-virus! She was actually being turned on by the horrible way he was treating her. Uttering an exasperated sigh, she reluctantly let go of her breasts and clasped her hands behind her back, pushing her shoulders back, suddenly quite eager to please him.

Yes, she was definitely not a normal woman with this X-virus racing through her. Especially with the frantic way her heart pounded against her chest as he moved toward her. His walk was almost graceful—in a predatory kind of way. Maybe the word “cocksure” was more appropriate for the way he came at her on those long, powerful-looking legs. Cocksure that she would do what he told her to do without a fight.

But how could he know she’d been infected with the virus? She’d never told him. It made her feel inferior. Hence her overwhelming need to get the cure. The webs of the X-virus began to ebb from her brain and her thoughts cleared. From past experience she knew she’d only have a narrow window of opportunity of a few minutes before the fog of submission would drape over her again. She had two choices.

Tell him about being infected and ask him to give her the medicine. Or escape.

Escape sounded a whole hell of a lot better than revealing her inferiority. She allowed him to pass her. Readied to attack him.

As if sensing her next move, his hands gripped her upper arms and, with unbelievable ease, he twisted her around, grabbed her wrists and, within a blink of an eye, she heard the cold finality of handcuffs snap around each of her wrists.

“Fuck!” She bit out and tried to kick at him.

With ease he grabbed her by her bare hips, his hot hands branding her flesh as he hoisted her onto the bed and onto her back.

“Stay right there, Starry Eyes, or next time I won’t be so gentle.”

“Geez, I’d hate to see your violent side,” she grumbled, trying to fight the submissiveness clambering over her at his command.

Warily she watched him as he sat down on the bed beside her. She couldn’t help but flinch and turn her head away as he raised his hand. Strong fingers gripped her chin. He held her with calm determination as he twisted her head toward him.

“Easy, I won’t hurt you.” His voice sounded so calm she almost believed him. Almost.

“You already have.”


Colter’s Revenge

“I apologize for being brutal. I’ve forgotten how passionate you can be, but I’m sure I’ll remember quickly.”

Her heart thundered against her chest and she swore her bared breasts moved with every beat.

“Just lie there and enjoy this, Ashley. And keep your eyes on me the whole time.”

Another command. The last of her resistance once again blew away. She couldn’t stop her soft gasp as he placed an odd-looking black suction cup over her left nipple.

“Eyes on me, Ash.”

Her eyes darted back to his face. No smile. Only cold, hard determination. As he pumped the suction cup, the intense suckling on her nipple just about made her scream, it felt so good.

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