Chased (The Graysen Pack Series) (5 page)

BOOK: Chased (The Graysen Pack Series)
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“I am sorry. Could you repeat the question?” I was utterly embarrassed. Most of the females in the room were laughing. They knew exactly why my attention was held elsewhere.

“I was wondering if you could tell me the name of this painting, and since you were a little distracted, I will now need the year and artist name.”

“The painting is The Girl with a Pearl Earring. The Artist is Jan Vermeer, and the date is 1665. I believe.”

I was beginning to second guess myself. He stared at me with a quizzical brow. I could not read his expression. For a moment, I thought I was wrong. I nearly pulled out the textbook to cross check myself.

“Your name, please?” he asked me.

“Avery Samuels.”

“Well, Miss Samuels, you are correct. Well done.”

“You may call me, Ava.” I mocked his opening speech, and his proper language. “Miss Samuels makes me feel old. I am not my mother, and I am not old.” I smiled at him. I couldn’t believe I was trying to get a rise out of him. I was flirting in front of the entire class.

He sat on the top of his desk, and nodded his head at me. “Very well then, let’s move on,” and he did. I would swear that he winked at me. But, I wouldn’t dare bring that up to anyone, because my mind could very well be playing tricks on me. I could imagine what, Sam, would say to that. She was already shaking her head at me. She stared like I had the plague. I am sure my face was the darkest shade of red, but I played it off.

The class passed by quickly. I was a little worried about what Sam was going to say when we walked out. But she said nothing. I must have read more into that conversation than she did. Of course, she didn’t see the wink.
I think there was a wink.

Sam went back to her room to take a quick nap before her next class. I walked over to my Physics class, hoping to meet Zen before it started.

I felt him there before I saw him. The butterflies in my stomach were having a field day. I walked into the class and saw him sitting there by himself in the empty room.

“Hey, beautiful,” he gestured for me to come and sit next to him.

“I’m sorry. I…” he started to speak, but I put my finger to his mouth and hushed him.

“Shhh. Let me speak please. First, you need to quit apologizing. What she did is not your fault. You and I have only known each other a couple of days. I am not sure why we have such a strong connection, but I feel it. I know it’s there, but you have to listen to me now. I promised my mom that I would stay focused, and right now I am not. All of this drama is affecting me. You are all I seem to think about, and I can’t. I just can’t do this. I have to walk away now before I am too attached. I don’t want to constantly be looking over my shoulder, always wondering if some crazy girl is about to attack me. Please tell me that you understand.” My hands were shaking.
I have to calm down. I’m about to lose it.

“I do understand. I just don’t want it to be this way. I have not had the chance to even know you, but I can see that you already have your mind made up. I am not giving up on you. Not yet. I’ll wait if I have to, in case you change your mind. I hope you change your mind.” He looked down at his hands.

I really want you to wait for me. I’m so selfish. I want you in my life. I just can’t handle this. It’s so intense.
I thought.

“Here, I brought this for you.” He said as he placed a silver necklace in my hands. I held it up. It had a silver charm hanging from it. There was a small inscription, but I had never seen the word before. “It says Paaren. That means mate in German. My grandparents still live in Germany, and it’s where my parents were raised.” He leaned over and placed it around my neck. “My father gave it to my mother when he was my age. Now, I want you to have it.”

              “It’s beautiful, but I can’t keep this,” I told him.

“Of course you can. Please wear it. We can’t be together now, but we will someday. I promise my Paaren.” He smiled at me and kissed my cheek.

“But Zen…” He got up from his seat. He wouldn’t turn back around to face me, and the class was beginning to fill up. He took a seat in the back of the classroom.

I glanced up at his seat once, but his eyes refused to find mine. He looked like he was hurting. I tried to keep myself from looking at him again. I can’t stand to see him like that. I looked down at my necklace again.
It’s so beautiful. I wonder if mate means soul mate. Maybe he is right. Maybe we will be together again. I can’t think about this right now. I’m in serious need of a girl’s night out.

When class was over, I waited for Zen to leave before I did. I rushed back to my room. I wanted to call my mom for some advice before our girl’s night out.

When she picked up the phone I nearly lost it. It was so good to hear her voice. “Hey, Mom, I miss you already.”

“Oh sweetie, I miss you too,” she said

“It’s great to hear your voice, Mom.”

“I know,” she giggled. “Tell me about your classes. Are they hard? Are you enjoying yourself? And what about this boy you emailed me about? Tell me about him.” She was drilling me.

“Okay. Okay. But you have to tone it down a little. My hearing is still getting stronger. I can’t seem to understand why, but I am wearing my ear plugs to sleep. No worries. Anyway, my classes are good. Not too hard yet. But, that’s not why I called. It’s about the boy.”  I took a deep breath and told her the whole story. She didn’t interrupt me, but I could hear her sighs as I spoke. “What should I do, Mom? Do you think it’s insane?”

“Well, first of all, you should have called the police about your car,” she demanded.

“Probably, but it’s old. I was planning on getting something better soon anyway,” I replied.
              “All right then, but promise me you will call me the next time something like this happens,” she advised.

“I will Mom. Now please tell me what I should do about Zen?” I asked.

“You said that the charm on the necklace says mate. Right?” she asked me. She sounded a little bit worried.

“Right,” I answered.

“Have you kissed him Ava?”

“No! We held hands, but that’s it,” I answered.

“Good. I am coming down there next weekend because we have to talk.” She sounded concerned.

I started to panic a little. “You’re scaring me Mom. What is going on? What do we need to talk about?” I was nearly yelling into the phone. “Is there something I don’t know?”

“Calm down, sweetie,” she said trying to comfort me. “I know that it’s time. We need to talk about your father.”

“What about my father?” I asked.

“Listen, I will tell you everything when I get there. Just stay away from the boy until then.” She sounded very demanding.

“But what does he have to do with this? I’m confused.”

Mom answered quickly. ”Everything is fine. I promise I will explain everything soon. Just keep your distance from the boy. It’s only a week. Can you do that?”

“Yes.” I found it better not to argue with her. She would win. Still, I was without an answer, and I kept thinking how that curiosity killed the cat.

“All right, I have to go now. I am baking a cake for Aunt Susie’s birthday.”

“Wow! Mrs. Betty Crocker. That’s a first.” I was trying to be my usual sarcastic self.

“Hey little lady; I haven’t burnt anything in three days. Of course, I haven’t cooked anything in three days. But who asked you?” she laughed. “I have to go. I love you, and I’ll see you in a week.” She blew me kisses.

“I love you more. Bye.” I hung up the phone. I was still thinking about what Mom had said. I didn’t know what to make of it. I had to text Sam. I knew she would be in class, but I could bet she had her phone on and wasn’t paying attention.


Ava: Hey Betty. I hope u got plans 2 nite. I need a prison break.

Sam: I’m on it Wilma. Did lover boy take it bad?

Ava: Actually he came bearing gifts.

Sam: What? No way!

Ava: Yes way!

Sam: Is that boy mental or what. He’s known u like 5

Ava: I know right. I really do like him. He’s sweet and cute. But that girl is CRAZY!

Sam: He sounds kind of crazy 2. MayB UR better off.

Ava: MayB… N E way what are the plans? I need my BFF.

Sam: Of course! I am your best accessory. LOL

Ava: O
Yes! Whatever would I do without you, Big Head…What’s the plans?

Sam: Alright crabby patty! We r meeting at your place at 7 and I am bringing the new girl. We R going to football game at 8 & then the after party.

Ava: What after party?

Sam: The 1 that the
football players r having 2 kick off the season.

Ava: What about my prison break?

Sam: No worries love. Everybody will b there. U probably won’t even c him.

Ava: Whatever I will c u later.

Sam: LATER!!


              I closed the phone and put in my ear plugs. A nap was necessary if I was planning on spending an evening with Sam. I also had to have my best game face on, especially for seeing Zen. I’m beyond nervous about seeing him. There was no way to get out of going. Sam would not go for that. At least with her by my side, I am sure to have an interesting night.

Chapter Five

              I woke up about 6pm, a groggy, overheated mess.  I had to get something to eat and get ready before the girls showed up. It was beyond important that I was ready before Sam got to me, because she is a makeover fanatic. Meaning, I could count on her to dress me like a Malibu Barbie.
Hell no. Not tonight.
I was rushing around like crazy. I cooked a hot pocket in the microwave and ate quickly.

Once I got out of the shower, I felt much better. I sat on the bed to put on my makeup. I was putting on my eyeliner, when something caught my eye. There was note slid under my door. I didn’t hesitate. I opened it quickly and read it aloud.



I’m so glad you decided to listen to me, because this could have gotten real nasty, real fast. Take my advice and stay away. Keep in mind; this is to protect the ones you love. I’d hate for something, or someone, to harm them. See you around. I’ll still be watching you.

                                                 Yours Truly,


              My hands trembled at the thought of her being around again. I’m glad I told Zen we could not be together, because I don’t want anyone getting hurt. I’ve never had anyone scare me like this. Fear washed over me, and it was an unusual feeling. It was a scared feeling that I have never felt before. I threw myself face down onto my bed and buried myself into my pillow.
I screamed. It felt good to let it out.
I might not be a fighter, but I will fight for the ones I love. Crazy bitch! Ugh.

I cannot worry about this girl anymore. It’s time to party. I put on a pair of low cut jeans and black boots. I wore the cutest shirt I could find in my closet. It was red and one sleeved. It fit tight and left my right shoulder exposed and the top right of my back bare. It left some of my stomach uncovered, which made me feel a little self conscious. However, I knew Sam would approve.
And she is here.
I heard a knock on the door.

“Open up, heartbreaker!” she yelled from outside the door.

I opened the door. She would have stood there screaming all night, and I had to get her loud mouth out of the hall. “Pipe down, would ya?” I smiled at her.

“Whoa! You look hot. You are going to have them drooling in no time.” She grabbed my arm, and pulled me inside. “Are you feeling okay? You are burning up.” She said in her concerned motherly voice, which she rarely has.

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