Chasing Air (21 page)

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Authors: Delaine Roberts

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Chasing Air
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The music was still softly playing as Makenzie reached for the towels. She tried to peek into the gift sack still sitting on the counter when Ryler caught her eyes.

“You’re worse than a small child. You can’t wait, can you?”

“They’re always amazing, what can I say? I’m having a hard time resisting.” She put her hand over her mouth and tried to control her excited laugh.

“Okay, fine. The gift is for you.” He picked the gift sack up and presented it to her.

“But you said…” She frowned in complete confusion.

“I’ll step out and leave you with the bag. You’ll put the puzzle together when you open it.” He winked at her as he left the room.

Makenzie finished drying off and restyled her hair in a clip. She slowly opened the gift back to find delicate pieces of tissue. Inside she found a beautiful blush-pink lace demi-bra, matching lace thong, and garter belt. A garter belt?
That’s a new experience
, she thought to herself with a seductive smile. The bag also contained silky, thigh-high stockings. The pieces were so delicate, she fantasized about him holding them as he selected them just for her.

She slowly dressed, carefully pulling each stocking on before fastening it into her new garter.


Her skin tingled in anticipation as she imagined her role in his seduction. She couldn’t recall ever feeling sexier or more desired.

She found him dressed in a suit when she walked into the bedroom. She was in sexy lingerie, her heart pulsing rapidly and moisture saturating her most intimate of body parts. She could only think about what the next few moments would be like with him undressing her, and he’s standing there dressed? He got her all worked up with the gift of lingerie and he’s dressed to the nines in a black suit, including a red pocket square?

“Where are you going?”

He turned to meet her eyes, “Wow. When I pictured you in those pieces, my fantasy didn’t do you justice. You’re simply exquisite. Come here.” He pulled her close and ran his finger around the lace edge of the demi-bra. His kiss was barely a breathy touch of his lips to hers.

“You didn’t answer my question.”

“You’re beauty made me forget. Um, yes, dinner. I’m taking a very stunning woman to dinner.” He backed away to admire her body and smiled a slim, provocative smile, with one corner of his lips turned up.

“In this?” Her eyes glued to his. He didn’t answer her.

Makenzie didn’t get the memo. She didn’t have a bag packed and nothing to wear to dinner but her jeans and t-shirt from earlier in the day. The lingerie was certainly wasted and overdressed under jeans. Before she could analyze the situation, a knock came at the door. Ryler handed her his robe and went to the door. When he returned, he was carrying a beautiful black cocktail dress and black Jimmy Choo shoes.

“What did you do?”

“The bridal boutique hooked me up. Do you like it?”

“Like it? I love it! It’s stunning. How did I ever get so lucky for you to walk into my life?” She planted a deep kiss on him.

“You better get dressed before we have to order pizza.” He kissed her again before leaving her to get ready. “You’re makeup bag is in the bathroom under the sink.”

“How did you…”

“I slipped it in the car, the valet sent it up while we were getting massages.”

“Are you sure you’re real?”

“You ask me that after you just had not one, not two, but three orgasms?” Makenzie let out a gasp, not realizing that he had taken a count of them.

“Better get dressed before I rip your clothes off and we miss dinner,” he teased playfully.

After washing her face, she applied deep, intense sultry shadow to her eyes. While applying the rest of her makeup, she reminisced about how her sex life had never been anything like what she had experienced with Ryler. Drew was not attentive in bed. He didn’t see to it that her needs were met, nor did he ever try anything but straight sex. Every event of their coupling had always been about him. She found it strange that she only realized it after she became intimate with Ryler.

Ryler brought an intensity to their relationship that was completely unexpected. When she first met him, she saw his cockiness, his due-diligence to his job and a very macho arrogance in public. But the moment they were alone, his tenderness penetrated her senses and crept into the tiniest of cracks of her resistance, one measurable moment at a time.

Once she was dressed, she made a final check in the mirror. She’d never felt more beautiful, inside or out. Ryler did that for her, he breathed life back into her blood. She stepped out of the bedroom to hear him take a deep gasp.


“I am. I’m not sure for what exactly, but I’m ready for anythi
ng that includes you.” Her brown eyes sparkled intently while deeply entranced in his.

“Dinner and dancing. You’re stunning. Every man in the room is going to wish he was me tonight.” He placed his hand at the small of her back and led them downstairs.

Ryler chose the wine and they enjoyed several dances before dinner. She couldn’t even remember the songs, just the pace of his breath against the skin on her shoulder and the way his skin smelled so clean and crisp. Her dainty hands fit inside his like a child’s. The way her body fit his with every contour was a perfect mold and unlike anything she’d known before.

Their table sat intimately in the corner. The candlelight flickered and he caught the reflection in her dark brown eyes.

“You look dreamy. What are you thinking about?” He was holding her hand, thumbing her engagement ring.

“You, me, and beautiful lace.” She bit her bottom lip.

Her answer left him growing stiff against his trouser seam. “Did you find it something that you liked a little bit?” He baited her.

“I’ve never had lingerie purchased for me.”

“Well then, I’m glad it’s an experience only we share with each other, since I’ve never purchased lingerie before.”

“It’s my first garter belt.” She smiled.

“I’m glad, you’ll be my first. I can’t wait to taste you in it.” He smiled seductively.

They were interrupted with their dinner service. “If I wasn’t so hungry, I would be in a hurry to skip dinner,” Makenzie said between bites.

“I noticed that you weren’t eating. Something you want to tell me?”

“Hmm. Nope. Can’t think of anything.”

“You’re sure?” He showed concern.

“I’ve had so much on my mind with work, the wedding, and Christmas, that I haven’t had much of an appetite.” He watched intently while she practically cleaned her plate. When the dessert menu came, he thought certain she would order something chocolate, but she hadn’t left room for something sweet. He ordered some things to be sent to the room along with a bottle of champagne.

In the elevator, Makenzie snuggled up in Ryler’s arms. She couldn’t wait to get to the room. “So you’re trying to get a honeymoon before a honeymoon, is that it?” She relished in his intentions.

It was all he could do to resist taking her right there in the elevator. He slid his hand up her thigh and felt the connection between the hosiery and her garter belt. His member was painfully hard. He wanted to make the night last for her, to take her mind to a happy place without the stresses of a checklist, but the knowledge of how she looked in silk and satin under the dress left him burning with raw need.

“Honeymoon, not exactly. I wanted you to have fun, to feel beautiful and enjoy being pampered.”

“Well, you gave me that and then some, but I want more.” She nipped at his neck.

“I’m going to show you more.”

The elevator door opened to their floor and he quickly led her to their suite. They barely made it inside the door before his pants were undone and her dress was hiked up. The chair inside the door was conveniently placed and fit them perfectly.

She rested her head on his chest and tried to pace her breathing. She could feel his heartbeat under her cheek. He removed the clip from her hair and threaded his fingers through her curls. “Thank you for the most wonderful day and evening.” She sighed.

“Baby, it’s not over yet, is it? I still owe you more.” He chuckled as he ran his finger across her beautiful, full red lips.

“Oh no, it’s a long way from being over. I think I need to show you my striptease and make sure you get your money’s worth for the night.”

She climbed off him, plugged her iPhone into the speaker, found
Nelly’s “Hot In Herre” from one of her playlists, and gave him a show that he’d not soon forget.





Makenzie planned the wedding to be anything but traditional, and yet completely romantic. Her copper silk evening gown fit her body at every angle like a second layer of skin. She chose to wear her long hair up. There was something magical every time Ryler let her hair fall. He loved to play with her curls. When they made love, he always had his hands in her hair.

“Are you ready to go, kid?” Evan Bellante asked his daughter outside the chapel doors.

“More than ready. I love him, he’s perfect for me.”

“I agree. You’re mother and I give you our blessing for love and happiness.” He kissed his daughter’s cheek, but not before swiping a tear from the corner of his eye.

Mak didn’t want to carry flowers, she wasn’t the flower kind of bride. She had asked the florists to provide lots of candles, various ferns, and magnolia leaves for the ceremony.

She wasn’t prepared for the emotion that tangled in her throat when the doors opened and she gazed into her lover’s eyes. She froze. Not out of fear or panic, but rather as a pause to absorb the moment. He loved her. Adored her. She cherished everything they were together. He was her soul mate.

Standing beside her, he couldn’t take his eyes from her. He never noticed anyone or anything else in the room. Her gown skimmed her beautiful body, hugging her curves in just the right places. She was everything to him. Heart, body, and soul. She was his soul mate.

When they took their vows, tears escaped the other’s eyes. They knew the chance of finding true happiness was rare and they had that, the envy of others.




Alone in the hotel room above the reception hall, he wanted her. “How long can we make them wait?” he teased against the back of her neck when he handed her a glass of champagne.

“Hmm, I suppose as long as we want,” she paused. “But then we’d miss our plane.”

“Not when I own the plane.” He paused her touch her face. “I want you so bad right now, but I won’t go for quick. I’ll just suffer,” his voice broke out in a low sexy growl.

“Patience, grasshopper. Isn’t that what you tell me?” She smirked.

“At least let me see what’s under that dress?”


“Nothing? There’s nothing on under it?” He raised his eyebrow to her.

“You heard me.” She snickered as she ran to the door. She was handicapped by her six-inch heels and he beat her to the door. Standing in front of her, he took both hands and held her cheeks softly. With his lips he parted hers, quieting her, until she finally let out a low whimper. He bit and sucked on her lips until he felt her breaths quicken.

When he finally pulled away, he winked. “That’s all you get for now. That’ll teach you to torment me.”

“Yum, I married a bad boy.”

“And I married my princess.”

They made their entrance into the reception hall and greeted their friends and family. Ryler kept his hand at the small of her back and when Brody and Chris tried to steal her for a dance, he gave them a stern eye. While everyone laughed, he didn’t.

“I’m not sharing you tonight. It’s our night.” He winked. She didn’t argue.

With time short, they enjoyed a little dancing, champagne, and delicious coconut cream pie, compliments of her new mother-in-law.

Makenzie took Mary to the side. “I owe you everything, Mary. I think I fell in love with Ryler through your pie.”

Mary embraced her new daughter-in-law. “I’m glad you love the pie, dear, but you and my son were meant to be. His heart is where yours belongs.”

Both of the ladies wiped tears as Ryler joined them. “I love you, Mom, but I need to steal the bride, we’ve got a plane to catch.”

They said their parting goodbyes and went upstairs to change and gather their bags.

“I wish you didn’t have to take that dress off.” He stared at her, his eyes dark and sexy.

“Unless we want to be arrested at the airport for indecent exposure, I have to!” She smiled a slight grin.

“Point taken.”

When they finally arrived in Aspen, Makenzie was exhausted. It had been a long day, and she lacked energy. She hoped that a hot bath would revive her while Ryler made a fire. Their cabin was exquisite. She had been picturing something remote and rustic by everything Ryler had described, but what she found was beautiful and scenic. The home was exquisite in every detail. The owner definitely delivered.

Makenzie soaked in the hot water and listened to the crackling of the wood in the fireplace. Only in Aspen would a bathroom have a fireplace. She could hear Ryler whistling a tune off in the distance. Six months ago, she would’ve never believed that her life was going to change so drastically and so beautifully when Ryler walked into the ER and into her life.

“Penny for your thoughts,” he asked while handing her the champagne flute.

“I was thinking back to the night we met at the ER. I wasn’t very nice to you, was I?” She gave him an apologetic look.

“I thought you might’ve been an ice queen, but because of your smokin’ hot bod, I was willing to heat you up a little.” He laughed.

“You. Are. So. Bad. Really, an ice queen?” Makenzie bit her lip to keep from laughing.

“Hmm, yep. You know you were, but I forgive you.” He opened the bubbly and filled their glasses. “Cheers, my girl.”

“I love it when you call me that.”

“What, ice queen?” He traced her jaw and lips with his finger.

Makenzie shook her head. “No, my girl.”




Lying in each other’s arms in bed, watching the fire, a low growl from Makenzie’s stomach broke the silence. They both started laughing. “Have you eaten anything today, sweetheart?”

“Hmm, I had some pie at the reception.” She thought long and hard, but just couldn’t remember anything else.

“You’re a doctor and you know better.”

She shushed him with her finger. “Don’t. It’s been a long day. I saw fruit in the kitchen, I’ll fix us a plate.”

Ryler watched as she walked naked into the kitchen. He loved looking at her curves, every inch of her body he adored. He waited, hoping she would open the fridge and yell out when she saw the surprise that was waiting for her, for them.

When he couldn’t hear her making any noise for what seemed like an eternity, he called out to her, “Mrs. Buchanan, are you returning to my bed any time soon?”

He heard her muffled laugh. She didn’t say anything.

She was up to something, he could always tell. He walked into the kitchen and saw her eating a piece of coconut cream pie.

She started laughing out loud and couldn’t stop.

“Did you think of sharing?” he asked, picking her up and setting her on the cold bar top. She was into the pie so much she didn’t even wince at the coolness of the counter under her bare ass.

“How did this get here?” she said between bites.

“Mom shipped them out yesterday and the owner put them here for us. That good, huh?” He kissed her hard on the mouth and tasted the pie as his tongue explored its contours.

“Not as good as you, but close.”

She fed him a bite and then chased it with nibbles of his lips with her teeth. “I love you, Mr. Buchanan.”

“I love you more than I ever thought I could, Mrs. Buchanan.”

“You’re the air that I breathe, Ryler. The air that I’ve been chasing my entire life.”



The End

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