Chasing Power (19 page)

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Authors: Sarah Beth Durst

BOOK: Chasing Power
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Kayla turned. Her friend was standing close, next to her. Selena looked normal and perfect and beautiful as always. Without a word, Kayla hugged her.

Awkwardly, Selena patted her back. “Hey, hey, it’s okay. Cry it out. No, wait, don’t cry on me. Just tell me what happened. Did you find his mother?”

Kayla shook her head.

“Did you find the stone?”

A nod then a shake.

“Cryptic much? Okay, where is it? And where is he?”

“I …” She opened and closed her mouth. “I don’t know.” He’d been hurt. Was he okay? Of course he was. He’d brought her here. But where had he gone after? What if he’d had a concussion? What if he was lying in the gutter with internal bleeding, dying, and she’d just walked away? “I saw my father,” Kayla said in the quietest voice she could. All of it spilled out, everything that had happened, from the kiss to the stone to the sight of her father taking the stone and leaving her stranded but alive.

“Oh, Kayla.” This time, Selena hugged her back. “No wonder
you’re a mess. Did you tell Moonbeam? I’m guessing no. You have to tell her!”

“She’d freak out,” Kayla said. “And he isn’t here. He doesn’t know where we live.” She had a sudden thought. “I’m not even sure he knows who I am. He didn’t say.” That thought was so glorious that it nearly made her dizzy.

“No ‘Luke, I am your father’ moment? That’s a plus.”

“Selena, this is serious.” Twisting around, Kayla watched her mother weed. Moonbeam scooted over to the next flower bed. She was clearing space around select herbs. Kayla was sure they were for some kind of protective charm. After what had happened, Kayla wanted to drape herself in charms too. She wished she believed they worked.

“I know. But it’s not doomsday.”

“Close enough.” She watched her mother sit back on her heels and wipe her forehead with the back of her gardening glove. Dirt streaked her cheeks. They’d sacrificed so much to stay hidden from Dad, and Kayla had just pranced blindly to him. She’d criticized Daniel for not being careful enough, when all the while, she was the one blind to danger. She should have grilled Daniel on how he’d heard of her, how he knew her name, how he found her. She shouldn’t have trusted him at all.

“So what was he like? Giant monster with drool and twenty arms?”

Kayla shot her a glare. “You’re really bad at the sympathy thing. Couldn’t you fake it for a few more minutes?”

“He didn’t kill you,” Selena pointed out. “Look, I’m just saying, the worst has happened. You saw your dad; he saw you. You’re still here. Let’s move on.”

“Luck. Sheer luck. If that rock had killed Daniel …” Kayla took in a ragged breath. “He would have killed two of Moonbeam’s daughters.”

Selena poked her shoulder. “But he didn’t.”

“I risked too much,” Kayla said. “Moonbeam’s right. I shouldn’t ever leave.”

“Not leave Santa Barbara or not leave this house? You know, you’d be safest if you tucked yourself under the table. No one would see you. I could pass you food every once in a while, like sneaking scraps to the family dog.”

“Selena. He killed Amanda. My sister. Can you even imagine—”

“No,” Selena interrupted. “And neither can you. You’re not Amanda. And you’re not little Katie anymore. You’re all grown up now, and you’re the most powerful, smartest girl I know, and I am not going to let you spend your life cowering in fear. The worst happened, and you survived. Get a grip. You’re here, you’re safe, and he doesn’t know how to find you. He met you in
. You can’t get much farther away without involving an ocean. Just don’t visit Peru again. Problem solved.”

“You’re a terrible friend.”

“I know.”

“You’re supposed to be all sympathetic. Instead you’re just pissing me off.”

“Good! Get pissed off! It’s better than scared, right?” Selena said. “Who is he to make you feel scared? I ask again: Was he a multiarmed monster with drool? No. He’s a man. A very, very evil man who did a very, very bad thing and will probably do more. But not here. And not to you. You are not helpless. You are not weak.”

Kayla shook her head. “You have no idea what you’re talking about. My sister—”

“—is not you! Look, Kayla, remember the time we snuck into that club and that guy cornered me outside the bathroom? What did you do?”

“Launched his cigarette ash into his eye and then set his shirt on fire.”

“They were hosing him down with a fire extinguisher, and you kept dancing. Kayla, that’s who you are. Not this. Snap out of it, girl. You’re my strong, smart Kayla—far stronger than me. You were caught off guard this time. It won’t happen again. If you ever see him again … which is a major ‘if,’ remember Peru equals far … you’ll kick his ass. He’s just a man with eyes, a throat, and other vulnerable spots. You’re

Turning toward the window again, Kayla looked out at Moonbeam. She was digging with purpose, jabbing the soil with her trowel. Kayla noticed that the outer bushes were draped in ribbons and bells and charms made of roots and bones. Moonbeam wasn’t gardening; she was placing more charms. Kayla swallowed. She didn’t want to be like that. Living her life in defensive mode. Selena was right. That wasn’t her. Kayla straightened her shoulders and lifted her chin. “I’m not going to live my life in fear,” she declared.

“Good girl,” Selena said. “One of us needs to be brave.”

“I’m going to stop him, catch him, and see him behind bars.”

“Whoa, wait, what?” Selena said.

Kayla marched toward her futon. She changed into fresh clothes; stuffed her phone, lighter, and razor blade into her new shorts; and pulled her favorite hoodie out of her backpack as she said, “I can take him. And I should. Once he’s in jail, we
won’t have to hide anymore. Moonbeam won’t have to be afraid. She’ll be free. Finally. She’ll be able to move on. She can’t right now. Look at her. Fear of him rules her life. It dictates everything she does. It’s transformed who she is. She wasn’t always like this. I remember her before, when Amanda was alive. She was happy. She was fun.”

“You can’t go after him,” Selena said. “Are you crazy? I just meant for you to stop moping. By all means, stay away from him. Tell Danny-boy to stuff his stupid quest and trust the police to find his mom, and you get on with your life!”

“If I let Dad get that last stone, if he does that invincibility spell, then she won’t be safe, then I won’t be safe, ever. It won’t ever end. I have to end it.”

“You don’t even know what this so-called invincibility spell does! Maybe he casts it, and you don’t ever hear from him. No harm, no foul.”

“Sorry, Selena. I have to do this.” Kayla marched out of the house.

Selena scurried after her. “You’re right, I’m a bad friend. Can we start this conversation over? Something went wrong here.”

Moonbeam looked up at the sound of the door. She had dirt smeared on her nose. “Kayla! You’re awake.”

Kneeling in the dirt, Kayla put her arms around Moonbeam. “I’m so sorry I scared you.” She kissed her mother on the cheek. “Really, I’m fine, and I’ll be all better soon. Everything will be better. I promise.”

Moonbeam pulled back and studied Kayla’s face as if trying to read her mind. “What happened? Where have you been? Are you sure you’re all right? You can tell me.”

“Someday, I’ll explain it all, but I can’t right now. There are some things I have to do first. I’ll be back soon.” Kayla stood. She felt stronger already. This felt right!

“Oh, no, that’s not okay,” Moonbeam said. “You can’t leave again. You were gone all yesterday, all last night, and then when you came home—”

“Please, Moonbeam, trust me. Everything is going to be okay!”

Standing too, Moonbeam squeezed her hand. “Were you with that boy? Did he hurt you? Selena said—”

“I didn’t sleep with him,” Kayla said quickly.

Relief crossed her face. “Then where were you? And why didn’t you call? You scared me, Kayla.”

“I’m sorry, and I promise I’ll be home soon.”

Moonbeam was shaking her head. “No. Kayla, I want you to stay here. Rest. You need rest. Please, Kayla, I need to know you’re safe, at least for a little while. We’ll rent a movie. Make popcorn.” She patted Kayla’s shoulders and hair and cheek, as if reassuring herself that Kayla was still here and whole.

“Rain check?” Kayla said.

“I could ground you,” Moonbeam said. “Don’t make me ground you.”

“This is important.”

“What is? Where are you going?”

Kayla opened her mouth and then hesitated. She absolutely could not tell her mother the truth. It would plunge Moonbeam into a spiral of panic, and she was already freaked out. “Selena’s going to take me shopping! She thinks the cure to a broken heart is retail therapy.”

“Oh, it absolutely is.” Selena nodded so enthusiastically she looked like a bobblehead. “I’m buying Kayla an entire new outfit, top to toe. My treat. But the offer is only good today.”

“And then I’ll be all better, and we’ll have our movie night and eat popcorn until we feel sick and I’ll tell you everything, I promise,” Kayla said. “But please, Moonbeam, I need this.”

Moonbeam frowned, then took one of the evil eye amulets from around her own neck and draped it over Kayla’s. “Two hours. Any later, and that’s it.”

“I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“You’ll be back in two hours. You need to stay safe, Kayla. I need you safe.”

Kayla couldn’t think of a response that wasn’t a lie, so she settled on kissing Moonbeam on the cheek again. She wouldn’t be back within two hours. She then strode out the garden gate with Selena. Glancing back once at Moonbeam, she hoped she was doing the right thing.

Chapter 14

“Park there.” Kayla pointed to an open spot near the café, and Selena yanked on the steering wheel. She pulled up beside the car in front of the parking spot. Behind them, another car headed toward the same space. But Selena was faster, slamming into reverse and spinning the steering wheel. She slid into the spot before the other car could do more than aim its front wheels.

Selena hopped out and examined her parking job. She was mere inches from the curb. “Genius, if I do say so myself. You should really listen to me. I exude brilliance.” The driver of the car who lost the spot flipped her off as he zoomed by. Selena blew a kiss at him.

Kayla headed for one of the benches. “Can you get us some smoothies, Genius Girl?”

“Sure, if you tell me you’ve reconsidered your suicidal and completely ill-thought-out plan and let me take you shopping, which was the first sensible thought you’ve had all day.”

“I’ve reconsidered about seven times, and I’m back to yes.”

“Well, so long as you’re certain and have no doubts.”
Muttering to herself, Selena headed for the café, and Kayla parked herself on a bench in front of the Santa Barbara First City Bank. She took out her phone and stared at Daniel’s number.

Of course she had doubts. She was eaten up with doubts and fears … which was why she had to do it. They’d eat her alive if she didn’t.

She texted Daniel.
Ready to try again. Meet me on State Street
. Staring at the phone a moment longer, she took a breath and then hit Send.

Fear wasn’t going to stop her.

Closing her eyes, Kayla tilted her head back as if to soak in the sun, and she let her mind roam inside the bank. She drifted over the people at the ATM and others in line for a teller. She ruffled the deposit slips on her way to the counter. On the counter, she “felt” a vase with fake flowers and a bowl of lollipops. The teller was counting bills and then stuffing them into an envelope. Kayla felt underneath the desk—and she deliberately pressed the emergency button.

Nothing happened.

Kayla got up and sauntered across the street to the bait and tackle store. As she opened the door, she heard the sirens. Wails filled State Street. In seconds, the bank was quickly surrounded with police cars and armed policemen.

As distractions went, this one was definite overkill, but satisfying nonetheless.

The clerk at the bait store rushed to the window, and Kayla stuffed her hoodie pockets with fishing line and hooks. She wished she’d grabbed her backpack as well as her hoodie. Finishing, she joined the other gawkers on the sidewalk. Selena found
her and handed her a smoothie. Kayla sipped it and watched the chaos at the bank unfold.
See what you can do? You’re strong
, Kayla told herself.
You can face your father. No one can stop you

“Feel better?” Selena asked.

“Much,” Kayla said.

They strolled to the car. Daniel was waiting for them, leaning against the passenger door. His hands were in his pockets, and he watched them approach with a wary expression, as if he expected to have to bolt. “Kayla—”

“Into the car,” Kayla ordered.

Daniel obeyed, squeezing himself into the backseat. Selena jumped into the driver’s seat. Glancing back at the chaos in the street, Kayla climbed in as well.

“Tell me you didn’t rob that bank,” he said.

“I don’t need to tell you anything.” Kayla opened the glove compartment, found another pair of sunglasses, and put them on.

“Even if she did,” Selena said, “you are in zero position to judge. Better to be a thief than a traitorous, lying sack of slime. That’s you, by the way, in case you’re too thick to catch the insult.”

Twisting in her seat so she could look directly at him, Kayla lifted the glasses and said, “I have not forgiven you. I will not forgive you. But I
going to help you find the other stone.”

Daniel exhaled noisily. “Thank—”

Stopping him, Kayla held up a finger. “One condition. Instead of finding the last stone to trade for your mom, we catch my dad and then rescue your mom.”

Selena started up the engine. Her music blared, drowning out any possible response. She wormed out of her parking spot and floored it down State Street, leaving behind the tangle of police cars and the knot of onlookers outside the bank. She
turned at the pier and whipped along the coast, pulling into a half-vacant parking lot. The radio shut off. “You’re down to an hour and a half left,” Selena told Kayla. “Please don’t make me lie to your mom again. She gives me these puppy eyes that make me feel like the most horrible person in the world.”

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