Cheyenne (32 page)

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Authors: Lisa L Wiedmeier

Tags: #Fiction, #Action & Adventure

BOOK: Cheyenne
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How high?”

Most normal humans can run a temperature around one hundred and two or so and are fine. When it starts reaching higher, say around one hundred and four or five, their organs start to shut down. You were at one hundred and five and still climbing when you passed out. The only thing we were able to do was submerge you in the cold river to bring it back down.”

I see. I didn’t think we were randomly taking up cliff diving.” Memories of falling came back, and I looked to Callon. “Wait, how did I end up in the river?”

He let out a deep sigh.

Colt jumped with you. I wasn’t happy with him; he could have climbed down. I can’t even imagine how terrifying that must have been for you.” Callon stepped closer, and I took a shaky breath. There wasn’t much room for me to withdraw as I was practically leaning against the window.

It was an experience I don’t care to repeat anytime soon,” I said dryly. The thought of it sent a chill down me. “How long have I been asleep for this time?”

Not as long as your last one. You seemed to have recovered quicker, from your previous accident as well.” He cleared his throat. “Lilly has given us a lot of grief because of the condition you arrived in, and I would rather not get her upset again.”

I nodded and waited until I could ask the real question on my heart.

Is Colt still angry with me?” My voice became choked. “Is that why he didn’t come to see me?” I could feel the tears again. Why were they coming so easily? What was wrong with me?

Cheyenne,” Callon said, his gaze soft. “He’s not angry with you.”

Then why isn’t he here right now? What did I do that was so awful?” I sobbed. “I told him I was broken. What more does he want?”

Callon gently touched my shoulders and turned me around, wrapping me in a warm embrace. Resting his chin on my head, his hand rubbed my back. He was trying to comfort again, his gentle side rising to the surface. His words were soft, sincere.

I don’t want you defeated or broken. I love your spirit and charisma. I love the fight you have within. You don’t give up or give in.” His arms tightened slightly. “Give it some time, sweetheart. It will all work out.”

Callon, I…”

I was cut off by Lilly’s entrance.

Oh,” she said in surprise. “I was just checking on you. Is everything okay, honey?”

Lifting my head from Callon’s chest, I took a step back. “I’m fine, Lilly. Thank you for asking.”

Walking with her hand outstretched, she smiled. They were still worried about me.

How about we get you something to eat? You’ve only had an IV in. I’m sure you must be famished.” I took her hand, and as we passed Callon, she looked at him out of the corner of her eye. “You can’t leave these things up to the boys, you know. They tend to forget.” I glanced back to Callon; he had a small grin tugging at the corners of his mouth.

She led us down a narrow hall, and we passed three additional bedrooms. The layout thus far resembled the boys’ cabin. We entered the great room; it was the same. How interesting. The furniture was different, and the fireplace made of river rock, but everything else matched.

Daniel and Dex were sitting in the far corner playing chess. They raised their heads as we entered and both earnestly smiled. Daniel appeared at my side in the next second, startling me, and gripped me in a bear hug.

Glad to see you’re doing better. I’ve missed you,” he said sweetly. As suddenly as he appeared, he was gone, and I was left feeling empty. He seemed to have a way to make me feel content.

Lilly’s voice drew my attention back to her.

Cheyenne, what can I fix for you? Would you like some eggs and toast?”

That would be great. Thank you,” I replied as I headed to the kitchen table to sit down. I looked around the room. “Lilly?”

Yes, dear?” she replied, clanking pans.

How do you have electricity out here? Are you running on generators?”

Well.” She cracked an egg into the frying pan. “We have solar panels. We get most of the energy we need from them and then store it under the house until we need it. The fireplace provides warmth through the winter; Dex insulated the cabin well when he built it.” 

The toast popped up, and she tossed the pieces on a plate while the eggs continued to cook. Callon stood to the side with his arms crossed, leaning against a wall. It was almost if as if he was willing me to stay put with his stare. It wasn’t cold, but it wasn’t warm either.

My stomach began to growl. I was hungrier than I thought. The smell was enticing. It had been days since I had eaten last. Lilly placed a plate before me, and I ate hastily.

Would you like more?” she asked as I pushed the plate back.

No. I’m good. Thank you.”

Her smile warmed as she sat next to me, taking my hands in hers.

Cheyenne, I want you to know up front that we will not be talking to you about the journal just yet. We’re working on the translations, but it will take some time. We don’t want to tell you anything until we’re sure that what we think we’re reading is accurate. I don’t want you upset that we’re not answering your questions, but with the recent event of almost losing you, we decided you needed time to recover before we dive into it. You’re still weak,” she said with concern. “Let’s get you well first.”

Thank you, Lilly.” I squeezed her fingers. “The trio tend to just leave me in the dark.” I gathered my thoughts, not wanting to blurt out my true feelings about the way they’d treated me in the last week. “I appreciate you letting me know we’ll talk about it soon.”

Her eyes showed me the warmth in her heart.

You’re welcome,” she said. “There’s so much you need to know; so much I want to tell you. I genuinely look forward to our time together.” 

Just knowing I would find out more was helpful, as I’d come to the conclusion that no matter how much I pestered, my guardians would only tell me what they thought I needed to know when they were ready. I had so many questions, so much I wanted to know about my past and what the journal held for me. I’d have to grow some patience.

Lilly leaned forward.

Colt is sitting on the front porch,” she whispered. “He’s been distraught about you. I think you should go to him.” She gave my hand a squeeze and went back to cleaning up the kitchen.

I glanced to the screen door toward the porch. Colt was waiting—I needed to go. I couldn’t handle this distance between us anymore.

I rose slowly, and headed for the door. Callon’s eyes locked with mine as I neared. He looked like he was going to stop me. But he didn’t. He shifted his gaze slightly behind me, and suddenly moved out of my way as I walked out the door.

I glanced up. Dark storm clouds were brooding on the horizon. I was glad I had jeans and long sleeves on.

I turned to see Colt leaning against the rail in the far corner. My heart fluttered—I longed to be with him.

He was staring out into the valley. He didn’t turn, but I knew he heard me. I wanted to jump into his arms and never let go. How or why things had gotten so out of control between us made no sense. I knew I’d felt out of sorts, but something had changed between us, too. I hoped it wasn’t too late to change it back. 

I took slow, deliberate steps. I wasn’t going to give him the opportunity to speak. I needed him to understand my feelings. He was the one I wanted, always and forever. If he still chose after that to reject me, I would have to deal with it. But at least I deserved to know why.

His tall frame remained still as I approached. I touched his arm and moved it so I could wrap my arms around his waist. I needed his touch; I needed him next to me. Slowly his arms moved around me in a gentle embrace, and he rested his chin on my head. I tightened my arms. I wanted him to know I never wanted to let go—I wanted him with me forever. I wanted him to want me in the same way, and it drove me to pull back.

His eyes were filled with so much sorrow and despair. What was going on? I touched his cheek, searching to find my Colt. I attempted to draw his face near. I just wanted to kiss him—to tell him it was okay—we would work through this. He wouldn’t yield—he held strong.

Colt, why are you doing this?” I asked in a shaky voice. “I’m sorry for whatever it is I’ve done to make you like this.” His expression didn’t change as he looked away out into the valley. 

The crack in my heart grew. “Please,” I whispered. “Please say you’ll forgive me. I can’t take much more.” My lips trembled. “You left me at the river. You didn’t say anything. I need to know you still love me.”

I gripped his hands, and if I hadn’t needed to be so close to him, I would’ve been on my knees.

Please, I’m begging you, just tell me you love me.” He wouldn’t look at me, and his arms loosened. I lowered my head and stepped away. “Why?” I said through the tears. “I don’t understand…” My heart was hanging by a thread as I wiped a tear from my cheek. 

I exhaled, closing my eyes, and I was about to move away when his hands grasped my face and his lips covered mine. I conceded immediately. His hands left my face and wrapped around me like a vice, lifting me from the ground and pulling me to his chest. Vigorously his mouth sought out mine, parting, heaving more of himself into me. I gasped for air each time he relented a little. Pressing his hand to the back of my neck, he continued his pursuit. His lips lingered down to my jaw, continuing to my neck and then back up, tracing my jaw line. Desperately inhaling oxygen, my eyes remained closed. He came back for more. 

My heart was working overtime. Every ounce of me screamed my love for him. He had to love me; he wouldn’t kiss me like this if he didn’t.

He backed away, enough to whisper in my ear.

Cheyenne, I’m so in love with you. I would forever and always choose you. There will never be anyone else for me.” His lips touched my ear in a soft caress. “You are the only one who has ever stolen my heart. Only you have the key. Take it and do with it as you please.” 

His arms tightened. “You are the love of my life. I cannot live without you. No matter what happens, don’t ever forget this—ever. I will always be yours, forever.”

Now I was the one who frantically sought after his lips, my hands locking into the hair at the back of his neck and encouraging him onward. Eventually our kisses slowed, and gently we caressed each other’s mouths in warm, sultry touches.

We drew back, and I saw the Colt who had been missing, the love in his eyes. He was back.

He kissed my forehead and set my feet to the floor. Our gaze still locked together, he led me to a chair where I curled up on his lap. I whispered, “I love you.” And I meant it from the bottom of my heart. A contented smile spread over his face. His arms came around, and I lay my head on his shoulder as he brushed the hair from my cheek.

Dark clouds began to circle. The wind began kicking up and the temperature dropped—the storm was closing in. I didn’t want to move from his arms. I wanted to stay here forever. There was still something he was holding back—something he didn’t want to tell me, but I let it slip by. He’d said the words I wanted to hear, and that was enough for now.

The rain started, but only a few sprinkles touched me. My mind began to wander back to the conversation Lilly and I had earlier.

Colt, Lilly said something earlier. She said you almost lost me. I didn’t feel like I was dying. What happened?”

His voice was uneasy.

Your fever was dangerously high; I held you in the river as long as I could. You went completely limp in my arms. It was as if your body was shutting down. We rushed you back.” He hesitated and his hold firmed. “I didn’t know if you would be able to make it.” His eyes shut, trying to block out the memory. “This is twice in a short period of time I’ve looked upon your lifeless body. I felt so helpless. It broke my heart not being able to protect you, to make you strong.”

I’m strong because of you, Colt. You give me all the strength I need.”

His blue eyes drove into me.

Cheyenne, I can’t give you enough. I need you so much more than you need me…”

I am here and alive,” I reassured him. “I’m not going anywhere. We can make it one more year, and then I’ll be a little more durable.” I leaned up and kissed him on the chin. He sighed, and a crooked grin appeared. My heart fluttered as it always did when he grinned like that.

The cold wind raked over us, and I shivered. Reluctantly, we both rose and entered the cabin. Callon was standing off to the side in the kitchen; he and Colt’s gaze met. Callon’s expression seemed to be a mixture of disappointment and uncertainty.

Something was up. I was sure of it. Daniel laughed, and I turned my attention to him. He was still playing chess with Dex. They smiled as we passed. Lilly was reading a book in the far corner, and she glanced up. Colt sat on the couch as I moved towards her. I sat on the hearth nearby.


Yes, dear?”

The case behind you, does it hold a guitar?”

Why, yes.” She seemed surprised at my interest.

May I see it?”

Her smiled deepened.

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