Colter's Revenge (18 page)

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Authors: Jan Springer

BOOK: Colter's Revenge
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Recognition flared in his eyes as she started to softly hum the tune, began to swing her hips in the erotic belly dancing way she’d been trained. She kept her eyes glued to his tanned face, to the half smile that made him just this side of darkly sexy. To the excitement flaring in his heavy-lidded eyes.

He looked just as he’d done that night when she’d strip-danced in front of the general and the young doctor.

She’d teased the handsome soldier by gyrating her hips all the while gasping at the sensual way the dildo moved within her and enjoyed the pleasure-pain gripping her ass.

Colter kept his gaze fixated to the way she massaged her quickly swelling breasts, to the way she pinched her nipples until they beaded and burned. 99

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His breathing sounded raspy, his gaze riveted to her every move as she swayed seductively and slow-danced in front of him.

“That’s it, Starry Eyes. Show me what I’ve been missing.”

His words should have hurt, but they didn’t. They only made her remember the tender way he touched her when they were together, the mind-blowing sex they shared and the astounding ménage à trois they’d had with his soldier friend. By the time she’d finished her sexy dance and hummed her song, she could literally feel the sexual tension waiting to be unleashed from him.

“Remove only the dildo. Leave the butt plug in,” he hissed through clenched teeth. Without hesitation her hands slid from her aching breasts, her fingertips sliding slowly along her sides, down each rib, over the generous curve of her hips. Reaching down, she unclasped the hooks and exhaled her frustration as she slowly pulled the giant flesh-like phallus from her wet vagina, dropping it to the bathroom floor.

“Now step into the bathtub.”

She could barely hear him above the frantic thumping of her heartbeat. Found it hard to breath in the misty air, it was so thick with sexual tension. He watched her as if she were his prey as she stepped into the warm water, the bubbles tingling against her flesh.

“Now lower yourself onto my cock and then I’ll exact my punishment.”

Oh sweet mercy! He wanted her to fuck him. Could she do it without losing her heart again?

“Did you hear me, Starry Eyes?”

She nodded, couldn’t understand why she was so eager to have her heart broken, couldn’t figure out why she needed to feel him inside her so badly. Dark, dangerous desire swirled in his eyes. To her surprise, he held out his hands to her. She intertwined her fingers with his just as intimate lovers did. His knees rose from the bubbly depths, allowing her to orient herself, allowing her to spread her legs before his knees disappeared again and she felt his scorching ankles press against her own, preventing her from closing her legs—not that she wanted to anyway. He held her hands tightly, almost as if he feared she would run away. Her head was telling her to do just that, but her heart and body craved his touch. Heated blood screamed through her as she squatted. Bubbles tickled her pussy. Hard flesh pressed against her inner thigh.

Sweet heavens. It was his cock. Hard like steel.

Her vaginal muscles clenched with eagerness and she couldn’t help but moan with anticipation.

He cried out and closed his eyes as she angled her hot pussy over his shaft, brushing her clit against the fat head until shivers of arousal pulsed through her. 100

Colter’s Revenge

“Impale yourself,” he hissed. “And stay there. This isn’t a fuck-fest. It’s punishment.”

Punishment? Confusion gripped her. The way he’d looked at her had made her think he was going to make love to her.

He yanked at her hands, guiding her quickly and efficiently until she felt the fat head of his cock press against her vaginal opening. Without hesitation he pulled her down, making her cry out as the thick, searing blade of flesh slipped inside her. Oh, God!

He was so big. So blessedly big. Her vaginal muscles spread and clenched and sucked.

She found herself jerking, wanting to gyrate her hips as his hard length buried itself to the hilt. She was on her knees, blessedly impaled by the man she’d once loved. He blinked back at her. His breathing sounded harsh, fast. Muscles twitched in his jaws. By the way his eyes shone with lust, she could tell he wanted her. Wanted her to make love to him—but his next words shot another bout of confusion through her.

“Now sit still. Don’t move a muscle in that tight little pussy of yours.”

He let go of her hands and turned to lift a white linen cover from a nearby tray where he’d set the wine bottle and glasses moments earlier. What she saw there made her heart both skip in a bout of fear as well as insane excitement.

“It’s a home nipple piercing kit,” Colter explained as he pointed to the items.

“Numbing cream, clamps, sterilized needles and pads, antiseptic cream and best of all…”

He lifted one of the rings and she couldn’t help but inhale at the beauty of it. It was the same size as the ones he wore on his own nipples with one exception—it had the prettiest Austrian crystal teardrop dangling from it.

This was the latest rave among men. Having their Claimed women’s nipples pierced.

“I’ve wanted to do this to you since we met. Your nipples are too beautiful to go without them. But I won’t do it if you don’t want me to.”

“You’re giving me a choice?”

“You sound surprised.”

“You haven’t given me any choices up until now.”

Regret shone in his face. “You didn’t give me any choices either when you threatened to blow my cover, Starry Eyes.”

“I proved to you that you could trust me during Cheri’s meeting. I could have easily started screaming my head off and cried kidnapping and rape.”

“I trusted you wouldn’t. The dildo and butt plug were just for my amusement, sweetheart.”


Jan Springer

“You son of a bitch.”

He grinned at her soft whisper and put the ring back onto the tray.

“So? Would you like me to pierce you?”

“Why? Would it turn you on to see me in pain?”

That jab certainly wiped his grin from his lips.

“You won’t feel any pain. The newly created antibiotic numbing cream lasts for days. It does however allow you to feel pleasure though, if that’s what you’re afraid you’ll miss out on.”

“And I suppose you’re qualified to do this?”

He grinned and fiddled with one of his own nipple rings. “I can attest that having nipple rings greatly increases your nipples’ sensitivity. Allows a greater pleasure when someone plays with them. Besides you don’t have to be afraid—I am a doctor and I’ve done many of them. It’s quite popular nowadays.”

“And these women who have them done…do they want it? Or are they being forced to have it done by their husbands?”

His sharp inhalation made her realize she’d hit a truly sore spot.

“I’m the only physician for miles around. If I didn’t do it, the men would do it themselves.”

“That’s noble of you.”

“You’d do it too if you had to treat infected nipples and clits and all the other things that men are allowed to do to a woman these days.”

He sounded angry. As if he cared about women. She found her anger disintegrating as she remembered the tender way he’d held her after the figging and the wonderful way he’d eaten her pussy.

“Do you want the nipple rings or not?” he asked rather gruffly. “It would be a pleasant surprise for the general.”

“If I were to do it, then it wouldn’t be for the general,” she whispered. His eyes narrowed. “Who would it be for?”


A spear of disappointment flashed across his face.

“And maybe for you,” she added. “If you make love to me.”

At her words, his cock thickened inside her. She fought back the urge to gyrate her hips.

“Oh I’ll make love to you, Starry Eyes. Just not yet. Not until you tell me something.”

“What’s that?”

“Why didn’t you tell me you’re infected with the X-virus?”


Colter’s Revenge

* * * * *

Utter devastation flooded Ashley’s face. She made a move to get up off him but he stopped her cold, grabbing hold of her arms and keeping her impaled on his cock.

“Let go of me,” she whispered, her voice full of anguish. He’d expected her to react this way. It’s why he’d made her sink his cock into her. An intimate gesture to show her he didn’t care if she were infected.

“Why are you humiliating me like this?”

She was red-faced now, avoiding his gaze.

“I’m not. And you have no reason to feel disgraced. It’s completely normal for women to get infected. There’s no reason to hide it from me. I’m a doctor. I’ve seen what happens to a woman’s self-esteem and her confidence when she gets the virus.”

“I want you to let me go. I want you to leave.”

“Starry Eyes. Listen to me.” He let go of one of her arms and grabbed her small chin firmly in his hand, forcing her to look at him.

Crystal tears bubbled in her eyes. She was fighting those tears of shame. Fighting against the need to break down and simply feel the anguish of him finding out.

“When did you get it? After us?” Surely he would have known if she’d acquired the illness before they’d met that first time, wouldn’t he? But even before she shook her head, he realized he’d known. Somewhere deep down inside him, he must have known. Why else would she have been so submissive to him? Showing no embarrassment to an unknown soldier when she’d taken off her clothing and danced in front of the general and himself, and then all the things she’d allowed him to do afterward…including the ménage à trois with Blade.

“Yes, I had it before I met you,” she admitted. Devastation rocked him. He’d known it would be hard to hear the truth. Somehow he’d known having her warm pussy clenched around his cock would keep him grounded…literally.

“He wanted us to have sex,” she whispered.


She tried to wrench away from his grip, but he wouldn’t let loose. Pain shimmered in her pretty eyes. Pain and something else.


“I don’t know why. He just did.”

“You’re lying. Tell me.”

A command. Why wasn’t the medication working? Or maybe she just wanted to tell him. Wanted to unburden herself.

“He taped us, okay? He got his kicks watching you and Blade fucking me. Don’t you realize how much money he made selling our ménage à trois? Single men who will never have a woman in their lifetime are paying through the nose to be able to see two men fuck a woman, let alone one woman and one man.”


Jan Springer

She said it so nonchalantly that he wondered if maybe there wasn’t more to the story.

“I’ll hunt down the videos and destroy them.”

“By now there are millions of copies. It’s out of your hands,” she said wearily.

“Now please let go of my chin. You’re hurting me.”


He let her go and cursed himself for the red mark he’d left behind.

“Starry Eyes, I want you to know it makes no difference to me that you’ve got the virus. I…” He wanted to tell her he loved her despite the damned illness. Wanted to tell her he would take care of her, protect her from the general, but there was still that little problem of the note she’d left behind.

She looked away. “You found the pills.”

He nodded. “I was looking to see if you had any batteries for your vibrator…it seemed a little too slow for my liking. I searched the side pockets and found your medicine.”

“I’m sorry. I guess I should have told you before you offered to take me away from the general.”

“We had other things on our mind at the time, Starry Eyes,” he said softly, and to his surprise, she threw him a wobbly grin.

He was about to ask her if the X-virus was the real reason she’d decided against coming with him when she leaned over, her hot, sultry breath washing against his face.

“Things like this?” She sucked his lower lip into her hot, lush mouth. The sharp, erotic feel of her teeth nibbling on his flesh sparked a blaze inside his mouth and made his cock spasm inside her wet pussy.

“Or things like this?” she whispered. Her arms came up over his shoulders, her long fingernails digging painfully into his back as she clutched his muscles and began to gyrate her hips.

Oh shit, yeah, that felt damned good. She was the only woman who made him hot so fast.

“Trying to change the subject, are you?” he managed to ask when she let go of his lip.

She grinned. It was a breathtaking smile that lifted her flushed cheeks. Then she kissed him again. This time harder, fiercer. It was as if she were trying to forget that he now knew. He understood. He’d help her forget. If only for a short time. Reaching down, he found her clit rigid and pulsing, engorged. Sliding the pad of his finger over the hot flesh, he groaned as her gyrations grew. The sound of water sloshed as she moved, intermingled with her sensual moans. Wonderfully tight vaginal muscles clenched around his entire hard length. Tightened violently. Squeezing his cock. Urging him to spew. 104

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He found himself bucking upwards, up into her hot, spasming cunt. She wailed as she came.

Tremors rippled through her, her pussy wrapped tighter around his length and he soon became lost in the exquisite look of passion etching her face and the gutwrenching spasms of her velvety come-soaked pussy milking his cock dry.

* * * * *

“Your nipples look awesome,” Colter whispered.

They lay together in the king-size bed, the blankets turned down to their waists, his hands clasped behind his head, and she was thankfully without a collar this time as they surveyed her newly pierced nipples. Silver rings glittered there and from them Austrian crystals lay against her silky flesh, giving her breasts an unbelievably erotic look that really turned her on.

True to his word, she’d felt nothing when he’d pierced her nipples efficiently with the sterilized needles. The numbing antiseptic agent he’d used was new on the market. It cut off all pain centers but left pleasure ones working quite well so a woman could fulfill her sexual duties minutes after a piercing.

“Did you enjoy your punishment?” Colter chuckled as he snuggled his warm face into the crook of her neck and shoulder.

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