China's Territorial Disputes (48 page)

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Authors: Chien-Peng Chung

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Whiting, Allen S. “ASEAN Eyes China: The Security Dimension.”
Asian Survey
XXXVLL, 4 (April 1997): 299-322.

-“Chinese Nationalism and Foreign Policy after Deng.”
China Quarterly
no.142 (June

1995): 295-316.

Yamakawa, Akio. “Seirankai: Thunder on the Ultra-Right.”
(Japan) 6, 2 (1974): 2^29.

Zha, Daojiong. “Localizing the South China Sea Problem: The Case of China’s Hainan.”
Pacific Review
14, 4 (2001): 580-581.

Ziegler, Charles E. “Russia in the Asia-Pacific.”
Asian Survey
34, 6 (June 1994): 529-543.

Chinese language

Yang, Shouzheng. “Development of Sino-Soviet Economic and Trade Relations and Its Impacts in Northeast Asia and Asia-Pacific Region.”
Foreign Affairs Journal
(Beijing) no.

18 (December 1990): 27.

Zhan Shiliang. “Yatai diqu xingshi he Zhongguo mulin youhao zhengce.”
Guoji wenti yanjiu
no. 4 (1993): 1-3.

Zheng Ruixiang. “Xin xingshi xia de Zhong-Yin guanxi.”
Guoji Wenti Yanjiu
no. 4 (1993):


Magazine articles

English language

“A Breakthrough on the Spratlys.”
25 August 1995, 24.

Ajello, Robin. “The Flames of Nationalism: Will Diaoyu Activists Hit the Lighthouse

18 October 1996, 22.

“Beneath the Smiles.”
3 September 1994, 39.

Blanche, Bruce and Jean Blanche. “Oil and Regional Stability in the South China Sea.”

Janets Intelligence Review
7,1 November 1995, 513.

Chanda, Nayan, Rigoberto Tiglao and John McBeth, “Territorial Imperative.”
Far Eastern Economics Review,
23 February 1995,14.

“Chenpao Island Has Always Been Chinese Territory.”
Peking Review
12, 11 (14 March 1969): 1^15.

“China and India Paving Way for Peace.”
Beijing Review
36, 38 (20 September 1993): 6.

“China Data.”
China Business Review
, May-June 1997-May-June 1998.

“Chinese People Will Not Tolerate Foreign Intervention in Tibet: Speeches on Tibet by NPC Delegates.”
Peking Review
2, 7 (29 April 1959): 8-14.

Ching, Frank. “Manila Looks for a Slingshot.”
Far Eastern Economic Review
, 9 May 1995, 40.

Crowell, Todd. “Alliances - Two Giants Make Up: Yeltsin’s Coming Beijing Trip Has Major Implications.”
19 April 1996.

-“United in Rage.”
20 September 1996, 20.

Duevel, Christian. “Marshall Zakharov’s Position on the Sino-Soviet Conflict.” Radio Liberty
, 10 February 1970.

Emmers, Ralf. “ASEAN, China and the South China Sea: An Opportunity Missed.”
IDSS Commentaries
, 19 November 2002, 2.

Gilley, Bruce. “Controlling Interest.”
Far Eastern Economic Review
, 26 September 1996, 23.

Hoon, Shim Jae. “Blood Thicker than Politics.”
Far Eastern Economic Review,
5 May 1988, 26.

Kiyoshi, Inoue. “The Tiaoyu (Senkaku) Islands Are China’s Territory.”
Beijing Review
15, part 19 (12 May 1972): 18-22.

Kuttickal, Shibu Itty. “Brothers in Trade.”
(Singapore), 26 June 2003, 30.

Li, Huichun. “The Crux of the Sino-Soviet Boundary Question.”
Beijing Review),
no. 30 (27 July 1981): 16-17.

Lintner, Bertil. “Chinese Army Bolsters Burmese Forces.”
Janets Defence Weekly
20, 22 (27 November 1993): 11.

Murakami Mutsuko. “Center of the Storm.”
20 September 1996, 21.

OPEC Bulletin,
May 1996.

Paik, Keun Wook. “Pipeline Politics: Turkmenistan vs. Russian Far East Gas Development.”
Geopolitics of Energy,
1 September 1994, 1-8.

“Rocks of Contention.”
Far Eastern Economic Review,
1 November 1990, 20.

San Pablo-Baviera, Aileen. “Transforming the South China Sea Conflict.”
The SEACSN Bulletin
, October-December 2002, 1.

Sherry, Andrew and Rigoberto Tiglao. “Law of the Seize.”
Far Eastern Economic Review,
12 June 1997,17, 20-21.

Spaeth, Anthony. “Nationalism Gone Awry: Death in the Diaoyus.”
Time International Magazine
148,15 (7 October 1996): 25.

Economic and Political Weekly
(Bombay) XXVII, 42 (17 October 1992): 2276.

Tasker, Rodney. “A Line in the Sand.”
Far Eastern Economics Review
, 6 April 1995, 14.

-“Ways and Means.”
Far Eastern Economic Review,
11 May 1995,14.

“The Revolution in Tibet and Nehru’s Philosophy.”
Peking Review
2,19 (12 May 1959): 6-15.

“The Woes of Wu.”
The Economist,
3 November 1990, 42.

“To Development or To Impair Sino-Indian Relations?”
Beijng Review
no. 43 (26 October 1981): 9-10.

Chinese language

Cheng Ming Monthly
(Hong Kong) February 1990, 8.

Du, Shengcong. “Yimian wuxingqi youkaishi rang baodiao yundong zoushang fenlie.”
X in Xinwen
[The Journalist]19 October 1996, 22-23.

“From ‘United’ to Face-off.”
Mingpao Monthly,
October 1971, 66-68.

“Fudan Daxue baodiao qingxu ji’ang - zhangtie dazibao kangyi riben buman Beijing fanying tai ruanruo.”
China Spring
157 (October 1996): 86.

Ping, Jun. “Japan’s General Election and Changing Political Climate.”
magazine, no. 45 (1996): 44.

Haoran, You. “‘May Fourth’ Retrospective and Prospects for the Tiaoyutai Movement.”
Mingpao Monthly
(Hong Kong) May 1971, 2-10.

Limin, Yao. “Thunderous Roar of the Chinese People - Remembering the Tenth of April Washington March.”
Mingpao Monthly,
May 1971, 11-16.

Liu, Daren. “Commemorating Hongkong’s August 13 Protect Tiaoyutai Demonstrations.”
Mingpao Monthly
(Hong Kong) September 1971, 94-96.

Mingpao Monthly
(Hong Kong). “The Japanese Government’s Unreasonableness.” October 1970, 84.

“No Sign Yet of Progress in Sino-Soviet Border Talks.”
Ta Kung Pao Weekly Supplement,

6-12 November 1969.

Wu, Yishan. “Twenty Odd Years of Tiaoyutai Tempest.”
Nineties Monthly
(Hong Kong) October 1996, 53-55.

Xiao, Gongqin. “A New Nationalism to Concentrate Willpower.”
Mingpao Monthly
(Hong Kong) March 1996, 18-20.


English language

Asahi Shimbun

BusinessWorld Weekender

China Daily

China News Digest

Current Digest of the Soviet Press

Daily Digest of News from Russia, Transcaucasia, Central Asia, and the CIS

Far East Russian Magazine

Hong Kong Standard

Inside China Today

Japan Times

Los Angeles Times

Mainichi Daily News

New York Times

Nihon Keizai Shimbun

Rossiiskaya Gazeta

Sankei Shimbun

Sydney Morning Herald

United States National Technical Information Service. Foreign Broadcast Information Service.

Daily Report: Asia and Pacific, Japan
(from June 1987, East Asia, Japan) Washington

DC, various years.

Daily Report: Communist China
(August 1971-March 1981, People’s Republic of China.

From April 1981, China) Washington DC, various years.

Daily Report: USSR
(from January 1992, Central Eurasia) Washington DC, various


Daily Report: Undetermined
[UMA] Washington DC,11 October 1995.

Vladivostok News

Chinese language

Central Daily News (Chung Yang Ji Pao)

China Times
Chung Kuo Shi Pao
) (Taiwan)

Lianhe Zaobao

People’s Daily (Renmin Ribao)

People’s Daily Overseas Edition (Renmin Ribao Haiwaiban)
Wen Wei Po
(Hong Kong)

(Hong Kong)

Zhongguo Qingnian Bao

Press releases from news agencies

English language

Associated Press

Inter Press Service English News Wire (India) Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs press releases

Chinese language

Central News Agency (Taiwan)


Abe, Shintaro 41

Afghanistan 45; border agreement with China 107, 149, 172; USSR and 75,

80, 88, 89, 93 Agreement on Maintenance of Peace and Tranquillity along the Line of Actual Control (1993)119 air force 5, 6 Akaev, Askar 149

Aksai Chin dispute
Himalayan border dispute Albania 65

Altai region 82, 84,149 Amur boundary river, disputed islands
Zhenbao/Chenpao/Damansky Islands dispute Amur province 84, 85, 86 Andropov, Yuri 75, 93 Anglo-Irish Peace Process 161-2 Angola 93

hegemonism ARF 137, 143 Argun river 82

arms: acquisition 5, 6, 89,136; Himalayan border dispute 116, 117;
see also
nuclear weapons/warfare arms race 93,174 army 5-6

Arunachal Pradesh 111, 113

Asahi Shimbun

ASEAN 130, 132-5, 136-8, 141-4, 159,

170-1; trade with China 141-2,153 ASEAN-China Declaration on the

Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (2002) 142-3,153 ASEAN Declaration on the South China Sea (1992) 132,136 ASEAN Institute of Strategic and

International Studies (ASEAN ISIS)


ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) 137,143 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)116 Asia-Pacific region 1, 132 Asia-Pacific Roundtable 132 Asian-African Problems Study Group 39 Asian Collective Security Conference 69 Assam 116

Association of Siberian and Far East Russian Territories 84 Association of South East Asian Nations

Bakiev, Kurmanbek 149 Bangladesh 121

Baoshan Iron and Steel joint venture 167 bargaining theory 59,123, 135, 145, 148, 155;
see also
two-level games Bear Island
Heixiazi Island Beijing University 49 Belyayev, Sergei 87 Bhandari, Romesh 112 BJP
Jana Sangh, Janata Party Bofors 115 Bohai Gulf 130

Bolshoi Island
Heixiazi Island borders 2, 4; avoidance of delimitation in South China Sea islands dispute 133; disputes about 5, 7, 8,11,54,145;
see also
Central Asian Republics; Himalayan border dispute; territorial disputes; Vietnam;

Zhenbao/Chenpao/Damansky Islands dispute Borneo 132

Brezhnev, Leonid 66, 67, 69, 72, 75, 93,


Brezhnev Doctrine 65, 88,166 Britain 4, 6; Burma’s borders 103;

Himalayan borders 96-7, 123;
see also
imperialism Brooks, Robert A. 178n7 Brunei, South China Sea islands dispute 2, 128, 132, 138,142 Brzezinski, Zbignew 40 Bucharest congress (1960)105 bureaucracy 18,127, 135-6 Burma 107, 117, 120, 121, 172; border agreement with China 103-4,


Cairo Declaration (1943) 29 Cambodia 75, 88, 107 Canadian International Development Agency 133 Carter, Jimmy 40

Chinese Communist Party

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