Chills & Thrills: Three Novel Box Set (3 page)

Read Chills & Thrills: Three Novel Box Set Online

Authors: A. K. Alexander

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Suspense, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense

BOOK: Chills & Thrills: Three Novel Box Set
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“I’m good,” I replied.

Before any of us could make it to the stairs, the tiny, ancient Mexican woman who ran the hotel and was being paid nicely for her help to the PSI came out of her room. “
Ay, bueno
,” she said. “
Venir aqui. Tiene un mensaje
.” She handed a note to Noah.

He glanced at it and immediately pulled a cell phone from the pocket of his fatigues. Seconds later he was speaking to someone, and I had a good idea as to who it was. “Right. Yes, sir.” He flipped the phone shut and looked pointedly at me. “You know that date you had planned with a bottle of
? Hate to tell you, but...”

I held up my hand. “I know. Cancel it.”




Chapter Three



Tangier, Morocco

4:30 pm


Orlenda Kobach leaned against the arched window, a slight curve at the corner of her glossed lips as she looked out at the sleek private yacht docked in the teal Mediterranean Sea below. A haze of smoke from her cigarette rose in a toxic swirl around her. The buzz from her intercom disturbed her from her reflections of the past as she pressed the button with the tip of a blood-red painted fingernail. “Didn’t I request that I was not be disturbed?” she said, the sharpness of her slight Russian accent punctuating the end of each word.

“Yes, I know. I apologize, Ms. Kobach. It’s Echidna on the line,” the young man on the other end replied, “with information about the child.”

“Put the call through.” Kobach flicked back her pale blonde hair and sat down in a chair made for a queen. “What do you know?” she asked into the phone.

“We have her. Report is they landed in Tangier moments ago. She’s being taken to the palace. Her leg is injured. She’s sedated.”

“Damn. I didn’t want that girl hurt. I need her clearheaded and willing. Now we have a wounded duck on our hands.”

“It couldn’t be helped.”

“Yes. Fine, then. Tell me, what does the PSI know?”

“They know she was taken. They have ideas. Your name has been mentioned. Simms is on it. He’s preparing to organize a team to go after her.”

Kobach brought her cigarette to her lips and inhaled deeply. “We need to extract her information and reprogram her before the PSI team can locate her. Do what you can to keep them off track. Are you certain this child has the information? Can she really do what they say she can?”

“She definitely can. Simms is beside himself. He’s looking to blame someone, and trust me he’s already started taking names. He’s sent an interceptive team to Los Angeles to take the mother to a safe house.”

“Do you have an address on the house yet?”

“I’m working on it,” the raspy voice replied.

“Get it. Simms is going to cover his ass. He doesn’t want his team to know about his secret,” Kobach said.

“They have the address. He may not want the team to know but I am sure he is going to do everything he can to get the kid back. He knows what she is worth. So, he will tell the team what he needs to, in order to make it happen.”

“That’ll be quite touchy, won’t it. I wonder how Agent Simms will convince his team of his holier than thoughness when he is no better than myself. He wants the child for the same reasons I do.”

Echidna laughed—deep and throaty. “Very true. The team isn’t even aware of the compound.”

“Will Miss Cain be on the team?”

“She’s Simms’ favorite.”

Orlenda smiled. “Good. Make sure Miss Cain discovers information about the compound and learns everything she needs to about the child. You know what I mean.”

“I do.”

“Kylie Cain and her righteous ways... Oh goodness, she will be beside herself when she finds out what her very own government has been doing in the name of freedom.”

“Will do.”

“What else can you tell me, Echidna?”

“Simms had two PSI agents fly in last night and get to the mother. She’s been briefed. I can guarantee that. He’ll need her as a pawn. He’s got two teams out running ops in other areas. They’re unrelated to this. However, one of the operations might matter to you. It has to do with Domingo Rodriguez.”

“That can wait. I know he’s dead. I’ve heard. I’ll deal with that fall out in time. Tell me more about what they know regarding the child.”

“As I said, with two PSI teams unable to back up the two agents already in Los Angeles, Simms’ hands are tied. He’s had to slow it down. I’m sure he’ll pull one of the teams off their current operation and prepare them to locate the kid.”

Kobach stubbed out the rest of her cigarette and leaned back in the chair. “Yes. Good. He’s been forced to slow down. This gives us time to work out our own details.”

“I have other information about more GEPSI kids.”

Kobach rubbed her eyes. She knew there were more of these children out there, besides the ones the PSI had at the compound. Her intuition told her that. “You’ve confirmed this?”

“I have a reliable source.”

“Do you know locations? Names?”

“I’m still working on it. These are kids they plan to bring to the compound,” Echidna replied. “Geryon is helping me out with this.”

Kobach sat up. “I’m not sure if I completely trust Geryon yet. My gut isn’t convinced.”

“You can trust him. I’ve put him to the test.”

“I’m sure you did.” Kobach laughed. “Watch him though. I can’t have anyone blow this. We have an opportunity here and I want to be certain that I know where everyone’s loyalties lie. Get him to find out what he can about these other children. Most importantly though is our little Hope Mitchell. She has access to vital information. The kind that could change history. I’ve made promises to others. We have little time. I’ll organize a team on this end to be prepared for the PSI. As usual, Echidna, you’ve done good work. Watch your back. You are indeed indispensable, love.”

“Thank you.”

Kobach hung up the phone and stood. She walked over to the elaborate mahogany bar and poured herself a chilled vodka. There were so many players in this game and the poor child was a mere pawn, but a vital one.

She brought the ice cold drink to her lips. The past came to the forefront of her mind again. Twenty years earlier before the end of The Soviet Empire she’d proudly imprisoned and utilized another pawn in this game of psychic warfare, but that pawn had slipped through her hands and back into the enemy’s. She was very aware of the possibility of that child—now a grown woman—hunting her down and coming back to make her pay. Kobach knew what her former prisoner was capable of. Kylie Cain was a foe to be reckoned with, and Kobach rightfully feared the young woman who now worked for the PSI. Sometimes she could almost feel Kylie near and at those times she would shut down all emotions, everything in order to protect herself. The last thing she wanted was for Kylie Cain to get a read on where she was.

Hope Mitchell would be a different story. Once Kobach had her in her possession, she knew that the child would draw Kylie out, and she could kill two birds with one stone, as the Americans liked to say. She would be able to get rid of the enemy she feared, and the agenda of WON would sweep rapidly across the world. Once Kobach got a hold of Hope Mitchell in the next hour she would become a prisoner and tool for World Order Now.

Kobach sipped the vodka, anticipation swelling in the pit of her stomach with the knowledge that it was only a matter of time before she would be the most respected, feared, and powerful human being on Earth.




Chapter Four



The explosion was deafening.

I was being tossed back and landed hard on my back. I cried out. Debris and dust were everywhere and I could no longer see him. A minute ago, he’d been right there. Right in front of me, reaching out for me. Telling me that everything was okay. I heard another man’s voice now. Who was calling me? I recognized it but it wasn’t my dad. I could hear the drone of a helicopter. Where was Dad?

Then I saw him. What was left of him—blood and his...his...oh god, Daddy!” I screamed. “Daddy! No!”

“Kylie, hey Ky. Come on. Wake up. Wake up.”

I felt a hand on my shoulder and the familiar voice of Noah—soothing, comforting. “Come on, you’re okay. Bad dream.”

I wiped what I knew were tears from my eyes and blinked several times. “Yeah. Bad dream.”

“Considering what you were just put through, it’s a no-brainer that you’re a little bit, um, freaked.”

I nodded, agreeing with his assessment, not wanting him to know the truth. I never spoke of my nightmares or what caused them. Only Grant Simms knew the entire truth, and I suspected there was more that he knew about that day when I was only ten and my father was killed right in front of me. But neither one of us cared to open that door. There was still too much there. Too much pain and grief and anguish. I didn’t care to go back there ever—at all. I wished my subconscious would get with that program.

I sat up and immediately wished I hadn’t. Shockwaves of pain ripped through my shoulder and, seemingly, every square inch of my frame. It didn’t matter how long I spent in the gym, or jogging or the hellish hand-to-hand training PSI agents went through on a nearly daily basis. Every fight and gun battle resulted in days of aches and pains.

The life of an agent. A life I most certainly hadn’t chosen for myself.

I was in a helicopter, swooping low over what I knew to be the hills connecting San Diego County to Orange County. Beautiful country. Too bad I felt like I might vomit. Probably a damn good thing I hadn’t had that Patrón, after all.

Noah was sitting next to me where I had been snoozing, of all places, on his own shoulder. No wonder I had slept so peacefully. Sleeping on Noah’s shoulder was a place I had often wished to be. But had no right to. Noah, after all, was a married man. I thought about what had happened between us in Mexico only two nights ago. I’d kissed him. We’d had margaritas. I said that I was going to bed. I went to my room. Noah went to his. But five minutes later, he’d knocked on my door—just wanted to be sure that I was prepared for the next day. I told him that I was. However, there was something in his eyes—smoldering heat is what I saw, and the next thing I knew, he had his arms around me. He kissed me then—hard, passionate,
. I kissed him back until I started to get to that point where I knew inside there would be no turning back.

I reminded myself.
And I’m no home wrecker. I think.
I asked him to leave. But, there is this part of me as horrible as it seems and sounds that is wishing I hadn’t asked him to go.

“I would never let anyone hurt you, Ky,” he said earnestly, snapping me back to the right then and there. “I am sorry I wasn’t there for you earlier last night with Rodriguez.”

I nodded, still thinking about the dream, still thinking about what had become of my father—still thinking about the other night—the kiss.

I had watched my dad die. Watched his body being torn to shreds. Right before my eyes. I had been only ten. Ten.

I shook my head again and looked at Noah’s handsome face. “Let’s drop it. Our lines got crossed. I know you did the best you could under the circumstances. I’m just glad...” my voice trailed off. I hope he was getting the clue that I wanted to drop all of it—the dream and our kiss, the team’s late arrival that nearly cost me my life. It had all been a moment in time, and now in the past, where all of it needed to remain.

“Glad for what?” he asked, and I saw his jawline ripple a little. Never a good sign with Agent Noah Kensington.

“Nothing. Forget it.”

“That Ayden was there?”

“Do you blame me?” I asked. “We all have our gifts. This time, his gift saved my ass.”

“And my gift nearly killed you.”

“I didn’t say that.”

“You didn’t have to.” He took in a lot of air and looked out the chopper’s cabin window at the landscape slipping rapidly past.


* * *


The helicopter touched down on the roof of a nondescript federal building in downtown Los Angeles.

We exited quickly, keeping our heads down as dirt and debris were whipped up in a frenzy. We passed through a door guarded by two armed MPs, and soon found ourselves on an elevator heading rapidly down. Through it all Noah hadn’t uttered a word.

I knew that Noah had issues with Ayden. Probably because Ayden did not hide his feelings for me. Probably because Ayden was a single man. I now knew that Noah had feelings for me. It was hard not to care about your team members—especially this team, a team that worked so closely together, trained so closely, and shared such an unusual bond. I was chalking our kiss up to that, but couldn’t help wondering if it did mean more. However, I couldn’t allow that. I was not willing to come between someone’s marriage.

Noah’s wife worked in another department in the CIA. A far less glamorous and safer department. I knew the two of them loved each other, and Noah had always said kind things about his wife. But, I was fairly certain, he had never looked at his wife the way he looked at me the other night. I had seen them together enough to believe that the spark between them had either died, or was never there in the first place, and yes it made me curious, but it was not my business.

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