Chills & Thrills: Three Novel Box Set (43 page)

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Authors: A. K. Alexander

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Suspense, #Romance, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense

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bar in Calí, a place designed for tourists. She worked as a waitress there, using her tips to pay for her room that had become her fortress. She took precautions and time daily to disguise herself for fear of anyone from her past recognizing her. She thought about changing locales to plan for her revenge, but her mind constantly raced with thoughts of her daughters and all the years lost to her, and her need to be close to them, even without them knowing, won out now over her safety.

Yet, she also kept constant in her mind that if anyone involved with Antonio and his business were to find out she was alive, she'd be killed quickly, and so, she had remained closeted in her hideaway. Although she'd wanted desperately to see her daughters while she was in Italy, her logic overcame her impulsiveness and convinced her to wait until the time was right. And that was exactly what she was doing. She knew that in the game she was playing, timing was everything.


 to Pedro.

“What?” he asked, distracted as he stared out the window of their hotel room. He needed to get away from everything, so he'd rented the room for the night. Javier and Antonio had asked Alejandro to stay on at the house for a week after the party, in order for him to get to know their operation. It sickened Pedro to have to be a witness to the infatuation growing between Bella and Alex.

“You heard me. You'd think you were her father, the way you've been stewing over her and this Alex kid. Or worse, you'd think you were her lover.”

He turned around and raised his arm to slap her.

“Go ahead. Hit me. You know I like it rough.”

He lowered his hand, instead fingering her erect nipples through her low-cut, black blouse. She smiled back at him, her cat-like eyes narrowing into slits of desire. Pedro pulled her blouse open and ravaged her breasts with his mouth. Felicia leaned back onto the bed, enjoying every bit of Pedro's furious sexual performance.

When they were finished, Pedro thought he'd feel better, but he didn't. If anything, he felt more dissatisfied than ever as he rolled over and looked down at Felicia next to him. She was great in bed, but as far as ever being the mother of his children, no way. He knew he could never love her as he loved Bella.


 dealer in France whom Bella had found for her finally returned her call, telling her that he liked her work and wished to represent her.

“We would like to have you do a show here in Paris and one in New York. Are you ready?” Marc Honoré asked.

“I'm not sure.”

“Do you have a number of pieces that could be shown?”

“Yes,” Rosa replied, thinking of all the paintings she had stored in her art room that her father had built for her, not long after her mother's death.

“Excellent. I would like you to ship them to me. I will pick out the best of them, and we will then complete the other arrangements.”

 “Thank you so much.”

“No, thank 
. I believe you are going to do wonderful things with your art.”

She hung up the phone and ran upstairs, excited. She bumped into Emilio along the way. How she dreaded these days he was in their house. It became like a chamber of darkness — a prison where her every move had to be planned in order to avoid him and his intimidating tactics. But as she looked into his eyes today, there was nothing he could do or say to spoil the elation she felt. It was as if her chains were disintegrating, and she might actually escape the dreadful hell in which he had imprisoned her for so long.

“Where are you going in such a hurry?”

“None of your business,” she spat as she tried to get around him.

He grabbed her arm and squeezed it tightly. “I think it is.”

She attempted to yank her arm out of his grasp, sending a burning sensation through it. “No, it isn't. And if you don't let go of me, you sick pervert, I'll scream my head off and tell my father everything you've already done to me.”

He slowly let go of her. He applauded. “My, my, you give such a good performance, you little whore. Go tell your father. He'll never believe you. You're nothing but a whore, like your mother was.”

Rosa kept on walking, not giving him the satisfaction of any reply. He called her a whore a few more times, until a maid appeared down the hall and he turned to leave. Ha! For the first time his incessant bullying hadn't brought tears to her eyes. No longer did she need to fear this devil that disguised himself in the form of a man. She was filled with the power of her own success.


 Antonio?" Bella asked while Alex rolled her toward the stalls on their daily outing. They'd spent quite a bit of time together over the past few months, as Alex flew down to Mexico for business on a frequent basis and their friendship was growing.

"Oh, we do some exporting into the States with the coffee and agricultural products. I'm also working in conjunction with the PRI party, helping your father get elected to the presidency. It looks as though I may be moving here to Mexico soon to further help your father." Alex wasn't sure how much she knew about her father's business, but he certainly didn't want her knowing that he was nothing more than a drug dealer.

"Really? What other kinds of agricultural products do you export other than the coffee?"

"You know a little of this, a little of that."

"No, I 
 know. Why don't you tell me?"

Bella was beautiful, but she was intelligent as well. Most women would've left it alone, but not this one. She didn't miss a beat.

"A variety of agricultural crops. Tomatoes, oranges, bananas, peppers, those types of products.”

"Really? I was unaware that my father had any crops. I thought I knew all about his business."

"Apparently you don't.”

"I guess you're right, but…"

Alex had to put an end to her unexpected interrogation. He came around front of her chair and planted an untimely kiss right on her lips.

Taken by surprise, she resisted at first, then relaxed and kissed him back. When they finally pulled away, they were both speechless.

After a few moments of silence, she said, “You did that to shut me up, didn't you?"

"I did it because I wanted to."

"That may be true, but it also got me to stop asking you questions."

"I don't feel right, talking about my business with your father to you. I don't think he'd care too much for that.”

"Maybe not, but sooner or later I'll find out why you're such a mystery."

Alex hoped that she never would.

The next day, Alex set out again on his walk with Bella. Only this time, he had a different agenda in mind. She laughed as he pretended they were a racecar team, popping wheelies and driving the chair as fast as his legs would carry the two of them.

“Slow down,” Bella squealed.

“Slow down? You want me to slow down?”

“Yes,” she giggled.

“Err.” He came to a screeching stop and walked around to the front of the chair. “Am I moving too fast for you, 

“Yes,” she answered, trying to catch her breath — which she'd lost more from laughing than from the ride itself.

“Do you trust me, Bella?”

“Yes.” She brushed her hair back behind her shoulders.

“Do you trust yourself?”

“What kind of question is that?”

“Answer me.” He crossed his arms and leaned back on his heels.

“I don't know. I guess I do.”

“Good. Take my hand and stand up.”


“All you have to do is believe in yourself.”

“But the doctors…”

“Those doctors don't know your spirit very well. Trust me and trust yourself. I wouldn't let you fall. I've talked to your therapist and she says that you're very strong and getting stronger every day. Here, I'll wheel you over there to the grass.” He pointed to the lawn, surrounded by roses, mums, and dandelions. In the center stood a water fountain with a statue by Giambologna.

“No. I can't do this.” She shook her head.

“You can. Come on.”

“Why are you doing this to me? Why are you trying to change things between us? You know I can't do this. I'll never be normal. I'll never be a woman for you. Not in the way that you want. Take me back, Alex. Now.”

She was such a stubborn girl, and he hated it when she pitied herself in this way. “You will stand. You will walk. Why are you fighting me on this? Try? What do you have to lose? Stop feeling sorry for yourself, and start making things better for yourself.”

“Feeling sorry for myself? Is that what you think?”

Alex knelt down and faced her, his hands resting on her knees. “Yes, Bella. It is what I think. You're a strong, determined woman, but your determination is headed in the wrong direction. Don't determine that you're going to be stuck in this chair forever. If you do, that's what will happen.”

“Then you wouldn't want to be my friend or…she paused. “Is that what you're saying?”

“You're beautiful, charming, intelligent and your friendship means everything to me, but if you are convinced that you'll never walk and you allow yourself to be a victim, then I don't know if I can be a part of your life.”

Bella shoved his hands from her knees. “I was right about you all along. You don't want to be with me because I'm in a wheelchair. You want a walking, dancing Bella.”

“Of course I do. As I said before whether or not you're in the chair doesn't change who you are inside. What you make of the chair and your attempt to create a better life for yourself is what makes you who you are. It's when you stop trying that you'll start dying.”

“You are so ignorant. Go away. I don't want your help, or your lectures. You may think you're helping me, but you're not. Go away.”

“Bella, please. I'm sorry. Please. Maybe not today but you have to promise me you'll try to walk again and not for me or your father, but for yourself.

“Leave me alone. Now!” she yelled.

Pedro came up behind them and wrapped his hands around the handles of the chair. “I think she asked you to go away,” he said, his eyes trained on Alex.

“Don't do this, Bella,” Alex said ignoring Pedro's presence.

She looked away from him.

After a minute of silence with the watchdog glaring at him, Alex started to walk away. He called back to her. “I won't give up on you, Bella. Don't give up on yourself.” He hoped she would listen to his words. He was aware that if she gave up on herself, that she would surely give up on the two of them ever having a relationship. Alex knew that he was falling in love with her and the thought of losing her hurt, but more than that, the thought of her losing herself hurt even worse.


 city almost every day. Today he was in Monterrey, and today would be his thirty-second speech. He was more nervous than usual. The rural areas he'd spoken in brought in the poor, and they were the people who wanted change. However, Monterrey was home to many wealthy people who liked the distance from Mexico City, people who lived in villas and elaborate haciendas and liked the expensive lives they led. He might not be as welcome here as in other places. But it would be a good warmup for the audience Julio had told him would be present in Mexico City. That talk was scheduled for a little more than a week later.

He stepped inside the city's cathedral, glad to see that the gathering was good-sized. This pleased him, and gave him much needed confidence.

He placed his Bible on the pulpit and faced the crowd, his eyes catching glimpse of a young boy of maybe thirteen and his spirit and his faith renewed with the freshness and innocence of this boy. He was on a mission to save children like this one in the audience from succumbing to the evils of drugs and perversion.

“There is only one salvation.” He paused and raised his right hand high. “And, that is in Jesus Christ our Lord. There are those out there who deem themselves higher than the Lord and they steal from you, and they deceive you and your families. They kill the innocent, and they reap the wealth. But their evil does not go unnoticed, my friends. Psalms 37; versus 1-4 — 
Fret not because of evildoers, Be not envious toward wrongdoers. For they will wither quickly like the grass, And fade like the green earth. Trust in the Lord and do good; Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness. Delight in yourself in the Lord; And he will give you the desires of your heart.”
 With each word spoken, Miguel's voice raised an octave and his strength grew, for the words he spoke were the truth.

“You see, these men who destroy in the name of wealth and power will wither away, but it is good people like you who keep your faith in the Lord who will thrive. However, we must fight against this evil that threatens our cities, our children, and our livelihoods. Drugs and money are the products of evildoers and these men that I speak of, and many of you have heard their names, will be done away with. They come from prominent families and they threaten your very lives. It is time to take their power away and take back our beautiful country from such corruption.”

Miguel went on to speak in this manner for over an hour, quoting more verses, speaking of real situations caused by the implosion of drugs being funneled through the country. At one point, he went so far as to name the Espinoza family as being behind much of the corruption. He still had yet to name Javier as a culprit, but by the time he made his way to Mexico City he knew he would be able to do that as well. The people knew of whom he spoke. The implications made were not subtle.

After shaking parishioners' hands and speaking one on one with many of them, Miguel was escorted back to his hotel room where his supper would be brought to him and he could get a night's rest before leaving early in the morning for the next town. He sipped a glass of red wine brought to him by the man assigned to him as his bodyguard. He sighed heavily after taking a long sip and wondered if word had spread about his confrontational speeches. He felt certain that by the end of next week in Mexico City, his words would have spread throughout the entire country.

Julio also warned Miguel that his life might be in danger as he traveled the country. His remarks created great hostility and angered many influential people. But Miguel no longer feared reprisal, for with each sermon, his belief in what he was doing grew stronger. It no longer concerned him about whom he was speaking out against. The evil he wished to see destroyed was far more important.


Christmas were difficult, and not knowing if she would ever speak to him again made it more difficult. He didn't realize how close they'd become until they were apart. It was the first time he'd felt happy since before his mother died, and how quickly his mood had changed with her anger and fear. He had to do something to fix things between them and it had to be something big.

He knew that Antonio and Javier were pleased with his work. He'd become adept at laundering drug money through a local family jewelry business. He was also learning how to manipulate accounting procedures.

However, he also knew that Isabella wouldn't approve of these business dealings. He wrote her to say that he was raising campaign funds in the States for her father, who was considering running for President with the 
Partido Revolucionario Institucional
, the leading Mexican political party. He didn't know if she would read his letter, but he sent it anyway. In it he apologized for the way he'd spoken to her, but told her that he still believed that she could walk. He told her how much he missed her and he prayed that they could continue their friendship. He hoped she would believe the lies he told about what he did for her father.

Javier was gaining favor with the elite as well as the population at large. Those in power were touting him as a man who would become the first president without any taint of corruption. His status as governor was also helping his political prospects. Things looked good for the coming election, but if Bella and the majority of the population knew the truth about Javier and Antonio's dealings, his chances of winning the election would surely diminish.

Alex enjoyed Bella's naiveté. It lent her a certain sweetness. But he also realized it could harm her in the long run. He wished he could tell her the truth, but that would be impossible if he wanted to keep seeing her.

Instead, he concentrated on his work and on finding a perfect Christmas gift for Bella. One that would please her so she'd have to forgive him and get over the argument they'd had. He was making great money working for Antonio and Javier and he'd been stashing it away. He knew exactly what he wanted to buy her, but he wondered if it was too extravagant. He decided to ask Javier, who agreed that the gift was a wonderful idea.

“Let me tell you, I don't think you have enough money to buy her a horse of the caliber she's used to,” Javier told him, when Alex phoned one evening from Los Angeles to discuss the prospect. He added with a chuckle: “And I understand she's quite angry with you.”

“Yes, well, maybe that will change with this gift. How much could a horse cost? A couple of thousand dollars?”

Javier laughed aloud. “My dear boy, you are streetwise, but there are some things that you're so ignorant about it's funny. I suggest that I buy her the horse, and you buy her a new saddle. We gave the saddle she used to own to the school after her accident.”

“Well, I... It's that I really wanted to buy her the horse.”

“All right. Let me put it to you this way, Alejandro. Do you have a few hundred thousand dollars to spare on a horse for my daughter?”

Alex's mouth fell open. “No, I didn't realize…”

“Of course you didn't. The gesture itself is quite noble. You must be falling pretty hard for my daughter.”

“I like her a lot, sir.”

“Of course you do. Your idea is brilliant, but I think I'll give you an early Christmas present. I'll buy the horse for Bella, and you buy her the saddle. I know you have your mind set on buying the horse for her, so I'm going to give you a list of some contacts I have in the horse business. You will have the joy of finding Bella the perfect mount. As soon as you think you've found it, give me a call and I'll wire the money. But trust me when I tell you that you don't have much time. You'll be booking a lot of flights, because when you're in the horse business, my boy, you have to play like the players.”

Alex wasn't sure what Javier meant, but he had the feeling he would soon find out. After getting the names and numbers he needed from Javier, he hung up, dazed by the conversation but excited all the same.

The search proved exhausting. After a week, Alex knew the difference between Holsteiners, Trakkheners, Thoroughbreds, and Selle Francais. He could distinguish between grays, bays, and chestnuts. He began to fancy himself quite the horse connoisseur. He flew from coast to coast, from Miami to the Hamptons, and back to California. After looking at some one hundred different show jumpers, he came across what he'd been searching for, a seventeen hands, bay Holsteiner mare. To Alex, she was the most exquisite animal he'd ever seen — amazingly powerful with big, sweet eyes that reflected a gentle spirit. She was six years old, and her potential was clear when he witnessed her rider sail over various jumps.

Alex knew this young mare was the right one and she had wonderful bloodlines. He got the selling price down to $125,000, and made arrangements to have her shipped from the Florida stables to her new home in Mexico. They paid extra to ensure the mare's arrival by Christmas.

He phoned Javier, who thanked him, telling him he trusted Alex's judgment; he would not need to fly up to look at her for himself. The money was transferred from a Swiss bank account to the owner's account, the transaction swift and neat, and Alex returned to Los Angeles. The mare was on her way to Mexico for Christmas. Alex, his heart filled with anticipation, followed close behind, leaving a disgruntled Hector in charge of operations. Alex felt guilty about leaving everything for Hector to do, but Emilio assured him that it would be all right for the holidays. This would be Alex's second Christmas without his mother. The year before he could barely recall, as his life had recently taken a new path, and he'd begun his studies. This Christmas he wouldn't need to study to escape from his pain of being without his mother over the holidays. This year he would be with Bella, if she would still have him, and thinking about her surprise gift warmed his heart.


hell do you want anyway?” Pedro bellowed at Emilio — whose eyes danced with amusement at Pedro's agitation.

“Well,” Emilio began as he paced across the floor of the suite he'd rented in Miami Beach for the week, “It would appear, my friend, that you and I have some common interests.”

“I doubt that.”

“Don't be so quick to jump to conclusions.” Emilio shook a finger at him. “I guarantee you'll want to hear what I have to say.”

“I'm listening, but I don't have a lot of time,” Pedro replied, glancing down at his gold Rolex.

“Alejandro Peña is a thorn in both our sides.”

“I don't have any problems with Alex.”

“Right. You love seeing him with your precious Isabella. You're hoping the two of them will marry.”

“Bella's interest in the boy is over with. Besides, she is like my baby sister. I'm seeing someone else, anyway.”

“I'm dubious that she's lost interest in Alejandro so quickly. In six months time those two have gotten quite close. And you may have another woman in your bed, but I also know you covet Isabella Rodriguez as your own. And, that boy will not go away easily.”

“Fuck you.”

“No, fuck you, because if you were a real man, you'd admit that what I'm saying is true. You can't stand Alex. You can't stand him being near Bella. The thought of him touching her fills you with rage.”

“Shut up.”

“You wouldn't be so angry if what I'm saying weren't true.”

“I don't have to listen to any more of this.” Pedro stormed toward the door.

“No, you don't. But if I were you, I'd reconsider. Your secret is safe with me. I also know how to get rid of Alejandro for good. On top of that, I know how to wipe him from Bella's memory.” Pedro spun around. “I thought that would get your attention.”

“Why? What's your motive?” Pedro asked.

“Let's say, it's personal and necessary.”

“I think you're setting me up.”

“Think what you want, but I'm telling you, if we work together, we can eliminate that little thorn in our side. Why don't you take the time to listen to what I have to say? If it makes sense to you, we can pull that thorn free. If not, we'll have a troublesome sore for the rest of our lives.”

Pedro reached for the door, but something stopped him as he turned the handle. Maybe it was the image of that thorn constantly sticking into his flesh, infecting him from the inside out. Or maybe it was the image of Bella in Alex's bed. He stopped and turned around.


face, and there was something special about the woman who was filling up the blender of margaritas. He sat waiting for his DEA contact, who was late as usual. Julio smiled at the bartender as she poured his margarita. After his meeting with the agent was over, he'd work on her for a while to see if he could convince her to spend the evening with him.

An hour passed. No DEA contact. The pretty bartender came over. “Can I get you another drink?”

She didn't look him in the eye.

“Yes, as a matter of fact, you can.” It suddenly hit him who she was. She'd aged somewhat. But since he was a man who never forgot a face, he knew when and where he'd seen this one, years ago. He was trained to remember faces.

Luck had struck him like a club on the head. He was looking at the face of Lydia Espinoza. He'd seen her in the society columns, had even met her at a party where he parked cars when he first started working with the DEA. It had been his first assignment to scope out the cars that the money men drove. He came up with a few tidbits, but more than anything, he'd remembered Lydia Espinoza's long legs stepping out of a black Mercedes.

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