Read Claiming His Witch Online

Authors: Ellis Leigh

Tags: #Fantasy Paranormal, #Ellis Leigh, #Wicca, #Witchcraft, #Paranormal Romance, #Claiming His Fate, #Multicultural, #Wolf Shifter, #Fiction, #Romance, #Witch, #Witches, #Feral Breed Series, #Urban Fantasy

Claiming His Witch (13 page)

BOOK: Claiming His Witch
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“I’ve got you,” he mumbled, squeezing my ass with both hands as he rotated his hips and pulled back. “Never let you go. Never. Just let it come, baby. Give it to me. Want to feel you come. Want it so bad.”

Shaking, moaning, clawing, I clung to him as he worked me slow and deep. Over and over he pressed me into the mattress, his weight and his height and his bulk making me feel small and delicate. The sensation only adding to the pleasure building within.

After a few mind-numbing plunges in, he brought his thumb to my lips, pressing inside with a whispered “Suck it.” I did as I was told, wrapping my tongue around the digit as best I could. He pulled it from my mouth and trailed his hand down my side, sliding it between us as he reached my hip. And then his lips were on mine, his tongue licking into my mouth with passion and impatience. I responded in kind, the kiss something brutal and rough. He bit my bottom lip hard, making me jump. At the same moment, he pressed his wet thumb against my clit and pushed, pressing the swollen, tender flesh into the bone behind it. I gasped and jumped as he worked his thumb in small circles, never letting up the pressure.

“C’mon, baby. Just a little more. I got you.”

One more circle with his thumb and I fell. Long and loud, I called out his name as my body locked up in pleasure. Never had an orgasm lasted so long or felt so good. Never had my muscles seized so completely. They clenched on Pup, pulling him deeper, pulsing around him. Pup didn’t ease up on me even as I came. He just kept his hips moving in the same rhythm, kept that thumb pressed against my clit as I throbbed and shook.

“Little more…little more…little…” He thrust harder, faster, two, three more times. But then he faltered, his rhythm breaking as his legs locked and his jaw clenched.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, Zuri. Fuck.” He came with a growl, pressing me into the mattress while his hips continued a jerky, thrusting motion. His head dropped to my chest, even as he pressed himself so very deep inside of me. As his body shook, he kissed the swell of my breast and whispered a quiet “Have to.”

And then he bit into my breast.


Oh fuck.

The words echoed in my head, even as the taste of Azurine’s blood sent chills up my spine and I finished coming inside of her. She’d felt so good, so right, and the way her pussy clenched around me as she came had driven me mad. I knew it was wrong to bite her without having discussed what it meant, but I couldn’t help myself. Or rather, the wolf instincts took over. Whatever. We’d lost control and bitten our mate without preparing her.

Zuri was going to kill me.

“What the hell, Pup?” Zuri jerked, making my hips push down. My eyes rolled back as my dick got one more good squeeze from her pussy while my teeth were still embedded in her breast. I couldn’t focus on her words, could only feel. Her heat, her wetness, the way she squeezed me. My mind was caught in a loop of Zuri’s sex. Fuck, she really was going to kill me.

Fighting for clarity, I pulled my mouth off her skin and backed away from her as she struggled to sit up. The movement forced my dick to slide messily from her pussy, the sound positively obscene. It made me want to start all over again. I wasn’t kidding when I told her how wet she was. The woman was sloppy, and I loved it. Though being banished from that soft, hot heaven wasn’t quite what I wanted at the moment.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that.”

She looked down at the mark on her breast, prodding the flesh with her fingers as she frowned. Watching her fondle her own breasts wasn’t helping me calm down. I wanted her again. Wanted her underneath me, on top of me, beside me. Didn’t matter. As long as my dick or my fingers or my tongue were in her pussy, I’d be happy.

Damn…the thought of getting my tongue inside her pussy nearly made me whimper in need.

Realizing some kind of mating thrall was warping my reality, I shook off the sex-obsessed thoughts and tried to focus on her face. Tried. My eyes kept darting down to where her fingers brushed against her breast. Where her thumb pressed beside her nipple. Where her—

“That hurt.” She looked up at me, an angry almost-pout on her lips.

“I’m sorry.” I tried to look her in the eye as I said it, but that thumb was still sitting on the darkened flesh of her nipple. Her tip was pointed and hard and begging me to take it into my mouth. I just wanted a taste. A little lick.

I growled as I fought off the sexual obsession. Zuri’s breathing picked up when she heard it, her tongue peeking out to lick her bottom lip. That thumb, the same one that had been captivating me, moved to rub over the hardened peak of her nipple. Once, twice. And then she pinched it.

“Fuck, Zuri.” I leapt forward, crashing my lips into hers and plunging my tongue into her mouth. Her arms and legs wrapped around me as I pulled her into my lap. She rocked against me, her wetness making her slide along the length of my quickly hardening dick. But that wasn’t what I wanted—not this time.

I wrapped one hand around her waist and pulled her hips up to my chest, letting her upper body fall back to the mattress.


I shook my head at her breathy question, unable to speak. I needed to taste her. Was dying for it. Absolutely had to know what that amazing pussy felt like against my tongue. I brought her hips up farther, the rest of her body supported by her shoulders on the mattress. I knew she wouldn’t be comfortable like that for long, but I didn’t intend to make her wait. I needed her to come on my tongue. Immediately.

As soon as I had her legs spread around my shoulders, I dove in, fastening my mouth around her hood and sucking before letting my tongue work its way along the slit. She gasped and shook, her responses leading me down the right path to make her explode. I knew it wouldn’t take long, not after the way she’d come when I’d been buried inside her. She was still softly swollen, still wet and ready for more.

I worked my tongue over her clit, pressing hard and flat against her. She moaned and tried to rock her hips, but I had her pinned against me. There was no escaping. Not then, not when I was so desperate to taste her. And taste her I did. Every warm and wet inch of her. I tasted myself on her as well, the thought of the two of us together making me so hard, I nearly came without a single touch.

I knew she was close when she moaned and started trembling. Those signs made me speed up my movements, made me growl against her flesh and slide my teeth along her lips. Her thighs gripped my head, her hands fisting the sheets, until the moment I’d been dying for arrived. With my tongue buried inside of her and my thumb pressed firmly on that bundle of nerves I wanted to get even more acquainted with, she came with a moan I was sure half the state could hear. My wolf preened at the thought, knowing all the other males around would hear how much pleasure I gave my mate and stay away. She was mine. Forever.

As she loosened the grip her thighs had on my head, I slowly dropped her bottom half back to the mattress. The girl was jelly, which made me want to pound on my chest and grunt. I’d done that to her; I’d made her look like that. The man and the wolf both liked knowing we could make our mate that happy.

She sighed and gave me a dopey grin, looking like a woman well and truly sated. I curled up next to her, ready to spend a little time just enjoying the feeling of her flesh against mine. But then she glanced over my shoulder.

“Shit, is that the time?” Before I could answer, she was out of bed and pulling her clothes on. “I’ve got to get back to the house.”

Panic settled over me like a blanket of ice. I had to talk to her; she had to know what the bite meant. “Wait…you’re leaving?”

“I know; it’s supershitty of me. There’s a lot going on with my coven and this wolf issue, so I don’t know when I can come back. Probably not today.” She rushed over, thighs pressing against the side of the mattress as she leaned to place a soft kiss against my lips. “Thanks for letting me stay the night. And everything else. I owe you big time, though I doubt I’ll bite you the way you did me.”

She gave me a saucy smile as she pulled her sweatshirt over her head, and then she was out the door. I sat in a stunned stupor, my chin still wet with her juices and my mind a tangled mess.

I bit her.

How did I let this happen? I’d been so careful, so completely focused on her so I didn’t push her too hard. Everything we’d done, we’d done because I was absolutely certain it was what she wanted. Until the bite.

The bite was a mistake. Not one I regretted, exactly. She was my mate. Of course I wanted to link us with a claiming bite. But she had no clue what that small tear of flesh meant. And when I should have been talking to her, telling her exactly what I’d done, I’d let my libido run the show and tongue-fucked her instead. Brilliant.

She had no idea I’d marked her for eternity. No clue she would smell like me to any other shifters she came across. She didn’t yet know how her aging would slow down, her body moving into stasis so we could live extended lives together.

And she had absolutely no clue how she’d broken my heart when she’d told me she wouldn’t bite me back.


I bounded through the woods, unable to control the smile on my face. Pup was everything I could have ever asked for. Strong, gorgeous, loving, kind…everything. The way he let me decide how far and how fast we went physically without making me beg or plead or even ask for what I wanted was so refreshing. The way he kept whispering the question “Yes?” and how he watched me, those things drove me wild with need for him. It was such a turn-on after dealing for years with men who always put their own wants ahead of mine. No, not men. Pup was a man. Those previous lovers were just boys.

But my connection to him was more than lust. I knew it, could feel the bond in my heart. He was someone I could trust, someone I could give my heart to. We could have a wonderful future together. If only.

Because as I hurried away from the man consuming my thoughts and toward the lighthouse, my happiness faded and anxiety took hold. My coven, my family, was not accepting of him. I needed to do some major damage control and figure out a way to make my sister understand how Pup was fated to be mine. He was the end to my red thread, the other half to my soul. I needed him in my life like I needed air or water or magick. There simply wasn’t an option to not have him.

It would take time, that I knew, but I hoped to somehow convince the coven of his trustworthiness. I needed them to know he wasn’t a witch hunter. Starting with Amber. With my both my sisters on my side, I knew the rest of the coven would come around. They had to.

I snuck into the house through the back door, sidestepping the stacks of pots and cauldrons in the mudroom. I could hear the voices of some of my covenmates coming from the greenhouse, but I wasn’t ready to see them. I needed to clean up before I went to help them with the protection spells. While being shunned by them had been beyond painful, I knew helping protect our home would work in my favor. If I could show them how I hadn’t changed, how I was still the same girl they’d always known, they might give me a chance once it was time to bring up Pup again. I just had to have hope and faith.

I hurried up the back stairs and down the hall to my bedroom, thankful for the clear path into the safety of my room. But as I closed the door behind me, I realized—too late—that I wasn’t alone.

“I hoped you’d be smart enough to sneak home before dawn, but apparently not. What took you so long?”

I turned and met the appraising gaze of Scarlett, who was lounging across my bed. Her eyes lit up as she took in what must have been my total walk-of-shame style. No shoes, pants wrinkled, sweatshirt—I glanced down at myself—yep, on backward. I was a walking billboard for Just Got Fucked ’R Us. I coughed unnecessarily and ran a hand over my hair, nearly cringing at how tangled it felt.

“Hey.” I paused, uncomfortably unsure what to do next. Scarlett smirked and raised an eyebrow at me. The brat. I rolled my eyes and hurried toward my dresser as if it was perfectly normal to walk into my room after spending the night with a sexy shapeshifter who practically made me stop breathing with the way he touched me.

“You look like one hell of a happy woman.”

I shrugged and bit back a grin. What could I say, the boy had skills.

“Did anyone notice I was gone? I know there’s a group here for the protection spells.”

“Yeah, the old biddies are digging in the dirt again. As if soil and iron are all we need to hunt a hunter.” She stood and strolled in a circle around me. Assessing. Inspecting. Making me feel like a criminal on trial. But she wouldn’t get me to crack.

“So, how’s your new pet?”

I huffed and rolled my eyes. “He’s not my pet. But he’s fine. Good. Fine. Better than fine. He’s…great, really.”

Scarlett laughed. “Damn, girl. You rode him like a jockey at the Preakness, didn’t you?”

My cheeks burned as I scurried into the en suite bathroom. “That’s not really your business.”

Her laugh only grew.

“Yeah, yeah, yuck it up.” I flipped her off and kept walking. “You’re just jealous you were here all alone while I was otherwise occupied.”

I closed the door to the bathroom and leaned against it, giving in to the need to just…grin. I felt good, giddy even. My body, my heart, my brain, the magickal core inside of me. Every ounce of me felt balanced and complete. It was a good feeling, rapturous almost. It was as if I’d discovered something I hadn’t even realized was missing from my life. And maybe I had…in Pup.

“By the way,” Scarlett whisper-yelled through the closed door, making me jump. “You might want to shower and find a turtleneck. You reek of eau de mangy-mutt, and it’s going to be superhard to explain the hickeys.”

BOOK: Claiming His Witch
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