chronicles of eden - act I (86 page)

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Authors: alexander gordon

BOOK: chronicles of eden - act I
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"No, Squeak, s-stop! Please, not there!" she said shakily as she tried to push Squeak away, the ant girl licking the inside of the nixie's thigh where the nail had pierced her. Triska and Alyssa just watched with stunned expressions as Squeak kept licking the nixie while having her hands on the girl's legs and holding them apart, all while Specca kept trying to push the girl off while blushing brightly. The nixie's petal skirt came across Squeak's face as the ant girl seemed completely fixated on treating the girl's injury with her saliva, and not caring where she was licking or what she was close to in doing so. With the waves of pleasure in close proximity to Specca's lower region she was bucking around as she struggled not to moan while her hands trembled holding the ant girl's head.

"N… no, p-please stop!" she begged as she let out a gasp. Squeak merely kept licking the nixie's injury with soft squeaks, the ant girl on her knees and leaning over between Specca's legs. Triska and Alyssa glanced to each other then back to the sight.

"Um…" Triska said unsurely.

"She's really dedicated to… helping others," Alyssa commented with a shrug. Specca let out a moan then slapped a hand over her mouth, shaking her head while her tail flailed around beside her.

"Stop her! Please, I'm fine! I'm fine, really!" Specca cried out as she felt her hips trembling. She was close to climaxing like this and was desperately trying not to let something like that happen in a situation like this. Triska smirked and crossed her arms before her.

"She's just treating your wound, it's in her nature. Remember?" she giggled. Alyssa nodded with a giddy laugh as well.

"Yeah, she cares about you after all, she's just worried about her friend," she said playfully.

"I'm fine! Please, don't… don't let her… oh… PLEASE!" Specca screamed, letting out a loud moan as she gripped Squeak’s hair tightly. She arched back with a loud cry before collapsing with a dazed look in her eye. Squeak gave a few more licks to the wound then sat up with a happy smile, squeaking once before looking at Specca curiously. The nixie was breathing heavily with a bright blush while she was looking up with unfocused eyes, her mind reeling from the orgasm she felt after the ant girl's method of healing her minor injury pushed her over the edge. Squeak looked at her curiously, not seeming to understand what she just did to the girl aside from treating her wound, and then looked back to Triska and Alyssa. They were smiling amusingly at Specca as they watched her twitch slightly.

"You ok, Specca?" Triska asked.

"She sure
ok," Alyssa giggled. Specca murmured something while slowly shaking her head. Squeak stood up and looked down at the nixie with a curious expression, squeaking once as her antennae twitched slightly. Specca breathed heavily for a moment then shakily looked to Squeak, failing to form words as she tried to utter something under her breath.

"Her saliva really does have a strong potency to it," Alyssa commented glancing to the ant girl. Triska nodded then looked down with worry at Specca.

'I need to be very careful around Squeak during my time of the month, or else this trip's going to get really weird really fast.'

Specca twitched a bit then slowly sat up, seeming to cry a little as she looked up at Squeak.

"I told you to stop… why didn't you stop? Why?" she choked out, sitting upright with tears forming in her eyes.

"Specca, what's wrong?" Triska asked as she saw the heartbroken expression on the nixie’s face. Specca stumbled to her feet and looked at Squeak with anger, the ant girl just watching her with confusion.

"You… you made me feel... like that… with you… dammit, I wasn't supposed to feel that from
! That was supposed to be saved for my first time with Daniel!" she yelled out. The other girls merely watched her with puzzlement as she choked back her sobs, looking down while holding her arms around herself.

"That was supposed to be something I felt with my soul mate, not with YOU!" she screamed out.

"Soul mate?" Triska asked flatly.

"Daniel?" Alyssa asked accusingly. Specca growled then looked to Squeak with a glare.

you take that away from me! How dare you!" she yelled out. Squeak looked at her with confusion then to the other girls, shrugging with a simple squeak.

"Ok, first off, Daniel's
your soul mate, Specca. Get that through your head right now," Triska said shaking her head.

"Secondly, Squeak was just following her nature; she wanted to treat your injury just like she would have for any of us. She couldn't help herself," Alyssa said looking to Squeak.

"And third, Daniel's
soul mate, got that?" Triska demanded while pointing to herself.

"Hey, I'm going to be his mate, what the hell are you talking about him being
soul mate?" Alyssa argued sternly.

"Just what I said, I love him more than anyone and I'm going to be his mate," Triska retorted with a glare back at the witch. Squeak pointed to herself and squeaked a few times before Specca tackled her to the ground, the nixie shaking her by the shoulders as the girls watched with surprise.

"I was saving that for my first time, for Daniel! How dare you take that feeling away from me like that, it belonged to Daniel!" Specca raged as she shook the ant girl, which of course was only merely budging her, as Squeak just looked up at the girl curiously. Specca broke down crying as she started to hit the ant girl in the shoulders with her fists.

"You stole my first orgasm, that didn't belong to you! I'll never get that back, never never never!" she yelled out. Triska and Alyssa glanced to each other then looked to Specca as the nixie was crying while hitting the ant girl. Squeak just watched her with a worried expression then caught the nixie's hands, holding them in place effortlessly as Specca struggled and thrashed around in her grip.

"I hate you! I hate you I hate you I hate you!" Specca cried out as she sobbed uncontrollably. Squeak looked at her with remorse then over to the other girls, both of them watching Specca with wonder.

"Hey, calm down Specca," Triska said holding a hand out towards her.

"Yeah, not like you were ever going to feel that from my Daniel," Alyssa said shaking her head.

"Yours?" Triska snapped accusingly at the witch with a glare.

"I hate you!" Specca screamed out, growling loudly as the girls watched her thrash around atop Squeak. The ant girl moved her aside effortlessly and stood up, with the nixie struggling around still in her grip as she was brought to her feet as well.

"You took it from me, you took it from me! Damn you!" Specca cried out before she broke down crying, slumping against Squeak as she sobbed loudly. Squeak looked at her with concern then over towards the other girls, both of them watching as the nixie cried in sorrow.

"You… you… you monster!" Specca screamed out shaking her head. Squeak let go of the girl's hands and backed up a bit, showing a worried expression as Specca held her arms around her again while looking down.

"I never once touched myself; I never felt that with anyone or anything. I wanted it to be special, to be felt with somebody I love. And now it's gone!" she cried out dropping to her knees, holding her hands to her face as she cried. The other girls looked at her with surprise as she shook her head while sobbing.

"You never even touched yourself? Ever?" Alyssa asked with disbelief.

"That… really was your first…" Triska asked softly. Specca trembled and nodded shakily.

"Wait, you can't be serious. You never… not even once? Ever?" Alyssa asked with wide eyes. Specca looked to her with frustration and tears while nodding.

"I wanted to save everything for my first love, for my soul mate!" she cried out. Triska looked at Specca with wonder. Even she had at least gotten herself off in the past, although she did so thinking of Daniel every time. Alyssa watched Specca as she cried, wondering how a monster could have gone so long without ever getting any release from her pent up urges.

'How could she have gone so long without ever once letting it out? Especially on the Dark Sabbath?'

"How… how could you have saved that for so long? What about the Dark Sabbath?" Alyssa asked puzzled.

"Dark Sabbath?" Triska asked glancing to her. Specca looked at the witch with teary eyes as Squeak glanced to Alyssa curiously.

"You had to have done something then, anything," Alyssa accused cautiously.

"What's the Dark Sabbath?" Triska asked. Alyssa glanced to her then to Specca as the nixie looked down in shame, then up through the broken ceiling at the sky above.

"It's a time when the monsters of Eden go into a mating frenzy, when our inner nature peaks. It happens when the moon turns crimson in the sky, when the stars vanish from sight, and we monsters are consumed with lust," Alyssa clarified cautiously. Triska looked at her carefully then up in thought, remembering on certain nights when the moon was seen to be red while living at home.

"Yeah, I've seen that before. But I never heard of this Dark Sabbath thing, and I don't think Daniel's ever mentioned it before either," she said looking back to Alyssa.

"You really were sheltered in that village of yours. The Dark Sabbath is when all monsters under the crimson moon go crazy with their emotions. Even the gentlest of bovinettes would go mad with lust and try to rape any human it could find. It’s a dangerous time in Eden, all monster-neutral cities won’t allow monsters anywhere near their borders when a crimson moon is coming up," Alyssa explained. Triska looked at her with wonder then to Specca, the nixie looking down with remorse still.

"How could you not have done anything during the Sabbath? It had to have affected you as well. You were even living in a human city, how could… how?" Alyssa questioned, shaking her head with disbelief.

"Because I didn't allow myself the opportunity," Specca remorsefully confessed. The girls looked at her curiously as she shook her head slowly.

"Whenever the crimson moon was about to come out I left the city, went into a secluded cave nearby, and chained my hands to a boulder. I used a twin lock mechanism around my wrists that would only unlatch if I turned two keys at the same time, and the only way I could do that was to use my tail and mouth. During the nights of the crimson moon I couldn't use both keys properly while I lost control of my body. I couldn't touch myself, nor control my tail properly to use it either. I denied myself any chance of finding a human and raping them, and also any chance I could of pleasuring myself," she said softly. Alyssa watched her with wonder as the nixie continued to weep quietly.

"I wanted my first time… to be special. I wanted that first blissful feeling to be meaningful, to come from somebody I loved. I wanted that to be Daniel!" Specca cried out before sobbing into her hands once again. The other girls looked at her then to each other.

"I don't believe it. It must have been unbearable for you on those nights," Alyssa said looking back to Specca. The nixie nodded as held her hands to her face.

"I was willing to go through the torture for somebody special, I would have gone through hell itself if I could have kept that special feeling sacred," she whimpered.

"So wait, on every night there's a crimson moon out, that's when this Dark Sabbath thing happens? And every monster goes into a mating frenzy?" Triska asked looking to Alyssa. The witch nodded and looked up at the sky through the broken ceiling of the cabin.

"It's a rare time, but when it happens all monsters on that night lose control of themselves. Those that were mindless and out of control to begin with become truly dangerous, and even those that were peaceful turn into real monsters. Only those with extremely high constitutions can keep in control, but even for them it's incredibly difficult," she explained. Squeak looked at her curiously then up, squeaking a few times quietly.

"Whoa whoa whoa, hold on. That means that when this Dark Sabbath thing happens, Daniel's going to be right next to three monster girls who are going to go crazy with lust?" Triska asked with shock. Specca turned her head away with a whimper while Alyssa looked down with closed eyes.

"Don't worry, Triska, I won't make Daniel endure a crazed witch on the Sabbath. I'll give him my focuser and he can tie me up in the caravan or something," Alyssa said with a shrug. She blinked then looked up thoughtfully, imagining Daniel tying her up and feeling a blush slowly forming as she smiled slightly at the idea. After a moment she glanced to Squeak as the ant girl showed a curious expression still.

"She however… is going to be a problem," Alyssa said simply. Specca looked back over to Squeak as Triska eyed the ant girl who was clearly the strongest in the group.

"Oh god, she'll be unstoppable during the Sabbath. An ant girl going on a mating frenzy, she'll be a nightmare for us to deal with. Why the hell didn't you tell Daniel and me about this earlier?" Triska yelled out at Alyssa.

"I was planning on doing so when the time came; we've been a bit busy with other matters. Besides, I have no intention on placing Daniel in a risky scenario with any monsters during those nights, myself included. I'll make sure he's safe from all of us," Alyssa said looking from Squeak over to Specca. The nixie whimpered and looked down with teary eyes.

"That's going to be a big problem, how are we going to propose the idea of coexistence if all monsters go crazy when a crimson moon is out? Mankind isn't going to want allies that go into an uncontrollable mating frenzy like that," Triska said shaking her head. Alyssa breathed out and shrugged.

"I don't know. Hopefully… we can really control our inner nature, like Daniel believes," she said optimistically. Triska looked at her with worried eyes then down. She wasn't sure which she should be more concerned about; that their goal of monsters and humans coexisting now had another hurdle to jump over in addition to the overwhelming odds stacked against them, or that Daniel would be traveling with three monster girls that, during the Dark Sabbath, would become real monsters and pose a serious threat to him.

Alyssa sighed then looked back over to Specca who was still whimpering while holding her hands to her face.

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