Club Scars (2 page)

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Authors: Mara McBain

Tags: #Drama, #Arts & Photography, #Theater, #Romantic Suspense, #Drama & Plays, #Mystery & Suspense, #Romance, #Suspense, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Club Scars
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With Reaper out recovering from the gunshot and collapsed lung, they’d needed an extra pair of hands in the shop and the weld booth. Crux wasn’t denying that, but the little fuck had been told upfront it was a temporary position. Overhearing him boasting to Mox that Bowie was going to have to find a new job for Reaper, hadn’t set well at all. Reaper had taken two bullets for a brother. Crux would put one right between the college boy’s eyes before he’d see his brother screwed over.

He cursed as a car backed out in front of him. The big bike slid on the snow covered asphalt. He shifted his weight to control the slide, his heart pounding. Feathering the throttle, he steered between the front of the car and the curb. The dumb fuck in the driver’s seat stared at him with big eyes. Crux bit back the impulse to offer a one fingered salute. He was relieved when his own driveway came up.

Stowing the bike in the detached garage, he let himself in the back door of the brick bungalow to the sound of sirens in the distance. Kat met him at the door, worry evident on her beautiful face. Unmindful of the cold, she pushed into his arms. Hugging her tight, he kissed the top of her head.

“Everything is fine, baby,” he murmured, rocking her lightly. Nudging her back, he leaned down to plant a kiss on her rounded belly. “Hey ya, rug rat.”

“You didn’t wake me up this morning,” she said, tugging off his hat and running her fingers through his hair before he straightened.

“You were dead to the world. You didn’t even flinch when the alarm went off. I figured you needed the sleep.”

“Someone must’ve worn me out last night. How’re the roads? Do you want to stay in and just order out for date night? Maybe watch a movie?” she asked, helping him out of his leathers.

“Nah. I heard they’re having all-you-can-eat surf and turf over at Hillside tonight. The restaurant changed hands and the food is supposed to be pretty good. I thought maybe we’d head out there for dinner, music and a little pool.”

“Oh. Well, I won’t argue with that,” Kat said, glancing around him at the snow. “Do you want me to call Gin and see if she and Zeke want to come along or maybe Reap and Lee?”

Crux leaned in to give her a long, slow kiss. “Nope, I want you all to myself tonight.” 


Her belly full and feet aching, Kat hitched her butt up on a vacated barstool while she watched her old man shoot pool. Dinner had been fantastic and she’d over indulged on the succulent lobster. Everything was better with butter. Looking at the crowd, it was obvious word of new management had spread. The dining area and bar were packed. Though Hillside was a forty minute drive from Trinity Falls, she’d have to mention the possible competition to Ginny. Chewing on the inside of her cheek she looked for anything the place might be doing that was different than The Lantern. 

She sighed and flexed her swollen feet and ankles, regretting wearing her heeled boots. Her black riding boots would have worked just as well with the leggings and low cut tunic, but Crux had chosen her attire. What was with men’s fascination with high heels?  

“That’s a nice necklace.”

Glancing at the smooth stone resting between her breasts, Kat raised an eyebrow at the young man standing beside her. He looked vaguely familiar. Obviously taking her silence as an invitation to continue he said,

“It’s Tiger’s Eye or Cat’s Eye.”

She nodded, wondering where the kid was going with the conversation.

“I bet you’re a Gemini.”

“Yeah. It was a gift from my best friend. She thought it was appropriate because my name is Kat.”  

“Great choice. A lot of people don’t know that it is the Planetary Birthstone for Gemini’s. Beautiful.”

The back of his hand brushed across the top of her breasts as he pulled the stone from its resting spot.

“Excuse me?” Kat said, snatching the necklace from his hand and sliding awkwardly off the bar stool. She glanced toward the pool tables in search of her husband, but needn’t have worried.

Crux’s scarred visage was dark with rage as he shoved his way through the crowd.

“What in the fuck do you think you’re doing?” he roared, staggering the younger man with a double-handed shot to the chest.

“I’m just talking to the lady about her necklace.”

“Is that what you call it? It looked to me like you were feeling up my old lady’s tits.”

“Hey, Crux, I-I- didn’t know she was your old…your wife,” the kid stammered.

“Croston,” the bartender said in warning. “Take the shit outside.”

Crux nodded, his green eyes narrowing on his co-worker.

“That’s a good idea. Let’s take it outside, kid.”

“Are you serious?” the young man asked with a nervous laugh. “Who the hell does that anymore? I don’t want to fight you.”

“I think you should’ve thought about that before you mauled my old lady’s tits.”

“Look. This is a misunderstanding. I didn’t know she was married. She’s not wearing a diamond.”

Kat’s mouth dropped open at the accusatory look the pup had the audacity to throw her way.

“My hands are swollen, genius, and I
wearing a wedding band.”

“You want to blame her for this shit?” Crux growled.

“No. I mean…I didn’t see a ring and she’s got them pushed up there for the whole world to see.”

“I’m nine months pregnant, numb nuts!” Kat snapped, her eyes flaring in indignant disbelief.  

“Oh,” he said, eyes dropping to her rounded belly as if just noticing it.

She blinked in disbelief and looked to her husband. “You know this dumb ass?”

Crux shoved the younger man toward the door. “This college chump used to be one of my co-workers.”

“Us-used to be?” the poor kid stammered.

“I’m pretty damn sure only one of us is going into work on Monday. You’ll be lucky if you’re still breathing.”

The kid hit the snow as Crux shoved him out the back door.  Scrambling to his feet, he threw an awkward haymaker. Crux’s fist caught him square in the jaw, lifting him clear of his feet to land flat on his back and skid across the parking lot. He groaned, rolling to his stomach. A vicious kick to the ribs sent him tumbling across the asphalt. His cowboy boots scrabbled ineffectively on the frozen ground as he tried to get up. Crux kicked him in the ass, flattening him back to the pavement.

“Do you want to walk away from this?” he asked softly.

“Please, Crux. I’m sorry. I didn’t know she was your wife. I swear. I’ll do anything,” the kid babbled.

“Apologize to my wife, dumb fuck.”

“I’m so sorry, Mrs. Croston. I didn’t know you were married. Tha-that was inappropriate and uncalled for, and I swear it will never happen again.”

“Are you satisfied with that, Mrs. Croston?” Crux asked.

Kat nodded, unsure what game her husband was playing here.

“Say the word, baby, and I’ll tune his ass up.”

“No. We’re good.”

“Lucky for you, pregnancy has made her soft hearted,” Crux said, circling the sprawled punk. “Pick your tools up from Handlebars and Hotrods tomorrow. You’re done.  Don’t make me tell you again.”


Wrapping both arms around her husband’s hard bicep, Kat let him lead her into the house. He was even sweet enough to boost her onto the dryer and tug her boots off for her.

“So was the college chump the target, or were you just spoiling for a fight tonight?”

“What’re you talking about?”

“I’m talking about you choosing a blouse that showed off the girls and then getting all shades of growly when someone noticed.”

“The little fucker didn’t
he touched. Only I get to touch.”

“You didn’t answer my question.  Is he the new co-worker; the guy they hired to fill in for Reaper?”

“Yeah. The pissant had an attitude. He wasn’t working out, and he grabbed my old lady’s tits. He’s lucky to still be breathing,” Crux grumbled, hooking the leather thong that held the Tiger’s Eye. He rubbed the smooth stone between his thumb and forefinger. “What was he saying about your necklace?”   

“He was just spouting off about the type of stone and asking my sign,” she said with an eye-roll. “Lame. Do I like the symbolism mumbo-jumbo for Tiger’s Eye? Sure. But I love the necklace because it was a birthday gift from Gin. I sure as hell don’t wear it to pick up geeks in the bar.”

Crux smiled and picked her up off the dryer.  She stroked his shoulders as he walked. His strength never failed to amaze her. Even nine months pregnant, he carried her like she was nothing. He carried her all the way up the stairs and they tumbled onto the bed together, his hands going to her belly to stroke reverently.

“I needed to blow off some steam tonight,” he said softly.

“Is there anything I can do to help?”

He shook his head, bowing over her to caress the swell of her belly with his lips. “You’re doing it.”

Kat stroked his hair and closed her eyes, giving herself up to his touch. 


Cupping a steaming mug of cappuccino in her hands, Kat watched the birds gather at the feeder.  Their bright colored plumage contrasted with the stark winter wonderland.  Everything was so beautiful and pristine after the snowfall.  The slam of the dryer door shattered the tranquility inside and she sighed as her husband’s muttered curses floated from the utility room. He appeared a moment later, dark hair standing on end and exasperation clearly stamped on his weary face. Weren’t Mondays grand?

“What’re you looking for?”

“Where the hell is my lined flannel?”

“It’s hanging on the rod in the laundry room. I pulled it out of the dryer but didn’t get laundry put away last night. I’m sorry.”

“No worries.”

“Obviously it is a worry or you wouldn’t be stomping through the house like a mad man. Is something bothering you?”

“I’m running late.”

Kat glanced at the clock. He had plenty of time.

“Where’re the keys to the truck?”

“Probably on the hook by the door where you hung them last time you drove the truck.”

“The son-of-a-bitch better start.”

Glancing at the substantial drift that ran along-side the garage and swept around the battered pickup, Kat tried to remember the last time he’d moved the poor thing. She swirled her cappuccino.

“Is something wrong with the bike or have you suddenly gotten sensible in your old age?”

“Reaper’s coming back to work today. I told him I’d stop by and pick him up.”

“Is his Jeep broke down?”

“I don’t fucking know. Why the hell are you asking me?”

“Don’t bite my head off. I’m just trying to follow all this man logic.”

“The doc doesn’t want him sucking in a bunch of cold air so he can’t ride and he shouldn’t be outside shoveling and shit.”

Kat nodded and glanced back at the swirling snow.

"Take mine."

“I’m not leaving you here all day without a fucking vehicle.”

"Good. I was thinking about going into Cleveland today."

"Son-of-a-bitch!" he snarled, shaking coffee from his scalded hand. He leveled an accusatory glare on her. "You're not driving in this shit. The roads are icy and it's colder than a witch’s tit out there."

"Like I said, take mine."

"You did that on purpose."

Kat gave him a look of wide-eyed innocence and giggled.

"Someone wants her ass kicked this morning."

Kat smirked and rubbed her belly pointedly.

His fearsome glare darkened.

"You do realize that the kid is going to come out of there eventually and then you’ll have a lot of ass kickings coming?"

"You can't remember where you put your keys. What makes you think your poor, sleep deprived brain is going to remember how many times I pissed you off in the last nine months?" Kat asked.

"You're an evil woman," he said, walking toward her.

"Which is why you love me."

He leaned over her, corded arms bracketing her body so there was no escape.

"You're banking an awful lot on that love. I think I could beat your ass without hurting the baby."

Kat bit her lip. She searched his face. Damn he was scary, and sexy. She tried her cute smile. He didn’t blink. She swallowed hard. Leaning forward, she kissed his chin. He didn’t move. Wrapping her hands around his biceps, she used him for leverage and wiggled into a kneeling position on the bench seat. She trailed her nails through the crisp, dark hair on his forearms.

“Am I going to like it?” she whispered.

A low growl vibrated through his chest. His green eyes narrowed to reptilian slits. She stopped petting him and leaned back. Her stomach rolled. Crux wasn’t playing.

“I-I-that is…we…love you,” she stammered. The baby chose that moment to kick like a mule. She probably deserved it for being stupid.

Crux leaned closer. The beginning of real fear crawled down her spine. She sat back on her ass suddenly. Her bladder protested. His lips slanted over hers in a hard, possessive kiss that left her breathless and heart hammering. He eased back, his expression still serious, and then he winked.

“You’re damn lucky I love you.”

Kat slumped. 

“Jesus! You almost made me piss myself!” she said, slapping at him in agitation.

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