Chase the Moon: A Historical Romance (7 page)

BOOK: Chase the Moon: A Historical Romance
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Amelia looked over to the thin wiry woman. She was such a contrast to her husband’s heftier frame.

“We visited several times when I was younger. I haven’t been back since…since the fire.”

“Is that how her family passed on? In the fire?” Anna asked softly wanting to find out about her future daughter in laws family. Sabrina didn’t speak of them much during her visit and she was curious.

“I wish they had.” Amelia said softly as everyone quieted to listen. “They were attacked by a gang of outlaws, they set the fire. Lydia and her mother were used and murdered. My Uncle was hung and shot just for sport. We didn’t get notice until months later, after Sabrina disappeared.”

“We?” Chase asked.

“My father and my brother, Riley. Riley went to help Warren look for her but she was gone. ‘Til now.”

“You’re Riley’s sister?”Chase added in surprise.

Amelia twisted to look up at him. “Yes, I suppose if he’s my brother that would make me his sister.” She said a bit sarcastically. Realizing she was a bit snide, she glanced over to look at Anna and received a nod as Jonathan laughed.

“He’s a good tracker. I met him after Sabrina was kidnapped last fall.” Chase replied ignoring her comment.

“Last fall?” Why the heck did Riley wait until now to send notice? She had some questions of her own to ask when she met up with her brother.

“Yes, she thought up a plan to lure the killers to her. It worked.” He added grimly thinking about those frantic hours.

“Well I see you rescued her.”

Chase laughed, “Actually, she rescued herself. She’s very resourceful.”

“Yes, she always was. Well, I am so glad that Sabrina has found someone to love. She deserves to be happy.”

Chapter 8

hase was riding ahead of the wagon. Making sure the road was clear and the way was safe. He had his hunting knife strapped to his waist as well as a gun. Given a choice, he preferred the knife but was deadly with either.

There was a steep hill ahead and he nudged his horse faster to check it out before the wagon approached. Deeming it safe he dropped back to inform Thomas.

Chase liked Thomas a lot. He had given him much amusement since he came to live with his family. He took great joy in embarrassing Thomas in front of Jaelyn and vice versa. He was very happy with his siblings’ choices but could not help feeling empty inside sometimes. As if something or someone was missing.

He slowed his mount even more to check on his father and mother. They were sitting very close enjoying the scenery and the balmy day. His gaze finally settled on the girl. She had fallen asleep and was curled up in a ball with her head on her traveling bag. She looked so innocent in sleep but he had been a victim of her piercing stare and sharp tongue enough to know that looks could deceive.

Thomas sped the horses up to gain momentum for when they reached the steep hill. Amelia was jostled a bit but kept on sleeping. She was mumbling in her sleep from time to time and he wished he could hear what she was saying but the creaking wagon was too noisy.

After her sleepless nights on the train she enjoyed being able to lie down and rest. A cool breeze was sweeping by and lulled her into a dream. She was back home on the San Francisco board walk. The refreshing salt air was blowing strands of hair into her face. Exasperated she moved to wipe them away. Her hand was caught by a tall dark stranger in a loin cloth. His chest was chiseled and firm as he used his other hand to lift her face to his…

Amelia was awoken by a scream. She felt herself falling and then she hit the ground hard before rolling the rest of the way down the hill in a pinwheel of petticoats and ribbon.

She landed on her back and lay there trying to catch her breath and assess her injuries. Her face burned hot and she wasn’t sure if it was from rubbing across the ground or from embarrassment. She felt so stupid for falling out of the wagon. A shadow crossed over her and she closed her eyes to hide her humiliation.

Strong, warm hands moved over her body and she felt her face getting even redder.

“Amelia? Are you okay?”Chase asked in concern as he quickly examined her. He hadn’t found anything broken but she still wasn’t moving. He heard footsteps and looked up as Thomas and Jaelyn ran towards him after securing the wagon at the top of the hill.

Thomas knelt on the other side and did his own evaluation starting from her head and working his way down. Amelia reluctantly opened her eyes and batted Thomas’ hands away as she struggled to sit up.

Chase wrapped his arm around her back as he helped her to a sitting position.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, just my pride’s hurt. I feel really, really stupid.”

“Don’t worry about it. It could have happened to anyone.” Jaelyn offered kindly as she raised an eyebrow at her twin, noticing his arm still lingering around the girl.

“Really? Have you ever fallen out of a wagon?”

“Umm. No. Of course I haven’t ridden in a lot of wagons either. I prefer sitting on a horse.” Jaelyn said softly.

Amelia smiled in spite of herself. “I’m not good on horse’s either. I’m pretty clever at walking though!”

Jaelyn laughed.

Amelia looked down at herself she was a mess. Her hair had torn completely lose from its restraints and picked up every barb and briar on the road. Her dress was even a bigger mess. It was torn and covered in dust, mud and who only knew what else.

She had some scraps here and there, which Thomas insisted on cleansing. He had conveniently brought his medical kit with him and Amelia wondered if he had a sadistic streak as he dabbed the open wounds with alcohol. She gritted her teeth and when Chase offered her his hand she gripped it hard while mumbling a string of curses.

“All done!” Thomas said brightly as Amelia glared at him. She allowed Chase to help her to her feet and help her up the steep hill. He boosted her up into the back of the wagon where Anna took over with a comb trying to decontaminate her hair.

Amelia thanked her for her help before settling in the wagon further from the edge. She looked up to see Chase looking at her intently. Instead of the mocking face she expected to see; he looked concerned. She winked at him and he gave her a warm smile before resuming his pace in front of the wagon.


Chapter 9

abrina was sitting on the porch rocking. She had her eyes closed and her head lay back resting against the wooden slats of the chair. A cool wind swept through the air as night fell. She heard the creak of the wooden deck and opened up one eye reluctantly to look up at Warren.

“What?” She asked a bit stiffly. She had been avoiding him since her speech at dinner.
“I just wanted to apologize. I should have never of interfered in your relationship with Brock.”
“Damn straight.” Sabrina said opening her eyes and sitting up taller in her chair.

“It is very difficult for me to think of you as a grown woman. I guess I feel responsible for you. It’s kinda hard to pass off that responsibility to another man.”

Sabrina snorted. “It wasn’t hard for you to pass me off on Aunt Madeline. I’m sorry Warren, I knew coming back here would open up a whole other can of worms but I need to face my demons. Speaking of Demons, did you invite Thomas’ family to the wedding?”

“Yes, Brock sent me the information. He seemed fond of Dr. Reynold, why don’t you like him?”
I like Thomas’ father just fine, it’s his sister that makes me ill.”
“I wasn’t aware Thomas had a sister.”
“Yes, Sally, I doubt she’ll come anyway. She don’t take kindly to heathens.”

They both looked up at the sound of wagon wheels. Warren moved instantly to ring the dinner bell alerting the ranch that company was coming.

Sabrina recognized Chase straight off and hurried to the barn to fetch Brock.

The wagon was just pulling in as they made their way back to the house. Samuel stepped forward to greet them and grab the horses to steady the wagon.

Jaelyn hoped down first instantly moving to give a quick hug to Sabrina and Brock before going to the back of the wagon to assist the others.

Sabrina went to the rear as well and was very surprised to see their extra passenger.

“Look what we found.” Chase said with a grin motioning to the disheveled girl.

“Amelia?” Sabrina squealed moving forward to hug her cousin. It was bitter sweet for both of them and tears filled their eyes as thoughts of happier days flickered through their minds. Riley was next in line and scooped his sister up in a rib cracking hug.

“I’m so glad you came! Where’s father?”
“Minding the store. He sends his love.” She added to Sabrina who nodded grateful for the gift of family.
“How did you find the Stafford’s?”

“She attacked me on the train.” Chase said speaking up with a laugh as Amelia glared at him. Jaelyn punched him in the arm. Sabrina was used to Chase’s carefree manner and rolled her eyes.

“Looks like you won.” Sabrina muttered noticing the twigs and scrapes covering her usually immaculate cousin.
“Not my fault, she rolled out of the wagon while Thomas was driving.” Chase said in his own defense.
“I am very sorry ma’am.” Thomas apologized for the umpteenth time.
“Nothing a hot bath won’t fix.” Amelia said not noticing Chase’s eyes darken as he imagined her taking a hot bath.

They moved away so Thomas and Brock could lift Jonathan from the wagon. Normally he would object, but the long ride had made him stiff.

Anna swung lithely out of the back to stand proudly next to her husband and children. Sabrina moved forward to hug them both.

She squealed as Chase grabbed her from behind and swung her in a circle. Brock instantly stepped in least the motion harm his child. Sabrina laughed batting the over protective Brock away as she leaned up and kissed Chase on the cheek.

Anna looked up at the house in amazement. “This is your home?” She asked Sabrina. Never in her wildest dreams had she ever imagined a house such as this.

“It is your home as well, as long as you are here.” Warren said stepping up to the group. Sabrina introduced him, Riley, Samuel and Alma to the newcomers. Alma headed inside the house to whip up a late dinner of biscuits, country ham and beans.

Guiding everyone inside Warren led Brock’s parents to their room so they could rest a bit before eating. Anna was speechless by the large ground floor room and could only nod her thanks.

The rest of the group headed up stairs. He assigned Jaelyn and Amelia their own room as he turned to the men. “Thomas’ family will be arriving soon, do you mind sleeping in the bunk house?”

Chase snorted, “I could sleep in a mud puddle, the bunkhouse is fine or a barn would be better. Plus, I won’t have to put up with Brock’s snoring.”

Brock glared at him as Sabrina patted him on the arm to soothe him. Jaelyn gripped Thomas’ arm tightly. Sabrina noticed the small movement.

“I’m sure, it will be fine Jaelyn if Thomas wants to stay with you.” She said glaring at her brother as if daring him to speak.
“Thank you.” She said a bit shyly, quite different from the usual headstrong girl Sabrina was used to.
“That’s what sisters are for.” Sabrina said as she led the group back down to the kitchen where delicious smells wafted out.

They were seated around the massive table in the dining room. Sabrina was sandwiched between Amelia and Jaelyn. Brock, Chase and their parents sat across from them. The others were scattered about chatting as they ate.

“I can’t believe you’re going to have a baby!” Amelia gushed.
“It’s supposed to be a secret.” Sabrina joked with a slight blush.
“There is nothing wrong with being with the one you love.” Jaelyn said matter of factly as her eyes sought out Thomas’.

Sabrina smiled; it felt so good to be surrounded by family and friends. She was so thankful for Brock ‘finding’ her and bringing her back to reality. She hadn’t realized how lost and lonely she had been.

Amelia hid a small yawn. It had been a long, hard trip. She had washed off the first layer of road dirt before she ate but she still felt filthy. Warren had given them a quick tour of the main level and she had been unable to get the thought of a tub filled with warm water out of her mind. There was a low hum filling the room as everyone chatted together and she felt herself nodding off.

Laughter filled the room and her eyes popped open to find everyone looking at her. Had she been sleeping? Against her will, her eyes darted to Chase who winked back at her. She quickly turned her attention to Sabrina who had a thoughtful look on her face as she noticed the exchange.

“I think I’ll take a bath and call it a night. It feels like I’m wearing the trail.”

“You are wearing some of it.” Sabrina said with a grin as she reached up to pull a missed bramble out of her cousin’s hair. “Why don’t you grab some clean things from your bag and I’ll get the water heated for you.”

“You’ll do no such thing in your condition. I’m sure Chase wouldn’t mind helping.” Jaelyn said mischievously.
Chase looked up as his name was spoken. “What are you conspiring about?” He asked his twin.
“I was just telling Sabrina you would love to help Amelia into the tub.”

The peach cobbler Chase was in the middle of swallowing lodged in his throat. His face turned a deep shade of red as he coughed and grabbed for his water. Sabrina wondered whether the added color was from embarrassment or lack of oxygen. Probably, the later she supposed. She knew him fairly well and had yet to see him get embarrassed in any situation no matter how awkward.

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