Cloud Riders (Lord of the Planets) (9 page)

BOOK: Cloud Riders (Lord of the Planets)
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Disturbed by the alarm, Kayden grinned mischievously and reset it. He went and ran them a bath. When he came back he picked up his lover as if she was a fragile flower and slipped them together into the warm suds where he sponged Cassie from top to toe. Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined that bathing with her man could be so enjoyable.

When they finally arrived at the paddock to check the horses there was a strange mist in the air. Cassie, although still a little shaky and in a dream-like state knew from countless other times what came next and sighed as she knew the rest of the day would be stolen from her. The day she had only just begun was now a vision put on hold. As she watched her man she knew he would be bringing back horses with them. They would then go back home and he would find her something to do while he stole away alone into the barn for a while, doing whatever. He would be jumpy all day. Next would come the strange ritual of having a late-afternoon sleep, only she knew she would not wake until the following morning. Kayden would wake her and following a rather large meal he would sleep on and off all day as if he had been out all night.

Cassie frowned, imagining as she always did that he had been sneaking out to get laid elsewhere. It was the only explanation. In the misty sleep she would sometimes hear car doors and an engine starting just before Kayden would come in and wake her. After last night though he had no need to go there. Or at least he better damned not, she thought as she stomped after him, waiting for the ritual to begin.

Arriving back at the stables Kayden’s mood was sombre yet edgy.

Here it comes, she thought.

‘We have a problem,’ he said as they put the horses into the barn. ‘Can you start breakfast, princess? I’ll join you in a minute. I just have to check on something.’

He saw the look of fright and betrayal flash across her face. Cassie quickly looked away, knowing it was going to happen again today.
He’s going to spoil everything we’ve just found and for what? Fog? Another woman? What did that shit do to him? How can I fight mist?
She felt helpless to respond.

‘I know you don’t understand, princess but I promise to explain everything after breakfast. I just have to make a call, alright?’ He looked at her, pleading.

Cassie smiled weakly and left him to break it off with his lover or whatever.
He told me he loved me
. She had to believe that she was worthy of love and trusting him was part of it. Jeez, I am so insecure, she thought, feeling silly. Give the guy the benefit of the doubt!

Kayden could feel the tension in Cassie. Throwing his arm around her shoulders he led her over to the seat on the porch. ‘We need to talk, sweetie.’

She almost preferred not to know his secret in case it spoilt the night they had just had together. She didn’t want to know about his mysterious behaviour in case it was another woman. There was no other explanation for what he’d been doing all this time while she was conveniently made to sleep.

‘Cassie, this has been a very confusing time for me. I’ve wanted to tell you so many things and to ask you something so important but I had terrible trust issues. I thank my lucky stars you have stood by me through it all. When you find out what we do you will understand why.’ He sighed heavily. ‘I’m not making much sense, am I?’

Cassie kicked at the stone near her foot. ‘I know you’re gifted because when we kiss your power tingles,’ she smiled. ‘In a good way though. And I’ve seen and felt the power within you. I also know when the fog comes you use your powers to make me sleep while you go to your lover or whoever. I often hear horses or a car leave when I’m in the sleepy haze. I figure they drop you off or your friend is leaving. When I saw the fog this morning it crossed my mind you would be leaving me again tonight and maybe last night was—’ Tears of torment ran from her eyes and she wasn’t able to finish.

Kayden smiled and kissed her tears. ‘There is definitely no other woman so get that out of that beautiful mind of yours now. I love you, Cassandra Wyatt.’

He hugged her and after a while she pulled away. ‘Then if it is not another woman, what have you been doing?’

Kayden sat back in the seat and had a faraway look in his eyes. ‘There is so much more, Cass. Please don’t freak out.’ He went quiet and reached for her hand. She could feel how nervous he was by his hot and sweaty palms.

‘What about if I ask the questions and then I will only take in what I need,’ she said, feeling that might break the ice.

He nodded.

‘Okay, so you have this big farm but you don’t seem to be growing any produce on it. You have friends living nearby that Jason refers to as a group and sometimes team. So my first question is, what do you all do and why do others want to infiltrate your group when you never seem to get together and do anything?’

Kayden listened. ‘We—me and the guys—don’t need to work as we are more than provided for and want for nothing. We have two farms side by side. Cassie, like you we all have powers and have been chosen for our abilities to do very special work. You could say we are an elite band of soldiers, a select group. I am their leader—the commander—and the horses we watch over are precious to us. They are our magical rides that take us to our missions.’

‘That’s why I hear horses? Is that what speaks to you, the fog, like in the scary movies?’

He shook his head, amused. ‘The fog lets me know that Zoren, my boss needs us. The fog is actually a low-lying cloud called an Altostratus Praecipitatio storm cloud. It gives us access to a portal.’

‘A portal? Like a gateway to other planets like in

‘Well, sort of. Only we go by horse and use the clouds. But we only travel as far as the stars.’

‘Wow! This is much cooler than any movie! Even Zoltan your horse is special. Like the tattoo of Pegasus on your arm?’

He smiled and showed her the tat. It was a horse with wings and under it in very small print was the word ‘Zoltan’.

Cassie giggled. ‘Boy, and you thought my story was out there! This I will have to see to believe. Yet I know you and know you would not bullshit about this sort of thing. Still, I have the right to think it’s fantasy until I see it with my own eyes. Okay?’

He nodded and agreed.

‘So, you’re a group of trained soldiers with extraordinary gifts. I get that but what do you do? It must be pretty top secret,’ she asked inquisitively.

‘Yes it is, sweetheart. What we do can never be spoken of in front of any other person ever. You see, here on earth in astronomy, celestial spheres defined by exact boundaries are classed as star groupings or constellations and have been studied by humans for centuries. As children you’re taught to look up into the sky and find shapes such as the Milky Way, the Three Sisters, the Teapot and the most popular, the Southern Cross, better known as the Crux.’


‘Well, powerful leaders have ruled the star constellations for many lifetimes. The rulers fight and bicker over many of the same things we do here on earth. You know politics, power, sex and greed. If we left them to destroy each other, the loss of the celestial spheres would create a universal change to the solar system. Planets and our own earth’s gravitational force would change and we could collide with other planets, their moons or even the sun, any of which would be fatal to all life on earth.’

He stood up and stretched. Cassie took the hand he offered her and they walked towards the car park where she could hear the sound of a car coming in the distance. ‘We are called the Cloud Riders, Cassie. We are the peacekeepers of the constellations, sent to ensure that law and order’s restored at all costs. If a star is unable to be controlled we have the ability to extinguish the problem. You’ve probably seen shooting stars. That is them trying to run. They never succeed but they do try.’

‘So, if Zoren is your boss and lives up there how does he contact you?’

‘Zoren communicates with Zoltan my horse and after that Zoltan communicates telepathically to me. Remember that night you ran from me and went and lay with my horse? He told me you were there and I knew you were safe. I needed to sort out Jason before I came to get you so he laid and waited with you and kept you warm. Then when you went to play with the foal he let me know you were there playing but not unhappy. He was keeping an eye on you for me.’

‘I remember he came straight up to me,’ she said, thinking about that day. Two cars were turning into the driveway. ‘How many are in your group?’

‘There are five of us because there are five corners to a star. To destroy a star all we have to do is position ourselves at each point and the energy between us puts its light out. Then we either vaporise it or leave it in the outer hemisphere where it will do no harm.’

‘So, you will go tonight to protect a constellation of stars.’

‘Yes. Zoren has given me the mission and we ride tonight. That is why I wanted to get you used to riding with me. I want you to join us if it doesn’t sound too frightening.’ He stopped and faced her, holding both of her hands. ‘Cassie, I know your head is spinning as I haven’t had near enough time to settle you into any of this but I would be honoured if you came for a run with us. Just come with me on Zoltan. We will take extremely good care of you. I’m hoping you love it as we do and want to join us, but no pressure. This is an easy mission so it will be just a leisurely trip first.’

Cassie shook away the feeling she may have been dreaming again and felt way out of her comfort zone. ‘Kayden, I think you have it wrong. All I can do is blow things up. What you do is far beyond my powers. Please don’t take me because you feel concerned about leaving me alone. You can always trust me with your secrets as I know I can trust you with mine. Just know I will be fine and am happy enough to wait here for you until you get home.’

He ran his hand through his dark locks. ‘Cassie, I’d have kept this a secret and never asked you to be a part of it if I didn’t believe you’d be of great value to us. Look, the boys will be pulling up any minute and I’ve run out of time to discuss it much further. I need to speak to the team and fill them in on the mission. Just trust me for now and come with me, Cass. Throw caution to the wind and let me show you a whole new world that I know you will more than fit into.’

She nodded. ‘My life is in your hands, Kayden and has been since you found me. Before then there was nothing. I guess I’d be crazy not to come and see if there’s a place for a freak like me in your world.’

He came close and she could almost feel the power running through him. ‘You’re my little freak now and your place is by my side, Cassie, for as long as you want to be there.’

Joining the Team

Cassie watched as the rest of his team pulled up in two black, four-wheel drives. Cassie had seen pictures in some of Kayden’s motor magazines and the vehicles looked the same: overhead spotlights, crash-proof steel surrounds and bodies raised high with huge chunky tires.

Jason jumped out first and put his arm around Cassie while moving her closer to the men as they got out of their vehicles. ‘Cassie, this is Woody.’

Woody was so tall Cassie had to shade her eyes with her left hand to see him while she shook his hand. His vibrant red hair outlined his head and his stunning green eyes seemed to burn into her very soul. He was astonishingly handsome.

‘Hi Cassie, nice to finally meet you.’ His grin lit up his eyes even more.

‘Thank you, Woody. Glad to finally meet you too.’

‘Cassie, this is Conor. And last but not least, my brother, Ethan.’

She smiled, shaking his hand as if she already knew him. Ethan resembled and sounded so very much like Jason, only he was a little shorter. Conor—well he was so different from the others she couldn’t help but stare at him. She was fascinated by his head that was shaven and smooth as a button. Cassie wondered if he would be offended if she rubbed her hand over the glossy patch. It was the first time in her life she had ever seen anyone up close with absolutely no hair. He also had many tattoos and she found him so interesting she wanted to just stand and soak him in as he politely made conversation.

While Cassie chatted to Conor, Jason dropped his arm from around her and punching his brother, said, ‘Let’s see what the big guy’s gawking at.’

Kayden was showing Woody a diagram of some sort. They moved over to get a better look. He eventually called Conor and Cassie over. Cassie felt awkward. She knew nothing of what they talked about. She decided to give them space and sticking her hands in her pockets, she leant up against one of the cars, watching in silence. It was confusing to her that Kayden had not once glanced in her direction or made any effort to include her in the conversation.

Cassie was so used to him holding her or being wrapped up in his arms that she felt a little lost. She eyed the five men: just the size of them overpowered her. She began to think Kayden was embarrassed to show that they were together or maybe a little ashamed of her. She looked down at her simple jeans and T-shirt. Her hair was tied back and she was wearing no makeup. She guessed she did look a little like a frump.
What has happened to me?

Cassie felt annoyed with herself as she always took such pride in her appearance, even though she usually did just hang out on her own all day. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She was totally letting her insecurities creep back in again so she glanced out over the property, trying to pull it together. She was definitely freaking out. Maybe she should just tell him no, that she wasn’t ready for any of this, he and his arrogance included. After all they had only slept together last night. Maybe he did it so she wouldn’t go to Jason.

Her heart jolted, thinking suddenly that he might not feel as she did. Had he said what he did to get her to work with them? Her mind was swimming with every conceivable negative thought. She shook her head, trying to settle her nerves.

A load cheer brought her attention back to the new members of the team as she attempted to shake off how neglected she felt. First she studied Ethan as he stood with his arm around Jason, chatting. He had similar features to Jason. Both were blond-haired, blue-eyed, model-type men. Ethan had more tattoos and he was not clean-shaven. He had a five o’clock shadow going on that was quite trendy yet his expression was a lot more serious.

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