Claiming Olivia (10 page)

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Authors: Yolanda Olson

BOOK: Claiming Olivia
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“Nope. It’s wide open. I’m Olivia,” I said extending my hand.

“César,” he replied with a smile as he took my hand.

“Nice to meet you,” I replied with a nod as I crossed my hands over my chest.

“It is nice to meet you too. You look very nice today,” he said politely.

“Thanks,” I replied with a laugh.

He looked at the expensive watch on his wrist, “Ten more minutes.”

I nodded and glanced down the alley where the bulls would be running through in ten minutes. I was more excited with each passing moment.

“So how do you like Spain so far?” he asked.

“I like it. I’ve always wanted to come here,” I replied with a grin.

César grinned back then looked over my shoulder and chuckled. I raised an eyebrow and turned around and saw that Cassidy was now in a three way lip lock with not only the hot blonde, but a really pretty brunette who had joined them. I immediately reached into my pocket and grabbed my camera and took a picture. Then I turned the camera toward myself, smiled big, and gave a thumbs up and took another picture. When I looked at it, I grinned when saw the trio in the background making out and my big “atta girl” grin.

I showed the picture to César and he laughed.

I slid the camera back into my pocket and César looked at his watch again impatiently then glanced around. I saw him wave his arm in the air and followed his gaze.

My heart dropped into my feet.

Alejandro was making his way through the crowd and he was heading straight toward us. When he saw me he stopped for a moment and looked at César. Then he began to push his way through the crowd.

I ducked under César’s arm and began to shove my way toward the far left area of the mob of people. I felt terrible for not letting Cassidy know that I was trying to get away but I didn’t want to ruin her moment either. I would be able to call her when it was over and let her know that I was okay.

“Excuse me, pardon me,” I said as I pushed people aside to get as far away from Alejo as I could.

After I was sure I had achieved a safe distance I grabbed onto the gate to catch my breath. A few moments later the roar of the crowd caused my entire body to shake. I leaned myself up a bit to look over the gate and saw arms waving and yelling faces.

Here they come!
I thought excitedly as I held onto the gate.

Suddenly I was pressed tightly against the gate and my shorts and panties were pushed aside, followed by immediate penetration. I began to struggle as hard as I could until I felt a hand grab my ponytail and pull it firmly back to arch me. I was terrified because I couldn’t see who was doing this to me and I didn’t come all the way to Spain to be sexually assaulted. I struggled harder.

“Es mi deseo me,” a voice breathed into my ear as I felt another powerful thrust deep inside of me.

I relaxed and leaned back and let Alejo have his way with me at the front of the crowd, at the Running of the Bulls Ceremony, on the beautiful hot day in July. It was quick but to feel him inside of me so suddenly and in such a public place was even more amazing than ever.

Not to mention that I felt a lot safer knowing who had pinned me against the gate.

The ground began to shake as the bulls started to make their way down the alley and the crowd cheered louder. I leaned my head back against Alejo and gasped loudly.

The sensation of the streets trembling and him inside of me, pushing so desperately, was more than I was becoming more than I could bear.

“More!” I yelled to him.

He pushed deeper inside of me and pulled my hair tighter into his fist. I could feel his breath on the side of my face.

I was almost there and so was he.

“Ay Dios,” he breathed into my ear as his body started to shake. I closed my eyes and let myself go. As he filled me with his desire, I covered him in mind.

It was so perfect.

So symphonic.

So forbidden.

I breathed heavily as he let me back down and released my ponytail. I turned and looked up at him as he slid himself back into his pants with a tired smile.

I couldn’t smile though. Something in me was beginning to not just want him, but
him. I felt like what I said to him our first night together was true. Alejo was becoming an addiction to me but for now I knew it was a destructive one. Not to me, but to my relationship with Mitch.

Noticing the serious look on my face, he leaned down and took me into his arms and kissed me softly on the lips.

I hesitated for a moment before I reached up and returned his kiss, parting his lips with my tongue. He held me tightly against him as we kissed like two lovers that would never see each other again, because for all either of us knew that would be true.

When he pulled back, he looked over my shoulder and smiled.

“Look,” he said as he turned me around and hoisted me back up onto the gate.

“Wow!” I exclaimed.

I thought the bulls had run through while we had sex because of the powerful shaking of the ground, but they were just now rounding the corner and coming down our way.

He placed a hand on either side of me on the gate and kept himself against me to keep me from falling down. He yelled happily behind me along with the crowd as I watched the powerful animals run by, with large pointy white horns.

Even though I was excited to see them, I felt bad for them at the same time. I hadn’t done any research so I didn’t know what would happen to them at the end of their journey. I just knew they were trapped in a straight route right now with no way to go but straight ahead and I thought of my relationship with Mitch.

Maybe I should get out there and run with you guys. I know just how you feel,
I thought glumly.

It was over in a matter of minutes. A four hour train ride and waking up at two in the morning for about half an hour of waiting and a five minute run. Not to mention the hot surprise sex.

As the crowd started to disband happy and moving on to the next event, Alejo helped me down and looked around the crowd. He was enthusiastically waving someone over to us.

“Oh shit, I have to find Cassidy,” I said looking up at him. “I left her making out in the crowd somewhere.”

“She’s fine, I see her walking toward us with my brother,” he replied with a grin.

“Your brother?” I asked curiously looking for Cass.

Wow. Really?

Cassidy was walking side by side with César and holding the hot blonde girl’s hand.

“You know, I thought he looked vaguely familiar for some reason,” I said to Alejandro who laughed.

“And hello again,” César said with a grin as he stopped in front of us.

“How did you know?” I asked bluntly.

“American, heavily tattooed, and short,” he shrugged, “not many of those walking around Pamplona. Besides, I figured that you would be here to see this so I suggested to Alejo that we stay alert for you or your friend. Plus our family comes ever year.”

“Did he also tell you that we have a deal?” I asked looking up at Alejo seriously.

“Yes. But the deal was not with
so to be honest it’s not broken. I’d like to invite you to keep
company all day and if my brother just so happens to be with us, so be it,” he replied with a mischievous grin.

Cassidy and her blonde were standing there staring at us. She had a curious look on her face and I suddenly felt bad for not saying anything to her about the deal I made with Alejo.

“Who’s your friend?” I asked smiling at the blonde.

“This is Feliciana,” she said quickly. “What deal,” she asked in confusion.

“Hola Feliciana, mi nombre es Olivia,” I said with a warm smile.

“Hola Olivia,” she replied with a shy smile.

“Hello, Liv? What deal?” Cass asked again.

“I’ll tell you later, it’s a long story. It’ll be good for the train ride back to Barcelona,” I said to her.

Alejo put an arm around my waist and pulled me close to him, “We could start tomorrow you know,” he whispered into my ear.

I looked up at him and contemplated the idea. Starting tomorrow would get me one more night of intense passion with Alejo before we left next week.

“Well?” he asked squeezing my hand.

“I don’t know,” I replied uncertainty. “I mean we
agree on yesterday. And I mean even that didn’t work because we saw you at the hotel.”

“I have a solution,” César suddenly said.

The four of us looked at him expectedly. He grinned at his brother before he turned his attention to me.

“You want to keep your deal with Alejo and I understand, so how about this? We all split up; your friend included, and if we meet up again at any point today that means we spend the rest of the day with the person we run into. That way it’s still keeping the deal and we let fate decide.”

“That sounds fair,” Cassidy said thoughtfully.

I sighed. César had a point. If we let fate decide, it would actually help my decision in the long run anyway.

“Okay,” I agreed.

Alejandro nodded and we all said good-bye to each other before we parted ways. Alejo pulled me to him and kissed me softly on the lips again before he turned and walked away.

I stuck my hands into my shorts pockets and headed back toward where the bulls had come from. I smiled as I could hear the excited cheer of the crowd a few blocks away as the bulls kept running.

It felt nice to actually be by myself wandering around aimlessly while I thought about my imminent decision. It wouldn’t be easy but I had to think with my mind more than my heart, because the heart is the most irrational organ in the body.

I was by myself for an hour, wandering the streets and taking in the architecture, when I turned a corner and smiled.

“Looks like we’re paired up today, eh?” César said with a big grin as he approached me.

“I guess so!”

“Actually you have two escorts,” Alejo said as he came around from behind me. “I saw you about a block back and have been following you,” he admitted sheepishly.

César and I laughed as his face turned red.

“Then I guess I should probably leave, if you saw her first,” he said.

” I interceded, “I can spend the day with both of you.”

César looked questioningly at his brother who nodded at him and I held out my arms. They each took one and we continued down the street.

“There’s going to be a bullfight later if you want to attend,” Alejo said to me.

“Depends, do I get to weaken the Matador by stabbing him with swords?”

Alejo and César both laughed.

“I guess I should have mentioned I’m pro animal. I’ll save an animal’s life over a human’s any day of the week,” I explained with a smile.

“That’s admirable,” César remarked.

“I guess,” I replied.

“Madre!” Alejo yelled out suddenly.

I jumped as Alejandro and César both broke away from me and ran toward a very lovely older, light haired woman. She smiled at them and held her arms open as they both hugged her simultaneously.

Alejo turned toward me and waved me over enthusiastically. I took a deep breath assuming that I was about to meet his mother and walked over slowly and trying to smile.

She smiled at me as I approached and as Alejandro introduced me as his “very good friend, Olivia”.

Thanks for the intro. You just helped me make up my mind.

“Mucho gusto,” I said holding out my hand for her to shake. She smiled and instead pulled me into a hug.

When she let go, I stepped back and looked at the Castillo brothers.

“So listen, I should really find Cassidy and make sure that her and her friend are okay. Thanks for the walk. And please tell her it was a pleasure to meet her. I don’t know how to say it,” I said.

I smiled at their mother again and gave her a small wave as I turned around and headed back quickly the way I came.

It took about an hour before I found Cassidy hand in hand with Feliciana waiting in line to get into the arena.

“Hey Liv!” she called out when she saw me. “Do you wanna watch the bullfight with us?”

“No way,” I replied making a face. “I’m going to go back to the Hilton though. So if you’re looking for me that’s where I’ll be!”

“Okay, sounds good,” she said as I walked away.

I looked around and tried to figure out how I would get back to the room from here. To be honest I had no clue; I was as lost as a nun in hell so I decided to sightsee a little more.

I found myself wandering over to Ciudadela Park. It seemed interesting from the outside, so I paid my admission and stood in the small tourist group waiting to be led around the forts. History was always a big love of mine so I knew I would have fun with this.

As we moved around the park and got to see the beauty of the construction of the forts, I was so happy. Being a self-proclaimed nerd, I knew this was something that out of most of my friends, I would probably enjoy the most.

I took out my phone and started to snap pictures with my camera. A pretty, teenaged girl with white blonde hair and soft blue streaks came over and asked me if I wanted her to take pictures of me with the different attractions inside.

“Yes! Please and thank you!” I said excitedly as she grabbed my phone. She examined it for a moment, before looking up at me curiously and taking the picture for me.

“What’s your name?” she asked as she handed my phone back to me.

“Olivia, what’s yours?”

“Teresa,” she replied with a smile.

“Well it’s nice to meet you and thanks for taking the pictures for me!” I said.

“You’re welcome! There is more to see in the next fort so I will stay close to you if you’d like me to take more pictures,” she said with a grin.

“So how old are you, if you don’t mind me asking? You look a bit young, so I’m just curious,” I said to her as we walked to the next fort.

“I am seventeen. May I ask your age?”

“Thirty four,” I replied with a smile.

“Really?” she asked in shock, “You don’t look it at all! I would have guessed twenty one at the most.”

“Thanks. I’ve got good genes I guess,” I replied with a laugh.

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