Claiming Olivia (8 page)

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Authors: Yolanda Olson

BOOK: Claiming Olivia
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“I said we aren’t done,” he repeated softly.

“Please ... I can’t ... breathe,” I said as small bursts of lights filled the corners of my vision.

“I will let go if you swear to me that we will finish what we started here tonight,” he bargained.

I gurgled as he tightened his grip and nodded as best as I could.

Alejandro let me go and turned me to face him.

“Is this not everything I promised?” he whispered. “Is this not pleasurable for you? I’ve always had these desires but I’ve never found someone who I wanted to express them with. Not until I saw you in the airport in Chicago. Not until I saw what true beauty was. You bring this desire out of me so strongly; so desperately. I need us to finish. Even if I never see you again after this night, even if you don’t want this anymore, I have to finish this,” he said as he breathed heavily and ran his hands through my hair.

My mother and father always told me once when I was a child that if you get knocked down, get back up and keep fighting. The only person that can keep you down is
I wholly believed that because there hadn’t been a time yet where I had been knocked down and stayed there.

I took a deep breath and looked Alejandro in the eyes.

“What else do you have in that closet?”

A slow grin spread across his face, “Almost anything you can think of.”


I walked passed him with my hands wrapped around myself as I tried to get the air back fully into my lungs. If I was going to do this until he was finally satisfied, recovering would be the best thing I could do at that moment.

I slowly opened both of the closet doors and raised my eyebrows in surprise. There were whips, more handcuffs (both metal and leather),  rope piles, crops, small knives; all the kinds of things that would tell you to run for your life if you didn’t know the person you were using them with.

Maybe you
run. You don’t exactly know this man and he seems to get more sexually aggressive with each encounter.

As my mind sounded the alarm, I was reminded of
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
where Alice stated,
“I give myself very good advice, but I very seldom follow it.”

Something was telling me that Alejandro wasn’t dangerous; just sexually stimulated more than most people and this would be his way of expressing it without hurting others.

“Hm,” I said again as I ran my hand over the grip on the bullwhip. I pulled it down from its holster and looked at him over my shoulder.

“Is this what you wish?” he asked as he came over to stand behind me.

“Yes, but not for me,” I replied looking up at him with devilish eyes.

His eyes immediately filled with understanding and desire as he nodded and stepped back. I undid the whip and looked up at him. He really was beautiful and I was going to feel bad for marking him up. Maybe. One day in the future. But not now.

“Turn around,” I said softly.

He did as he was told and I looked at his strong back and let my eyes wander down to his perfect ass. I could really do damage to him if I wanted to.

I pulled my arm back and brought the whip across his back as hard as I could. He took a deep breath as the whip cut his skin and blood slowly started to trickle from the small wound. I hesitated slightly before I struck him again. He cried out this time and his body shuddered.

“Again,” he pleaded as I stood there watching the blood start to materialize from the new wound.

“On your knees,” I said to him as he had to me so many times.

Alejandro dropped to his knees and lowered his head, waiting for the whip to crack in the air and lash him again.

Something took over me as I proceeded to whip him violently for the next minute. The only reason I stopped was because my arm was tired, not because of the horrible cuts on his back or the blood that was falling so freely from him. I had whipped him and enjoyed it thoroughly. I walked around him and lifted his face. His eyes were red and his face was tearstained but he looked absolutely euphoric.

I leaned down and kissed his lips gently as he breathed heavily. When I pulled away from him, he wrapped his arms around my legs and buried his face into my stomach.

“Thank you,” he whispered.

“Can we do this without you hurting me now?” I asked.

“Yes,” he replied as he got to his feet and lifted me gently onto the bed.

Alejo looked down at me and smiled softly. Something told me that I had caged the animal, but I would only know for sure as the night went on.

“Open your legs, Liv,” he said.

I did as I was told. He was standing at the edge of the bed with his hands crossed over his chest looking at me.

“Rub yourself for me.”

Considering this was one of the least humiliating things he had asked of me, I decided to open my legs wider so he could see everything I did to myself. I held my lips open with one hand while I rubbed myself for him. His desire was becoming obvious again as his erection started to throb. I looked at him with lust hazed eyes as I slid a finger inside of myself.

“Oh God,” I whispered as I could feel myself coming close to orgasm.

“Stop,” he said.

I opened my eyes and looked at him. I knew he didn’t want me to make myself cum. I knew that no matter how much he enjoyed watching, he wanted to feel every movement of my vagina convulse with the orgasm. He wanted to have his dick soaked in my juices.

I wanted it too.

As he crawled up the bed toward me, he grabbed my fingers and sucked them dry. Alejo looked into my eyes as he penetrated me. For some reason I gasped in surprise. I hadn’t expected it obviously, but it seemed different this time as he gently began to move in and out of me.

I moaned and closed my eyes as he held me tightly against him and moved slowly and gently. I had never had this with Mitchell. It was always quick thrusts; completely passionate but never as gentle and meaningful as it was at this moment.

I’m going to cum already. Fuck this feels amazing!

“Livie...” he breathed as he tightened his grip.

I could tell by the way he was breathing that he was going to cum too. The shaking of his arms was making it even more amazing, because I could tell he was trying to fight it.

It eventually got to the point where our sexual desires exploded like a volcano at the same time. Alejo hadn’t made any move to pull out of me like he had before and I hadn’t made any move to prompt him too.

“I’m sorry,” he said as he laid his head on my chest.

“Don’t be. That was yum,” I replied as I ran my hands through his hair, trying to catch my breath.

“I should have asked if that was okay,” he said looking up at me.

“I said it was yum, didn’t I?” I asked with a smile.

“Can we do this again before you leave?” he asked rubbing my side.

“Maybe. If I can ever walk again after tonight.”

I laid there thinking about how many days I had left in Ibiza. Almost a full week and then we would be off to Madrid and Barcelona.

I wasn’t sure yet if I would miss Alejandro.

Suddenly I had a thought run through my head.

“So who was that chick anyway?” I asked quietly.

“Old girlfriend.”

“And that was supposed to make me jealous?”

He chuckled as he slid his body off of mine and sat up. I looked up at him as he brought his knees up and crossed his hands over them.

“I had to know how you would feel to see me with another woman. When you left the restaurant angrily, I wasn’t sure still so I invited her back here to see how you would react then. Your anger, your tears, your refusal to look... It told me what I wanted to know honestly. Jealousy, although an honestly undesirable trait for one person to exhibit, is the key factor in truth. Why would one be angry or hurt about something if they had not wanted that thing for themselves? Anyway, that’s why I did all of those things tonight Liv. I told you I would hurt you emotionally and because I was able too, I know that somewhere deep inside that blocked off heart you came here with, something wants me. And that’s all I need to know. Whether it’s real emotion or just a fleeting thing, only time will tell, but for now it’s what I need to feel alive again.”

“What does that mean?” I asked curiously.

He sat there quietly for a moment, before he spoke again.

“What’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to you in your life so far? Can you think of anything?”

I lay there with my hands across my stomach running through my life events trying to figure out what exactly I could point out as the worst event that had happened to me so far.

“You’re lucky,” he said with a slightly bitter chuckle. “You can’t think of anything.”

I put a hand on his arm as I sat up, but he refused to look at me.

“Would you like to hear a story Olivia?” he asked. Without letting me respond he continued, “When I was a small child of about four years old I had a male family member take advantage of my innocence. Not only did he do this to me, he would pass me off to his friends so that they could do the same or they would come over and watch. It lasted until I was about ten years old and I finally broke down and told my mother and father what had been happening. My mother cried hysterically and begged my forgiveness for not knowing. My father became angry;
angry and he went after that family member. He had arranged a hunting trip with him and only my father returned. No one ever found any trace of that person nor did anyone have reason to suspect that my father had harmed him in anyway. My entire family came together for us. My brothers swore they would never let me out of their sights again. I don’t ever really think about it much, but when I saw you ... When I sat next to you when you slept ... I wanted to do to you everything that was done to me. Not in a malicious, scar you for life kind of way, in an “I’ve finally found the person who can fix me” kind of way. This is why I followed you around Ibiza. This is why I wouldn’t let you out of my sight, why I made you watch me with her. Why I made it painful. I felt that you would be able to handle it as I did and wanted so desperately for you to understand that this was my idea of love for a long time,” he said, smiling sadly as he looked at me.

I felt tears sting my eyes as he leaned his head over and I pulled him close. I never would have thought he had gone through such horrors as a child. The Alejandro Castillo I had been spending time with, seemed to kind and fun and gentle to have been subjected to such cruelty. How did he stay this way? I couldn’t imagine how I would have turned out had it happened to me. All he wanted was someone to love him the only way he knew how and he had picked

The only problem with our scenario was that I was engaged to be married to a man that I did still love somewhat.

“Te amo princesa,” he whispered. “No puedo evitarlo.”

I pulled back and took his face into my hands. I looked deep into his eyes before I spoke.

“I don’t know what to do right now, Alejandro. I want to stay here with you but I don’t think I can. I want to see where this goes but I don’t think I can. There’s so much I want to do by your side, but I ... I don’t think I can. I feel like absolute shit for doing this to you,” I said with tears forming in my eyes again.

“Don’t feel bad or cry, Liv,” he said pulling me against his sweaty body. “I knew you were committed to another man when I sat next to you on the plane. I knew there was a good chance that being with you intimately probably would not happen, but it did and it was the most amazing feeling I have ever had. I can never thank you or repay you enough for what you have done for me.”

I sniffled.

Mitch had never made me feel as wanted as Alejandro had in a matter of days.

This man was broken and he knew it. He claimed me to be the one to help him without my ever knowing this was his intentions.

“Did I frighten you? Showing up everywhere you and Cassidy were?” he asked.

I laughed and pulled away from him. I wiped the tears from my eyes and smiled at his amused grin.

“Not really. See Cassidy and I have a safe word we worked out years ago in case either of us had ever gotten ourselves into a situation that was too much for us to handle, so I knew that no matter what your size is we’d be able to get away if we needed to,” I replied.

He laughed and I was relieved to see that his hurt and pain from telling me such an important, integral part of his life seemed miles away again.

“Do you believe in love, Livie?” he asked suddenly. “Honest, pure love?”

I looked at the thoughtful look on his face. It seemed like an innocent enough question.

“I like to believe it’s real. I’ve never experienced it before,” I admitted sadly.

“Nor have I. But I like to believe that I can experience it with you,” he replied glancing at me.

“If that’s true,” I began carefully, “Then I have a proposition to make.”

“Tell me.”

“Well, I have about a week or so left in Spain as a whole. I think we should spend the rest of the time apart until my last day here. Just to see if we still feel that it could be possible for us to love each other.”

He looked at me like I had just shattered the perfect world he had already set out for the both of us. I moved to the side and covered myself with the blankets as Alejo stood up and started to pace. I could tell he was contemplating this and it would be a serious decision for him to make.

“One condition,” he said as he stopped to face me.


“That you make a decision by the time you leave.”

I took a deep breath. I was going to be away from the sweetest temptation I’ve ever had for almost a week and in that time I wouldn’t think about him; I knew it. I would think only of what I was doing as time passed and it wouldn’t be fair to either of us.

But, nonetheless, I agreed.

“When do we start this separation?” he asked.

“I would think tomorrow would be a good idea,” I said glancing out into the still darkness.

“Good, then I will give you something to think about,” he said as he slid back into the bed with me.

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