Chosen by the Governor (3 page)

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Authors: Jaye Peaches

BOOK: Chosen by the Governor
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They worked their way through a battery of tests including a blood sample, a strand of hair for DNA analysis, and the condition of her teeth was checked, too. Dr. Curzon conducted the basic assessment and he ran through his checklist, humming to himself. “Good. Now, this might sting.” He applied a thin pen-like device to her neck and it hissed as something sharp shot under the surface of the skin.

Freya yelped. “What’s that?” She rubbed the spot and felt a small lump.

“A tracking device. In case you wander off into the desert and become lost. Also, certain locations are segregated by gender. For your safety, naturally.” He smiled, but she saw through it, because there were no smile lines around his eyes. “It’s scanned whenever you enter a building, such as your accommodation or workplace.”

Tracked? Was her every movement monitored? That gave her the creeps. “It can be removed?” she asked.

“Yes, but it has a lifespan as long as yours. Removing it is unnecessary.” He turned away, leaving her standing alone once again in the middle of the room.

Dr. Han picked up a pair of calipers and adjusted the tips. Approaching her, he began to measure the width of her limbs, calling out the numbers to the other doctor, who diligently wrote them down on the table. Upper arms, then forearms.

“Interesting,” stated Dr. Han, running his fingers along her wrist. “The bones in the forearm aren’t fused together.”

Neck, forehead, and jaw, each were treated to precise measurements. After he completed the limbs, which meant she had to part her legs sufficiently for him to measure her thighs, she snapped her knees back together again. He rose from his crouched position. “Your feet are a good size for your height,” he declared. “On planet twenty-nine, the species have unusually small feet.”

He adjusted the calipers, drawing in the tips. To her astonishment, he placed each side of the calipers around one of her nipples. Freya gasped as the cold metal tickled her pebble.

“That isn’t hurting you, is it?” he asked softly.

She shook her head.

“Your nipples have hardened up. That can be a sign of anxiety or sexual arousal. I wonder which?” He turned his back on her heated face and spoke not to her, but Dr. Curzon. “She’s sexually active, isn’t she?”

“According to the notes sent from the detention center on her home planet, yes. She’s taking medication to make her infertile and she admitted to sexual activity during her interrogations. We’ll continue with the medication. It’s similar to our own treatment.”

“Good.” Dr. Han faced Freya again. “We don’t need offspring here. Most ill-advised.”

She felt the rise in heat around her neck and cheeks. The embarrassing confessions she’d made during those sessions under the influence of the truth serum continued to haunt her. “And who the hell am I going to fuck anyway,” she muttered. Unfortunately, he was close enough to hear that comment.

“The question should be who will fuck you? Your status is low. A newcomer and unique. Nevertheless, I suspect it will make you popular.”

Her eyes widened. “But, I don’t want to have sex with anyone. It’s not how we do things on Earth. It’s about love and—”

“Love?” he laughed. “Here on Tagra, sex is a commodity for trading. It has value. Out there, the men rule. All the prisoners have decided their own rules, beyond the obvious criminal ones. Since men form the majority, they have decided women must acquiesce to their sexual demands.”

“No,” she murmured. “God, no.”

“Don’t panic,” said Dr. Curzon. “Rape is technically illegal. The Vendu won’t tolerate it. However, the men have expectations, needs they’ll want met by their fellow prisoners. You’d best identify one to look after you. He’ll keep you safe and make you his. Then you’ll be fine.”

She had to belong to somebody? That didn’t make it any less humiliating. “That’s no solution. That’s unfair.”

“It’s the way things are done here,” Dr. Han said glibly. “So, we’d best examine you internally. Most males in the penal colony like to engage in all manner of sexual acts. Have you ever had anal sex before?” he asked nonchalantly.

Freya staggered and he caught her arm. “No. This is wrong. So wrong.”

Dr. Han escorted her toward the examination table, the one with the stirrups and straps. “Up you get. I’m very keen to see your sexual attributes.”

Attributes! The doctor pressed her down, forcing her backwards onto the padded table.

“Legs up on these rests and we can spread them nice and wide.” Dr. Curzon tapped the foot hold. “Slot your feet under this strap.”

She couldn’t think what to do but obey them. The guard was outside; she had no friends and nobody to stand up for her. Her jelly legs needed the support of the stirrups. Spreading them out was crippling as her vagina and bottom were presented to the two medics.

“Excellent. What an exquisite arrangement. So like the Vendu’s and others too, but this,” Dr. Han tapped her pubic mound. “Hairy still and beneath this little hood, can you see, Dr. Curzon, an external clitoris.”

The other medic bent over and peered between her legs. “Indeed. Remarkable.”

“It needs no internal stimulation to achieve an orgasm.”

Freya screeched, “I’m not an ‘it’!”

Dr. Han continued his appraisal. “From what has been gleaned, this tiny thing is quite capable of arousing the whole body into a state of orgasm. Several orgasms. And unlike the Vendu, it works independently of vaginal stimulation.”

The conversation was beyond humiliating. They spoke about her clitoris as if it were nothing more than an appendage, something she had no control over. What made it so fascinating?

“I’m here!” she called out, lifting her head up off the table.

“I would appreciate watching it come. Would that be possible under these circumstances?” Dr. Curzon asked of his colleague.

Dr. Han mentioned a word Freya didn’t recognize. When he said it, he grinned and nodded. “She’s producing natural lubricants. A sign of intense arousal.”

No! It wasn’t possible, surely? “What are you talking about? What’s that word you used?”

“It’s a non-medical representation of your vagina. I suppose you might say it is intimate.” Dr. Han snapped on a glove. “We’ll shave off this hair so you can see the physical response as she orgasms.”

Pussy, he meant her pussy, or some other vulgar term. It lowered the tone of the conversation. She decided to be defiant and refuse to come. “I am not going to have an orgasm,” she hollered.

“We have devices that will ensure you do. We usually insert electrical probes in the vagina and anus, and the pulses stimulate an orgasm. However, since your clitoris is not inside your vagina, we can electrify the external clitoris with a small clip and stimulate it that way. Do we have a small clamp we can attach to it, Dr. Curzon? It will probably pinch a little, but once she is stimulated, the pain will be blocked by the waves of intense pleasure.” He looked around the room and Dr. Curzon opened a cabinet door.

Freya attempted to sit up, but her legs were strapped down both around her ankles and thighs. She couldn’t escape. How to stop them? They were conducting experiments on her, not an examination. How could it be right?

“Please lie back, Freya.” Dr. Han nudged her back. “Just relax.”

“Relax? You’re about to electrocute me—”

“Nothing of the sort. A few pulses and it will be done. We can record the images of your clitoris swelling and the contractions.”

“Record,” she stammered. “I’m being turned into an…” she hunted for a suitable phrase in Vendian, “exhibit.”

“You’re unique, Freya. Your presence on Tagra is providing the alien health division with excellent study opportunities. I might put in a request to keep you here in the medical facility for a few days and see what else we can discover about you.”

Her throat constricted into a tight ball. The whir of the shaver was barely audible and in state of shock, she lay still as Dr. Curzon removed her hair. Folding her arms around her face, she hid the tears prickling her eyes. They’d warned her during her training about torture and other things that they might do to her if she were caught. However, no amount of training could have prepared her for this medical examination. The interrogation back on Earth had been frightening and intimidating, but the truth serum they’d given her hadn’t hurt and they’d not laid a finger on her, contrary to the belief that the Vendu favored brutality.

“Smooth and bare. Now if we lift this little hood and expose the tip of the clitoris, we can clamp it. Let’s go for five minutes or so for the first one, then we’ll go longer for the next with the probes inserted to record the internal contractions.” Dr. Han touched her. Neither rough nor gentle, he slid his fingers along her slit and nudged her clitoris.

A tremendous wave of shivers echoed over her belly and down her thighs. She screwed her eyes shut, battling the awful sensation of lust that he’d swiftly awakened. Why couldn’t she control herself? It was horrible being so vulnerable and used. A stab of pain rocketed through her clitoris and she cried out, wriggling her bottom frantically. The clamp fell off and clattered on to the floor.

She whipped away her arms, blinked in the bright glow of the overhead lights, and screamed. “I won’t let you do it. Get off me! You’re only doing this because I’m female.”

“Nonsense,” said Dr. Han. “I’ve examined countless males. The erect penis is equally fascinating in different species—”

Dr. Curzon folded his arms and interrupted his colleague. “Prisoner sixty-two, do you refuse to submit to your examination?”

“Yes,” she snapped.

“The punishment for refusing to comply is a swift, hard spanking. Since your bottom is already available, I shall commence your spanking immediately. Dr. Han, if you would step aside, there is no reason for you to be involved in this. It is a matter I can deal with on my own.”

Freya lost all ability to speak. She watched as the two medics switched places, leaving Dr. Curzon by her upturned rear. “A few hard swats will remind you of your place.” He raised his hand and swept it backward.

She tried to shift up the table, but the leg cuffs pinned her down. The smack echoed across the room. The sting of his hand was immediate. He’d struck her left buttock, at the meeting point of ass and thigh, and exactly where she sat.

“Ow!” she shouted.

Another slap on the other cheek and she thumped the sides of the table with her fists before grasping the edges with her fingers.

He continued to sweep his hand back and forth, while throughout the spanking, Dr. Han looked on, observing her reaction. The heat built, the soreness too, but it was the shame that gnawed at her. Far from feeling obedient, the spanking enraged her further, bringing out her stubborn streak.

“Will you do as you’re told?” Dr. Curzon asked.

“No,” she hurtled back at him with venom. What use was it to argue with them? She expected pain. Somewhere along the line from the moment she’d been arrested, she assumed there would be pain and here it was, and she was determined to take it. Except her ass was blazing and it hurt like crazy.

The medic frowned. “I will continue to spank you until I have your cooperation.”

“Never. Get off me, you bastard.” She swung her bottom from side to side, trying to avoid his hand.

The door opened and in strode a familiar, if unexpected figure. Dr. Curzon lowered his hand and straightened his back. “Who are you?”


* * *


Marco explored the corridors, familiarizing himself with the layout of the reception center. The transporter he had arrived on had brought in a fresh stock of soldiers for guard duties. In a few days, the next consignment was due: a motley collection of prisoners from a rogue planet that continued to resist the Vendu. The shipment was expected to be significant. There was much to do in preparation.

Having discussed the issues with reception manager, who’d snapped his heels at the end of every sentence, Marco had decided to visit the medics. Two were currently on duty, including Dr. Han, a visiting physician sent by a high-ranking official on Vendu’s home world—Halos. An ageing planet Marcus had never visited, since he’d been born on another one of Vendu’s colonies. His father, now deceased, had been a general and his elegant mother was the daughter of a distant relative of the emperor himself. He’d had a varied upbringing involving much travel and little opportunity to form a lasting relationship with a female companion. Each assignment to a distant colony had brought him new knowledge, a new bedfellow, but no stability or sense of purpose in life until his latest promotion. His new position would no longer involve disciplining wayward Vendus sentenced to swift and often brutal punishments, but aliens. A concept he was anticipating he would find challenging and possibly enjoyable, given the powers he’d been awarded.

He turned a corner and the muffled voice shouted out, “Never, get off me, you bastard.”

A woman’s voice and somewhat distressed. The guard outside the nearby exam room saluted and jerked his thumb over his shoulder and smirked. “She’s having her ass whooped.”

Marco frowned and the guard wiped the grin off his face.

“Go,” Marco growled before opening the door.

She lay naked on the table with her pussy exposed and her legs splayed wide and bound in place. A medic was standing between her legs with his hand raised in mid-spank.

“Who are you?” asked the doctor.

“What’s going on here?” Marco demanded. Her ass with its spread cheeks was glowing red and showed a smattering of handprints.

The doctor eyed him, examining the badge on his lapels. “Governor Marco?” he stuttered and folded his arm behind his back.

“Yes,” Marco snapped back. “I asked a question.”

“I’m Dr. Curzon. This is my colleague Dr. Han of the AHD.” He pointed to the medic holding the clamp. “She is the Earthling.”

She lifted her head and two angry eyes rimmed with unshed tears peeped out. Her lower lip was trembling and she clenched the side of the table with whitened knuckles. It was the girl on the transporter—Freya. The spy. He stepped nearer, availing himself of the view between her thighs. He was unable to take his eyes of the flushed folds around her pussy entrance. They glistened with her nectar and he sniffed. The smell of her dainty musk was intoxicating, almost irresistible. Like most Vendu on Earth, he’d had no contact with Earthlings in the flesh. Nobody questioned why; it was the law and he obeyed the law. However, the Vendu’s data retrieval bots had intercepted images showing humans to be adept at sex and quite adventurous too. He’d not watched many. Just enough to understand what he saw between her legs was undeniable lust.

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