Collateral Damage (36 page)

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Authors: Kaylea Cross

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BOOK: Collateral Damage
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After a busy morning topped off with the drive to Leavenworth, it felt like forever since she’d had her hands all over Liam. She couldn’t wait to find herself pinned beneath that powerful body as he plunged in and out of her and claimed her in the most elemental way possible.

Her growing arousal must have shown in her eyes because he let out a half-growl that vibrated throughout her entire body. “I wish, but there’s no time. And just to warn you, there’s nothing quick about what’s gonna happen once we get to the hotel,” he said in a low voice that made her toes curl.

“All right you two, don’t make me go hunt down a crowbar to pry you guys apart,” Ace called from the doorway of the room where Devon was waiting. “Go tell everyone to take their seats.”

Liam gave her a long, slow kiss before raising his head, his eyes twinkling as he slid his shades back on. “That means we’re one step closer to getting to the hotel.”

She sat between him and Maya right behind Devon’s family, with Erin and Wade on Liam’s other side and Ryan next to Maya. Everyone watched Cam come down the aisle with Jackson a few paces behind. Both men wore their dress blues, the left sides of their chests bedecked with ribbons and medals they’d earned over the course of their service.

The music started up and the little flower girl and ring bearer came down. Ace came next, looking like a runway model as she glided her way to the altar, casting Ryan a sultry smile on the way by. Then Devon appeared at the top of the aisle on her brother’s arm, and Honor felt her throat tighten. Her friend looked radiant in her flowing white gown, and when Honor glanced over at Cam, there was indeed a sheen of tears in his eyes as he watched his bride walk toward him.

Honor pressed her lips together. A feminine hand appeared before her face, holding a tissue. She took it and smiled her thanks to Erin, then leaned into Liam’s side and he tucked her against him. The vows Cam and Devon exchanged struck a powerful chord deep inside her.

For better and for worse, through sickness and in health.

Simple phrases, but they were the keystones of the kind of commitment it took to make a marriage work. Every single one of her friends here today had overcome tragedies with their partners, and all of them had come out the other side stronger for it.

Most people here probably knew Dev and Cam’s story, but maybe not to the same degree that Honor and her Bagram buddies did. When she looked at Cam and Dev, she saw two people who had been willing to fight and nearly die for one another while stranded behind enemy lines.

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

She fully understood that Bible passage now, because she had lived it. She and Liam had gone through their own version of hell and were now stronger than ever because of it.

So when Cam leaned in to kiss his new bride, the tears in Honor’s eyes overflowed. She felt Liam shake slightly against her and knew he was laughing at her, but she didn’t care. Weddings always did this to her. They were a celebration of life and love and hope.

Everyone cheered and whistled as the kiss went on…and on. When Cam finally let Devon up for air, he laced his fingers through hers and walked her back up the aisle. Honor and Liam filed out after them with the other guests. But after they’d gone through the receiving line with everyone else, Liam pulled her aside instead of going to the reception room.

“Take a walk with me?” he asked.

Now? She glanced at the reception room, figured they had a little while before anyone would miss them. Maybe he’d changed his mind about the quickie. “Sure.” With her arm laced through his she let him lead her back across the lawn, then right, to a path that led down toward the river. “Where are we going?”

“Not far.” He shot her a cocky grin. “I did a little recon earlier while you were hugging it out with your pals.”

She followed him down the path to a small deck built on a secluded spot overlooking the river. “Wow.”

“Yeah.” He stood at the deck’s railing with his hands in his pockets, gazing out at the water as it rushed and swirled around the large boulders, the opposite bank filled with deciduous trees ablaze with bursts of vivid scarlet, persimmon and gold.

She eyed him. There was no way she was having sex here out in the open, so it had to be something else. “So…what’s going on?”

When he turned to face her he pulled his hands free of his pockets and she caught a glimpse of pale blue in his hand. Her gaze zeroed in on the ring he held between his fingertips. The same aquamarine she’d given back to him before.

Stunned, she looked up into his eyes. “You kept it.” The whisper was barely audible over the rushing river below them.

He nodded. “I carried it with me on every mission I flew, like a good luck charm. I wasn’t ready to let it go, and now I know it’s because I was meant to give it back to you one day.”

Honor’s hands went to her mouth as he dropped to one knee before her, his gaze locked with hers. “I love you, and always will. When I go to Bagram this time, I want to know this is back in its rightful place.” He paused, gazing up at her with such sincerity her heart turned over. “Marry me when I get home, Honor.”

Fighting tears, she knelt down in front of him. “Yes.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her face against his jaw, squeezing her eyes shut. “I absolutely will.”

Liam groaned and caught her face between his hands, then kissed her breathless. When he eased back and took her left hand in his, Honor’s fingers shook slightly as he slid the aquamarine on.

“So she said yes?” a familiar male voice called out from above them.

They both whipped their heads up to glance toward the top of the bank. Ryan was lowering his cupped hands away from his mouth and Ace was smacking his shoulder. The two of them stood there peering down at them, along with Maya and Jackson, Erin and Wade, and Cam and Devon.

“Wow, so much for privacy in the most romantic moment of my life,” Honor muttered to Liam.

“Wentworth, you’re
a dickhead,” Liam yelled up at him, but there was a smirk on his face.

Ryan cupped his hands around his mouth. “I know,” he called back, his unrepentant grin telling her he didn’t feel the least bit guilty.

Laughing, Liam grasped her wrist to hold her hand up for everyone to see. A loud cheer rose up from their friends when they saw the ring on her finger. Tuning them out, he helped her to her feet and put his hands on her hips in that possessive way she loved. “Guess the secret’s out.”

“Yeah, guess so.” She felt giddy, like she might burst from happiness. She couldn’t wait to call her mom and sister to tell them the news. Because this time she knew it would be well received.

“Would you marry me
I go back?” Liam asked, casting a sidelong glance at her as he led her back toward the bottom of the path.

Chuckling, Honor reached up to brush her fingers over his clean-shaven cheek. “That’s in three days.”

“Yeah. So will you?” His expression was earnest, as serious as she’d ever seen it. “I’ve gone long enough without you. Putting that ring on your finger felt great, but before I go back I want you to have my name. While I’m overseas this time, I want the entire world to know you’re mine.”

Warrant Officer One Honor Magrath.

She’d always thought it had a nice ring to it. And she didn’t care about planning a big, elaborate wedding; they could throw a party once Liam came back after this latest tour.

Honor smiled up at him. She was falling more in love with him every second, something she hadn’t thought possible. “Then I guess we’re eloping tomorrow. Because I can’t wait to make you mine forever.” If they had to hop a plane to Vegas tonight to make it happen, so be it.

Heat flared in Liam’s eyes. He wrapped one arm around her waist and pulled her snug into his body as they walked, the possessive gesture filling her with warmth. “You got yourself a deal, sweet pea.” A satisfied smile curved his mouth. “Tomorrow it is.”


—The End—



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If you liked COLLATERAL DAMAGE and would like to read more, turn the page for a list of my other books. And if you don’t want to miss any future releases, please feel free to join
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Complete Booklist


Romantic Suspense

Hostage Rescue Team Series






Titanium Security Series







Bagram Special Ops Series

Deadly Descent

Tactical Strike

Lethal Pursuit

Danger Close

Collateral Damage


Suspense Series

Out of Her League

Cover of Darkness

No Turning Back




Paranormal Romance

Empowered Series

Darkest Caress


Historical Romance

The Vacant Chair


Erotic Romance
(writing as
Callie Croix

Deacon’s Touch

Dillon’s Claim

No Holds Barred

Touch Me

Let Me In

Covert Seduction







This series would not have been possible if not for my awesome military experts, Kim B. and David W. You guys are so wonderful to share your knowledge with me, and I appreciate you both! I hope I did your brothers and sisters in uniform justice with these books.


Katie, Joan and Todd, thank you for all your support, encouragement and help in getting this ready for publication! Love you guys.




About the Author



NY Times and USA Today Bestselling author Kaylea Cross writes edge-of-your-seat military romantic suspense. Her work has won many awards and has been nominated for both the Daphne du Maurier and the National Readers’ Choice Awards. A Registered Massage Therapist by trade, Kaylea is also an avid gardener, artist, Civil War buff, Special Ops aficionado, belly dance enthusiast and former nationally-carded softball pitcher. She lives in Vancouver, BC with her husband and family.


You can visit Kaylea at
. If you would like to be notified of future releases, please join
her newsletter
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Table of Contents

Author’s Note

Glossary of Terms

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four


Complete Booklist


About the Author

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