Chased (The Graysen Pack Series) (9 page)

BOOK: Chased (The Graysen Pack Series)
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                                                                                Yours Truly,


Chapter Seven

              I started to take really deep breaths. It felt like my chest was caving in. I couldn’t breathe. My body was shaking harder. Something inside of me was about to explode. I was unsure of what I was capable of. I knew it would be damaging.
Sure hope I can’t change into a wolf right now. This could get ugly.

“I have to get to my mom, NOW!” I yelled. I was running around the room frantically, trying to get everything I needed.

“Calm down, Avery. I know this letter is extreme, but I just don’t think she is capable of such extreme measures. I have never seen that girl act out once. You really just need to calm down.”

I looked him straight in the eye. “Don’t tell me to calm down.”

“Easy, Wilma.” Sam ran to my side.

“Not now.” I pointed at Sam and she backed up.

“Listen!” I said to Zen. “This is my mother. If she is just playing with my head, then this is a sick joke. But, she could hurt my mom because of my stupid mistakes. So either way I’m going, now. You can sit here or you can go. I don’t give a rat’s ass. I am leaving.” I grabbed my purse, my phone, some comfortable clothes, and ran out the door.

I slammed the door really loud behind me. I wanted everyone to know I was angry, but mostly I felt sad. I had to be strong even though I wanted to cry. I just couldn’t break yet, not without knowing if my mom was safe. I needed reassurance. I shook it off and started to run down the stairs to get outside to my car.

“Wait up,” I heard Sam yell from behind me. “I am coming with you.” She ran to my side.

I couldn’t stay mad at her. She was my b.f.f. “I am sorry I snapped at you back there. You know I love you, right?” I held my fist out.

“Of course, now let’s go. We have a long drive.” She bumped my fist.

Sam was always easy to forgive me. I expected her by my side through all of this, and nowhere else. She would never let me down, even though I had been a major pain in the ass.

When we reached my car, all of the tires had been sliced. “I am going to kill that girl.” I kicked the car several times. It felt so good that I couldn’t stop, until I tried punching it with my hand. “Ouch! Stupid son of a,” I muttered the rest under my breath. “Stupid, stupid car, dumb piece of crap,” I continued to rant and rave. I shook my hand trying to shake out the pain. But, it was no use. It hurt like hell.
I think my knuckles are broken.

Zen ran to me. “Are you okay?”

“Yes,” I yelled in his face. “Actually, no, I think it is broken,” I pouted

He grinned at me. “Let’s go, Rocky. I’ll drive.”

“I don’t have time to go to the hospital.”

“You don’t need to go to the hospital. You are going to heal just fine. You’re a wolf, remember?” I nodded and followed him across the parking lot to his car. “I will take you to your mother.”

“This is your car?” I looked at him questionably. We stood next to a black Escalade; a brand new Escalade.
He obviously has more money then he knows what to do with. One of these tires probably cost as much as my entire car.

“Yes, it’s mine. Now let’s go. You’re in a hurry, right?” He opened the passenger door for me. Aggravation was all over his face.

“I am sorry, Zen.” I kissed him on the cheek and climbed in the car. Every ounce of my body was hoping for his forgiveness.

He was quick to share his thoughts before he closed my door.
I forgive you. As long as you keep kissing, I will keep forgiving.
He smiled.

I heard both doors open in the back. Both Sam and Zander were getting in. I smiled. I wanted Sam by my side more than anyone, my sidekick. She has always been my back bone.

“Road trip,” Sam yelled. “And this is a long trip, so you guys better tell me what is going on. No sugar coating the goods either. I want the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Spill it Sister.”

I could hear the smirks coming from, Zander. She has an amazing way with words.
Can I tell her Zen?
She is my best friend.

He grabbed my hand.
Of course you can.

“Okay, I will tell you. First I have to change out of my hooker clothes, and into something more comfortable.” I grabbed the bottom of my shirt and pulled it upwards.

“Whoa, whoa,” Zen yelled. He took his hands off the steering wheel, and tugged my shirt back down. “Should you be doing that with all of us in the car?”

“Like neither of you guys have seen a girl in her bra before.” I turned to look at him. I could hear them in the backseat trying not to laugh.

Please Love, not in front of my brother.
He pleaded in his thoughts, and looked at me with the most pitiful face.
I reassured him in my thoughts. I turned towards the backseat. I put my elbows on the console, and rested my chin in the palms of my hands. “Zander,” I batted my eyes at him.

“Yes dear,” he answered as he leaned in really close to me.

Aren’t you cute as a button?
I thought. Zen quickly chimed in on my thoughts.

Easy Love, he is my brother.

“Oh, sorry,” I started to giggle. “Would you please be so kind and close your eyes? I would like to change.” I said in my cutest southern bell accent.

“Yes Ma’am,” he answered with a thick southern drawl. I knew right away that he and I were going to be close friends. He was a muscular boy like Zen, but older. He had the cutest baby face and would capture your heart with just his smile. He smiled at me only using his innocent eyes, and I couldn’t help but think how wonderful he would be for Sam. He would be her calm, cool, and collected. She would be his wild, crazy, and obnoxious. He could charm the socks off of that girl.

“I can take care of that.” Sam leaned across him and covered his eyes. Then she winked at me.

“No peeking.” I yelled. Then I lifted the shirt up over my head.

Wow, are you trying to make me wreck? I can’t focus on the road, Mate. You look very hot.

Thanks. Now drive.
I pulled the shirt over my head. I unbuttoned my jeans and pulled down the zipper.

“What are you doing?” He asked.

“I am getting out of these tight jeans.”

You can’t, I mean, please, I… I’m driving.
His thoughts were going a mile a minute. He turned a fierce red.

Are you blushing?
I smiled sweetly at him.
It’s fine, really. I have underwear on. Just watch the road.
I pulled my jeans down quickly. I kicked them off, and slid into a pair of stretchy yoga pants. I peeked at Zen a few times. He never took his eyes off the road. He looked so cute. “The show is over. Everyone can look now.” I announced. I saw him relax in his seat.

I took my phone out of my bag. I so desperately needed to hear my mother’s voice. I tried her cell number three times and there was no answer. When I dialed the fourth time I decided to leave a message. It wasn’t like her to not answer or call me back.
Where are you Mom?
At the beep I was quite frantic. “Mom, it’s me. Please call me back. I need to talk to you.” My voice started to crack. I took a deep breath. “It is important. Please Mom. I love you.” I closed the phone.
What if we are too late, Zen? Please hurry.

I am Love.
His thoughts were sincere.

“We have to make this ten hour drive in half the time. So please drive this car like you stole it.”

“Don’t worry, we will make record time. Which expressway do I need to get on?” he asked.

“The 279,” I punched the address into the G.P.S. I was still shaking a little. My legs were bouncing up and down in the seat.

“You better start talking. I am getting bored back here. I’m about to make out with Zander, and I am sure it will be quite a show,” Sam said as she slid over in the seat. She was nearly sitting in his lap, and of course he didn’t mind. He put his arm around her.

“No making out in my backseat before I get too,” Zen winked at me.

“If anyone is getting action around here it’s going to be me,” Sam yelled. Everyone laughed. “Now talk Lucy.” I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at her, crazy girl.

“This is all going to sound real messed up. Just listen, okay?” She shook her head.

u know how I don’t know my father? Well, he was a wolf. I am half wolf, and these boys,” I pointed to Zen and Zander. “They are all wolf.”

“Shut the front door, really?”

“I am serious, Ethel. You know I wouldn’t lie to you.”

“So they are like Jacob?” she asked.

“Absolutely,” I answered.

Zen glanced over at us. “What is with you girls and Jacob from Twilight?”

“He’s hot,” we both said at the exact same time. “Right on.” We bumped fists. He just shook his head.

“You handled this news very well, much better than I did.” I said to Sam.

“I always knew there was something off about you.” She laughed. “How did you find this out?”

“My dad is a member of their pack.” I pointed at Zen. “This has all been so crazy for me. I never even knew if he was alive. I have wanted my dad around my whole life. Now that I know he is really out there, it scares me. I have mixed emotions. I guess I still have a lot of anger towards him.”

“Of course you do. That’s normal, but you are strong, and I got your back, Sister.” Sam brushed my hair back. “What I really need to know, is what’s going on with you and Jacob?” She nodded her head in Zen’s direction.

“He is adorable, isn’t he?” I smiled at her. “Actually, Zen and I are mates.” I bit my bottom lip waiting for her response. “We can hear each other’s thoughts too.”

“Well, huh? Aren’t you the lucky one? You didn’t even have to date a bunch of dogs to find him. If only it were that easy for everyone.”

“Dogs, really?” Zander gave her a look out of the corner of his eye.

“Sorry, Babe. I meant to say boys.”

“I will forgive you this time.” He smiled at her.

              “Do you have a mate?” she asked him. I was really staring at them by this point. I was definitely meddling in their business, but she is my best friend, so I had a right to know. I inched in a little closer.

“No,” he laughed.

“What’s so funny?” she smacked his arm.

“It’s nothing. It’s just that you would know if I had a mate. I certainly wouldn’t be flirting with you. Mating holds such an indescribable devotion. See, once you find your mate, there is no one else that enters your mind. At least not in a sexual kind of way,” he explained.
Crap… Is he sure?
I had to distract my mind. Zen poked me on the shoulder. I ignored him, but I was sure he would wonder why I was singing in my head. “Mary Had A Little Lamb” wouldn’t quite count as a distraction. I ignored him and focused my attention on Sam.

“I see. So what if we decided to hook up. Could we?” Sam asked. I was, of course, still listening from the front seat. There is so much about this wolf lifestyle that I don’t know.

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