Chasing Amber (Shaping Amber)

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Authors: Lacey Daize

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Chasing Amber (Shaping Amber)
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Chasing Amber


By Lacey Daize


Chasing Amber

2012 Lacey Daize

All Rights Reserved

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This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, places, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.

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This short story is intended for mature audiences only. If you are under 18 or the age of consent for your country, or are offended by adult material please turn back now.

This story contains
explicit sexual content, graphic language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable: BDSM theme and content includes: dubious consent, bondage.

Chasing Amber

Amber held a newspaper above her head, trying to shield her makeup from the rain. She regretted leaving the office without her umbrella, but the sun had been shining when she set out for the short mile walk to her destination so she hadn't thought about it. She was only about a block away when the downpour started.

She finally reached the front doors of the hotel, and discarded the paper in the trash can that stood just outside. She walked in and checked her makeup in one of the mirrors that decorated the lobby. While it was fine, she was distressed to see that her lightweight summer dress was soaked through and almost transparent in places. Her nipples stood erect as the air conditioned temperature of the lobby cut through the wet fabric that clung to her body. She sighed and attempted to at least make sure her hair looked decent since there was nothing she could do about her clothing.

Amber looked toward the hotel restaurant and took a deep breath. She didn't want to walk in looking the way she did, but knew that she had to. She was already later than she wanted to be because of the rain and would anger the client if she kept him waiting while she attempted to dry her dress. Her heels clicked on the expensive stone floor as she strode toward the podium where the host stood.

"Reservation for two," Amber said curtly to the host as she tried to keep his eyes from straying to her wet dress. "I'm meeting a Mr. Adam Ochee."

The host glanced at a book open on the podium. "Yes, I have your reservation here. Mr. Ochee has not arrived yet. Shall I show you to your table while you wait?"

Amber nodded. "Please."

Amber could feel the eyes of the men in the restaurant on her as she walked through, still dripping slightly. She was used to it, her hourglass figure and red hair caught more attention than she wanted to admit, but the added addition of perky nipples poking through the thin fabric seemed to heighten the attraction.

The host seemed to sense her discomfort and seated her in a secluded corner out of the direct path of the air conditioning. "Shall I call up to Mr. Ochee's room and let him know that you have arrived?"

"Yes, please," Amber replied, trying to smile pleasantly.

“Your name?”

“Amber Osborne.”

The host nodded and disappeared back toward the front of the restaurant. Amber thought about making her way to the restroom in the lobby to try and dry herself slightly, but the thought of walking past all the men in the restaurant again made her self conscious and she decided to stay seated.

Amber barely had a chance to pick up her menu when a busboy appeared to take her drink order. She requested a glass of water, and was still perusing the choices when it appeared. She set down her menu again and sipped at the water.

She looked around the restaurant and noticed that all of the men except one had returned to paying attention to their own business. The one left was a handsome man, dressed in a dark blue suit and even from across the room she could tell that he worked out to keep in shape. She wondered who he was meeting when she saw two two menus at his table.

Amber made a show of looking at her watch and was genuinely distressed to note that her appointment was fifteen minutes late. She could see the host approaching again and then he was distracted by somebody who appeared to be from the front desk. Heads nodded and then the desk clerk made his way to where she was sitting.

"Ms. Osborne?"

Amber looked at him and nodded. "Yes?"

"I'm afraid that Mr. Ochee will be unable to make today's meeting. He just called from Chicago and his flight was canceled due to weather. He indicated that he would call your office to reschedule once he makes it into town."

Amber nodded again and thanked the clerk. Once the man was walking away she slumped into her seat. She was still trying to decide if she should head back to the office in the rain or eat first when a man approached her table.

"Rough day?"

Amber looked up into the bluest eyes she had ever seen. They belonged to the businessman who had been checking her out before. She saw the reason for the blue suit as it helped to give his eyes an endless quality. "You could say that." She checked out the man slightly as she spoke, dark hair was cut short but wavy with a few grays sneaking in, broad cheeks rose slightly as he smiled at her. She placed him to be a few years older than her twenty-eight, but didn't think he was over forty.

"Mind if I take a seat?"

Amber shifted uncomfortably. "Aren't you meeting somebody? I saw two menus on your table."

"I just got off the phone with him, he had an emergency uptown and had to cancel last minute. Since it appears you got stood up I thought I'd introduce myself to the stunning lady who deserves far better treatment."

Despite the cheesiness of the line Amber found herself blushing. The man took it as a sign and sat in the chair opposite her.

"I'm Jonathan Smith," he said as he reached a hand across the table.

Amber hesitated, but eventually reached out to shake. However she was shocked when he instead kissed her fingers. Her blush deepened. "Amber... Amber Osborne."

Mr. Smith snapped, and a busboy appeared. "Tell the waiter that Ms. Osborne will be joining me for lunch today."

The busboy nodded, "Yes, sir."

Amber looked at Jonathan slightly shocked as the busboy left. "I don't even know you."

"How about this then, I'm
the man who abandoned you today."

Amber shifted uncomfortably, noticing how her dress stuck to her skin. “I really should get back to the office. I canceled plans with friends this afternoon for the meeting but since it's been postponed I do have lots of work to do.”

Jonathan eyed her sternly. “In the rain? First you say you cancel personal plans and now you would rather go out in this downpour than sit and enjoy a meal? You must be a glutton for punishment.”

Amber blinked several times, unable to form a proper reply. “I don't
to go back out there, but I... Since...” Amber fumbled for words finally saying lamely, “My boss will be upset if I waste time.”

“You said you canceled plans with friends. So your boss was already expecting you to be out.”

“, but I have plenty to do.”

“You canceled personal plans, for a meeting, on a Friday afternoon. What boss wouldn't expect you to play hookey when the other person doesn't show?”


“You obviously work too hard then.”

Amber started and sighed before slumping back into her chair.

“So it's settled then. You're going to stay here and enjoy a meal with me.”

Amber blushed again, and Jonathan laughed. "Order anything you want, my treat."

Amber sighed and tried to come up with another excuse to try and leave. However she realized that she had no viable reason to. She picked up and looked over the menu, finally settling on a seafood bisque and salad. Jonathan ordered lemon garlic chicken with fresh green beans and then took Amber's hand as the waiter disappeared to place the order.

"So what kind of meeting brings a stunning lady like you into a restaurant, in a hotel, at noon, dripping wet?"

Amber turned slightly. "I was supposed to meet an important client, however he was held up due to a flight delay."

"Well it's my lucky day then."

"How so?"

"Because I cannot attribute meeting you when we were both canceled on to be mere coincidence. It has to be luck."

Amber blinked several times, then looked at the table. “I wasn't even supposed to be here. This was my boss's meeting, but he said something came up only about an hour ago. The client was supposed to already be on the plane so I was just ordered to come down.”

“And what was so important your boss had to send you instead?”

Amber looked down at the table. “I don't know,” she whispered.

“I didn't hear you.”

Amber looked up again. “I honestly don't know.”

Jonathan tsk'd. “Most clients would prefer to know why somebody other than expected was meeting them. Besides, you should have been given a legitimate reason to cancel your own plans if you had already requested the time off. Did you forget to ask?”

Amber shook her head. “No, I tried to. He got annoyed and said it didn't matter, then shut me out of his office.”

“Well then, if you had to guess, what would it be? Family emergency?”

Amber shook her head again. “No, he didn't act like it was anything that urgent.”

“What is it then?”

Amber turned away slightly, not wanting to answer.


Amber sighed. “I overheard him and a couple of the other managers in the break room. They were discussing leaving early to play golf. He said that he couldn't because of the meeting. One of the others said to just reassign it.”

“So you knew that your boss had you cancel your own plans so he could make last minute ones of his own? You should have more respect for yourself than that.”

Amber was still trying to decide how to respond when meals were placed in front of them. With a distraction provided she took a sip of her soup.

Jonathan smiled at her. "You don't get out much do you?"

Amber looked up from her spoon, slightly surprised.

Jonathan laughed. "I thought so. Let me guess, you're so busy trying to get ahead that you forgot to have a life."

Amber looked at her soup and sighed. "That easy to read am I?"

Jonathan chuckled. "Let's just say I know your type."

Amber blushed again and returned attention to her food, only looking up again when she felt Jonathan's ice blue gaze boring into her. There was an intensity about it, and Amber found herself wanting the man in front of her.

Jonathan smiled.


Jonathan slid the key card into the lock and then held the door for Amber. Once she had opened up slightly they had talked for more than two hours in the restaurant. At some point they had even ordered wine. The longer she talked to him the drier her dress had become and the wetter her pussy. Something about him intrigued her, and despite her normally cautious nature she had decided to follow him back to his room when invited.

The door had no more than clicked shut when Amber felt herself pressed against the wall, Jonathan's lips ravaged hers as they kissed with a passion Amber hadn't known she possessed. She slipped her arms around his neck and pulled him tighter. He replied by gently moving one of his hands to cup her right breast.

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