Chopper Unchopped (132 page)

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Authors: Mark Brandon "Chopper" Read

BOOK: Chopper Unchopped
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She was a Collingwood girl with a down-to-earth attitude. She also had the classic blonde hair. The other two girls were sisters from Richmond who specialised in the naughty girl school thing: school tunics, stiletto high heels, and stockings. The thing was, they were still school girls and the uniforms they wore were their own. They did the 6 pm to 12 pm shift Monday to Friday, taking their stilettos out of their school bags, undoing their plaits, slapping on some make up and they were set to rock and roll.

Legally, Suzi was concerned about hiring them, but they were of legal age and built like Mae West, with tits that would keep the Methodist babies home fed for a month.

Suzi and Kid McCall had decided to call the place ‘Coco’s Restaurant’. Coco Joeliene was quite touched and wanted to act as the receptionist part-time, as Suzi was also handling that job. The sign on the window read ‘Coco’s Restaurant: massage and sauna … you can get anything you want at Coco’s Restaurant.’

It was quite comic, but the men poured in by the truck load. It was a licence to print money. At $200 an hour, with $50 bucks to the parlor and $150 for the girls. The girls pulled the mugs on flat out from 6 pm until 6 am. The Collingwood crime families had whacked up and scattered the Rabbit Kisser’s empire between themselves, but Kid McCall didn’t want any part of it. He had the Telford Social Club, the ‘restaurant’ across the road and Coco and Suzi, plus a pile of money and the firepower to protect it. What did he care about anything else? Not a thing.

The Kid and his two girlfriends had even turned quite domestic and bought themselves a pit bull terrier – a black and white patchy pooch that was also a good guard dog. Coco Joeliene loved to walk the animal every morning. She called it Biff because he could biff and loved to do so. He was so aggro he’d attack his own reflection in a mirror. He hated any other dog or cat he saw. Victoria Street belonged to him. Coco would put on her joggers and a skintight pair of stretchy track and field tracksuit pants and a tight boob tube bra that did its best to hold her in, then her track suit top, and off she would go to walk the dog.

Everything she wore was white and against her dark skin it looked sensational. She was a traffic stopper wherever she went, and these dog walks became a regular perv event for the shopkeepers and the men in the bar of the Terminus Hotel.

A six-foot black chick with long hair, giant boobs, a waist that went in and hips that curved out and legs that went on forever. Coco wasn’t a tease, but she couldn’t help looking the way she did. She would swing her hips and prance about and let Biff jerk her along, sometimes with her tracksuit top open and her boobs bouncing. No wonder everyone knew Coco. The local kids’ gang was a crew of boys aged from 14 to about 16. They were a cheeky bunch of scallywags and when Coco walked past they would yell, ‘Hi ya Coco’, and she’d smile and wave.

This friendly banter went on day after day, and then it got a bit cheekier.

‘C’mon Coco – show us ya tits,’ yelled the cheekiest kid.

When this started happening, Coco stopped with Biff at her heels and said, ‘If I show you my tits you little boys will all go blind.’

This went on for many days, and the remarks got ruder and cruder.

‘C’mon Coco show us ya tits! Hey Coco, how do ya like to suck this?’ they yelled.

In the end she didn’t walk that way any more, but there was one 15-year-old scallywag kid who was hell bent on getting a look at Coco’s tits and this 15-year-old had a brain. His name was Archie Reeves, and he was some sort of third cousin or nephew to Ripper Roy, although young Archie had never met Ripper Roy or Micky Van Gogh. Archie did know Kid McCall but was too young to knock about with The Kid. He was becoming a much-feared, legendary young gunman and there was certainly no one near The Kid’s age in Melbourne who matched his reputation for gunplay and death. McCall was on his way to infamy or an early grave – or both.

In spite of the fact that Suzi treated him like a little kid, most people treated him with a lot of respect. Coco’s attitude had changed. She was now accommodating The Kid to his fullest length bedroom-wise, and poor Suzi was still squealing after the first three-quarters of McCall’s monstrous offering was implanted. He may have been called The Kid but he was as randy as a billy goat. This caused a tickle of jealousy from Russian Suzi, but Coco Joeliene was secretly loving it.

Coco loved her narcotics and young Archie Reeves was no fool. He knew that he could never tempt such a princess with cash – not that he had much cash to tempt any woman with – but he suspected Coco could be tempted in other areas.

Archie was a thief, a bloody good little break and enter merchant. Like most kids who were destined for a life of crime and violence, they started off small and got bigger. He pulled jobs with his 14-year-old brother Ronnie and two other kids – Fatty Scanlan, a 15-year-old, 200-pound fat kid who could fight like 10 men, and Bucky Logan, a tiny little runt who could climb through the smallest opening. No shop or home was safe when Archie’s crew was on the prowl. Fatty Scanlan would stand guard with an iron bar, Bucky Logan would climb in, and Ronnie would enter and suss the place out.

Archie could fix alarms and crack locks and the gang ran small-time riot, not for great profit but more for fun. Coco’s tits had been a fantasy for all the lads, but Archie was focused on doing something about making the dream come true. He treated the big Jamaican like a lock he must crack. One night, a chemist’s shop in Victoria Street got busted into and a modest quantity of pethidine vials went missing, along with a large tin of morphine tablets and two bottles of methadone. It was just another chemist’s shop bust, no big news. The chemist got a slap on the wrist for keeping dangerous drugs. End of story. The police stuck it on the list with all the rest.

Joeliene was walking Biff one morning, looking like a wet dream, when young Archie walked up to her and said, ‘Hey Coco, I got something for ya.’

He held out his hand.

‘What’s this, young fella?’ said Coco.

‘A gift for ya, Coco,’ he said, grinning.

She held out her hand and Archie put a vile of pethidine and half a dozen morphine tablets into it. She looked in her hand, then closed her fingers over the goodies and put them in her tracksuit pocket.

‘Thanks, kid,’ she said, and turned around and walked back to the Telford Club. Barely fifteen minutes later she was back on the street without the dog and wearing a white stretch micro mini dress and a pair of little white slip-on high heels. She had her little white track suit top on, as the micro mini did little to conceal her overflowing cleavage.

She walked up the street and Archie was sitting on a brick fence with his little break and enter gang.

‘Listen kid,’ said Coco, ‘you want ta sell some of that gear?’

She was stoned off her head, having just blasted a goodly dose of pure pethidine up her arm. It was fantastic and she was in a very mellow mood.

‘It’s not for sale,’ said Archie.

Coco moved in closer to the boy and bent forward to whisper to him.

‘Everything’s for sale, baby.’

‘Show us ya tits,’ said the baby businessman.

‘Okay,’ said Coco. ‘But I want more of that. I’ll take all ya got. Ya got much?’

Archie held out a handful of pethidine vials, about 1000 morphine pills and two big bottles of methadone.

‘Ahh,’ said Coco. ‘The chemist’s shop.’ She knew exactly what sort of deal Archie wanted to cut. ‘Okay, let’s go. You can’t come to my place – Johnny’s home and Suzi is over in the restaurant doing the books. You got some place to go, kid?’

Archie was dumbfounded. His dream was not only coming true but impatiently demanding accommodation. He had no place to go. He lived with his mum up the laneway.

Coco could see what was going on in his head. ‘Okay,’ she said, ‘a quick feel up.’ She headed up the laneway and stepped into a doorway, undoing a button and a zip. The micro mini fell open. ‘Okay kid, go for ya life,’ she said.

She was wearing a white thong G-string and no bra and Archie and his gang just stood and looked in amazement. Then Archie touched her and she shivered a bit and he pulled his hand away.

‘C’mon kid, knock ya self out.’

Little Ronnie Reeves and little Bucky Logan both reached out and grabbed Coco’s tits.

‘Hey,’ said Coco, ‘this ain’t no gang bang.’

Fatty Scanlon spoke up, ‘Yes it is, we all did the chemist shop and we all get fair shares.’

Coco thought for a split second. ‘Okay, give us what you got.’

Archie handed over seven vials of pethidine and the boys hurriedly ransacked their pockets for morphine tablets. The little white pills were dropping on the cobblestone laneway.

‘Be careful,’ snapped Coco, ‘now pick them all up.’

The kids scattered to collect them.

‘Okay,’ said Coco, doing her dress up again. ‘Give it all here.’

The kids handed over several hundred morphine tablets and Coco stuffed them into the pockets of her tracksuit jacket.

‘Right, you little shits, wait here. I’ll go and grab my car.’

‘You’re going to lash us,’ said Fatty.

‘No kid, I’m going to doodle shake you little buggers till ya pimply little heads cave in,’ she said. ‘Now wait here.’

Joeliene vanished for several minutes, then came screaming up in a cherry red 1994 Oldsmobile Achieva.

‘Shit,’ said Archie. ‘Look at the car.’

‘Fantastic,’ said Fatty.

‘Get in!’ yelled Coco.

‘There’s not enough room,’ complained Bucky.

‘Yes, there is,’ she snapped. ‘Get in.’

They all piled in and Coco sped off down Victoria Street and drove over to a certain motel in North Carlton.

‘Wait here,’ she said. She came back in a few minutes with a motel key and a dozen cans of beer.

‘Okay, you little gangsters, let’s rock and roll.’

She had her clothes off before Fatty could close the motel door. Bucky started jumping on the bed, Ronnie turned the TV on, Fatty opened a can of beer and Archie stood in stark nervous terror as the big Jamaican undid his belt and ripped his jeans open. But he soon got the hang of it. They all did.


ONE month later there wasn’t a chemist shop in Collingwood, Victoria Park, Clifton Hill or Abbotsford that had not been hit. Coco had been off heroin for a month, as was Kid McCall’s and Russian Suzi’s wish, and had switched to pethidine and morphine tablets. Besides which, she had 27 large bottles of methadone stashed away for when she began her own private program.

McCall and Suzi were pleased at Coco no longer using heroin. She was paying the little gang of thieves cash for the goodies and allowed them to run riot with her on a sexual basis, as a sweetener. They learnt they could sell the drugs for twice as much elsewhere, but you show a 15-year-old kid a million dollars or a set of big tits and he will take the bazoomers every time. It’s nature’s way. Survival of the species and all.

The young fellas were over the moon. They had heaps of dough, or thought they did. And they were all in love with Coco, or thought they were. She became the tactical and strategic head of the gang, planning the burglaries and buying all the goodies at 5 to 10 per cent of their value and a two or three-hour gang bang session.

‘You’d better watch them little scallywags,’ said Suzi. ‘The papers and the police are starting to think these bloody chemist shops are the work of an organised professional gang.’

Coco laughed. ‘Four school kids with sticky fingers, pimple problems and dicks like baby carrots. Ha, ha. Some professional gang.’

‘The police estimate the stolen drugs to date to have a street value of over a million dollars. It’s getting serious.’ Coco thought. ‘Okay, I’ll tell them to cool it for a while.’

Kid McCall had been spending more and more time going over to visit Lennox Street, Richmond. Young Melanie Wells would take baby Micky out in his pram for a walk and Johnny McCall would walk with her. Melanie was a big 15-year-old beauty, a really sweet lovely girl and when McCall watched her with the baby, he started feeling things for this young girl. He would take Melanie and Baby Michael on drives to the beach and when Melanie stripped off to reveal her G-string high cut bikini the kid could see that she was built for sin, even though she had a sweet innocent face.

He was feeling very, very drawn to this beautiful girl and she thought the world of this young bloke who was starting to look a touch evil-faced. To Coco and Suzi he was just a cute kid with a big gun and an even bigger thingamajig, but to Melanie he was a man. She looked up to him, not down on him. The two were falling in love.

They would walk, pushing the pram, holding hands and kissing and cuddling. Johnny used to think what he imagined were poetic thoughts. He thought Melanie was clean and fresh, like a clear summer’s day after a sun shower. And he saw a little rainbow inside her eyes and her smile.

The Kid knew he was in love, but there was a bit of his brain that never lost sight of harsh reality. That bit told him that he must not allow Suzi to find out about this romantic development. The big Russian beauty had become quite paranoid and was growing more dangerous.

She had conned Coco into sleeping in the other room, and it was clear she thought Johnny was her guy and no one else’s. Yet Kid McCall knew that when she worked at the restaurant that she would kidnap any good looking client who took her fancy and service him.

Coco didn’t mind that she slept in the other room. As soon as Suzi walked across the street to go to work she would bang the juke box on and start dancing and proceed to seduce a very willing Kid McCall. If McCall walked out of the shower once he walked out a hundred times to find Coco standing naked, except for high heels, with her back to him. Touching her toes.

‘Ya don’t get past me, Kid, till ya pay the toll,’ she’d say. Hardly original, but it got him in every time.

Coco and McCall were friends, real friends, and they loved each other, although not the way he loved Melanie. With Coco it was like a mateship with sex involved, and doing it behind Suzi’s back was naughty and fun. Sex for Coco was fun. It was no big deal. She loved it. She no longer whored herself, so she did what she did with men and boys she fancied. Even when the chemist shop kids put the hard word on her it appealed to her sense of humor to give the little buggers a time they wouldn’t soon forget.

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