Chase the Moon: A Historical Romance (2 page)

BOOK: Chase the Moon: A Historical Romance
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I don’t know. I know I wouldn’t be able to.”

Darn right.” Sabrina said smiling at him. The train started slowing and she looked past Brock out the window in surprise. She had not realized that they were that close to their stop. She must have slept longer than she thought. Her nerves set in and she again grasped onto Brock’s hand for support. As the train came to a complete halt, he helped her to her feet and gathered up their baggage. Not knowing how long they would be gone, they had brought most of their belongings, which was not much.

Sabrina had never thought of the homestead outside of Tulsey Town to be home. The only things she insisted on bringing were the horses. She felt bad for having them cooped up in the cattle cars but did not want to trust their care to anyone in town. Most everyone she was close to in Tulsey was gone now.

Mac, her old gruff friend, at the saloon had passed on. He had died trying to save her and she could not force herself to set foot in the place ever again. Sabrina’s heart was heavy; she had felt responsible for Mac’s death. Brock of course told her that he knew the risks, but it did not help. She still missed him.

Her previous employer and friend, Mr. Jack Swanson, had decided to move on and sold the saloon and everything else he owned in town. The only thing he took with him was his wife’s piano.

Watch your step!” The conductor called out forcing her to focus. She took his hand while he helped her down the steep wrought iron staircase. Her feet landed on the ground and she was back in Mississippi. She felt Brock’s hand on the small of her back and she moved forward automatically as they stepped away from the metal beast. Her legs felt wobbly as she walked along the dusty street. It felt as if the ground was swaying. She held onto Brock’s arm tightly afraid she would lose her balance.

She heard someone holler her name and looked up to find her brother Warren waving his gray hat in the air. The sunlight glanced off his glorious red hair that he kept trimmed short to hide. Her heart filled with happiness at seeing her brother. She hadn’t realized she had missed him so. Dragging Brock with her, her determined steps quickened until she was in his arms. Pulling free she turned to greet the large hulk of a man standing next to the wagon.

Before she could speak, Samuel swept her up in a bone-crushing hug. Sabrina was relieved when she was finally released with all of her ribs intact. The men then stepped forward to shake Brock’s hand hardily. Warren’s observant eyes darted down to Sabrina’s rounded stomach. Brock chose that time to leave to claim the horses.

Looks like the wedding was planned none too soon.” He stated casually.

I was gonna ask if you had a good winter but apparently you did.” Samuel said leaning forward to kiss her cheek and hug her again.

Sabrina knew her face was scarlet and for once in her life, she was at a loss for words. She silently cursed Brock for leaving her alone and gave him a dirty look when he came back with the horses and the rest of their belongings. She became even more bitter as
was clapped on the back, congratulated, and hugged by both men.

Brock sensing her anger hugged her gently from behind and kissed her jaw as he whispered his apologies in her ear. She would have felt more appeased if he was able to hold in the chuckles. Elbowing him in the chest, she turned her attention to her horse, Justice. She ran her hands down his neck and flank as she soothed the horse after the long journey. She was pleased to see no scuffs on his smooth coat.

She had purchased Justice all by herself with the reward money she had earned from helping to capture train robbers. It was during that escapade that Brock discovered she was a girl. With the memory lightening her mood; she thoroughly checked him from head to hoof. She was glad to see that he endured the trip quite well. She next moved over to check Troy, Brock’s horse. She knew of course that Brock had already examined the horses but she wanted to ignore the men for a while longer so she took her time to Troy’s delight.

The men had loaded up their trunk and baggage and they were soon ready to head out. It would still be a long ride to Montgomery and Sabrina was not looking forward to more travel. Warren and Samuel had driven a buckboard for her to ride in on the way back. She frowned as she looked at the wagon.

Who’s riding in the wagon?” She asked a bit aggravated.

You are of course, can’t go around riding horses in your condition.” Warren said smiling down at her. She looked over at Brock who just shrugged innocently. With her child’s safety the foremost in her mind, she climbed up awkwardly with Brock’s help. He kissed her cheek mindful of the others watching them closely before he climbed down and hoped up on Troy effortlessly.

Sabrina felt the familiar chill run down her spine as she watched his smooth movements. He was magnificent and soon he would be hers, officially. She was not nervous about the wedding. After all, it was more a legality than anything else. Warren, who was an attorney, was insistent upon it and Brock was willing. So what was holding back her enthusiasm? It was not the wedding that was making her nervous; it was the coming home part.

The lurch from the wagon wrenched her from her thoughts as she grabbed the seat frantically to keep from toppling into the dirt. She glared over at Warren, who was seated next to her driving the team. He held the reins tightly in his grasp as he guided the horses out of town. Yup, much safer.

Clinging to the rough wooden seat Sabrina sat trying to keep her teeth from breaking as they clattered together from the bumpy ride. Warren had padded the seat with quilts but the thoughtful gesture did not help much. Her back ached and her butt was numb from the long slow journey. She looked up at Brock riding smoothly in front of her. He was riding Troy and Samuel was riding Justice. She was taken aback by the burst of anger that flowed thru her. She has been more aggravated than usual as of late. She was not sure if it was from her body changing from the baby, like Thomas suggested, or if Brock was just more irritating lately.

After hours of travel, Sabrina was fit to be tied. She was used to being in control, whether it was riding a horse or driving a team, it was too much for her to sit back and do nothing. Perhaps that was why she did not like trains. She was not in charge of her destiny.

After another sudden dip, she turned her bad temper on Thomas. She promised herself to slap him upside the head when she saw him next. She did not consider being jolted on a hard bench safer than riding a horse. It seemed as if as Warren as hitting every aperture in the road. She was tired, nauseas, her back ached and she felt like crying.

“Stop! Stop! Stop!”
“What’s wrong are you okay?” Warren asked as Brock returned to check on the commotion.
“What’s wrong?”

“I need a break. Just get me down from here.” She said as Brock dismounted and lifted her easily down to the ground. Her stiff limbs complained and she walked a bit before sitting down in a clump of grass next to the side of the road. Brock offered her some water from his canteen and she took a sip even though she was still fuming. The water was surprisingly cool and Sabrina splashed some on her face making her feel a little better.

“Are you okay? Are you sick? Do you want something to eat?” Brock asked nervously.

Sabrina looked up at his handsome face and her heart softened seeing the worry in his eyes. He was the only man she ever met that had that effect on her.

“I just need a rest. My back hurts and I think I’ve jarred every tooth out of my head.”

“I’m sorry darling; we’ll rest as long as you need to.” She leaned into his arms letting him support her as he smoothed out her hair. Her hair was longer now; she hadn’t cut it since his ‘discovery’. The dark brown cascades fell past her shoulders in waves of brown. Brock knew she would have preferred the glorious cooper colored hair her mother, brother and sister had but he thought she was beautiful just the way she was.

Deciding to eat while they were resting Warren laid out the quilts he was using to pad the bench for Sabrina and she watched as the men dug into the picnic lunch heartily. Sabrina timidly picked up a biscuit to nibble on testing her stomach. The flaky layers melted against her tongue and her she knew instantly that Alma had baked them.

Alma, Samuel’s mother; had been their cook before her family’s death and her savior after. Her eyes filled with tears thinking of the no nonsense woman. The enormity of returning home was starting to sink in. She had left so much behind, had hurt so many people with her choices. Brock reached out and took her hand making her feel better. She smiled up at him quickly brushing away the few tears that had escaped. If she had followed Warren’s plans for her, she never would have met Brock. Sometimes things were best left to fate.

After their meal, Sabrina refused to get back into the jostling wagon. Since Brock still refused to let her ride her own horse, she decided to walk. Brock followed her in protest.

“You can’t walk all the way to Montgomery.”

“Safer than riding in that damn carriage. Almost shook my spine loose. I swear Warren hit every rut in the road. I offered to drive the team but he refused.”

Brock chuckled, he knew that Sabrina could drive the team better than Warren could but in her condition, it was not prudent. Trying to ease her ruffled feathers, he stepped closer and wrapped his arms around her from behind kissing her neck.

She swatted him on the arm as she squirmed loose agitated. “It’s not funny.” She said close to tears. All these emotions she was feeling lately were driving her crazy.

“Tell you what, I’ll drive the team. Warren can ride Troy.”
She snorted as she raised an eyebrow. “You think Warren can handle Troy?”
A slow crooked smile spread across Brock’s face. “I don’t know but it’ll be fun to watch him try.”

Sabrina wiped her eyes and hugged him. He took her hand and guided her back to the wagon. She did not even complain when he lifted her up into the seat.

Brock’s skillful hands guided the horses on a much smoother trek. With barely a move of his wrist or strong arms, the horses responded quickly to his subtle commands.

Sabrina amused herself by watching Warren struggle to control Troy. A little, further down the road he gave up handing the reins to Samuel and switched to Justice. The remaining trip went smoothly for everyone.


Chapter 2

abrina’s small caravan finally made it to the long winding driveway that would lead them to the manor house. They passed under the tall wrought iron arbor proudly proclaiming the name Montgomery. She took a deep breath trying to steady her nerves.

As the house finally came into view Sabrina grasped Brock’s arm for him to stop. He gently pulled the reins to slow the horses and both of them sat there staring in shock.

Brock was amazed due to the enormity of the house. It was a three story yellow Victorian that would perfectly meld into any street up north. It was the largest house he had ever seen.

Sabrina was surprised because it looked exactly as she remembered from her childhood; even down to the perfect hue of yellow. She had always loved the light sunshiny color of her home. She had always signified yellow with happiness.

He glanced down at his bride to be, who was still clutching his arm, as a tear slipped down her face. Securing the reins, he pulled her up against him holding her close as she turned her head into his neck. He kissed her cheek as the significance of the situation hit him. How could a girl born into wealth and living in a house such as this end up sleeping and working in a stable? Fate had a wry since of humor.

Warren and Samuel waited nearby letting the couple have their moment. After a while, Sabrina reluctantly pulled away to turn towards her brother.

“How? I saw it burned to the ground. It looks just exactly the same as before.”

Warren smiled wryly, “It wasn’t easy. I had to locate the original architect and he came down from Boston to rebuild it. Wait until you see the inside.”

Sabrina didn’t know if she could handle any further surprises that day. Taking a deep breath, she nodded to Brock and he set the carriage in motion with a flick of his wrist. The closer they got to their final destination the more unsettled Sabrina felt. Her gaze traveled over the land taking in the great oak tree and rolling hills. Turning to Brock, she grasped his hand tightly borrowing some of his strength. She was home.

There was a small greeting party as they rode up to the porch. She was happy to see her cousin Riley and then Alma, Samuel’s mother. The tall sturdy black woman was as tall if not taller than the men around her. Sabrina, ignoring Brock’s protest scampered down as carefully as she could and turned to face Alma not sure quite what to say after so many years.

“Don’t just stand there like a bump on a log. Get over here and hug my neck.” Alma stated boldly.

Spent physically and emotionally from the long journey. Sabrina wept openly in Alma’s arms as she fell into them. Alma held her tightly and patted her back for comfort.

Alma’s all knowing eyes looked up at Brock who had moved to be close by. She looked at the concern on his face and smiled at him as she released Sabrina.

“You must be Brock.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Brock said taking off his hat letting his dark wavy hair spring free as he nodded to her. She grinned even wider if that was possible.

“Sabrina needs to rest. Take her up to her room and see that she gets it. The men will take care of your baggage and horses.”

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