Netherby Halls

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Authors: Claudy Conn

Tags: #regency romance, #steamy, #paranormal historical

BOOK: Netherby Halls
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Netherby Halls

She saw herself naked and lying across dark, smooth
sheets …

Also by Claudy Conn

What reviewers are saying about Claudy’s

Copyright Page


Prologue ~

One ~

Two ~

Three ~

Four ~

Five ~

Six ~

Seven ~

Eight ~

Nine ~

Ten ~

Eleven ~

Twelve ~

Thirteen ~

Fourteen ~

Fifteen ~

Sixteen ~

Seventeen ~

Eighteen ~

Nineteen ~

Twenty ~

Twenty-one ~

Twenty-two ~

Twenty-three ~

Epilogue ~

Excerpt: After the Storm (unedited)

~ Prologue ~

Excerpt: Hungry Moon—Quicksilver

~ Prelude ~

~ Prologue ~

Excerpt: Through Time-Pursuit

~ Prologue ~

~ One ~

About Claudy Conn

More about Claudy Conn’s Books


Netherby Halls

saw herself naked and lying across dark, smooth
sheets …


Two men stood at the curbing at the edge of the
avenue, but only one of them stood out. It was as though the
atmosphere around him glowed, and her heart actually skipped a beat
and then made up for the offense by beating faster.

His beaver-skin top hat was set saucily on his head
of black silky hair. His black cloak had been rakishly thrown back
over one shoulder, revealing not only the cream silk lining but the
breadth of his obviously muscular chest.

As Sassy’s gaze traveled up to his face,
unconsciously a small breath of air left her lungs, swished up her
throat, and escaped in an audible gasp.

He was the most handsome man she had ever seen, but
more than that, he was the man who had been making passionate love
to her in her dreams!

This was madness. This was … Before she could
complete the thought
, it
Only this time it
was different. This time he was right there. He was nearby—the man
of her dreams was standing only thirty feet away.

His blue eyes had suddenly locked with hers, and all
at once she felt herself transported to another place.

It was a bedroom—and she recognized the bedroom, for
she had been there many times in her dreams. It was as though she
were in a theater shamelessly watching herself, watching
him—watching, experiencing things she had no physical knowledge

She was a virgin, and yet in her dream she had been
his intimately many times. Now, with him so near, she saw herself
naked and lying across dark, smooth sheets.

He was bending towards her, his blue eyes glittering,
his black, silky hair falling across and touching her breasts as he
licked her nipple and then suckled there with expertise that sent
her body into a convulsion of pleasure. His fingers moved over her
flesh, and she could feel herself clench with desire as he

What … ? No! No—this was just schoolgirls’
talk coming back to haunt her. This had to stop. She had to
She tried to break with the vision. How could she know
what it would feel like to have a man … how could she

And then she saw something in his eyes across the
avenue that told her a fact she could not deny:
wasn’t having this illusion alone. He was as well. It was so real
and not only for her—but for him also!

When he took a step into the street towards her,
Sassy Winthrop ran as fast as her little walking boots could take
her and escaped around the corner.




Also by Claudy Conn


Risqué Regencies

Myriah Fire

Oh, Cherry Ripe

Rogues, Rakes & Jewels

Taffeta and Hotspur

Wildfire Kiss

Runaway Heart

After the Storm (coming in Feb. 2013)


Legend Series

Prince Prelude—Legend


Aaibhe—Shee Queen (Novelette)

Shee Willow—Legend

Prince in the Mist (Novella)


Free Falling—Legend

Catch & Hold—Legend


Shadow Series





Through Time Series

Through Time-Pursuit

Through Time-Whiplash (coming in Feb. 2013)


Hungry Moon Series

Hungry Moon: Quicksilver


DarkLove (
published by Wild Rose Press





What reviewers are saying
about Claudy’s books


5 out of 5 stars

Fanning the flames of Myriah Fire!

What was once an innocent, if rollicking, regency
romance has exploded with passion as Claudy Conn revisits Myriah
Fire to turn up the heat.

The addition of unbridled sexual passion to Myriah
Fire’s strong story brings dimensions of maturity and depth to the
struggles faced by Myriah and Kit, without diminishing any of the
innocence, joy or charm found in the original story. This revised
version of Myriah Fire allows Claudy’s regency followers to
appreciate what her paranormal romance fans have
discovered—mind-bending eroticism.

A truly captivating tale with a blast of added
sizzle, Myriah Fire will kindle the flames of your heart and burn
up the night.

~ Vonnie Faroqui,
Ink Slinger’s Whimsey


Love, love, love Myriah Fire!

It’s a brilliant, fast-paced, and ‘true to its
title’, ‘going to catch you on fire’ romance. Looking forward to
more! Hoping Claudy Conn plans to share more of her historical
treasures with us.

~ Candice Stauffer, author


Myriah has always been my favorite

This is a sweet, funny, charming romance. The
characters are likeable and the story is well told. I loved all of
the Claudette Williams (now Claudy Conn) books, but this one has
always been my favorite. I hope she will put out more of her

~ lmjolicoeur on


ShadowLove—Stalkers is hot, Hot, HOT

is filled with steaming
action and dramatic tension … Claudy delicately plants the
seeds for future development and characters without distracting
from the excitement and romance of Stalkers. The result is that she
has a paranormal, vampire series, of romance novels, which carries
her own unique and spicy aroma.

is hot, Hot, HOT …
and yes, I am blushing.

~ Vonnie Faroqui,
Ink Slinger’s Whimsey


Five Cups and a CTTR (Coffee Time Reviewer’s
Recommend) Award

is a story that
immediately hooks the reader. It reminds me of a roller coaster
just beginning, only to plunge into speed, drawing the reader into
non-stop action. Intense and spellbinding, this paranormal romance
kept this reader engrossed until the conclusion. I loved the
passion and chemistry between the main characters. With tremendous
action and well thought out characters, this fantastic read sizzles
and sparks like a firecracker.

Coffee Time Romance & More


Trapped Legend has my pulse skyrocketing!

A clever, fast paced, unpredictable blend of action,
adventure, mystery, magic and steamy hot loving … I picked it
up and couldn't tear myself away from it until I read the last

I highly recommend each book in Claudy's Legend
series. You're seriously missing out on some wonderful adventures
if you haven't read the previous stories. It's by far one of the
most exceptionally crafted, enchanting Fae series I've ever

~ Candice Stauffer, author


Five Stars for ShadowHeart—Slayer

This second in Conn’s Shadow series is filled with
vampires, a vampire slayer, demons, wizards, a Fae prince and an
unlikely romance. Claudy Conn does an excellent job of making this
a standalone story while incorporating some of the characters from
the first book and introducing us to several new characters. The
war is still brewing and now the Fae are becoming involved. Can’t
wait for the next book in the series.

This is another one I couldn’t put down and read in
a single sitting. I got so caught up in the action I was sad to see
it end. Fans of the paranormal romance, urban fantasy and vampire
genres should enjoy this as well.

~ Wild About Bones
on GoodReads


One hot and thrilling book

I fell for all three of the main characters, fun
loving Maxie, dark and brooding Julian, and one hot Fae, Breslyn.
However, it wasn’t just the characters that kept me on the edge of
my seat, it was the entire involved plot that included jealously,
betrayal, magic, murder, and, of course, hot passion … The
well-written out mixture of myth and legend, not to mention the
characters, all in today’s world has me Joyfully Recommending
as one book you won’t want to miss.

~ Jo,
Joyfully Reviewed




Netherby Halls


Claudy Conn





Copyright Page

Netherby Halls

By Claudy Conn


Copyright © 2013 by Claudy Conn

Edited by: Karen Babcock

Cover Artist: Kendra Egert

All rights reserved


Published in the United States of America


Smashwords Edition

January 2013


This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment
only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people.
If you would like to share this book with another person, please
purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading
this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your
use only, then please return to and purchase your
own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this


Names, characters, and events depicted in this book
are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.
Any resemblance to actual events, places, organizations, or
persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the
intent of the author.


No part of this book may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage
and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the



Excerpt from
After the Storm

Copyright © 2012 by Claudy Conn


Excerpt from
Hungry Moon—Quicksilver

Copyright © 2012 by Claudy Conn


Excerpt from
Through Time-Pursuit

Copyright © 2012 by Claudy Conn


Discover this and other titles by Claudy Conn at


Risqué Regencies

Oh, Cherry Ripe

Myriah Fire

Rogues, Rakes & Jewels

Taffeta and Hotspur –

Wildfire Kiss

Runaway Heart

Legend Series

Prince Prelude—Legend


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