Choices and Illusions (37 page)

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Authors: Eldon Taylor

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out of my mouth. After 8 days I was down to 11 cigarettes, and then I spooked. I really did not want to let them go, so I stopped listening. I stayed with my 11 a day for years after, but I never enjoyed them. They had become a burden. So I dug out the program again,

and within 6 weeks it was over.

I have since recommended your programs to some people

and purchased some myself for those who I really believed would

benefit from them but might not really go all the way to purchase

them. One friend became a better bowler. A family member became

pregnant after years of fertility issues.

One more thing—
Power Imaging
—hopefully we can get more

of them in the future? I purchased the
Optimal Weight Loss
and lost 10 pounds. When I put it on, it was so soothing I did not want it to end. Thank you, Eldon Taylor, for your brilliance. And thank you,

Ravinder, for your patience and kindness.

name withheld,

new York


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aPPENdIx d

Affirmations for Unlimited Personal Power

I accept myself.

I seize opportunities.

I accept my creation as a miracle.

I trust myself.

I am a miracle.

I am good to myself.

I am created perfectly.

I deserve good.

I accept the perfection.

I am good.

I accept the gift.

I am confident.

I accept the power.

I am grateful.

I am powerful.

I am respectful.

I am a leader.

I am respected.

I am an example.

I acknowledge good in all.

I can do anything.

I find the good in all that comes

to me.

I know I am gifted and creative.

I am optimistic.

I expect good.

Happiness and success are

I expect greatness.

mine now.

I allow creativity.

I make it happen.

I accept inspiration.

I am responsible for me.

Success is mine.

I take charge.

I sense opportunities.

I tap into my higher power.


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I am in touch with myself.

My senses are keen.

Within me is the answer.

My mind is alert.

I get out of my own way.

I imagine success in detail.

I listen to the small voice within.

I feel it.

Infinite mind is available to me.

I see it.

I turn things over.

I hear it.

I have lucid dreams.

I can taste it.

dreams provide answers.

I can smell its sweetness.

I take advantage of

my advantages.


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NeuroTheology: Brain, Science, Spirituality, Religious Experience.

San Jose, CA: University Press.


Bach, R. 1976.
Jonathan Livingston Seagull: A Story.
new York: Avon Books.

Chapter Two

niemi, M. B. 2009. “Placebo Effect: A Cure in the Mind.”
Scientific American.


Hodges, A. G. 2012.
The Obama Confession.
Birmingham, Al: Village House Publishers.


Gladwell, M. 2007.
Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking.
new York: Back Bay Books.


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Chapter 3

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IAPR Psychotronics Conference,
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Taylor, E. 2012.
I Believe: When What You Believe Matters.
Carlsbad, CA: Hay House.


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St. Petersburg Times


Chapter 4

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342: 1142–45.


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Cambridge, MA: Perseus Books.


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new York: E. P. dutton.


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Chapter 5

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A Little Book on the Human Shadow.
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Chapter 7

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Strangers to Ourselves: Discovering the Adaptive Unconscious.

Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.


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Chapter 8

Taylor, E. 2009.
Mind Programming: From Persuasion and Brainwashing to Self-Help and
Practical Metaphysics.
Carlsbad, CA: Hay House.


McTaggart, l. 2001.
The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe.
new York: HarperCollins.


Taylor, E. 1988.
Subliminal Learning: An Eclectic Approach.
Medical lake, WA: R. K.



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Chapter 9

Mill, J. S. 1961.
Essential Works of John Stuart Mill: Utilitarianism, Autobiography, On
Liberty, The Utility of Religion.
Edited by Max lerner. new York: Bantam Books.

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