chronicles of eden - act I (91 page)

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Authors: alexander gordon

BOOK: chronicles of eden - act I
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“Alyssa? What’s wrong?” he asked as everybody was watching her. She rubbed her eyes then looked back to Triska.

“Um… nothing,” she said softly. The girls looked at each other curiously then back to the witch as she sat down next to Daniel. He was watching her as she calmed her breathing and glanced to him.

“I’m alright, it was just a bad dream,” she reassured with a small smile. He nodded with a calm expression then looked back ahead as Lucky continued to pull them along the dirt path. Alyssa looked around as she held her hand out behind her, summoning her staff towards her. As it flew past the other girls and into her hand she saw the fog building around the caravan again.

“So much for the sunny weather,” she said softly. As the fog continued to build around them Alyssa started getting a bad feeling again, holding a hand to her chest while she slowly glanced around. Old trees and patches of tall grass were passing by while the fog started to grow denser, with the little amount of light that passed through the clouds above casting a soft bloom around them once again.

“Déjà vu,” Alyssa said softly to herself. She blinked then looked down curiously, sensing something was off again. She drummed her fingers on her staff again then looked quickly over to Daniel, the boy still looking ahead with a calm smile.

“Daniel?” she asked slowly.

“Hm?” he said as he glanced to her. She looked at him for a moment then ahead as the fog became very thick around them.

“Whoa, Lucky, slow down,” she called out. The horse grunted and started to slow down. It trotted along calmly as Alyssa looked around carefully, feeling something poking at her mind again.

“What is this? This feeling…” she said quietly. Looking around she saw nothing but clouds of fog floating past the caravan, a gentle breeze causing some grass and leaves to rustle in the unseen. Alyssa shook her head as the feeling in her chest started to get worse.

“Daniel, something’s wrong. I-” she said looking over to her side, the witch seeing Daniel gone.

“Daniel?” she asked looking back inside the cabin. Nobody was in there, the interior being dark and deserted. Alyssa quickly looked around with fear as the empty caravan rolled along with dirt road. She looked back into the cabin, then over to the side at the passing fog, then next to her to seeing Triska sitting beside her.

“Triska?” Alyssa asked with surprise. Triska smirked with a cold glare in her eyes, and then promptly struck her dagger into Alyssa’s forehead with a crunch.

“TRISKA!” Alyssa yelled as she shot up from her dream, staring ahead with shock as she was breathing heavily. Looking around quickly she saw she was once again sitting back inside the caravan with everybody staring at her with surprise. Triska watched her breathe heavily for a moment then tilted her head with a curious smile.

“Yes?” she asked innocently. Alyssa looked at her with wide eyes then around as she tried to calm herself.

“Alyssa? What’s wrong?” Daniel asked as he was looking back to her, riding in the front of the caravan again with a curious expression.

“Why did you scream like that just now?” Specca asked as she regained herself.

“Bad dream?” Triska asked with a smirk. Alyssa stared at her with wide eyes then over to Daniel with fear in her eyes.

“You ok, Alyssa?” he asked gently. She quickly scrambled to the front of the cabin and looked around outside, seeing the same sight of old trees and tall grass passing by while the sky above was cloudy. Small banks of fog were starting to form around the area as Lucky was still running at a brisk pace along the dirt road.

“Alyssa? What is it?” Daniel asked as everybody was watching the witch.

“What’s wrong, Alyssa?” Specca asked. Alyssa looked back to her then to Triska, then over to Daniel.

“I… but…” she stuttered looking back outside.

“What’s up with you?” Triska asked with a raised eyebrow.

“I... I keep dreaming… about this,” Alyssa said looking down in thought.

“Dreaming about this? About what?” Daniel asked. Alyssa looked to him with a puzzled expression then around as the fog started to build and grow thicker. She looked up and saw the light from the clouds becoming dim then back around with a careful eye.

“I keep waking up, and… we’re traveling through the fog. Then…” she said before looking down.

“And then what?” Daniel asked. Alyssa held a hand to her head as she started to get a bad feeling again, sensing something was off around her. Her breathing started to pick up as she quickly looked around.

“What’s wrong? Alyssa?” Daniel asked as the group saw the witch beginning to panic.

“Stop… stop! Lucky, stop!” she yelled out. Lucky neighed then slowed down, the horse grunting as the group watched Alyssa with confusion while the caravan slowly came to a halt.

“Hey, what’s wrong? What’s gotten into you?” Daniel asked gently as he rested a hand on her shoulder.

“She looks frightened of something, was it really that bad of a dream?” Specca asked curiously.

“I don’t know, was it, Alyssa?” Triska mused with a knowing smile. Squeak merely squeaked curiously as everybody watched the witch looking around franticly.

“Something’s wrong, Daniel, I don’t know what but this isn’t right. This isn’t right at all,” Alyssa panicked as she looked around outside. The fog was so thick nearby that it was impossible to see anything even in front of Lucky.

“But it feels
good, Alyssa,” Triska purred seductively. Alyssa froze in place as a cold chill ran down her spine. Slowly she turned to look behind her as her mouth quivered. As she did she saw Daniel was no longer sitting in the driver’s seat, the witch feeling her heart skipping a beat before she turned to see Triska once again bent over her duffel bag, the girl holding onto it with a flushed face and a coy smile while Daniel was riding her vigorously from behind. He was holding onto her hips as he watched her with a confident smile, breathing steadily as he rode the girl in caravan. Specca and Squeak were nowhere to be seen as Alyssa watched with horror at the repeat of the sight.

“I never want him to stop.
,” Triska said with a cold glare in her eyes.

“NO!” Alyssa cried out as she shot up, again sitting inside the caravan as she stared ahead with wide eyes. She looked around with fright at seeing everybody where they were before and once again staring at her.

“Alyssa? What’s wrong?” Daniel asked, riding in the front of the caravan again with a curious expression.

“Why did you scream like that just now?” Specca asked as she regained herself.

“Bad dream?” Triska asked with a smirk. Alyssa looked around and shook her head.

“No… make it stop,” she said shakily.

“Make what stop? What are you talking about?” Triska asked puzzled.

“What’s wrong, Alyssa, you’re shaking,” Specca asked as she examined the witch.

“Alyssa? What is it?” Daniel asked with worry. Alyssa ran to the front of the cabin and looked outside, again seeing the same sights as before. The old trees, fields of tall grass, dark clouds above, fog that was starting to form around the area.

“Make it stop, make it stop!” she cried out as she grabbed her hair.

“Alyssa, calm down. What’s gotten into you?” Daniel asked as he gently took her and held the girl close. She trembled and shook her head, burying her face into his chest.

“I keep having the same dream over and over again, it won’t stop! I keep waking up and seeing this happen all over again!” she cried out. She whimpered and held onto his chest, then slowly looked up as he didn’t say anything. He was just looking down at her with a calm smile as Lucky continued to pull the caravan along the trail.

“It’s ok, Alyssa, you were just having a bad dream. It’s all over now, relax,” he reassured.

“But… but…” she said softly. He held a finger to her lips, the girl looking at him with wonder as he shushed her gently.

“It’s alright, Alyssa, you’re safe now. I promise,” he reassured softly. He traced the finger around to the back of her head as he held her gently, the witch looking at him with loving eyes. She then watched as he pulled her into a gentle kiss, staring with wide eyes as she felt him kissing her while holding the back of her head.


Alyssa’s eyes fluttered then slowly closed, feeling her heart beating steadily as the world faded around her. She felt his tongue gently rolling around hers as he held her gently, sighing happily as she let her worries vanish.


Suddenly she screamed into her kiss with wide eyes, her head being held tightly as a carving sound was heard. She cried and whimpered as he held her in the kiss, his eyes glaring at her with a cold gleam in them. Blood dripped out of the corners of her mouth as she trembled, the girl slowly being let go as he leaned back. She stared at him with shock and a hoarse cry as she felt his dagger digging into her heart, the girl shakily looking down to seeing him holding the blade in her. Slowly she fell back, her vision turning dark as Daniel chuckled with a cold smile.

She hit the seat with her head, the witch snapping back from the impact to seeing she was now sitting up against the wall inside the caravan. After a moment her senses came back to her, her eyes looking around franticly as she was inside the cabin while the other girls were minding their own business. Specca was reading a book next to her, Squeak was sitting across from them looking over towards the front of the cabin at Daniel, and Triska was looking up with a blank expression as the caravan bumped slightly on the road. Triska looked over to Alyssa and raised an eyebrow as she saw the witch breathing heavily.

“You ok?” she asked. Alyssa looked around in a panic as she tried to keep calm. Everybody looked over to her as she whimpered and shook her head.

“Alyssa? What’s wrong?” Daniel asked, sitting in the front seat again while looking back at the witch.

“No… not again… not again!” Alyssa cried out as she looked around with fright.

“Not what again, what are you talking about?” Triska asked puzzled. Alyssa scrambled to the front of the cabin and looked around outside, seeing the same sights from before once again playing out.

“Lucky, stop! Stop now!” she shouted out. Lucky neighed and started to slow down as the group looked at the witch with surprise.

“Alyssa, calm down. What’s wrong?” Daniel asked as he rested his hand on her shoulder. She snapped away and backed up into the cabin, staring at him with wide eyes.

“I need to wake up… I need to wake up… I need to wake up!” she cried out as she grabbed her hair. The other girls all looked to each other then back to Alyssa as Daniel turned back to face her.

“Alyssa, calm down, what are you talking about?” he asked worriedly.

“She looks frightened of something,” Specca said examining the witch. Alyssa screamed as she dropped down onto her knees, shaking her head as she closed her eyes. Squeak sat up and moved closer to the witch, holding her in a gentle hug with a soft squeak.

“Calm down, Alyssa, what’s gotten into you?” Triska asked with concern. Alyssa stammered something as she tried to control her breathing, being held gently by Squeak while having a panic attack. Squeak looked around at the others as they moved closer to her.

“Alyssa, try to calm yourself. Just lie down, you probably just had a bad dream,” Specca reasoned gently. Squeak laid the witch down as Daniel moved back into the cabin and sat near them, watching Alyssa with worry while the sunlight outside started to fade.

“It’s ok, Alyssa, just breathe,” Specca said as Alyssa clung to Squeak’s arms, the witch shaking bit as she glanced around at everybody above her. They were all looking down at her with worried expressions while the light seemed to dim. Alyssa looked out the front of the cabin to seeing fog forming outside while it got darker and hazy.

“No… not again…” she whimpered.

“Not what again? What are you freaking out over?” Triska asked.

“It’s ok, Alyssa, you’re safe. I promise,” Daniel said gently. Alyssa looked around at seeing everybody smiling down at her.

“I… it was… but…” she said unsurely. Squeak leaned down closer to the witch and squeaked softly while tilting her head slightly, her antennae twitching a bit as she gently rubbed Alyssa’s arms. The witch looked up at her for a moment then slowly let go, her arms gently dropping to her sides. Squeak smiled at her and squeaked softly before her mouth snapped open, her jaw unhinging as dozens of razor sharp teeth were seen inside her mouth while two pincers struck out. Her eyes widened as her pupils shrank, the ant girl screeching as Alyssa stared in horror. Before Alyssa could scream the monster lunged down and began to maul her face viciously with a howl. Alyssa’s muffled cries of agony were heard as she thrashed around, being held down by the monster as blood splattered around on the floor. As she kicked and screamed the others smiled wickedly down at her, all of them watching with a cold glare in their eyes as the witch was devoured by the monster.

“AHHHH!” Alyssa screamed as she shot up from her dream, her arms flailing around as everybody looked to her with surprise. She screamed again as she looked around to seeing everybody as they were before, all of them staring with surprise at the witch who was crying out in horror.

“Alyssa? Alyssa what’s wrong?” Daniel asked urgently.

“Why are you screaming? What is it?” Specca asked as she jumped from the outburst.

“Um… bad dream?” Triska asked with a raised eyebrow as Squeak watched the witch with curiosity. Alyssa looked around with fright as she backed up against the wall, her eyes darting around before she screamed again. She grabbed her hair and looked down as she closed her eyes tight, her voice echoing outside as the caravan rolled along the dirt trail near the same surroundings yet again.



Squeak yawned as she slowly uncurled from her ball, sitting up inside the cabin of the caravan while she gently rubbed her eyes. She blinked a few times and looked around as her antennae twitched a bit. Specca was sitting across from her reading a book with a calm expression, her tail lying next to her as the tip swayed around every now and then on the floor. Next to her Alyssa was sleeping, lying back against a pillow with her hat next to her and her staff sitting back against the corner near the group’s bags. Squeak looked over to see Triska tilting her dagger in her hand as she examined the blade with a calm expression, her hair swaying a bit near her shoulders as the caravan rocked slightly. Sitting up in the front was Daniel, the boy holding the reins to Lucky and looking around casually at the passing surroundings.

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