Club Scars (9 page)

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Authors: Mara McBain

Tags: #Drama, #Arts & Photography, #Theater, #Romantic Suspense, #Drama & Plays, #Mystery & Suspense, #Romance, #Suspense, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Club Scars
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Picking up her son, she cuddled him close. He wailed lustily. Grabbing up a clean diaper, she thought she’d start at the bottom rung of the ladder and work her way up.


A smoky haze hung over the Lords of Mayhem conference table. At the head of the table, Zeke frowned listening to his club brother recount the visit from his father-in-law. They all knew Kat’s history. John Merrick and his piece of shit politician brother had abused Kat in just about every way imaginable. The news that a man like John was sniffing around Trinity Falls, just didn’t sit well with any of them.  

“Have you heard anything from him since the hospital?”

Crux shook his head, his disfigured mug twisting in a scowl.


“You’re sure that Kat hasn’t had any contact with him?” Murphy asked.

Crux’s scowl darkened and he leaned forward, emphasizing his words with the jab of his cigarette. “Kat hasn’t had shit to do with her father.”

“You should have killed the scumbag years ago,” Reaper snarled as Crux slumped back in his chair.

“Yeah, because he would’ve been such a help to Kat in prison,” Murphy said with an eye roll.

“Who said he’d get caught?” Taz asked with a sinister chuckle.

“I’m saying that sometimes there are other avenues. Soriano was taken down legally.”

“And Eva almost died,” Mox said pointedly.

“Merrick’s political ties make him a dangerous man to go after,” Zeke mumbled around his cigar.

“Are you saying we can’t touch him?”

“I’m saying that he’s one that would be very difficult to bring down from that side of the law.”

Murphy looked at Zeke in surprise. It wasn’t often the partners disagreed.   

“What was it that Big Red said? When an animal is sick you put it down,” Reaper sneered at Murphy. “Sorry if that offends your cop sensibilities.”

“You don’t know Kat’s father or his sick fuck brother, the governor. Reaper is right,” Crux said stubbing out his cigarette.

Bowie shifted his hulking frame and nodded.

“You weren’t here for that chapter, Murph,” Zeke said, his voice holding a rumble of warning.  

Murphy held their president’s gaze for a long moment and then nodded, looking around the table. He raised his hand off the flat surface in a gesture of placation and acceptance. Crux nodded his understanding at the silent apology.

“This was before our time too, so what do we need to know?” Mox asked. Rhys leaned forward beside him, his gaze sweeping over the men at the table.

“The Merrick family has more money than God. John runs the family’s multi-billion dollar corporation and Connor is our illustrious governor, with aspirations to sit in the White House. What you really need to know is that they’re sadistic animals that make Rocco Soriano look like an amateur. Physical torture is just a warm up to their sexual depravity, and they like to play mind games. It’s amazing Kat made it out of there with her sanity,” Zeke said gravely.   

“Even with Kat’s testimony there was nothing that could be done?” Rhys asked.

The low chuckle that rumbled from Crux’s chest was anything but humorous.

“They had her committed for a while and convinced people that she is unstable and delusional. The lawyers said she’s not a credible witness.”

“That one is crazy like a fox,” Eddie muttered, shaking his head and stroking his blond horseshoe mustache.

“My old lady is no more crazy than any other woman, but that doesn’t change what the paperwork says,” Crux said, crumbling his empty Marlboro pack before bumming another cigarette from Reaper’s pack.   

“Since you made it clear that he wasn’t going to be in the kid’s life, what do you think his next step is?” Tech asked softly.

“I don’t know what the fucker’s agenda is. He was babbling about making Cam his heir, and something about this being the first thing that Kat has ever done to make him proud. I will take care of my family. I don’t want his money. I’ll never allow Kat to be beholden to that monster.”

“So, if it’s being part of Camden’s life he wants, he might just be licking his wounds before he tries to talk to Kat again?” Sambo asked.

Crux nodded with a shrug.  

“If he comes around when you’re not home is Kat going to be able to handle it?” Bowie asked, concern in his deep voice.

“She’s scared shitless of the man. She won’t let him in. She knows where the guns are and I’ve made it clear that she is to call the cops and then call me. We’ll see which one gets there first,” Crux said, eyes flickering to Murphy. “That might be the deciding factor.”

“Or Kat might finish it herself,” Zeke said with a little smirk. “I don’t know if that would be more traumatic or cathartic.”

“I know it would feel good for me,” Crux chuckled.

“If this was about you feeling better you would’ve shot the asshole years ago, dumbass,” Reaper said, bouncing the crumpled cigarette pack off Crux’s forehead. He laughed as Crux winged it back and missed.

“We don’t know if Merrick will even come back to Trinity, but it’s better to be forewarned.  Tech, can you bring a picture of this prick up on your phone?”

“You could if you weren’t technologically challenged,” Murphy muttered under his breath.  

Zeke flipped him off and waited for Tech to find a picture.

“This is a recent picture of John Merrick and here is…actually here is one of John and Governor Merrick together from a fundraiser,” Tech said, passing the phone around the table. “I can forward the picture to your phones if you want. We don’t know that Merrick will come around himself. He might send someone to do his dirty work for him. He might send a lawyer, for example, to offer Kat money in exchange for access to his new grandson.”

“He can shove his money up his ass,” Crux growled.

“Tech’s right. We don’t know, but those of you that work in town, keep your eyes open. Crux, keep us updated and let us know if there is anything we can do. You know Ginny designed that plush employee lounge at The Lantern to be nursery friendly. If Kat doesn’t want to be home alone, I’m sure the girls would be glad to fawn over her and the kiddo.”

“Thanks, brothers,” Crux said simply as the meeting ended. There were slaps on the back and reminders to call if he needed anything all around.

“Don’t worry, man. We have your back. If that rich prick comes around bothering Kat and the baby, I will be more than happy to liquidate his ass,” Reaper said with an evil gleam in his eye.

“I’m sure little Alex will appreciate that.”

“I got your
little Alex
hanging,” Reaper snapped, cupping his crotch with a sneer.

Crux laughed, shaking his head.

“I didn’t say
tiny Alex
,” he chuckled. “I was talking about your namesake, Camden Alex Croston.”

Reaper blinked, forehead furrowing in obvious confusion.

“Alex, for me?”

“You’re the only Alex I know.”

“And Kat signed off on that?”

“She thought it was a great idea because it was her idea,” Crux said with a derisive snort. “I didn’t like any of the names she was coming up with until she suggested Alex for you, and I said hell yeah.”

“Well I’ll be fucked.”

“You’ll need to talk to Lee about that, but it can probably be arranged.”

“Seriously, man. That’s cool,” Reaper said with a huge grin on his face.

Crux clasped his hand and brought him in for a back thumping hug.


The house was dark when he rolled into the drive. She’d left the back light on for him. The doorknob didn’t turn. Shaking his head at his stupidity, Crux trudged back to the truck for his keys. She’d actually listened to him. It had to be the baby. Unlocking the door, he relocked it behind him and hung the keys on the hook. Plopping his ass down on the step between the mudroom and kitchen, he unlaced his boots with a sigh. It had been a long day.

As close as he and Kat were, they generally did their own thing during the day, coming together around dinner time. He didn’t try to keep her under his thumb and she wasn’t one of those women to call or text him a dozen times a day. This feeling of wanting to be at home all the time was a foreign one to him. It was making work days, and even time with his brothers, seem endless.

Something rubbed against his back and he grimaced as a big black tomcat circled him, stepping into his lap like the damn thing had been invited. Kat had been ambushed outside the grocery store with one of those cardboard box schemes. It was telling that there was never an adult sitting there hawking the free fur-balls. She’d taken one look into big green eyes and decided the little beast belonged in the Croston household. Nothing he’d had to say about it had made any difference. Cursing under his breath, he snatched the cat out of his lap as it kneaded its claws into his crotch. The damn thing gave him a baleful glare and stalked off with a swish of its tail. He had a strong desire to speed it along with his foot.   

Liberating a cold one from the refrigerator, he twisted off the cap and shot it into the trash can across the room. Letting the rich lager roll over his tongue, Crux headed for the stairs. Avoiding the creak of the fifth step, he made his way up to the bedroom. Wiping the beer’s condensation on the leg of his black Levi’s, he reached into the crib to stroke the downy dark hair on Cam’s head. Sporting orange and black Harley Davidson PJs and sprawled on his back, he looked so at peace. Crux hoped the kid would always sleep with such confidence. The bedsprings squeaked and Kat rolled over with a rustle of sheets.

“Hey,” she whispered.

Crux sat down on the edge of the bed. Stroking her hair back, he leaned down to kiss her forehead murmuring a return greeting against her skin.

“Everything okay?”

Nodding, he brushed a kiss across the top of her head, pausing to breathe in the warm scent of Kat and shampoo. Draining the beer, he set the bottle aside and stood. She rested her chin on top of her hands and watched him strip out of his clothes. The gleam in her eyes made him smile. He didn’t bother with sleepwear despite the chill. Slipping buck ass naked between the sheets, he pulled his woman close.

“You’re beautiful,” he murmured against her neck.

“You have five more weeks, buddy,” she said, her body shaking with  amusement.

“If I wanted to fuck you right now, you have other holes available, love,” he whispered with an evil chuckle that made her shudder in his arms. His voice was just a breath when he continued, “But I just want to hold you.”

She snuggled deeper into his arms, molding her back against him and made a small sound like a contented purr.


A hard knock on the front door shattered their cozy dinner for two. Already frowning, Crux stood and dropped the paper towel from his lap onto the table top. Skirting through the living room, he peered between the wood slats at the window. A low growl rumbled in his chest. The door shuddered under another heavy barrage of blows. Shaking his head, he hurried back across the living room to poke his head back in the kitchen.


Kat’s eyes opened wide.


“I’m about to find out,” he said pulling out his wallet with a sigh and tossing it to her. “Hold onto this in case you need it.”

She waggled her eyebrows as she ran a thumb over the bills. He pointed a warning finger at her as he left the room. It sounded like a ram at the door this time.

“I’m coming,” he growled.

Jerking open the door, he glared at the officer.


“Thomas Croston?”

“What’s the mailbox say?”

“Mr. Croston, we have a warrant to search your home.”

“What the fuck for?” Crux asked, taking the paper that was thrust into his chest.

“Please put your hands on the wall and spread your legs. Is anyone else at home?”

“My wife and son. What’re you looking for?”

“It is fully explained in the search warrant, Mr. Croston. In short, we are conducting a search for any and all illegal drugs and or drug paraphernalia. If you would like to voluntarily disclose the whereabouts of any drugs or weapons, now would be the time.”

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